

Tefo glared at the screen and swallowed. He was scarred to see. Finally he saw the picture, it was Kelly.

"Dad!…is this your reason…" he laughed.

"Son…you will have to breakup with her. I long told you that dating is a waste of time and it will destroy your career."

"But dad it's a secret who even told you?…Dad why are you like this"

"Tefo…this girl really normalizes spreading rumors about you…do you want your reputation to be turnished. " " call her now!" Henry yelled.

"Dad! Please stop…this is too much."

"Then your mother is going back…" he approached Tefo and whisphered to his left ear.

" That girl might become your new sister… so watch your step..boy!"

Tefo pushed Henry away and laughed helplessnessly. "Father…so this is why…that misterious lady you were caught with last month was Kelly's mother…" "you are really selfish. I'm happy my mom is here..do what ever you like ..I'll even brake up with her . I don't care."

"Yes son do it..now this stays between us okay"

TEFO made a call Infront of him. " Hi Kelly" he said in a low tone.

"yes babe.." she replied with a happy tone

" I'm breaking up with you."

"what…why? Are you pranking me or what?…"

" I was only playing with you but you took me seriously…about that night..I don't regret it but I just don't feel you"

"Tefo…" he hanged up the call and his fierce eyes landed on Henry. " Are you happy dad.. congratulations..now I've opened a gateway for you and Kelly's mom."

"You are really disrespectful you punk…I only said that because my brother wants to marry her. Do you think I am foolish. A woman is not what I need nor seek."

A car arrived in the yard. A woman and a boy around 12-15 years cameout of the car. Tefo swallowed his tears and ran to embrace his mother and brother.

"mom I missed you" he held on tight and laid his head on her shoulder. His voice was filled with many emotions. He was hopeful yet helpless. He was very happy.

" I missed you my son…I've missed you a 10 Nimo…"

Nathan was already bored of his drama. He pushed him away and looked at him. "cut the crap… Nimo..let's just go already..I've got a tight schedule."

"Nathan…you little cute thing…you still hate me don't you…" Tefo dragged his cheeks.

" I'm not a kid…yuck stop behaving like a grandpa…"

"Nathan…you are only 9…"

"9…who are you kidding.. I'm 14 FYI…you are so crazy Nimo. Stop taking me for a kid…"

"Nathan..stop it …" Tefo smiled and Nathan hugged him.

" Regardless of our differences..I missed you Nimo.." Nathan held onto him.

" I missed you too Dori…" Tefo replied Nathan as he strolled his back. He always called people who call him Nimo, Dori.

" Don't call me Dori…Nimo…" Nathan stepped back and continued with his normal tantrums.

Kesa approached Henry and lowered her gaze to the ground. She didn't want to look at him. Henry grinned and opened his arms to embrace her. He whisphered onto her ear.

" I'm only following protocol…otherwise I don't wish to hold your hand."

"Henry why do you abuse my son…is it because he's your Heir.." Kesa asked.

Henry pushed her back and retorted. " your Nimo is where he is because of my upbringing. He is a fine boy now. He even brings girls into my house…he trains everyday and also follows a strict diet to avoid extra calories. And lastly his appearance matters, he has to wear the latest fashion and have a pretty face to the world to represent me well." " don't try question me when I have made him a better person."

"Henry…you let him get more ear piercing..my Nimo must have been in pain. Did you force him?"

"mom..dad didn't force me…I just liked the fashion."

"mom…this is nothing. Nelly actually got a nose piercings just like his mom…"Nathan said.

" Blue said hi.. she said I should keep an eye on you not to chose any girl here because she's your chosen wife….."

Tefo laughed. "okay mom…tell her not to worry.." he winked.

Tefo's stufff was packed in Kesa's car and they all departed leaving Henry alone in his house. He suddenly felt empty and lonely. He just wipped off his tear with his hand and went back inside.


Meghan arrived in Donga and got inside the yard. She spotted Judah packing some stuff in his boot. She looked around for Kin but he was nowhere to be found.

"hey!" Judah called out.

"Me?" she froze

"Yes you…who are you?"

"my name is Maghan I'm actually looking for Kin"

Judah laughed and approached her. He analysed her look. "Not bad… you are actually pretty…so you are the one that can't get enough of my brother…Kin is a fool to resist you …"

Meghan was left in awe." Wow…you know about me. Did Kin tell you about me… I really love your brother..I'll do anything for him"

"wow! Such pure affection…what Kin has.. I have it 20 times..just like me instead..I'll attend to you anytime. Anything.. affection, money, party, desires, wishes and pleasure…" while Judah was trying to woe Maghan kin arrived with his stuff.

