

Ryan was secretly texting Minnie in class. He noticed Allison's sad face and went to her. She was sobbing a lot. Despite the fact that she was friends with his enemies, he still cared about her.

After the lesson dismissed everyone stood up to leave the lab. Allison remained behind and started crying. Ryan came behind her and slowly tapped her shoulder. "hey!"

" Ryan are you here to exult?" "just go away"

"No" he dragged her forcefully into his arms. "Alli It hurts to see you cry for that fool. Just like me instead."

" but I love him! What should I do Ryan?…help me figure out something"

"just tell him how you feel. Don't dispair…"


The morning study was near dismissal. Everyone in 5H kept on wondering about the new boys. The class was already missing their celebrity crushes.

" I've changed, my bias…kin is my new bias" some muttered.

" Did you hear about the concert on Saturday." most muttered. Wame exited the class, Minnie joined her on their trip to the toilets. TJ joined them Along the way.

" hi girls…. Wame can we talk.." TJ requested.


" I think I like you Wame." TJ confessed

Wame was dazed. She didn't know how to react to his confession." I don't like liars. And I hate being told that.cauz I know that you are just lying."

" I'm not…just tell me about your feelings then"

" I don't like you and I don't think I'll like anyone else because I already like someone else."

after Wame's qoute Minnie paced up to her and held her shoulders in shock. " you like someone !" she exclaimed.

"yes." she grinned and held her cheeks. She couldn't stop remembering Nelly.perhaps it was kismet, she thought.

"who?" TJ and Minnie exclaimed.

" it's a secret…I'm sorry I can't tell you guys " she paced and left the two wondering. Whales and Andile arrived.TJ didn't look so good.

" what happened?" Whales asked.

" I've just been rejected…" TJ said in agony. He never thought Wame would do that to him. He always believed he was cool enough to charm her.

" she's not worth it dude…she's just a dirty little piece of shit" Whales said.

" Whales, what's up with you nowadays…stop berating Wame" Andile said. "anyway….have you guys seen the heirs…"

" The heirs! Were are they?" Andile wondered.


" so we are not allowed to do hairstyles except bald and brush cut…they are crazy" Kin exclaimed.

"yeah! and these earings are not allowed. We have to remove them." Tefo continued reading the letter.

" No way! …guys I'm making a call." Nelly took out his phone and called his mother. He told her everything.

After about 10minutes ,she arrived in her motor bike. As always she was wearing her black gangster attire.

"boys follow me…" she drove her bike inside the school. Benji and the others followed behind in their car.

"stop!" the guard tried to stop them. Verronica didn't even look back. Benji and his men went to the gate keeper. He was terrified by their appearance.

On the other hand Verronica led the boys to the School head's office.

"wait outside…I'll be back." Verronica entered the office leaving the boys outside.

" I can't believe this school doesn't understand that we are celebrities, obviously we have to look good and coming late will be common because we have rehearsals, shoots and meetings."Khali said and ended with a sigh. He was really not adjusting well to the newschool.

" I miss Kimlock guys…" Nelly cried.

"its quiet…everyone is attending." Tefo added.

Some girls passed by the dinning hall and saw the boys, they screamed and ran up to them.

🗣️ "OMG! The king of Ticktok!…he's really schooling here" one of the girls screamed.

🗣️ " I might feint…Nelly is even hotter in person."

🗣️"Kin and his rap kills me guys!"

🗣️ "Khali and his cool hair…."

The girls finally arrived at them still screaming. The first girl who comented smiled at Tefo.

" I'm Tessa and I'm your biggest fan. I follow you in every thing. I am so happy you guys are in FSS." " I watched your dance rehearsal video, I can't wait for the concert" "you are my flower kiss"

Tefo grinned and retorted " wow! You are my flower kiss too." He took out 4 ticket and gave it to the girl. " hope I see you in the crowd on Saturday"

Tessa screamed in excitment.

" Kin I really like your rap…I'm Lala and you can check me in 4J anytime." she winked.

"lets take a selfie, I'll post it." he leaned to LaLa and they posed. Kin winked his eye with a cute smile and clicked the selfies.

"lets take a group selfie then." Khali suggested. they all grouped for the selfie.


" I won't wash my blazer, ahhhh!" "you guys are so cute"

Kin posted the photo in his IG and captioned it:

#📸📸💜💚🖤❤️ GREENLAND CONCERT VIBES…GET YOUR TICKETS. (Getting a thousand likes in ten second)

Nelly got hold of one of them and whispered something to her. "you think I'm hot in person right!.."

"yeah" she agreed

"Meet me After school..I'm not just good-looking, I'm also good at a lot of things" he whisphered and smirked mischievously as the form 4 girls left.

" I'm not surprised.. Nelly they are junior girls."

