
The king of everything

After humanity overcame the crisis of the Rifts thanks from the three kings, they became complacent with their powers. But what they didn't know was that the worst was still to come. And that they would be saved from someone they knew less. _________________________________________________ This is my first ever written story, so don't be too mean with me (but I will still read the comments and reviews to get better at this). Also, warning, english isn't my first lenguage.

LonelyAstronaut17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 14: preparations for the future

After Aster went back home, he cleaned the tools and went to eat some dinner, but while entering the kitchen, he saw his father.

"so, why did you ask for my tools? I know that you are training, but do you need my tools for that?" Erick got to the point.

"well, It's a different form of training, in the future I will need to know how to use tools when I go outside the city when I awaken, so I was training myself how to do it"

"...." Erick was silent "you changed a lot from last time, I remember how you always run away every time we told you to study and do your homework"

"well, people change when they grow up dad"

".... I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you" Erick said with a sad tone.

"... do you love us dad?"

"of course I do, I love my family above anything else"

Aster smiled "then that's enough for us, as long as you care for us we will always be here, waiting for you"

Erick was surprised, he didn't expect such an answer.

After coming back to his home years later, he felt like he lost many memories of his family, memories he could have made if he was there.

Erick made a small smile " thank you, you really changed. Now, it's getting very late, so let's go to sleep" Erick got up, and walked to his room.

Aster did the same and went to sleep.

-Aster's room, 03:32 night-

Aster woke up, got out of his bed and sneaked to the front door. He was walking towards the backyard, and wen he reached it he looked around.

The backyard was big, with a lot of grass and some boulders as decoration.

He decided to move a boulder by manipulating the ground and made a hole with a staircase using the dirt of the ground. After going down on the staircase, he moved the boulder and closed the entrance while also closing his eyes. With his hightened senses, he could look around him using echolocation, and so, he followed the stairs that he was making on the move. when reaching deep enough, he decided to finally stop.

While going down, he left some branches from the trees and pieces of wood on the walls and after stopping, he made his blood touch all of the wood and manipulated them while putting vitality in them. He made them grow quickly, transforming them into pillars so that the staircase would not collapse, and while at it, changing the staircase made of dirt into the same wood.

After the tree looking pilars were made, he decided to expand the place, touching the dirt wall and moving it while compressing it. He put some pieces of wood on the floor and made them into more pilars and a wooden floor.

"mmh, it's looking good so far, but I should get a place made with metal so I can make experiments without destroying anything" he looked around, and left a corner with no wood, he planned to make that zone with metal. After expanding the place, he made a table with some chairs and some decoration on the pilars making each one different from another.

"it's not much, but I think this is fine"

He looked around, it seemed a bit...empty "well, I stil have to bring some cables and a silent mana generator to be able to make robots and a clone"

He sat down on the wooden chair he made and entered his mind, finding MAster there, waiting for him.

"good, you seem to have made a lair for our future experiments. Now let's talk about the future sight" MAster got serious "I already explained what would happen if we were to look at the future continuously, so, I was thinking of a solution and came up with it"

"....so what it is?"

"....let another will see it and not tell us unless it's something very important"

"..." 'why is everything he answers always sound so... simple?'

"when another will that does not influence our actions see the future, we will be able to filter the most important things without changing the simpler ones"

"mmh, ok"

"and now, let's talk about the clones and other skills" MAster was on a chair while he was talking "I was investigating where our skills are on our body, and it seems to be in a very special place"

"is it... on our soul?"

MAster was a bit surprised "wow, you are starting to use more of your brain, how did you know?"

"well, when I obtained the skill "obtainment" I felt it around my chest, but after obtaining the skill "body control", I investigated around that place finding nothing, so I tought 'maybe it's there, but not on my physical body'"

"good, you are also investigating for yourself. You are correct and I can take you there almost now"

OG Aster was confused "how? Isn't that on the soul?"

"fu fu fu, you are correct, but that doesn't mean you are right. We humans are a triangle, and in that triangle is the mind-soul-body, each place can be fully conected with enough strenght, and with our mental power and cuantity of ourselfs, we can make a bridge to our soul"

"so, you want to conect our soul and mind, but what about our body?"

"let me explain, our body is conected to our mind, our mind will be conected to our soul and lastly we will need to fully conect our soul to our body"

OG Aster tought for a moment "then, why did our soul not escape the body if it wasn't still conected?"

"because it's tied to it from birth and it gets more connected with time..." MAster went silent for a moment "!!!"

"mmh? What is it?" OG Aster was confused again.

"THAT'S IT, I KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THAT!!!!" MAster instantly became excited.

"what? Solve what?"


