
The Lone Rabbit (Harry Potter X MCU)

Without knowing why, he became the last of his kind. Cast to earth he is now left to become more or face what the rest of his kind did. Follow Simon's life as he navigates it to his own interest and pleasure. Cross of Harry Potter and MCU I own nothing but my ideas all characters go to their rightful owners, picture found on google, thought I might use it!

BloodyEat_Delight · Filmes
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5 Chs

Ch2: Shopping

Simon looked around Diagon Alley sighing, he could see others like him who were coming for first year. It seemed like there were more first years then their were any other at the moment.

He could see a lot of muggle born ones who were also buying their things, a lot of them were coming out of Gringotts since they needed to exchange their money. "Alright where are we going first? Simon since this is your day then you can decide what to buy first." His mother said while looking down at him.

Simon had an uninterested expression on his face, he had been to Diagon alley so many times that the magic it held faded after the tenth visit. It was now just a normal place to him, "How about we get candy first then, there is no way we can go shopping on an empty stomach." Simon said like it was the most logical thing in the world.

His parents could only look at each other and sigh since they should have expected that, "We can do that after shopping, for now let's get everything you need then we can get you all the candy you want." His mom said coming to a compromise.

"Fine but I want Jolly Ranchers and Tootsie Pop's or no deal." Simon said with a smirk.

"Deal." His dad said sighing knowing this was an excuse just so that he could go into the muggle world, they didn't see why he liked it so much.

Simon happy he won took his moms hand and let them lead him, he wasn't embarrassed to be seen holding her hand and he knew how much she loved it. If the smile on her face was anything to go by then his thoughts were right.

The first stop was actually to get his owl, walking inside he scrunched up his nose, since his smelling was better he could smell everything inside the place. Covering his nose he followed his parents around trying to find an owl, they were all actually trying to get him to take them but he didn't.

Instead he stopped in front of a black owl that looked weird, he had never seen anything like it before. It was bigger then an adult palm with night blue eyes that looked like they had galaxies in them, he didn't think further before choosing it.

"This one." He said while tugging his moms robes, she looked down at it and nodded agreeing that it was a good looking owl.

"That is 12 Galleons." The shop attendant said while rubbing his hands together.

There was no fuss as they paid, his family were one of the sacred twenty-eight meaning they were old and powerful. Along with that came money that they earned in wars a business, it just increased as Simon made them invest in muggle things too.

At the moment they owned 30% of Stark Industries which was raking them in more and more money, they were most likely the richest of all the families. Not that the others would even know this since they didn't invest outside of wizarding companies.

As soon as the owl was bought it kept hooting, since Simon could understand animals he didn't hesitate to open the cage door. When his parents were about to warn him that it might take off all it did was fly to his shoulder, Simon smiled while caressing its feathers.

"Who is a good girl! We should give you a name." Simon said while thinking it over, his parents were already praying for the poor bird, "How about Adhara? It is the name of the brightest star in the sky and with those eyes of yours it would be perfect."

The owl hooted while rubbing herself against him agreeing to the name, his parents let out a sigh of relief since he didn't name her something like Blackie. They could see their son doing that just because his naming sense was that bad, they were already planning on convincing him to let them name his kids or at least let his wife do it.

"Alright, what is next?" Simon asked turning to his his parents who were showing relieved faces, he didn't know why though.

"Well how about your wand, even if you don't need one." His dad said while whispering the last part since more people were coming into the store, it was getting crowed.

"Sure." He agreed shrugging since he knew it was the truth. He had powers before the magic too so he has never needed an actual wand but it was something that was required for school.

Since it wasn't so far away the family of three went straight to the wand shop, inside was already two other families waiting before them. Both families had daughters one he knew which was the Greengrass family that had both the daughters, while the other seemed muggle.

Their daughter had really bushy hair and buck teeth, at the moment Simon was trying to ignore the Greengrass family though. It was no use though.

"Well if it isn't rabbit boy." Said a whiny voice of a little girl. She was in small wizarding robes and on her face was a sneer.

She had long brown hair that nearly reached her ankles, she had deep blue eyes that were squinted as she looked at him like she wanted to eat him alive. Simon just wanted to ignore her, her outburst though caused all the parents plus the bushy haired girl to look at him.

Her sister ignored her since she was still being fitted for a wand, they were Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, there with their mother and father.

"Oh sickly has come out to play has she, thought you couldn't get out of bed long enough to actually be in public. This would have been a better day if you were sick today." Simon said while rolling his eyes at her.

It was low of him since she did have fits where she would be weak and sickly but they had been this way since he accidentally spilled punch on her at a gathering. Now it was just normal for the two of them to fight every time they saw each other.

"Wow how original, can't come up with anything new rabbit boy." Astoria said with a gloating expression.

"Says the girl who can't come up with something more original then Rabbit boy, just like a child." Simon said giving her the same look back.

Their parents gave polite greetings while trying not to be embarrassed by their children, no matter what they did the two hated each other. The thought it was a child thing and that it would smooth over but they just seemed to get more hostile as time went on.

"Simon enough." His mother said knowing that if these two started then it would go on forever neither being able to stop themselves.

"You too Astoria. That isn't how a lady should act." Her mother said putting a hand on her should calming the girl down, even if she was the one who always started it.

The bushy haired girl off to the side looked at them wide eyed but she didn't say anything since she didn't want to say the wrong thing. Daphne was also done getting her wand and she turned to his family giving a polite curtsy to his parents, her expressionless face didn't change though.