Tefo said as he laughed. "anyway…I'm gonna get Lone, that boyfriend of hers can go to hell for all I care."

" I'm gonna drink some water at those disgusting taps. This time our parents really got us." Kin walked to the DH taps.

Before he arrives another girl came in running , it seems her eyes where closed. She turned the tap on at high pressure and the water bounced and splashed Kin. The girl washed her eyes and finished. She turned to a different direction to leave without even noticing Kin.

Kin held her hand and dragged her back. She turned around to see this mysterious person , water still dripping from her face.

" kin was splashed!" she thought.

Kin grimaced at her " do you walk around with your eyes closed?.."

"Kin I'm sorry____ I didn't see you..some zinc powder.....hi!" Andile ended with a wave trying to maintain her fake smile. She looked around for the Canadian.

" you and your foolish cousin are so annoying. You are just dumb and crazy. Now my uniform is ruined"

Andile looked at him. She was indeed charmed by his looks. His long lashes that kept on swaying as he blinked allured her. She was just mesmerized.

" Get lost!" Kin exclaimed." I wonder why the Canadian __" before he could complete sentence, some one came from the back DH door and pushed Andile, she was about to fall. Kin dragged her forward and her body slammed against his. Unfortunately Andile's lips also landed on his accidentally.

An accidental kiss. Both kin and Andile were dazed by what just happened. Andile's marbles widened as she held her breath. At that moment Kin's hand was still around her waist while the other was holding her hand.

Kin froze too and bored into her eyes. He was shocked of what happened. The others approached them and wowed at the sight. Some students passing by where astonished. Some took photos.

" wow! Look..I dream and that girl is lucky"

" is that Andile..or I'm mistaken."

" are they dating?" " I wish I was in her position."

Comments followed from the surrounding.

Kin pushed Andile away and frowned at her. She was so scarred. Before Kin could say anything, Andile ran away leaving Kin dazed, he still had so much to say. He clinched his fists and walked to the others.

" Damm! What a way to kiss" " I thought you are not into low class" Khali asked in astonishment.

" you kissed my biggest fan!" Tefo exclaimed.

" you ended your abstinence in a grand way" Nelly applauded him.

" Nimo! That average ugly fan of yours forcefully kissed me." " she's gonna pay I swear."

" a flower kiss indeed! Dude stop calling me Nimo or I'll call you Dori for life."

At long last Verronica exitted the office. She hended the boys a letter.

" you are not changing a thing, this letter states that you will be excused from the hairstyle rule and you can keep your accessories."

" wow! My precious hair… " Tefo coiled his hair with his finger.

Kin noticed something, " wait dude..did you really apply black nail polish..I thought we settled for clear."

" I just like the color…" Tefo retorted.

"lets go guys..we are free now!.. thank you mother" Nelly hugged Veronica.

" I'll do anything for you son, but don't go around causing trouble" Verronica said and released him from the hug.

"you can now go to class…on the contrary let me take you to your classes. I want to be fermiliar in case of an emergency." Verronica and Benji walked front. They were scarry to some students. The band followed behind.


" such filth!" Veronica exclaimed upon seeing Nelly's class. "my poor boys, your parents are so mean."

EVERYONE wanted to see Veronica as she made way into class along with Benji. Mr Modimo was still writing on the smart board, he held his breath upon seeing them.

Mr Modimo stopped and approached them. He was terrified by their appearance. He could see the gun print on Benji's jacket. "how can I help you"

Whales was terrified by the sign of Verronica. He recalled that day and chills swift all over his body. He fantacised Benji shooting him.

"stop!" he started to tremble in fear.

Verronica left and the boys sat down. Wame saw Nelly and recalled the events of last night. She had arrived in the tuckshop at the right time and he made his way. " is that Nelly's mother..she's so creppy. She looks like those Mafia queens I saw on tv"

"what if it was that rude Kin or the white boy?" she thought. And held her cheeks as she leaned her elbows on the table with her eyes still fixed on Nelly.


Tefo and Kin walked over and knocked at the counter. Wame raised her eyes and saw the two. Her marbles almost collapse.

They looked at her in a degrading manner and chuckled. Tefo placed the money on the counter

"what can I get you " Wame asked.

" what else? I want scones obviously we don't what your poverty"Tefo qouted and laughed

" Do you sterilize utensils everyday?" kin


Tefo gave her a degrading glare and threw her a 10pula note. "look you can keep the change and your unhygienic disease scones…"

The boys left leaving her in shock and agony.


" How dare they!" she exclaimed outloud returning from fantasy world,disrupting the class.

" Khazi!…why are you making noise while I'm teaching? Where are you lost?" Mr Modimo approached her waving his stick. " Can you tell the whole class what I was teaching…stand up"

Wame was embarrassed. She didn't even get a thing while she got lost in her fantasy world, thinking about the Heirs. She glared at Minnie and stood up.