" Meghan!."

". Baby I was so sad after learning that you took a transfer..but now I'm here…"

"Cuttie please leave…I told you that I don't like you…what we did together was just a once thing for that moment, otherwise it was all not planned. Meghan I'm sorry you had to catch feelings but I never liked you."

"please Kin…I'll not leave you Kin..you were my first and I want you to be my last…"

"yeah…you were my first too but I can't date you!"

"Why? It's not like you have a girlfriend.."

"He has a girlfriend Meghan…I long told you to leave this fool. Come to me" Judah added.

" He's right…I have a girlfriend….so please leave me alone."

" I don't believe you . Bring her to Allison's party."

"Okay…" Kin agreed.

Maghan left. Kin grimaced at Judah." Judah why are you like this..for havens sake she's a kid" "she somehow can't forget me I don't know why?"

"Kin the girl can't forget your magic..she's craving you, just give her what she wants." "she refused to be with me for you…I gotta say I taught you well…" he caressed Kin's hair.

Kin laughed. " We are brothers afterall, so it's normal for us to attract girls because we have the Nectar.." "what about Nicky is she still playing hard to get?"

"I knew you were a player just like me. Nicky is special to me. I don't wanna hurt her so I've decided to just keep things slow. We kinda flirt but she has boundaries and I admire that."

"Okay..take me to my new house…I'm going to miss Donga…now you have the house to yourself…'O YA GO THATHELA'(BRING GIRLS IN THE HOUSE) I'll visit someday if I decide to end my abstinence from girls and dating."

The brothers got in the car and they drove off. Kin still remembered Wame's sweater. He was certain it belonged to Tefo.

Judah remembered seeing Wame that day at the mall. He was certain that it was the same girl but he somehow doubted his vision.


Reneilwe sat down infront of their house waiting. She saw the boxes being moved into the new house. She was curious of their new neighbors. What was intriguing was that the yard was fenced with a high screen wall with electronic fencing. The house was double storey with a few balconies while their yard was old structures that rain could easily destroy. The glass walls were covered with beautiful white curtains. The work was not yet done.

Reneilwe rejoiced upon seeing that atleast the screen wall on their side was better than their rusted dead wire fencing.

Andile came out of the house singing a song "🎶I said I won't come every night but count on my watch I'll your Knight…tu__" Reneilwe gave her a pause by asking a question.

"Andi…tell me exactly how our heir classmate Kin actually knew Wame.? She's the topic of FSSS now..others say she was with Khali and Nelly. "

"look stop annoying me. Atleast ask me about my Canadian Tefo…he noticed my fanship and finally befriended me." she almost melted.

"That good for nothing girl…she's poor, dumb and irrational yet Kin all the way from 5V just strolled with her to the tuckshop." "THOSE BOYS REBUKED ME WHEN I JUST SAID HI AND MENTIONED KELLY"

"Renei why do you hate Wame…she's your aunt's daughter…" "god is watching you girl" Andile went inside the house.

Wame finally arrived home in time. She had ran all the way to the rank to catch a taxi home. She was very happy along the way for some reason. She kept on smilling and blushing. She remembered when Nelly gave her his pie. She saw it as kismet. Maybe her fate was to love him but she wasn't certain about her feelings. She was confused.

Thato stopped her by the yard and called her many time but she didn't even hear.

" WAME….I long called you…you are disrespectful you irrational fool." "is it that sweater thats giving you this bad attitude. I'm the one you depend on so don't try to show me attitudes.."

"yes ma'am…" she lowered her gaze and awaited her say.

" I have spoken to our neighbors..and they need helpers for setting up the house…I've recommend you to them. They pay really well . The land lady was actually my boss years back"

"really….okay then.." she went to change into her old rags and went to do the job.


" Don't cry.. Kelly. I'm the worst…Kin told me he doesn't like me…."

"Meghan…I never cheated on him…but he just did it.."

" I think Allison said something…that girl acts innocent. I told Kin to bring his new girlfriend to that Wretch's party. "

" I am so sad…now Lone will think she worn and I know for a fact he's gonna match off to that girl."

