
The life-story of a cactus!

Here i am, chilling on my spot, at the usual desert, when I sudently realise that... I'm a freaking cactus! ///2 chapters a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday Hello everyone. I have big plans for my book's plot but there are also things I have yet to plan. I'm planning to come up with names, skills and even certain minor events as I write . As such, feel free to give me your input on things you'd like me to change and/or add to the book☺️. Thanks for reading, Dnhelo.

DNHELO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

19- Its training thyme!

(A. N. Hi.... I'm thinking about making a Q.A. Chapter in the future so if you have any questions you can ask me.

This questions can be about the story, about me and my life, about the status <hiatus, ongoing, premium, free, etc...> of this story or anything else you feel like asking about.

Also I already edited the fight chapter (changed the pov) and I believe its looking better.)

"Not bad.

Your stats are better then mine when I was your age!"

"Really? All I did was evolve though."

"Plants usually have more skills than the other species, in compensation they lose potential faster which makes it so they can't go as far in the evolutionary ladder."

"Does that mean that I'll not be able to evolve as much as other?"

"No, it means you have to be faster at evolving so that you don't lose the potential you have."

"Hmm... The system isn't telling me what to do. I don't know what I should do in order to evolve again."

"That's natural, you chose to evolve with a unique evolution.

That means that your the first cactus to ever evolve into your species, there's obviously not going to be instructions on how to evolve further."

At hearing that I started panicking. I need to evolve as much as my potential allows me to, and as quickly as possible.

Yet now, I'm being told I can't even know how to evolve?

"*puipuipipipi* Look at you panicking kiddo.

Did you forget I also evolve using a unique evolution? I know how to do so."

"Thank you Ashtar!"

"What are you thanking me for? I told I KNOW how to do so, not that I'm going to tell you how to do it! *puipuipipipi*."

.... Huh?

"Listen kiddo, I like you and I have high hopes for you... THAT'S Why... I cannot afford to half ass your education.

While it's true that you can relly on me for now, there'll be a day where you'll either be facing enemies that you can't outsmart or be in a situation you can't use force against.

That is why.... I'll not tell you how to evolve. "

Hoh... Yeah I nearly forgot with how nice he usually is... He believes that only the strong and hardworking can survive.

"Don't feel down though, I'll give you a chance. There's 2 things you can do.

1) Figure out how to do it on your own.

2) Suprise me."

The first is easily to understand, but what does the second mean? Does he want me to scare him? Shock him? Dazzle him with a my beauty or magical might?

"... I don't know exactly what you just though, but I feel like it's something disgusting.

*Sight* You're probably confused, so let me explain. What I mean with surprise me is... Well.... Do something amazing.

Something that I even after looking at your stats, age and species, will still go 'Holly, how did he tdo that? !'

Imagine a bug killing a dragon for exemple, if the bunny had a skill called 'dragon-slaying' or was a ten-thousand years old hare... It wouldn't be amazing.

In the other hand if a 10 years old rabbit killed an dragon using nothing but the 'reproduction' skill... I'd probably kill myself out of shame.


I see...

"You want me to either earn the answer or to figure it out on my own."


Hmm.... There's not much I can do, he's the only one I can ask for help, and if he's not feeling like telling me, I'll still have to figure it out myself.

My first evolutivon involved Parasiting someone stronger than me.

My second evolution involved Parasiting someone stronger than me and taking over his land.

In a way both things are a form of usurpation or robbery. In one I rob the land and in the other I rob the nutrients.

That's where the 'offensive' in my class came from.

The 'ballistic' came from the way I use my magic and skills as projectiles, spike-zooka and spike-saw being exemples.

I guess the way I live affects the path of my evolution. If I want to evolve again I should probably do the same... But on a bigger scale?

Hmmm... Well it's as good of an ideas as any other.

I look at the flying air-chipelagos around me.

I killed the owner of this land, but besides the inner island, I still haven't made the air-chipelago mine.

The spider used its webs to marks its territory, I should probably use my roots, their Max range is more or less 105 km (teen= 90km + young = 15 km), more than enough to cover the whole air-chipelago.

The first evolution was taking over the body, the second the land... My third will be the things inside of said land.

If not... I can allways attack 'death's river' and parasite some of the fishes.

Maybe the third evolution is about attacking even stronger enemies, my class IS called 'offensive' after all.




Hmm? ... Isn't a even better shoice? Can't I just do both... At the same time?

Before I evolved I wouldn't been able to do it, if I wanted to speed I'd waist my time here growing my roots running the risk of losing potential.

And if I where to leave and attack fishes I'd have to leave the air-chipelago and risk losing it to someone else.

But now... I'm a 'ballistic' species, with a magic projectile especialization, can't I just bomb people from afar? Let's....

*Bang* * bang* *bang *

Hmmm... The weak ones couldn't even reach the next island much less the river.

The stronger ones gone farther but their accuracy was trash.

.... I'll need to train a little bit more.