"!!!???" OG Aster became surprised "how!?"

"you remember the notification we got about waiting for our growth to recieve 'mana storage'?"

"yes, what about it...." "!?" OG Aster instantly knew what it meant.

"it doesn't mean our age, it means our connection! we need to conect our mind, soul and body fully to be able to withstand the 'mana storage'!" MAster stood up from his chair and made some drawings with his mind "look here, this was your soul and body when you were born" OG Aster saw a picture of two small babys, one was normal and the other was transparent "you can see here that the two of them are conected by some strings, but if I were to show you when you became a child..." he changed the pictures in his child version "you can see that there ar a lot more strings, and finally, this is you now" he showed a picture of himself with a transparent Aster "there are a ton more strings and the spirit is a lot more closer to you, meaning that it will not be long until you fully connect with it, more specifically..."

"...my next birthday, right?"

"correct, on your next birthday, you will awaken mana because your soul fully merged with your body"

"then, how could you accelerate the process?"

MAster looked at him "by doing what we were gonna do, enter the soul with the mind and making the strings by ourselves"

"won't that be dangerous?" OG Aster was preocupied, he didn't have any skill that had something to do with the soul, so he didn't know what was going to happen...

"we can do this, make one of us see the future, if he sees a problem we change our actions, and we do that until it works, so don't worry"

"mmh, ok.... now what do I do?" OG Aster felt a bit useless after not being able to do anything.

"well, you can help us, follow me" MAster got up from the chair and walked towards a wall, and as he was going to hit the wall, it opened, showing an elevator.

"..." Aster was stunned "you can.... do that?"

"of course, you put me in charge of the mind and I must use it to it's fullest, that way it will level up faster. That explains how you were able to get those tier's 3 skills, because you used them to the maximum"

"mmh, got it, use everything I have while training to the maximum. Now, where are you taking me?"

"to the core of the brain, there, we will be stronger while using our mind to open a path"

"ok, but.... how do we do that?"

".....trust me, I will only ask you that"

"..." OG Aster was nervous "...will it be safe?"

"as long as one is seeing the future, it will be"

OG Aster waited for the elevator to stop, and when the doors opened he followed MAster while seeing his surroundings.

"it changed a lot, did you do this?" he looked around, if he were to rate it, he would rate it a 10/10 as a library. It had tall book shelves, each one separated by tags and the time when it was made, but that was not all. There were huge pillars with books inside of it, each book had a golden color on its cover, making the pillars glow by the reflection of the artificial light.

"we reconstructed your core mind, making it stronger and more organized so the thoughts can move faster. There are at least 10 EX Aster's in charge of organizing the new memories and the flow of our thoughts, another 7 in charge of using multiple skills when neccesary and 10 last EX Aster's that are working right now to stabilize the connection between the mind and the soul"

"mmh, ok.... wait, if we are 30 and there are only working 27 EX Asters then.... where is the last one?" OG Aster asked curious.

".... follow me" MAster changed directions, taking him to an isolated room in the depths of the mind ".... I want to present you to our first future pioneer as a clone possesor" he opened the door.

After opening it, they saw a room full of mark of claws and slashes on the walls, blood and chunks of flesh spread on the ground, and on the center of all, there was only a guy.

OG Aster knew he was another Aster, but while examining his looks, he saw that there were a lot of differences.

His hair was similar to the other ones except that it had a bit of red on it's color, his face was a bit more sharper and refined, he had sharp teeth, red eyes and he was ripped as fuck! But that was not all, his arms and legs were not normal at all, he had his bones and blood vessels extended out of his body, covering the flesh as armor and at his hands he were bone like gauntlets, with the tip of each finger looking sharper than a knife. He also saw a blood sword coming out of his right palm.

After MAster and OG Aster entered the room, he felt their presence and changed back to normal his arms and legs, looking like a human almost instantly. After changing back to normal, he turned around, saw the two Asters and got close to them.

OG Aster could feel a lot of bloodlust coming from him, but before he could react, he appeared in front of them and......hugged them.

"???" OG Aster was confused.

"hello, my brothers!" he said, hugging them even harder.

"ok, ok, you can stop now...." MAster said, trying not to asphyxiate.

"oh hehe, sorry, sorry" he freed them from his ``hug´´.

*Cough Cough* "who... are you?"OG Aster asked him, while trying to get some air.

But before he was able to talk, MAster talked first "let me introduce you, as I already said, to the will who will go outside as a clone" he looked at him "he will be called.... FABL Aster, but for privacy in our future outside, just call him FABL"

"yep! Just call me that" FABL said, with a big smile on his face.

