
The king of everything

After humanity overcame the crisis of the Rifts thanks from the three kings, they became complacent with their powers. But what they didn't know was that the worst was still to come. And that they would be saved from someone they knew less. _________________________________________________ This is my first ever written story, so don't be too mean with me (but I will still read the comments and reviews to get better at this). Also, warning, english isn't my first lenguage.

LonelyAstronaut17 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 13: Mission, save humanity.

(small notice: skills have tiers now, that way it will be known how many evolutions they went through and their quality)

Aster came back to the present day.

"....." he was speechless, he didn't know what to even think. He stayed like that for some minutes, processing what happened.

"....I evolved my skills, let's go back home and think some more" he got up and started walking outside of the forest. Then, as he was exiting the forest, he saw a police car.

"excuse me, what's going on?" Aster, curious, asked the police officer.

"we recieved a message of a monster in the forest, people have noticed some trees broken and they also just sent a message of a loud cry of a monster coming from the forest"

'... I think that was me...' Aster knew that it was absolutely him "but how could that be possible? Didn't they clear the rift from monsters before making this place?"

"I know, I know. But still, it's my job and they made me investigate it, so what can I say?" the police officer said a bit angry "now go home. Also, did you hear or saw something inside the forest?"

"nope, I just tought of it as someone with a machine breaking apart. Now I'll go"

The officer observed Aster as he was going away.

-Aster's room, evening-

Aster was on his chair, thinking of what will happen in the future, and he could only think one thing.

'...what can I do?' he didn't know what to do.

'first of all, even if I saw the year on a calendar, I'm not a 100% sure that was the exact date, maybe it was an outdated calendar or maybe..... that was not the cause of it...' he tought of multiples possibilities.

'let's say that it was the correct date. First of all, how did it happen? The three kings surerly would have protected humanity, that means that something happened to them. A strong enemy defeated them? or were they not there when it happened, trapped somewhere else?'

'and if I'm wrong and it wasn't the correct date, what happened with humanity to be destroyed? Maybe I should look more in the future' he decided to activate his future sight again, but this time he went slowly forwards on time, seeing the changes of the city over time. And he finally noticed a big cange, it was a rift, but unlike other rifts, this one contained humans!

'H-how? that should be impossible, the rifts only occur when a parasite takes another world that's broken, how could humans live on such a desolated place?' he continued watching, investigating what happened.

He saw all kinds of humans coming out of the rift, and even some who weren't humans 'wait, elves? Beast people? Giants? There was information of them in some rifts, but to see them in ``person´´ is so different' he continued watching.

He saw how they started a war with humanity, figthing over this world, it was a massacre. But still, after all the war, humanity won.

But... it didn't look like that.

The casualties were horrendous, large population of humans died, the ones that survived were left without a place to live and the worst of all.... one of the kings died.

The king of the system sacrificed himself, ending the war with his own life.

And the king of magic was badly hurt, needing a long time to recover.

It was one of the worst possible outcomes to happen. And as humanity was starting to rebuild itself, it still wasn't even the end of the wars.

But before Aster could see more, he came back to the present. Awakened by the blood pouring from his nose, ears and eyes, including also the pain his brain was giving him.

It was alredy very late "let's.... think about this tomorrow" he changed, healed himself and went to sleep.

/"deep sleep" has evolved into "lucid dream"/

/it will now give +1% more/

'mmh? Lucid dream?' He opened his eyes and saw his room, but he felt that something was wrong.

'it said something about a lucid dream, then let me try...' he changed the place and opened a path to his mind.

After a bit of walking, he reached the other wills inside his mind.

"everyone come here!" as he said that, all the wills came to where he was "we have to talk about what we saw, everything ended too fast, but I still have a question that's important for all of us" he stopped for a moment before saying it "in the future, what happened to us?"

"oh! I think I know!" one of the EX group said "what if, we died in that future because we didn't know what was gonna happen? But now that we know what will happen, it may have changed!"

"yeah, that is possible" "perhaps, but we need to be sure of it" "I think that's right" a lot of the wills said their opinion over that answer, but there was some others who were still skeptical.

"to be sure, let's try to see the future again" MAster said.

After that, OG Aster activated his future sight and saw the future again, but this time he saw that there were less casualties and the king of the system was alive! Well, he was still badly hurt like the king of mages, but atleast he was still alive. But now, he could also see another human, it was a man who wore a large hood and a white mask, but Aster felt familiar looking at him.....