" I'm so hurt too….mean while in the process…I met Kin's elder brother, Judah he's nice and funny and he actually tried to ask me out in broad day light"

"Anyway friend bye" Kelly hanged up the call and dialed her cousin from the 'streets' .


"totally..I'm just sad because I don't like Tefo's attitude especially Kin. They rebuked me and went to befriend Andile."

"Okay.. keep an eye on Tefo okay…tell Andile that I said jaws off. I know she loves him"

"dont worry…speaking of that Wame shocked the whole school. She was__ _ _" before Reneilwe could update her Kelly disconnected the call and continued crying.


Khali arrived at his uncle's house and claimed his usual room. He was just home. He had his aunt and his cousin, Nelly.

Nelly entered Khali's room and helped him pack things nicely. " finally Tefo's mom is back and we get to call him Nimo again"

" Yes I'm happy too…finally we'll call him Nemo and he'll call us Dori." Khali was enthused. He moved on to a funny topic. "I really think that thieve girl likes you…"

"what…no way in my opinion she just somehow fans us. Let's get to the important part. Whales is in our class…we need to inform the others."

"okay but first let me call Allison. She might have juicy news from Kimlock."

Verronica was standing by the balcony of her room, smoking a cigarette. She had to hide from her husband. A knock was heard from the door. She quickly threw the cigarette down and ate her normal stimorol.

"Come in!" she ordered.

Benji came in holding a letter and a gun on the other hand. He walked up to her and spoke in a low tone. "Boss…that assassin…has applied for parole…"

She banged the table "Parole!__ I don't have a problem with that..well worry about it when the storm approaches..for now let's wait and see how he plans to strike."

"Okay boss"

"Before you leave Benji…go and check if my motor bike is repaired…"

"yes ma'am " Benji agreed and went out. He hedded to their warehouse.

"So that assassin applied for parole!…" Verronica lit another cigarette and grinned " Now the fun begins.."


Wame inserted the curtains in the room. The curtain railing was very high so she took a stool and climbed it to reach the railing however the railing was still far to reach. She stood on her toes to reach it. The stool lost balance and she fell, she grabbed the curtain and she went down with it. She had closed her eyes and anticipated to land on the floor but someone saved her.

Someone unexpected caught her and the curtain fell on the misterious person's head, hiding his face. Wame opened her eyes and saw someone. She couldn't see the face because it was covered with a curtain. She was scarred yet keen to know who it was.

"could this be another heart throb…could this be another one who will make my heart pound."

She thought.

She heard a voice. " Remove this curtain from my face "

"huh! " she exclaimed upon hearing the person's voice. It was very fermiliar. She slowly removed the curtain from his face and threw it away. Finally she got to see this person who caught her bride style.

"You!" she exclaimed after seeing the person. She couldn't believe it. She tried to get off him but he held her tight. His left hand went around her shoulders and his other hand went around her legs just before her knee joint and gripped. She had no escape.

"Let me go!" she ordered

He laughed in a way that Wame's heart skipped. "you really are a stalker. You wanted to see me undressed again..just tell me what you want." Tefo qouted.

"Well…what are you doing here?" Wame asked. "you keep on following me around..I don't even like you.. please stop stocking me…"

"This is my room Miss___And as far as like is concerned I'll rather date my ex than go out with you." he looked at her .

"let me go then…even I don't like you..you are rude, full of yourself and selfish. I can never like someone like that__ I'm not even convinced that you are a famous artist."

"really?" "you don't like me because of my personality but what about my looks, dont they decieve you?" "right now you are feeling bad because I'm too perfect for you."

"you are such a bad rude boy! I still wonder why my cousin Andile likes you…" she grimaced at him. " I don't like you, I don't even dream of liking you fool"

"Really…" he chuckled reaviling his dimples. Wame's marbles widened in awe. It wasn't the first time she saw those dimple and his ocean eyes, but Everytime she saw them she went crazy.

"Let me go…" Wame kept on kicking and fighting trying to free her self from him. "let me go.."

Tefo tried to hold her as she kicked until she managed to let free however he pushed her onto his bed and pressed her hands onto the bed. He was now on top of her. She could feel his breaths. "let me go…"

Tefo shushed her with his index finger. She remembered the day in the fitting room. He did the same thing and Wame felt goose pimples spread all over her body. She starred back and surrendered. Tefo gazed back at her with a serious face. He lowered his gaze to her lips.