MAster ignored him "he is a bit supid, but as you saw, his strength far exceeds ours"

"yep! I'm very strong, hehe.... wait, what do you mean stupid?"

MAster kept ignoring him "I think you already saw the differences between you, me and him, right?"

"mmh, yea, you have glasses, a robe and more intelligent, he is ripped, chiseled and more stupid, and I'm..... the personification of the common human beeing. What about it?"

"wait, why are calling me also that?!"

The both of them ignored him, and MAster started talking "yes and I know why. I'm MAster and my name stands for Mind and Aster, I have to take care of the mind and the solutions of problems, and after some time of doing this job, my personality and looks changed.

Now, he is called FABL because that stands for Flesh And Blood Lord, he has been training some time ago with the blood and body manipulation skills as well as the other fighting skills, preparing himself to when he goes outside, but that changed him into a more..... battle junkie Aster, making him stronger and ruthless, but also more stupid"

"HEY! STOP CALLING ME STUPID!!" FABL was starting to get angry while also getting some tears in his eyes, but he was still ignored.

"and then its you, OG Aster, that stands for OriGinal Aster, you are the foundation of all the other Asters who still haven't changed into anything else while being also the first and prime Aster"

".... so, if one Aster gets an important job in our mind, he will slowly change physically and mentally to fit that job?"

"yes, I think that is the answer"

"that's... interesting..." OG Aster was thinking of how could that change their future and how it could help them.

"HEY!!! STOP IGNORING MEEEEEE!!!!!" FABL finally reached his limit, and smacked them in the head.

OG Aster felt all his body tremble by the hit, while MAster was instantly laying down on the floor, unconscious.

"ugh! Why did you do that!?" OG Aster got angry by the pain he was feeling.

"you two were insulting me and you both deserved it" FABL got angry and turned around to look in another direction.

"...." MAster was still on the floor, but at least he was gaining conciousnes again "... see? I told you of the personality change" MAster stood up again "let's ignore what happened and continue with the other things now, follow me you two"

After a bit of walking and some discussions while on the way, they finally reached the core of the mind.

"here we will open the path to the soul, are you ready?" he pointed at OG Aster.

"if you are sure nothing bad will happen, of course!" OG Aster was excited and worried at the same time.

"and FABL, you can stay at the side, you are more centered towards physical activitys, not mental ones"

"ok, ok..." he went to the side and sat down on the floor.

"now, me and 9 other EX Asters are going to open a connection with the soul, while one EX Aster will be seeing our future and tell us if we are doing it correctly, also if you want, you can also help us"

"ok, the more people the better, right?"

"well.... you better..... not do it" the EX Aster responded, with his eyes half closed.

"if....you do it....we may fail....." he seemed to be talking half asleep.

"....really?" OG Aster felt more useless.

"but...you can....help me say....the information....."

"well, at least I'm doing something..."


"uh? Are you ok?"

"......." *ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz....* he fell asleep.

"... can we trust him?" OG Aster was now even more worried with this.

"yes, I expect he will change his personality if he keeps using the future shight"

"yeah, ok, but why is he sleeping?"

"you should remember when you overused future shight, right? He is always using the sleeping skill to regenerate his health and energy while calming his ``brain´´ to not burn it" MAster explained.

"so, he will be also our future brother?" FABL asked while laying on the floor bored.

"yes, you could say so"

"hehehe" LABF got up from the floor and instantly got closer to his future brother.

"you will be my little brother now!" LABF grabbed him and threw him in the air multiple times.

"....." *ZZZZzzzzzz*

"...." OG Aster didn't know what will happen to his brain if it continued like this in the future.


All skills till now:

/skills Lv-/

/obtainment/skill silencing/skill library/skill sealing/

/passive skills/

/T3 pore breathing Lv1/T3 unique blood Lv1/T3 knowledge keeper Lv1/T3 absolute senses Lv1/T3 multi-will Lv3/T3 mind archival Lv3/T3 blood swordsmanship Lv1/T3 blood footwork Lv1/T3 calmness Lv1/T3 lucid dream Lv1/T1 mana storage (sealed) Lv1/

/active skills/

/T3 scripture making Lv1/T3 energy rush Lv1/T3 hyper thinking Lv1/T3 examination Lv1/T3 hyper speed Lv1/T3 super jump Lv1/T3 blood control Lv1/T3 body control Lv1/T3 monster roar Lv1/T3 energy punch Lv1/T3 energy kick Lv1/T3 energy slash Lv1/T3 blink Lv1/T3 future sight Lv1/T3 ground control Lv1/T3 earth destroyer Lv1/T3 wood changer Lv1/T2 cultivation Lv1/T2 disguise Lv1/T1 sneak Lv1/T1 theft Lv1/