Ray Kaine, a skilled fighter turned office worker, finds himself on a bus, and after a terrible accident ends up in front of a god, who informs Ray that he himself shall now become a god.
Veris begins to hyperventilate as his anger rises drastically, "NO!!! Why?! Why didn't you stop him?!"
Veris grabs Chaos by the throat while Chaos smirks at him, "You could've stopped this! Why didn't you?!"
"There was no need." Chaos replies, and when he speaks Veris feels his arms being bent away from Chaos, Chaos then gestures he gestures over to Alvaro. Alvaro places his hands in front of his chest and bows to show respect to Ray.
"I know this war was not yours to fight, but you did what you thought you had to for your kingdom, I will remember you, Valiant Warrior..." Alvaro mutters while he bows.
When Alvaro rises back up he sees a lightning bolt strike next to him as Ray punches him full force in the jaw, sending him flying across the burning city.
Alvaro looks up at him shocked, as does everyone watching, "H-How are you alive?!"