Tefo felt the same feeling he felt that day at the fitting room. He somehow didn't want to let go. He felt Wame's scrutiny shower all over him. He looked at her lips with so many dilemmas. Even though Henry made him breakup with Kelly he didn't even remember her at all. His heart beat increased more than normal.

However Wame's heartbeat was heard lowder as she was trembling in fear. For a while she was in a closed room with Tefo, a famous rich artist who also happened to be Canadian. She was scarred of his intensions. She felt his scrutiny hit her hard. She noticed how he suddenly moved to starre errotically at her lips. She observed his head now moving towards hers slowly and she closed her eyes.

Their noses met and Tefo stopped. He was confused, he starred at her eyes and noticed the brown moles at the top of her eye. He grinned and his lips moved to her eyes. His lips were an inch away from her eye when someone budged in and he scotted away from her in a jiffy.Wame also stood up from the bed and pretended to clean.

"what the….!" Judah exclaimed. He was shocked. "you …what are you doing here"

" I just came to my room and saw this irrational girl here. I really think she's stocking me."

"Your mom is calling you down stairs." Tefo rushed out . Judah had other plans. He approached Wame and grinned. "please don't pretend…I no all about your game…damm girl you are a player."

"me?" she asked

"yes…remember me…I'm Kin's brother…that night kin got hold of you…"

" ohh…" she said still ashamed "please don't misunderstand..I keep on meeting them by coincidence…"

Kin came in running "Judah..when is our motorby_ _ _" he paused upon seeing Wame.

" this thieve!" kin exclaimed.

"Kin!" she exclaimed.

Judah left the room and Kin closed the door and approached her. "why are you always in Tefo's room. Do you want to steal all his clothes?.." he laughed.

"well I'm just tryng to…" he interrupted her say

" or maybe you have other motives. Do you maybe have a crush on the Canadian. You better quit it because he's not into beggars like you."

" I know that….just leave me alone Kin…I don't like Tefo, I don't like Khali I don't like you..so please leave me alone….I'm trying to make money here…" Wame was fed up.she wanted to do her job and get money for transport.

" I'm trying to do my job here and get money ….you are rich and famous. You never struggled for transport fees…I beg you leave me alone." tears filled her eyes.

Kin noticed her gloomy eyes and he felt sad too. He didn't mean to make her cry like that. Kin had no choice but to comfort her. He hugged her forcefully. He strolled her back softly. Wame's tears poured out as she felt comfortable. She wanted to stay there forever.

" I might not like you but I'm an artist and I should empathise with those around me and do my part."

"okay..thank you." she said and moved back

She remembered the lyrics of the song flower kiss. The chorus had a very nice soothing massage.


" I'll go now" Kin exitted the room. He was so sad. He had never seen someone who struggled to make a living. He always had the misconception that poor people were lazy and foolish. Maybe that was the beginning of the 'out of the box campaign'.

" I'm neighbors with the Heirs..ohh 😯 my god…I'm trapped. How am I going to process all this." she fanned her self with the curtain. "god help me cope with their pretty faces…and Nelly..I don't see him around"

" Thats because he stays at his house…do you like him?" " and you admit that I'm pretty?" he chuckled. Tefo stood at the door holding a plate of biscuits. He walked to her and snatched the curtain from her.

"hold this" he hended her the plate.." while I insert the curtain you can eat that….you didn't even eat at break because of us" he stood on his toes and inserted the curtain. Wame was amaized by his magnificent perfect height. She had to climb something to reach whereas Tefo just stood on his toes and inserted the curtain on the railing.

"No…I'm fine. I ate at lunch." she refused.

"how dare you…" he got to her "eat it would you…."

Kin also came in holding a glass of juice.

"ohh I see you have already met this girl"Kin placed the juice on the table.

" she's refusing my food. I literally sacrificed my favorite biscuits for her…she didn't eat earlier because of us." Tefo told Kin.

" I agree with you Nimo..she's hungry yet she's refusing food." " I brought this juice too…so I guess she's not going anyway without eating this."

" I agree with you Dori…and stop calling me Nimo!" Tefo ended with an exclaim.

Wame laughed out loud. She couldn't contain her laughter. She found the name Nimo kind of funny. "sorry guys..I can't stop laughing…did you say Dori and Nimo."

"listen here stalker …don't even try use that name" Tefo said , pointing her with his index finger. "eat it up…"

"okay.." she started to eat the snack and the two boys spontaneously starred at her as she ate. They both had smiles on their faces as if starring at a rear important piece of art. They realized their current positions and turned to starre at each other. They instilled serious faces.