"well Sir was talking about….how wilting can affect plants"

Mr Modimo was disappointed in her, "Wame Khazi….are you serious about your school work…this is your final year and you are still playful…last term you got a D, getting 25 points. You are not going to university…."

All the eyes fell on her, she was humiliated. She couldn't face the class. Without her will, tears ran down her cheeks. She lowered her face to hide and Mr Modimo walked out of class after the bell rang. Everyone laughed at her as they departed hedding to the Bio lab 2. She remained behind trying to wipe off her tears.

Nelly noticed her abscence and went back for her. While Wame was wiping her tears. She felt a hand rub her back. She raised her gaze and her eyes met Nelly.

Her eyes dilated and she sobbed more, she lowered her gaze and took her bag, she was about to leave.

" I'm sorry you had to suffer like this but….maybe if you let me comfort you it will be a lot better." "last night..I told you I could do a lot of cute gestures, so let me make your heart flatter for real." he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to face him.

"look at me" he raised her face by her chin.

" I'm fine Nelly I actually__" he cut her short with a tight hug. Her face buried on his chest as he was taller than her. Nelly tightened the hug and leaned his chin on her head. " Don't cry over it and just rejoice…most girls will kill to hug me like this."

Wame already cheered up and a smile drew on her face. "Lets go to biology"

"you are smiling aren't you?" Nelly chuckled and released her from his arms. "your sweater smells Tefo's cologne..are you sure you didn't steal it?"

"No I didn't!"

" what ever, My brothers don't know that you are the scones expect.." he grinned and led her out.



Everyone checked the notification in their phones. They saw the post, Kin posted and liked it. Some where jealous of the form 4s.

Andile sat at the corner waiting for the Heirs to exit the class. She was feeling a little weird. Kin grimaced at her from afar.

" it was a kiss, just an accidental kiss" Andile closed her eyes and tried to convince herself. She opened her eyes and saw Kin and Tefo facing her.

Everyone opened a certain status and saw the photo. People were shocked. They all looked at Andile and they started mumbling, gossiping and pointing them.

" Congrats Ma'am now you are officially famous." Kin said.

" I salute you, the first girl to Kiss this moron first..he prefers being the first one to start." Tefo held Kin's shoulder.

" I'm sorry Kin, it wasn't my fault. Someone pushed me." " I'm also sorry for splashing water on you, some zinc dust blew in my eyes"

" No need…I don't have an intension of being with you anyway." Kin looked away and rolled his eyes.

" hey! Superstar!" Andile waved on his eyes. " I don't like you at all. You are rude and you think highly of yourself…I can't like someone like that…that's why I like my Canadian…not you." she looked him in the eyes.

" yes I'm rude and filthy rich and I don't need love from average looking girls like you." " and even if You don't admit it, my looks decieve you, babe..be careful what you wish for."

Andile was pissed, she felt like grabbing him by the collar. She looked away and walked off.

" you just been kissed bro, your lucky day…" " but I prefer kisses from deserving girls" Tefo told Kin.

" Are you being sarcastic dude…it wasn't my choice..she was falling, I had to hold her. I'm humane!"

Kin and Tefo went to 5H. Nelly and Khali were with Shay, one of the rich kids who also got punished by being sent to a government school.

Minnie dragged Wame to the Heirs. She wanted to introduce herself. "Hello Kin, Khali, Tefo and off course the One and only Nelly." she screamed. " I'm Minnie" she ended

" Do we really need to know you?" Tefo asked.

" yes as Wame's acquaintances you should know her best friend."

The four of them laughed." us her friend?" they all exclaimed.

" Minnie..stop it I've never said I know the Heirs let's go." Wame dragged Minnie.

" That pauper girl….likes to think highly of herself. She rejected TJ and now she's rejected by the Heirs. Classic." Whales told Shay who retorted with a laughter.

"TJ…is crazy, what did he see in that begger?" Shay said.

" poverty" Skara said and laughed. Wame stood from afar listening to their taunts. She had no other choice but to indure all their taunts.

Andile arrived. Minnie decided to go to the boys and defend Wame.

"yes it's true that Wame rejected TJ, she's more precious than all your filthy girls." Andile said.

"What…look at her shoes, not even polished. She's ugly and dirty" " a little piece of shit Like her can never be liked by anybody" Skara said.

" TJ only wanted to fuck her, that's all. Other wise he never liked her" Whales added.

"you rude boys… do you think girls like you…just because you are an Unruly..Whales" Minnie said

" save your energy, no one would want to date this girl. Even if I ask there is know one here who would like to date her…who?" whales hollowed.

" Maybe I do!" a voice was heard from the boys. Everyone turned to look.
