
The king of everything

After humanity overcame the crisis of the Rifts thanks from the three kings, they became complacent with their powers. But what they didn't know was that the worst was still to come. And that they would be saved from someone they knew less. _________________________________________________ This is my first ever written story, so don't be too mean with me (but I will still read the comments and reviews to get better at this). Also, warning, english isn't my first lenguage.

LonelyAstronaut17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 12: the idiotic genius

Aster changed into some normal clothing, went downstairs and met the man.

"good evening, are you perhaps Aster comet?" the young adult asked. He had brown hair, a somewhat nice face and his body was thin but also tall.

"yes, I'm Aster. But, eh, who are you?" Aster acted as he didn't predict he would come.

"I'm just someone from the sorcerers school, they sent me here because they were very susprised by your exam"

"wait, really? What happened?" Evelyn, Rosy and Erick started paying attention to what he was saying.

"you didn't tell your family?" the man was surprised.

"well....yeah, I went to my friend's house to play some games as a celebration from our scores. And after coming back, I went to bed and couldn't sleep from the happines" while Aster was talking, he felt an energy enter his mind, he was being investigated! Of course he wasn't the only one who felt it.

The conexion was cut off.

"excuse me, but what were you doing?" Erick said in a ``calm´´ manner.

"...sorry for my informality, but I came here to get some answers. As I alredy said, I came here because of his exam, he got an almost perfect score" as he said that, his whole family got surprised.

"is that really true?" his family couldn't believe it.

"Well... yeah..." Aster didn't know how to tell them.

"and I came here because that's really suspicious. His school information said that he was always almost failing all exams, but then on this one, he got almost a perfect score" the man made a serious face "and we don't want cheaters in the future"

Aster was silent for a second before talking again "you can see inside my mind as long as you don't hurt me. But if something happens, I will sue you"

"mmmh, that's understandable. Now, if you don't mind..." because he could investigate Aster's mind without any problem now, he stopped holding back.

After some minutes of investigation, he found the memories of Aster doing his exam and also studying the weekend before. And after some minutes, he ended his investigation without finding anything important.

"ok, that's everything. And also, if you were able to learn so much in two days, you could have gotten better scores on the other years if you had put more effort" he said while standing up "thanks for everything, and we expect great things from you in the future, of course, if you awaken mana" after saying that, he went away.

After some time passed, his family started looking at him.

"so, when were you going to tell us?" Evelyn asked Aster.

"yeah, I didn't know you were a genius" Rosy followed up.

"..." Erick was only listening.

"well it wasn't only me, it was also thanks from Zale who helped me study, he is a genius at everything, even at teaching"

/skill "acting Lv1" has been obtained/

/acting Lv1: acting efficiency +0%/

-city 0, sorcerer's school, director's office-

"welcome back, so, how did it go?" the director looked at the investigator while he was sitting down.

"it actually went pretty well, there wasn't any conflict and he even gave me permission to search on his mind. He is completely inoccent, he just never decided to study, making him almost fail all exams except the last one, because he was told by an old friend about it's importance"

"so what you are saying is that, he could have gotten a perfect score? And that was ruined because he didn't have the time required?"

"you almost got that right"

"almost? Then, what do you think?"

The investigator smiled a bit "he could have made a perfect score if he knew he was a genius, but the fact that he believes he is normal just because he didn't awaken, understimating himself and not letting his true genius outside. He believes himself as an idiot while being an unparalleled genius" he stopped talking, making the director think of what he heard.

"then what will happen when he awakens?" the director asked with a serious face.

"hehehe, when I entered his mind I felt it in my soul" the investigator was smiling.

"once he awakens, a true monster will be born"

-three weeks later-

Aster trained all of the summer without stop and after obtaining multi-will, he could train even more skills at once. His mind got separated to do different tasks, a part trained and reinforced his mind, another part was constantly training skills that wouldn't be seen by other people like blood and flesh manipulation, and the last part did the physical training.

And after three weeks passed, he was able to evolve almost all of skills again.