Wame had finished them in a second. She was indeed hungry. It was as if the boys had an intuition or something. "may I ask why you are offering me food? I mean you sort of hate me?". She quizzed.

Tefo looked at Kin and grinned. "Kin please explain it to her why we did this."

" Wame…listen. What Tefo is trying to say is that unlike other fortunate people we don't do charity and publicize. We like to make people feel special or maybe should I say important."

"we can afford to feed you for ever and in life everyone should make a living...even if a cent is deducted we won't notice it but you will so don't take this as charity, it's our way of being nice."

Wame was left speechless after their qoutes. She didn't even understand a single thing at all.

Tefo's phone ringed for the tenth time but he still ignored it. "yo Nimo your phone is ringing it's Kelly dude"

"Kin stop calling me Nimo and just forget it..I don't have anything to talk to her about."

" What…dude she's your girl..I thought you too were tight to an extent were you were loyal. What happened?" kin incquirred out of curiosity.

" Well DAD happened! And when dad happens shit happens.." he qouted in agony.

"Did he force you to break up with her?"

"yes….I had to choose between Kelly and my mom. I can't afford to lose my mom again."

"wow! Your dad is something else. Anyway atleast you have Lone right ." they bumped fists.

" Guys I'm done .may I go now…" Wame said after they finished their conversation.

"ohh my mom said you should Leave…she's the one who had sent the snack. About the money she said your aunt came by to collect it."

"what!" she stood up as she exclaimed. " that hypocrite, that good for nothing lady..that witch used me again.." Wame matched out of the room venting down the stairs.

"whats up with her….I thought she was polite" Tefo qouted in shock.

She was hedding towards the door when Amo stopped her.

" thank you for helping, Wame…your aunt recommended you. I didn't know you were still young I'm sorry dear." " I feel so bad. If I knew I wouldn't have dared. You look young are you in form three?"

"No ma'am I'm doing form five." Wame retorted.

" our son's are also form fives. Maybe you should study with them. They are notorious and young girls really like them. I hope you won't mind" Kesa added.

" Not at all ma'am ..I didn't even know about their band until today..they are really nice..

They offered me food…thank you. I'll be going"

" thank you daughter…you are so beautiful and respectful…bless you." Amo said.

" if it was my way then I would definitely make you my daughter in law." Kesa said and laughed.

Wame walked out of the house still pissed. On the other hand Tefo overheard Kesa and Amo's conversation. He laughed and walked down stairs. He was happy to finally get to wake up and see his mother's face everyday. kin followed behind.

" oh boys!..that cute polite girl is very good. Why did you two get stuck upstairs.were you two by any chance…hitting on her." Amo joked.

"what!…me? Mom.. hit on an ugly girl like her who does piece jobs" Kin exclaimed.

" even if my son likes her..I'm okay..but he's busy after rude girls." Kesa said intensionally to grab Tefo's attension.

" Mom…have you seen the beauty of my ex girlfriend. She is stunning. Even my next girlfriend will be stunning. Do you really think I'll go for a low class girl… that girl is far from being my type okay. She is just ordinary and nothing about her is alarming. Jeez!"

Kesa laughed. "you are really like your dad.you believe that people of a higher class should marry within their class. Son, love doesn't choose class ,money or reputation, it just happens. The reason me and your dad are divorced is because his parents didn't accept me. They believed that I was not good enough, he was hurt so he sacrificed his love for his family. Now he's trying to lead you on the same path. Just follow your heart when the time for the decision comes."

Tefo nodded and walked away with kin. Something clicked in his head as he walked away. The day Kelly called Reneilwe he had a scream of a gloomy voice. He could not forget it. He heard it again. It matched with someone's voice, someone he new. This time it rang lowder.


"COULD IT BE WAME'S VOICE." "later on when she spoke about her aunt her voice had the same feeling…" his ears whistled.


The time was around 7pm. Wame sat on the varanda and held her cheek. She was decieved by Thato.

Reneilwe arrived and pushed her away. She stood up "what the heck…"

"you ungrateful bitch..how on earth did you lure the Heirs to walk around with you….what do you have that makes worthy of their time?"

" maybe It was fated…now when I look back at all those coincidences I realise it was fated." she said as a tear of helplessness dripped to the ground.

