
The Lycan Hybrid Queen

Arianna finds her 'Mate' on her 18th birthday and thats when she has her first shift. Xander' her mate is a mystery as she becomes the only remaining Lycan and a mystical hybrid. Will she be able to cope up with her fears and become a great Queen for the Knight Riders?

ruthkarki17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

"You're beautiful, Arianna," Harper said as I couldn't help but be angry at him. I wanted to snap his head off for trying to flirt with my mate. Arianna must've felt it as she held my hand trying to calm me down and it really did. Her touch, made my rage go away as it made my heart beat rise. "Thank you Harper" she replied with a smile as Dan, Grey, Ron and Harper started blushing like a teenager.

I couldn't stand it anymore, "I came here to show your Luna our great warriors, not their teeth!" I said in an alpha voice as they all bowed their heads in respect. "You'll go run three laps!" Tyler ordered as he understood the situation, the guys went with a sad face. "Come I'll show you around" I said as I pulled Arianna with me towards the girl's training area.

I could see how Arianna loved to watch them practice, her face had a glint of happiness when she looked at those girls practice. "You wanna join them?" I asked as she looked at me with excitement in her eyes, "Can i??" She asked with excitement in her eyes. "Of Course you can. Go ahead, I have something to talk with Tyler ``I said as she left alone.


I was pretty weak from the moment I was born so my parents have always been protecting me all my life. And whenever I saw girls fighting in our pack, I wouldn't miss it for the world. It was kind of a dream that I would be strong as they're and fight like how my dad once did. He was my role model. I went near the training grounds where girls were training as the girl named Fiona looked at me and ignored me as if I didn't exist.

I went closer to her as she ignored me and taught others. "Hello" I called as she ignored me again. The young girls looked at me with pity in their eyes. "Why the heck are you slacking off, Train!" Fiona shouted as everyone ignored me and started to train again. "Hello Fiona. I am Arianna, Xander's mate" I said as everyone stopped and looked at me.

Fionna also looked at me but like everyone else she didn't have any respect for me in her eyes. "You're Xander's mate?" She mocked with a smirk. I didn't know what I had done to piss her off but by the look on those young girls, it was definitely something I wouldn't like. "Yes. Arianna" i introduced as she smirked again, "Well well If anyone could be his Mate then i might as well be god".

Why was she being so rude? I only wanted to talk to her because she was doing such a great job and maybe even learn some tricks but instead she is humiliating me. I couldn't stand as she kept on making jokes about me as the kids laughed. "Are you humiliating me?" I asked with a straight face as everyone stopped laughing and looked at me.

Fiona turned her head towards me and came closer as she kept her hands on her hip. "So what? I am humiliating you, What are you going to do?" Fiona asked as I couldn't help but get angry at how she was treating me. I know she was well respected in the pack but as the future luna, she should show some respect to me as well.

But instead she kept on humiliating me which was quite not settling as Kyle started howling in my head wanting to rip her head apart. Kyle doesn't talk much as she only responds when Xander is around and as per Lia, i haven't heard her since the day i shifted. It's like she's been in incubation. But the situation right now wasn't going well as Kyle was feeling humiliated and I was trying hard to calm her down.

"I am talking very nicely. You don't have to be so rude." I said to Fiona ignoring the howling inside my head. "I really don't care!" She said with a smirk and that was it. I lost control as my wolf took over shredding all my clothes into pieces and attacked Fiona. She was fast as she predicted my motion and shifted as soon as possible, ready to defend. I was very weak compared to her and I knew it. I didn't even have much control over my wolf but as my wolf was taking cover, I had not much of an idea what I was doing.

Fiona defended every attack I threw at her and also she attacked back which was very strong as I could feel myself breaking a few ribs. My wolf couldn't take the humiliation as it went running and tried to attack her neck but she stopped me in the middle and punched me throwing me off guard on the ground as I howled in pain. Just then Xander and some guys came running towards us, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I could hear him shout as I shifted back, my eyes blurry. I could see Xander coming towards me and covering me with his shirt and holding me in his arms as I blacked out.

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting it to the light. Xander rushed towards me as soon as she saw me move. "How are you feeling??" He asked, very concerned. I groaned in pain as I tried to sit down and Xander helped me. "I..i am fine". I said taking the glass of water he passed me. "What really happened?" He asked as I gulped down the water.

I looked at him, his eyes narrowed trying to figure out what happened earlier. "I..I am sorry. I acted on impulse ``I apologized as he sighed and held my hands on his. "Hey, I don't blame you for anything. I know how Fiona is, and I shouldn't have sent you alone. It's all my fault." He said as he couldn't even make eye contact.

"Xander.. It's not your fault." I said as he looked at me.

"It is. I am going to punish Fiona for this" he said as he got up from bed in anger. "Xander stop".

"I….I am not strong enough. And I don't think I should be your Luna when I can't even protect myself."