"wait, isn't that me!?" he was standing at the sides of the three kings as an equal "this is great! That means that I was at least strong enough to protect my identity and even some of the people" he ended the future sight.

"ok, now do it again" MAster said.

"???" OG Aster was confused " why?"

"just do it"

Then, Aster did it again, and as he saw the future again he noticed that even when he saved the third king, there were even more casualties now '!?' he stopped the skill and came back.

"it was different, right?" MAster said, with a smile on his face "the same thing will happen now every time we see into the future, it will change because of us. Maybe even other people capable of sensing the future will notice the change."

"but.... why?" OG Aster asked to MAster, who was wearing glasses now.

"heh, every time we see the future, it will change our destiny and actions, taking us on a different path. Because you became relaxed that one of the kings would survive thanks to you, you would have trained a bit less and save less people. But now that you saw what would happen, I'm sure more people will be saved because you will train harder"

"...." OG Aster was astonished " it can change that easily?"

"yes, let's put a example: you see in the future a rift that has life changing knowledge and you take it for yourself, but that knowledge was going to be taken by another human that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and couldn't because we took it before him. That would have bad consequences for us. But, if instead, we take the things that would be taken by people who would keep it for themself's and not to help humanity, that would be better for us because we could make it public for the people to get stronger and survive more. Do you understand?"

"mmh, ok, take from the bad guys and protect the good ones, but we still have a problem..... how the fuck do I do it? I can't get out of here and come back days later, classes are about to start and my family won't let me go outside!"

"that's really easy" MAster said calmly "you just have to make a clone"


"..." (x29)

All the Asters became silent.

"I know it sounds like it's something impossible, but that's the only option I can think, unless you fake your death and became a faceless human"

"ok, ok, but how do you expect me to make a clone? Hell, WHERE do you expect me to make it?!" Aster was a bit furious with MAster's answer.

"didn't you have the ability to get more skills? Get construction skills and make a secret laboratory or something in the backyard without anybody noticing. And also, you need to get manufacturing skills and stealth skills if we want it to happen"

"...ok, then what skills do you think I should get?"

"a stealth skill, a terraforming and construction skills and a production skill, it should be about robots and programming. Oh, and when everything is ready you should study a lot of expert biology to be able to make a clone that could sustain at least 5 of our wills"

"ok, stealth, digging, construction, robotics and programming, understood.... wait, robots and programming? Why?"

"....please, use your brain a little more. The more skills we have, the stronger we will be! We have to obtain as much skills as possible and prepare ourselves"

"...ok" OG Aster felt stupid after asking such a question and being scolded by himself "I suppose I should get more skills than those that you told me, right?"


"ok, I think I should wake up now and get everything ready" as OG Aster said that and was going away, he said one last thing "and we will save humanity, fpr our family and for the people"

All the other Aster's waved at him smiling and started working again.

-Asters's room, morning-

Aster woke up from his dream and stood up from his bed, changed quickly, grabbed his things and got out of his room 'today is Saturday, I have today and tomorrow before classes start again. I should get some more skills today and tomorrow' as he said that, he tought of something.

'maybe if I....' he looked at his sister's room and decided to sneak in.

'hehehe' he saw his sister still sleeping in bed, but besides her he found his target. A normal looking phone was there, conected with a cable charging itself.

Aster started walking slower and slower, manipulating his body to not make any noise.

/skill "sneak" has been obtained/

/sneak Lv1: sound decrease +0%/

Aster kept going, reaching the phone and putting it inside his pocket.

/skill "theft" has been obtained/

/theft Lv1: hand's dexterity and precision +0%/

After that, he sneaked out of her room and left her phone on the kitchen's table.

'now, let's see if there are some tools that I can take...'

-10 minutes later, at the forest-

Aster stopped as he had already walked deep enough into the forest, now he was in a more isolated place in wich he couldn't be heard that much, at the side of a mountain.

'now, let's start working' he put his backpack and a huge bag on the floor, the bag had an axe, a shovel, a pickaxe, a wood carving knife and some tools for wood processing.

"good thing dad brought back his expedition tools, but I still had to ask him because they were made from some very rare and valuable metals" Aster took out the shovel and grabbed it with both of his hands.

"let's try doing some digging" he stabbed the ground with the shovel and lifted it up, taking the soil with it. After some digging, he made a large hole.