" what did you say… proud aren't you…those boys are going to humiliate you…. I bet they just see you as a toy." " today you are not getting anything to eat."

"well…it's not new to me. I'll survive. I managed all those years. Your mother fooled me yet again. I'll just go to the tuckshop." Wame carried her body out hedding to DIMAUSU TSA BLOCK 5 to atleast make a living. Afterall that was the only thing her mother left before she eloped.

She sang a song along the way as she passed her new neighbors's massive house. It was very beautiful and dreamy. She grinned at the lights and passed by. A mazda demio packed at the front gate.

Michael came along with Nelly and Khali to pick up the others. They wanted the scones so bad because they were tasty.

" I really underestimated that shanty place but it's really good" Kin said

"They must be really good.its really rear for Kin to praise anything.." Michael said and greeted the ladies first before driving off.


"guys did you know that Tefo and Kelly broke up?" kin said

"what really…unbelievable" Khali exclaimed.

"okay guys we are here. Kin go and buy you are the one who was very keen." Michael said.

"Kin is so Keen.." Nelly laughed "what a joke Michael"

" I'll buy…" Nelly insisted. As if the call of fate. Nelly walked out of the car and went to the tuckshop.people turned to look at him. They never new someone like him in block 5. His elegant fashion charmed some. He walked to the counter.

"hello…" he called out .

Wame turned around and met Nelly's face. "Nelly "she exclaimed.

Nelly starred at her in shock with his mouth agape. He didn't anticipate to see her there.

" may I have scones…can I ask…are you the one who cooks them?"

"well yes..how many do you want?"

" I want eight…regardless of the grudges you have with Khali and I I'll support your business."

He took out 20 Pula note and he took the scones.

"thank you again" Wame said smiling.

" don't flatter yourself it's really not a charming gesture…I can do a lot of cute things just keep the change." he said and turned to go.

" thank you again…" Wame said. He turned back and chuckled.

"you don't want me to go do you. Like I said it's just nothing alluring. maybe one day I'll flatter you and give you goose pimples.."

he walked away. Wame looked at him with a dreamy gaze. Among them she was really touched by his gestures. Nelly looked back and winked. She stood there astonished. She had a new objective now in life.

" Now I'm set. Never have I thought that I would have a crush again. Nelly..just like said..he's indeed my flower kiss🌸😍." "get a hold of yourself Wame maybe you are mistaken…but such kind heart." "could it be that he's the only good one among them." "and those two neighbors of mine.." " I've found my celebrity crush"

she got back to her work. It was certain she was enthused as she attended the next customer with a grin.

Nelly got back and handed the scones.he smiled as he thought of the seller.

" I really want to meet the master behind this recipe" Kin said as he ate them.

" you have already met her." Nelly muttered.

"what did you say?" Khali said.

" I said next time you guys will meet her. She's quite a shocker."

" any way..I'm sure we'll meet her. Guys Whales is in our class. " Khali said

" An Unruly… I really don't want anything to do them now." Tefo said. "Mr Jensen won't hesitate to lock me up."

" Don't forget tomorrow morning at 3am you gotta go for dance practice and later afternoon your stylists and babber will come to prepare you for the next consert. " Michael explained.

" what!… I thought we were on a break..and what do you mean by next concert…when..didn't you say there we no more concerts." Kin asked

" Well Jensen studios is your boss and my boss, so that's just director Rodney's instruction."

"Michael when is this next concert..?"

"its on Saturday…at Greenland , and then you have another concert next month in Palapye"

" classic…I'm gonna die. Okay, we have no choice but to do it. Our parents won't spare us if we refuse." Tefo said.

"Classic I'm gonna rock that concert . Which songs are we perfoming Michael ?" Nelly said with a grin and ended with a question.

" the songs are FRIENDS, MISSED CALL and off course the hit maker, FLOWER 🌹 KISS. Let me take you home you've got a long week ahead."


Next day in Kimlock high, Allison sat on top of her desk with her feet on her chair. She was polishing her grass hopper with a cloth. She was egurly waiting for Kelly's arrival.

Finally Kelly and Meghan arrived in class. Kelly matched up to Allison. She squinted at her and breathed.

" aren't you gonna ask?" Kelly folded her arms.

" ask what? that Tefo broke up with you…and you cried?…not at all" she smirked.

