
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Issac's Shock

Moreover, it also depends on who it is; it can't be a cat or a dog, especially this email is marked with a red level by the Red Queen, which is intriguing.

White is standard, green is typical, yellow is urgent, and red is deemed special or critical.

The fact that the Red Queen marked this email as red suggests it's not ordinary.

The email is titled "On the Directions and Opportunities Viruses Provide for Human Evolution" 

Dr. Isaac was immediately intrigued upon receiving it, and it's no wonder the email was sent to him.

The article mentions that viruses possess genetic, replicative, and evolutionary characteristics and occupy a unique ecological niche. Could they potentially break through the Hayflick limit if cells divide again?

Additionally, in general, human cells can divide up to 52 times before entering the senescence stage under cell culture conditions. With each cell division, telomeric DNA shortens, limiting cell lifespan and becoming a key factor in human longevity.

At this point, if viruses could increase telomeric DNA to stabilize chromosomes, preventing cells from entering the apoptosis phase, could this lead to increased longevity?

From the moment all living beings are born, the information encoded in their genes drives them to follow the three fundamental principles of survival, reproduction, and evolution.

Yet, it seems that regardless of the species, even humans, the focus has shifted primarily to survival and reproduction. Evolution has taken a back seat in the course of human civilization. What could have caused this shift?

The more Dr. Isaac delved into this email, the more excited and slightly anxious he became. It became evident that the sender touched upon intriguing ideas, but unfortunately, the key points were left unexplored.

Whether these concepts hold true or not, meeting this person in person would provide clarity. The fact that they could send such an email suggests they possess the computer skills Dr. Isaac's team needs.

Upon examining the sender's credentials and verifying them through the company's connections, Dr. Isaac made an astonishing discovery. Dr. Varion Zar, a graduate of XXX Nima University with dual doctorates in virology and electronic information engineering (hypothetical), seemed to have faced a stroke of bad luck. Despite publishing numerous insightful papers, he had yet to receive due recognition and opportunities.

It appears that such talented individuals may still be overlooked in this vast world.


A prompt flashed on Varion's computer, and an email appeared.

I opened it and chuckled as I read the original text:

"Dear Dr. Varion, I've received your email. Please...

The main idea is for you to come to my location tomorrow. Let's have a conversation. I'm somewhat intrigued by you. Do you possess any other skills?"

"The bait is set."

I closed my computer and decided to find a hotel for the night.

Krypton was the repository of knowledge from "countless civilizations," boasting technological advancements spanning millennia. This wealth of information was more than enough for me to absorb and utilize. What I lacked most at the moment was time.

Once I harnessed all this technology, the changes it would bring about would be nothing short of extraordinary.


The next day, someone was waiting for me at the hotel early. It appeared that Dr. Isaac had not conducted a thorough investigation himself. I couldn't help but smile knowingly. What you see is only what I allow you to see.

The thrill of staying hidden was truly exhilarating.

"Hello, are you Dr. Varion?"

"Yes, I am. And you?"

The imposing figure in black was exceedingly polite. "Hello, Doctor. I've been sent by Dr. Isaac to escort you to the company. He mentioned you have a meeting today, and he's eager to meet you."

"Thank you, Dr. Isaac, lead the way."

I entered the car, closed the door, and we sped off.

I could sense that there were at least a dozen hidden cameras trained on me inside the car alone. The Umbrella Company was sparing no expense in surveillance.

A small logo was positioned across from me in the car. If I wasn't mistaken, there might be a hidden camera concealed under that logo, possibly a high-definition one.

On the opposite side, there might even be a team of people studying my every expression, perhaps to gauge my reactions, conduct behavioral analysis, and psychological evaluations. After all, if I were to work under the Umbrella Corporation, my position and contacts would be of utmost importance to the company.

"Doctor, this man doesn't seem easily impressed. No curiosity, no excitement, as if he already knew we were coming for him."

Isaac nodded, satisfied with this. It was exactly what he desired—a researcher should possess these qualities. Otherwise, what separated them from the Joker? Ordinary researchers were a dime a dozen. Every year, countless individuals sought to join the company, but top-tier researchers, especially prodigies like Varion, were highly sought after.

"Keep observing and, in the end, provide me with a psychological evaluation report on him."

"Understood, Dr. Isaac."


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