/skill "digging" has been obtained/

/digging Lv1: while digging, strength and endurance +0%/

He ignored the skill and kept digging nonstop, without even getting tired for 50 minutes.

/digging (awakening) Lv1>25/

"wow, that was fast. Well, that was possible because of all my evolved skills" while talking to himself, he was still digging, always keeping on his mind of moving the dirt away.

/"digging" has evolved into "soil modification"/

/it will give now +0,5% more/

/soil modification Lv1: earth affinity +25%/

"and another affinity for me hehe" he finally stopped digging and he kneeled down, touching the fresh soil he digged with his hand. After concentrating for a bit, he was able to flatten the small side he touched.

"ok, now time to continue" he kept touching the ground while kneeling, flattening the soil he touched for a full 4 hours.

/"soil modification" has evolved into "ground control"/

/it will give now +1% more/

/ground control Lv1: earth affinity +150%/

*phew* "finally, I was actually starting to get tired" while sitting down for a moment, he looked at his phone.

'11:35, today I woke up really early. Well, better for me! Now I can get more skills and train more!!' even while saying that, the skills that he had still didn't get a single level up.

"...." *sigh* "it seems that after reaching the tier three evolution they are much more harder to level up... but still, I will not give up. I will follow the instructions MAster gave me and obtain as much skills as I can!" he got up again and grabbed the pickaxe and started hitting the mountain while activating his energy rush, accelerating his training!

/skill "mining" has been obtained/

/mining Lv1: while mining, strength and endurance +0%/

He ignored it and kept mining even after 30 minutes.

/"mining" has evolved into "drilling"/

/it will give now +0,5% more/

/drilling Lv1: while mining, strength, endurance and speed +25%/

He still ignored it, and now he started mining through everything on his path for 3 hours straight.

/"drilling" has evolved into "earth destroyer"/

/it will give now +1% more/

/earth destroyer Lv1: when hitting the earth, destruction +150%/

After evolving it again, he blinked from his place grabbed the axe and started choping trees.

/skill "tree cutting" has been obtained/

-30 minutes later-

After some time, he decided to make some simple wood objects like figurines, chairs and wooden planks from the trees he cut.

/"tree cutting" has evolved into "wood manufacturing"/

/it will give now +0,5% more/

-3 hours later-

And finally, he decided to use his blood to try to manipulate the wood into changing it's form.

/"wood manufacturing" has evolved into "wood control"/

/it will give now +1% more/

/wood control Lv1: wood affinity +150%/

Now this skill could make him change the form of wood into any shape he wanted "now I can make wooden pillars for my secret underground laboratory easily, just plant a small tree and make the wood grow"

He finally stopped and looked around him, he saw the ground with large holes, the mountain wall with a deep tunnel and all the trees cut down.

".... let's try to fix this" as he said that, he moved around the holes, manipulating the discarded soil and throwing it back inside, he gave the trees vitality with his blood and used wood changer to accelerate their growth and for the tunnel, he punched it's side and made the tunnel crumble on itself.

And finally, after a long day of training, it was alredy becoming night.

'man, thanks from the boosts of all my skills, I'm able to evolve the lower ones this fast and tomorrow I have more things to do'

*phew* "but now it's time to return home again, it's getting very late"


All skills till now:

/skills Lv-/

/obtainment/skill silencing/skill library/skill sealing/

/passive skills/

/T3 pore breathing Lv1/T3 unique blood Lv1/T3 knowledge keeper Lv1/T3 absolute senses Lv1/T3 multi-will Lv3/T3 mind archival Lv3/T3 blood swordsmanship Lv1/T3 blood footwork Lv1/T3 calmness Lv1/T3 lucid dream Lv1/T1 mana storage (sealed) Lv1/

/active skills/

/T3 scripture making Lv1/T3 energy rush Lv1/T3 hyper thinking Lv1/T3 examination Lv1/T3 super jump Lv1/T3 blood control Lv1/T3 body control Lv1/T3 monster roar Lv1/T3 energy punch Lv1/T3 energy kick Lv1/T3 energy slash Lv1/T3 blink Lv1/T3 future sight Lv1/T3 ground control Lv1/T3 earth destroyer Lv1/T3 wood changer Lv1/T2 cultivation Lv1/T2 disguise Lv1/T1 sneak Lv1/T1 theft Lv1/