"you said something didn't you…" she smiled. " I bet now you are rejoicing thinking Tefo would run off to you. Forget it hunny." " you don't scarre me…a little buggy parasite like you can never be a threat to me…"

" say whatever you want Kelly bottom line is…you are no longer Tefo's girl friend but I'm still his dear one…" she stood up. "As for you Maghan quit chasing after Kin…"

"you are so pathetic… Allison, Tefo would never want you. You think I don't no about your little crush on him?" " Now please embrace your self because now you will have to do another dirty work for me. Getting Lone off Tefo's books. Bye see ya around"

" ashamed bitch…I only hated you among Tefo's girlfriends."

Kelly turned back and whisphered into her ear softly. " PS…if you ever fantacise him…just no that his lips taste like cherry" she made her way out of class hedding to Lone's class.

Allison could not get a grip of her self. Kelly and Tefo's breakup wasn't gonna do her any good. The fact that Tefo had already smashed Kelly killed her brain cells. She always imagined herself in that blue LED lighted room. She wanted to kiss him so bad. She took her phone and called them but the call didn't go through.

" They must be at dance practice" she dialed the landline.


" hi! This is sammy."

"its Allison..I just wanted to check out on the


"them…? They are fine. They are just rehearsing their choreography." Sammy qouted

"okay bye…" she hanged up.

Nelly stopped dancing and dragged Sammy to a corner. " let me tell you a fact, I like your dancing."

She chuckled. " word?"

"word!" he exclaimed and signaled the others. Nelly dragged Sammy to the green room.

"jeez! Someone is getting laid. I can't believe he just took the producer's daughter." Khali exclaimed.

" I've been looking at the way she swings her waist. I don't blame Nelly" Kin added.

" Didn't you say you are refraining from such things. Kin?…why were you lookin" Tefo asked.

" I didn't say I was amused. I'll end my fasting soon," kin retorted as he rehearsed the moves.

"oh god…it's 6:10 and we are here!" Khali exclaimed.

" let's call that addicted moron…it's almost time up.." Kin hurried to knock at the door.

"Nelly time's up we gotta roll…just quit it." Khali banged at the door.

They heard movement from within and constant exhalations and mumbling. " I can't listen to this…" Tefo moved back.

"yo! Sammy tell that addict that we gotta go to school " Khali yelled.

"just 5 minutes guys…I'm getting there" Nelly yelled back.

"shit…we are doomed. I'm gonna get my revenge." Kin qouted.

" Me too" Tefo added.


After about thirty minutes Judah managed to leave the boys near the school gate. The gate keeper stopped them before they could get in school.

" BASIMANE TLANG KWANO…EBILE LE TSENE LATE. (hey boys come here….you even came late to school)"

They stopped and went to him. He sanitized their hands and took out a note. " this letter here is an order from the management..it says you boys are not allowed in school until you follow the rules."

"what?…what rule?" kin exclaimed.

"well take a look at yourselves and think about it. You all know the rule you have broken." the gatekeeper said and sat on his chair.

" sir ….please tell us what we did" Khali asked

" Shut up and go home__" the gatekeeper pushed them out and closed the small gate.

"Nelly, I guess you're good after we gett kicked out simply because we came late. What is more severe, getting skinned alive by our parents or staying the fuck away from fuckin the producer's daughter. Now you tell me which one of those options is the worst?" Kin hollowed at him.

Nelly looked him right in the eyes "my bad Kin…I'm sorry I just couldn't__ _ _damm" he closed his eyes and breathed "she was so freaking hot okay…I couldn't resist her"

" can't you control that little heart of yours. You literally make out with many girls in a single week. Dude…!get your head together okay" kin continued.

"Kin just let it go or maybe you are angry because I got to Sammy before you. Look in our brotherhood there is no rule that says you can't go out with any ex…Sammy is not even my ex,she's just a girl I met. That's it. If you like her then just go tell her, stop lashing out…geez"

Kin grabbed Nelly's collar and pushed him against the school fence. " what did you say? do you think I'm some scared little dork in love…I don't like Sammy…you don't want to take responsibility for your actions."

"get off me Kin!"he pushed him away but Kin held on tight. " I said I was sorry, why are you so angry"

" enough guy!" Tefo yelled and went to the gatekeeper. "sir before we go home may we take the letter to atleast show it to our parents."

"oh. Sure take it!" he gave him the letter and he went to the others to read it. They looked in and they all frowned…..

" WHAT!" they all exclaimed.
