
The Lone Rabbit (Harry Potter X MCU)

Without knowing why, he became the last of his kind. Cast to earth he is now left to become more or face what the rest of his kind did. Follow Simon's life as he navigates it to his own interest and pleasure. Cross of Harry Potter and MCU I own nothing but my ideas all characters go to their rightful owners, picture found on google, thought I might use it!

BloodyEat_Delight · Movies
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5 Chs

Ch3: Train Ride

September 1st

Simon was with his mother walking to platform 9 3/4, his dad had an appointment at the ministry today so he couldn't be here to send him off. While walking towards the platform he noticed a lone figure standing looking around nervously, looking closer it was Harry Potter.

"Harry!" He shouted as they walked closer to the confused boy, his eyes seemed to light up though as he saw them come closer to him.

"Simon, I am glad that I ran into you. I can't seem to find the platform, it stops at 9 and goes straight to 10 so I don't know what I am looking for." Harry said with stress in his voice.

Simon frowned seeing two things first he saw something on Harry that was just plain evil and stunk like death, he didn't notice it when they first met. Second was the fact that he was here alone rather then with a guardian, someone should have been here to help him out.

His mother seemed to notice too, "Where is your guardian Harry? They are suppose to be the ones who help you get to the train."

Harry explained about Hagrid which made them frown at it but ignored it, "Well follow us then, can't have you missing the train on your very first year."

Little did any of them know this isn't how things were suppose to go, but since they spotted him first Harry's view on the wizarding world was changed. The three of them all set off to the platform with Harry's eye's going wide at them running through a brick wall.

On the other side Simon nodded at the massive red train that was sitting there ready to take off, "Well mom this is...." he stopped looking at his mom who was teary eyed.

"Oh my Simon is off to Hogwarts, I never thought that this day would come..... well I did but I am still not ready to send you off." she said while trying not to let her tears fall.

Simon sighed but went to hug his mom while smiling, "Don't worry Adhara will send you letters once a week and you can always send me one. I will also be back for Christmas brake mom."

She shook but nodded not being able to trust herself, she could always us occlumency but she didn't want to control her emotions at the moment. They stood there for a solid two minutes before she let him go, seeing an awkward Harry to the side she smiled.

Harry froze which didn't go unnoticed by the two as she also pulled him into a hug, Simon smiled knowing that his mother just didn't want him to be left out. He knows that his mom and dad are supporters of he-who-must-not-be-named but she is still the sweetest woman he knows.

"You boys get on the train now, we don't want it taking off without you." She said while shooing them on the train, Simon noticed Mrs. Greengrass heading in their direction. On her side was Astoria who was already glaring at him, he responded in kind but was pushed into the train.

Getting inside he gave a slight smile to Harry before they went to find a compartment, they were herded to the back as the front was for older years. Simon was looking in each compartment but they seemed to be getting full fast, most only had a seat left in each.

He was finally able to find one though that he didn't mind plus it had two seats, opening the door he saw five heads turn to look at the two of them. He gave them all but Daphne a bored expression before going inside, Harry right behind him looking shy.

"Well good day to you all." Simon said while sitting next to Daphne who nodded at him the rest all gave polite greetings, "This here is my new friend Harry Potter, Harry this is Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Tracey Davis, Blaise Zabini they are all annoying but fun to be around."

They all glared at him for the ending statement but went back to looking at Harry after hearing what his name was, they were Simon's friends though. Although he wasn't a blood purist he was still friends with three of the people who were in the compartment.

"N-nice to meet you all." Harry said getting a little shy since everyone was staring at him at the moment.

Simon opened the window and let out Adhara who flew away, she already knew to meet him at Hogwarts plus she didn't like staying in cramped places. Turning back he saw them all asking him questions making him roll his eyes at some of the things they were saying.

"Honestly you lot are really stupid. He was a baby how could he ride and defeat dragons, do none of you know the meaning of fiction?" Simon asked talking over them, they actually looked a little embarrassed.

"It was just a question." Blaise said while rolling his eyes, "Well then Potter, which house do you think you will end up in?"

They all looked over to him while Simon was popping candy into his mouth, he saw a fair hand reach out for one, looking over Daphne was raising a brow at him. He chuckled before handing her a watermelon flavored, he has been sharing with her for years so he knew which one to give her.

In return he got a smile, "Well I don't know really, which house is the best to get into?" Harry asked nervously.

"Don't ask that question in this compartment," Simon said as the train took off, "Everyone single person in here other then me will tell you Slytherin, it would be pointless to get their opinions."

No one could say anything since it was true, they were all raised to believe that it is just where they should be placed, none of them expected anything different. "Then what do you think?" Harry asked looking at his first friend for answers.

"Well really it depends but honestly who cares, each house is an idiot. I think it is stupid to even have the idea of separate houses that is just teaching us to isolate those that aren't in our own houses and judge others. To me as long as I have friends in the house then who cares, we all get the same knowledge." Simon said while shrugging.

They all looked at him but no one could say anything to refute him since they knew it was true, it wasn't like they were taught different things because of the house, so why did it matter?

Harry nodded hearing that he thought it made sense because who would want to go into a house where you didn't know anyone, it would just be harsh. He decided that he would just follow his friends, that way at least in the end he wouldn't need to worry about not having friends.