"Good to see you again Simon." She said to him while curtsying and smiling a little, her Occlumency shields dropping enough for her to do it.

Simon always like Daphne despite her sister, he took her hand kissing the air above it, "And always good to see you too Daphne, even if we are in unwanted company." he couldn't help but take one last shot at Astoria who growled a little hearing his words and seeing his eyes.

Daphne was the image of her mother with blonde hair and deep blue eyes, she was going to grow up to be a beautiful woman. Many families were trying to get marriage contracts with her already, even Simon was tempted but he felt to young to think about something like that.

Instead he wanted to enjoy the world before he was thrust into something like that, with the knowledge of more out there why would he wanted to be limited so early.

"Well we should get going now. Hopefully we will see you on the day the train departs." Mrs. Greengrass said with a smile while Mr. Greengrass nodded along.

"That would be lovely." His mother answered for the family with a smile, they both were good friends despite their kids behavior.

Simon waved to Daphne as she left while sticking his tongue out at Astoria who did the same back to him, their parents could only sigh. Although they wanted to meet they also hoped to avoid each other since it seemed like their children would not be civil around one another.

After they left the shop went quite, Simon waited as the bushy haired girl went ahead and got her wand. He could see her bouncing with excitement as they tried to find the right one that fitted her, soon he zoned out not wanting to hear all the different combinations.

A tap on the shoulder from his father brought him back to the present where they were now the only people in the shop. Stepping forward he had to resist the urge to punch the man who was touching him all over while trying to figure out the right wand for him.

He found it unnecessary for the man to know the inseam in his pants.

"Well how about this one." The shopkeeper said still looking creepy with his weathered face and body body.

Simon took the wand and it worked like a second arm, he knew this would happen since it happened when he tried to use his parents wand once. He knew that no matter the wand then he would be able to use it.

"Most curious." He looked like he was about to ramble but honestly Simon didn't like this dusty shop so after he saw his parents pay he turned on his heel and left.

"I never want to go in there again, that guy was way to creepy." He told his parents as they joined him outside.

"That was just Mr. Ollivander he is a little strange but he knows the best wand for anyone who comes into his shop." His father told him with a wry smile on his face since he knew his son would never go back there, even if they bribed him. He could see it on his sons face.

"Well let's get the rest of the stuff then." Simon said moving towards the cauldron shop where he could get one along with ingredients.

For the next hour they got all the misc things he would need, Simon was actually getting tired from all of it now they had to go get him robes, which made him shudder. Going to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions he was happy that their weren't many people inside, well really just one person a kid getting fitted.

The kid had messy black hair with piercing green eyes with glasses, if he was paying more attention then he would notice something about the kid but instead he focused on Madam Malkin.

"Hey Mrs. Malkin!" He said smiling at the kind woman who has been making his clothes since he was a kid, all the rabbit hoodies he had were made by her hands.

She looked over from measuring her current kid while smiling, "Hello there Simon, hang on for a few minutes while I finish up with this young man then I will get to you."

"Got it." he said while moving to sit in the waiting area, while him and his parents waited he played with Adhara.

The little owl jumped around his lap while hooting, he laughed playing with her while his parents talked on the side. Feeling eyes on him he looked up to see the kid staring at him, blushing from being caught the kid looked away in shame.

Simon paused a moment before speaking, "Simon Macmillan, you must be a first year too seeing as you are getting your first robe fitting."

The boy was shocked a moment before speaking, "H-Harry Potter. Yes this will be my first year at Hogwarts."

Simon tilted his head at the name while his parents swung their head over looking the kid over, "Hmm, well then I guess we will be classmates. Might as well be friends while we are at it, what do you say?"

Again he was stunned before a shy smile took over his face, "That sounds fine with me."

"Good well it looks like you are done. Since you probably have to leave just make sure to find me on the day of the train ride, we can sit together." Simon said seeing that he was done getting measured for his robes.

"Sounds good. I will see you then." Looking out the window he was surprised a moment before a smile took over his face and he left.

"Well what will it be then?" Madam Malkin asked knowing he won't go with standard robes even if they were required.

"Well let's make them like the hoodies, but with robe style just leave me a big hood with my rabbit ears. Although not needed still add all the same charms." Simon said while getting measured, he didn't need the climate controlled charms anymore since he gained all his inheritance but did it for his parents piece of mind.

She smiled fondly at him before nodding, as she got to work on measuring he talked to his parents, "Do you mind going to get my books? I honestly don't think I could go into another crowed store at this point, plus I am getting candy hungry so I would like to hurry this along."

His mother had to keep herself from laughing as she heard him, "Sure we will get you all the first year books, don't complain when you don't get extra since you didn't want to do it yourself."

He knew this was her way of saying that he should go and he was a little tempted but he ignored that, "That will be fine, I just want this over with."

Nodding they both left him with some money before taking off, they took his backpack with them since that is where he has been putting everything. When he was left alone he yawned while waiting for his measuring to finish, after it was done he sat waiting for his clothes.

They paid extra to get them speedily done so that he wouldn't have to wait longer then needed, when they were finished his parents were just walking back inside.

"Jolly Ranchers and Tootsie Pop's!" He said while stuffing his robes in his bag and holding out his hand for his fathers robe.

They could only smile wryly while taking him to the muggle world, he had been patient and not bothered them about it so they couldn't disagree with him.