/passive skills/

/pure breathing (awakening) Lv23>50/blood creation Lv12>50/understanding (awakening) Lv24>50/ the six senses (awakening)Lv18>50/multi-will Lv1>3/calligraphy (awakening) Lv16>50/evasion (awakening) Lv21>50/

mind archival Lv1>3/evolving swordmanship (awakening) Lv17>50/acting (awakening) Lv25/prediction (awakening) Lv16>50/mana storage (sealed) Lv1/


/active skills/

/power rush (awakening) Lv15>50/fast thinking (awakening) Lv41>50/cultivation Lv1/observation (awakening) Lv50/deep slumber (awakening) Lv13>50/charged jump (awakening) Lv19>50/bullet speed (awakening) Lv19>50/relaxation (awakening) Lv16>50/blood manipulation (awakening) Lv29>50/flesh manipulation (awakening) Lv23>50/roar (awakening) Lv14>50/strong punch (awakening) Lv21>50/strong kick (awakening) Lv21>50/strong slash (awakening) Lv19>50/evolving footwork (awakening) Lv17>50/

"holy....I wasn't paying attention to my skills and they are alredy like this after three weeks. I still got three days more before coming back to school, so let's awaken them all!" right now, he was in the forest. He planned to awaken some skills, but he didn't know that almost all of his skills could aready be awakened.

"let's awaken them in order, starting from pure breathing" he sat down and relaxed himself 'let's try something different' this time, he wanted to change something.

Instead of only breathing from his mouth, he wanted to breath with all his body. Of course that was impossible, but by using his flesh manipulation he could make cavities on his body, making a hole directing it into his lungs. It was a very uncomfortable experience, but still, he kept doing it for some minutes.

/"pure breathing" has evolved into "pore breathing"/

/"flesh manipulation" has evolved into "body control"/

/it will now give +1% more/

After evolving his breating skill, he felt weird. Even when he wasn't taking air with his mouth, he still felt his lungs fill up.

'and body manipulation? Let's see...' he looked at his hand, when using his skill, his flesh opened up revealing all his veins, tendons and bones.

"...." Aster closed it up, went to a near tree and puked.

"...ugh....I have to become used to that, I will need to use it in the future"

This time, he used it again but not on his flesh, but on his bones. He enlarged his finger bones, making them get out of his flesh, making them sharp and slashed at a tree.

He saw how the tree recieved a claw mark, "mmh, that's pretty strong" was the only thing Aster said, and after that he continued with the evolutions.

He looked inside his bones and how the blood was being produced, he activated his blood creation and accelerated it's production, but this time he manipulated his blood to change it's quality, refining it for more vitality.

/"blood creation" has evolved into "unique blood"/

/"blood manipulation" has evolved into "blood control"/

/it will now give +1% more/

*phew* "my body feels so different" he tested the evolutions manipulating his blood out of his body. First of all, he could now manipulate it at will without any problem, being able to change it's form into normal weapons like swords and daggers! And second, his blood emanated a lot of vitality, strengthening it's form and durability.

Next, he concentrade on his other skills "let's do more at once this time"

He activated his six senses and saw everything around him, he saw the energy and tried to understand how it worked, writing it down on a notebook while thinking as fast as possible.

/"undesrtanding" has evolved into "knowledge keeper"/

/"the six senses" has evolved into "absolute senses"/

/"calligraphy" has evolved into "scripture making"/

/"fast thinking" has evolved into "hyper thinking"/

/"observation" has evolved into "examination"/

/it will now give +1% more/

"uh? Scripture making?" while being confused, he looked at the paper as it was emanating energy from the information he wrote "..... I only wrote the information I got from the energy, is it that special?"

While thinking about that he looked around, he was able to see that the masses of energy were millions of particles of different colors, some were green, blue, red, yellow, brown, etc.

"so the different colors are all the elements, each one being unique. But what about the evolution and system?" he looked at the other two smaller energys. One of them was small particles with even more smaller circles inside and the other one was.... lines? "lines? Why lines?" he wanted to investigate the lines, but his prediction told him to stop "something bad will happen if I try to investigate it? What will it be..." he couldn't come up with what it could be, so he continued with his other evolutions.

"acting... I think that's easy" he changed his facial features and body into a different human.

/"acting" has evolved into "disguise"/

/it will now give +1% more/

/disguise Lv1: acting and disguise efficiency +25%/

"yep that was easy, now with the other ones" he looked at his skills and chose the physical skills, letting prediction for the last. He stood up and tought on how to evolve them "mmmh, evasion... how do I evolve you?" he started thinking and came up with something.

He decided to run against a tree and dodge it at the last moment, every time he dodged it he would get closer and closer. Making him exert more strength on his legs, and after a lot of tries, he was successfull.... kinda.