As they were all sitting there talking about that there was a knocking on the door, opening it up standing there was the same bushy haired girl that Simon saw at the wand shop. "Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one." She said in a voice that made it seem like she was above them.

Everyone frowned hearing her tone, she was sticking her nose up at them while saying it so they all got a bad impression of her, "Don't you think it is rude to just barge in here mudblood!" Pansy said while sneering at the girl.

"Better yet you didn't even introduce yourself before speaking while just barging in, get out." Theodore said while glaring at her.

Tracey and Daphne were both glaring at her while Blaise just sneered before looking away, Harry wasn't showing anything on his face but he also felt uncomfortable about the way she came in.

Simon also did nothing but bring out the lunch he packed, he was feeling hungry and there was still and hour ride until they got to the school. The night was already approaching but they haven't eaten anything since this morning so he was famished.

He ignored the looks thrown at him since he didn't say anything, all he did was shrug and go on with eating the sandwich that he had packed. Taking out a pickle he ate it while looking on to see how this would progress, he could already see the bushy haired girl was close to tears.

"Well are you going to say something or just stand there!" Pansy said while practically growling at the girl who was standing there like a deer in headlights.

She couldn't control herself and instead of saying anything left quickly while shutting the compartment door behind her, Simon only shook his head. It wasn't his problem and he wasn't really one to go and help people just because, he was more of a sit back and watch person.

Though if someone was to involve him without his consent then he would be truly angry, and people wouldn't like him when he was angry. "What is a mudblood?" Harry asked out of nowhere when the compartment was quiet again.

"A racist term that only idiots use, don't worry about it. As long as you don't say it yourself then you are fine." Simon said as Daphne reached over stealing some of his chips from the bag. He could feel Pansy glaring at him but he ignored her.

Right when they thought that they would get some peace and quiet the door was opened again, this time it was by none other then Draco Malfoy and his goons. Almost everyone groaned seeing him, except Pansy whose eyes somehow ended up changing into hearts, he honestly was scared for the girl.

Draco saw her infatuation but ignored her, "I heard Potter was in here," He looked around before his eyes stopped on Harry a sly grin crossing his face, "Draco Malfoy, pleasure to meet you."

Harry looked at everyone else and saw that other then pansy they all rolled their eyes at him, Simon and Daphne were fighting over the chips since she kept trying to steal some. "Harry Potter." He answered but didn't take his offered hand.

Draco sneered slightly but held himself back, "It is good to see that you are aligning yourself with proper people, even if some are weirder then others." Draco purposely looked at Simon who only flashed him a smile, the two never got along with each other since childhood.

Daphne took that as an opening to snatch the bag of chips, Simon ignored Draco then and tried to steal them back from her. Sure his bag was full of them to let him eat at least ten bags a day until school was out but he didn't want to share that easily with her.

Seeing he was being ignored again Draco made a remark while shooting Pansy what he thought was a charming smile before leaving. After it calmed down everyone started talking again, Harry was talking to Theodore about potions and magic in general with Tracey and Blaise chiming in.

Simon finally managed to get his chip bag back but there was only one left, Daphne sat to the side smug about it while wiping her hands on a handkerchief. He pouted before throwing the bag out the window, as it flew out though it turned into nothingness in the wind.

"Well then who is ready for first year!" Simon said while smiling to them all since they were getting closer to Hogwarts.

"I just hope that it is all that my parents said, I would hate to waste my time here without something fun to do." Tracey said while looking out the window.

"Same. Hopefully there will be something of interest." Theodore said while showing Harry his potions book and giving him a quick review.

"I will just be happy if I get to spend some time with Draco, that would be perfect for me." Pansy said with a dreamy smile on her face.

Blaise rolled his eyes, "I want to see if there is a club worth joining, I heard that the school has lack of funding and a lot of things are different then when our parents went here."

"I hope to find something." Daphne's was the most vague but there was a look in her eyes as she talked about it, she looked desperate to find whatever she was looking for.

Simon thought he knew what she was looking for, honestly he probably had the cure too but without proper steps then he couldn't tell her that. Instead he just smiled at them all, "I just hope that it isn't boring, like Tracey said, I would hate to waste my time here learning stuff that I could at home by a tutor."

"I-I just want to make friends. I didn't have any back home so hopefully here will be different." Harry said bringing everyone's attention to him, they all looked at him for a moment before nodding. He didn't know it yet but he just got six friends for life.

'We will be arriving at Hogwarts soon. First years wait until the older years have cleared the train before leaving. Leave your stuff in your compartment as it will be delivered to your room.' A voice spoke throughout the train as a hissing sound came from the train as it stopped.

Simon looked at the night outside, he could see the older years getting off but all he looked at was the woods that weren't to far away from them. He could feel it brimming with life and had the urge to go inside but he resisted, until he settled down he wouldn't go in there.

Finally it was their turn to leave the train, "First Years this way!" A giant of a man called out to them as they got off the train.

"Hagrid!" Harry said with some excitement in his voice as he looked at the man, his friends all looked between the two but didn't say anything about him being friends with a giant. Although blood purist Simon usually kept that side of them down or if not he would wack them on the head, Pansy got lucky earlier on the train.

"Good to see you Harry. Now all first years four to a boat let's get a move on then." Hagrid said while leading them all down to the shore that was next to a giant lake.