As he was about to dodge the tree that he was about to smash into with the distance of a few millimeters away from him, he dissapeared and appeared two meters away, smashing himself against another tree.

He fell to the ground "what...was that?"

/"evasion" has evolved into "blink"/

/it will now give +1% more/

/blink Lv1: environment sensing and instant movement +150%/

"this.....is... SO COOL!" he started using it, going from one place to another in the forest "it seems the maximum is 5 meters, but still this is so cool!" Aster felt happy with the speed that he could reach with it.

'talking about speed...' and after that, he started running and jumping as hard as he could, using all the strength in his body.

/"bullet speed" has evolved into "hyper speed"/

/"charged jump" has evolved into "super jump"/

/it will now give +1% more/

After stopping his movement, he went towards a tree and started punching and kicking it.

/"strong punch" has evolved into "energy punch"/

/"strong kick" has evolved into "energy kick"/

/it will now give +1% more/

While not stopping his attacks, he made a sword with his blood and started moving around the tree while slashing. But he noticed that while doing that, he felt weird, his steps were changing from lineal steps to curved ones, sometimes faster, other times more lighter and then changing from a strong movement to a fast one, he felt like blood changing its flow through thin and thick veins and the same was happening with his slashing, after completely adapting to it he knew that his skills evolved.

/"evolving swordsmanship" has evolved into "blood swordsmanship"/

/"evolving footwork" has evolved into "blood footwork"/

/"strong slash" has evolved into "energy slash"/

/"power rush" has evolved into "energy rush"/

/it will now give +1% more/

"oh, blood? Is it because of my blood affinity?" as he saw that, he tried to investigate it's effects. While using the footwork, he would move on a constant high speed and following a rythm similar to the heartbeats and his swordmanship changed, making his attacks more agile, fast and stronger.

After all that, he made the strongest scream he ever did.

/"roar" has evolved into "monster roar"/

/it will now give +1% more/

And after all that, he laid down on the grass, calming himself from everything that happened.

/"relaxation" has evolved into "calmness"/

/it will now give +1% more/

"mmh, I'll evolve deep slumber this night. And now, it's time to evolve the big one!" he sat down and activated his prediction, but instead of watching the surroundings, he wanted to see more, and so, he closed his eyes and forced his skill to see more in the future, more and more and more in the future.

Until he was able to see something, he would not stop. After one long hour, he finally was able to see something!

/"prediction" has evolved into "future sight"/

/it will now give +1% more/

'HELL YEAH! THIS IS GREAT!' as he was celebrating he started to notice that....he didn't knew where he was and the year he was in, the only thing he was seeing were burnt down trees.

'let's get out of this.... forest?....Let's just move' he started going forward, trying to reach a city or somewhere civilized. After a long run, he finally reached a city, more specific city 0, the place where he was living inside a rift.

But that was not all, he was more surprised of what happened in there.

Everywhere that he put his eyes on, there was only death, the whole city was... destroyed.

Aster felt scared 'how... how did this happen?' he tried to look for clues of what time it was. He tried to look inside houses and shops, or at least what he tought they were. And after some searching he found the date of the year he was on.

'year 2232' it was two years later from the present time....

As he was shocked, he heard a sound outside of the destroyed shop and when he got outside, he saw a... monster? 'is that a monster? I never saw one like that' it had a humanoid figure, red black wings on it's back, large horns, claws and a redish black skin. It seemed to wear a black metal armor and a lance.

After Aster saw the figure, his mind identified what it was.

'A....a demon...' Aster felt himself falling to the ground, returning to the present day.


All skills till now:

/skills Lv-/

/obtainment/skill silencing/skill library/skill sealing/

/passive skills/

/pore breathing Lv1/unique blood Lv1/knowledge keeper Lv1/absolute senses Lv1/multi-will Lv1>3/mind archival Lv1>3/blood swordsmanship Lv1/blood footwork Lv1/calmness Lv1/mana storage (sealed) Lv1/

/active skills/

/scripture making Lv1/energy rush Lv1/hyper thinking Lv1/cultivation Lv1/examination Lv1/deep slumber (awakening) Lv50/super jump Lv1/blood control Lv1/body control Lv1/monster roar Lv1/energy punch Lv1/energy kick Lv1/energy slash Lv1/blink Lv1/future sight Lv1/disguise Lv1/