
Black knight...and disturbing scenes

<p>MAYBE I DO" a voice emerged from the boys. Everyone turned to look at the heirs. Everyone wanted to know who among the Heirs said that. It was very shocking.<br/><br/>" what!" Jarona, Adriana and kesego exclaimed after noticing that their bias said that. <br/><br/>Wame was dazed, she thought she misheard him.<br/><br/>"who said that?" Whales said.<br/><br/>Among the four Heirs, someone stepped forward. He walked to Wame and stood three feet from her. He looked at her with a serious face. Wame was drenched in tears.<br/><br/>Wame raised her face and met his eyes. " huh! Te_fo....." she was dazed, she never thought him, the rudest boy who loathed her would say that or perhaps it was his revenge plan.<br/><br/>He noticed her tears and felt his heart shutter. Now it all came back, Wame was Reneilwe's cousin who happened to be Kelly's cousin. She was the girl in the call.<br/><br/>Tefo extended his hand to her "how about we get away from this crowd" <br/><br/><br/>Most students were shocked. Reneilwe arrived at the scene. First Kin and Andile kissed now this. Every one began to doubt the Khazi girls.<br/><br/>As for Whales, Shay and Skara, they couldn't believe it. They felt embarrassed. <br/><br/>Andile and Minnie watched the unpredictable scene closely. Andile fantacised the moment with the Canadian. She wanted to feel the same feeling that Wame was feeling.<br/><br/>Wame starred at Tefo's hand, she didn't know what to do. " is this a prank?"she muttered.<br/><br/>Tefo exhailed in impatience and as always took a decision. He grabbed her wrist " my mom likes you a lot…so just let me help" he slowly spoke to her in a low tone and blinked twice.<br/><br/>Wame starred at his ocean eyes and another tear dripped onto Tefo's hand which held her wrist. He dragged Wame along forcefully hedding to the agric labs side.<br/><br/>Everyone was left dazed by what happened. The three Heirs remained in silence trying to figure if the same Canadian who couldn't even date a Director's daughter, who rejected a South African model because he hated her nail polish decided to help a common girl.<br/><br/>" Did he just do that" Khali was amaized.<br/><br/>" well we happen to be neighbors with that girl so our mothers kinda like her…maybe he's doing it for his mom" Kin qouted.<br/><br/>"what?….this is a mix up" " the girl is cute but her fashion sense worries me" Nelly said.<br/><br/>"show off! We all know you four players wanna fuck her just like how Kin fooled Meghan." Whales exclaimed.<br/><br/>"what you say?….do you think we are whores like you." Kin qouted <br/><br/>"what about Andile then?" Skara asked<br/><br/>" now you're keeping diaries…I like that..atleast there is some kind of fan I can get here…" Kin smiled.<br/><br/>" where did he take the crazy fan?" "Nelly she's wearing Tefo's sweater…let's expose her" Khali said and then the Heirs left.<br/><br/>Reneilwe was shocked. She couldn't believe it. She approached Andile and Minnie. "guys….did Tefo just drag Wame….she's so gonna pay, wait till Kelly hears this."<br/> <br/>"Kelly is Tefo's girlfriend?" Andile exclaimed. <br/><br/>" yes but it's a secret..she even told me to warn you to stay away from his boy."<br/><br/>Andile laughed. "well I agree I had a long crush on him but she should be worried about Wame…"<br/><br/>" so you kissed Kin?….I thought you were shy"<br/><br/>" I didn't!.. it was an accident!" "lets go to Dh" Andile dragged Reneilwe along.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Wame didn't do anything along the way, Tefo dragged her to the back of the Art lab. He pinned her to wall and starred at her gloomy face.Wame just starred back without any retort or words.<br/><br/>Tefo fought his pride and grabbed his tie and slowly dabbed the tears on her face trying to avoid wiping which may leave trails. <br/><br/>Wame placed her hands on the wall behind and looked down. She was not thinking straight. The events seemed like illusions, she tried to adjust but she couldn't. Her heart beat increased.<br/><br/>" Are you that dumb!…look at me!" Tefo slowly raised her chin. She was forced to look at his eyes. <br/><br/>" Darmn!" she slowly mouthed secretly as she starred into his Ocean eyes and tried to look away .<br/><br/>"Tell me.. are you that dumb that you don't defend yourself from those bullies." Tefo chuckled. <br/><br/>" Thank you but it wasn't needed I'm used to it anyway." she ended with a sigh.<br/><br/>Tefo laughed and leaned his hand on the wall next to her ear. " Next time use my name to defend yourself…for now cheer up"<br/><br/>"okay" she exhailed, <br/><br/>Tefo noticed the melancholy all over her face. He was impatient as always. He wasn't a patient person. " would you just smile !" he exclaimed. <br/> He smiled brightly revealing his front incisor teeth.<br/><br/>" I have an idea…" he said and snapped his fingers. He moved closer to her. His body pressed against Wame's body. Wame felt his wamth cover her. He placed his other hand on the wall inclosing Wame within his field. <br/><br/>Tefo began speaking in a low tone and his voice deepened a little. " maybe you want…something else to cheer you up." <br/><br/>Wame's heart skipped after hearing that. His voice weakened her joints, she was unable to move. " Should we find an empty space, maybe I'll cheer you up …or…maybe….in ..my room at home…. tonight…blue lights…" he slowly whisphered.<br/><br/>" he sure knows how to seduce a girl…no wonder girls line up for him" Wame thought. <br/><br/>" or maybe…I'll sing you a song before you sleep…in my arms tonight..it's your choice.. choose." he. Smirked mischievously and bit his underlip. <br/><br/>" well I _ I'm really not___ it's that_ I dont_ I mean__" as she stammered Tefo cut her short by placing his index finger on her lips.<br/><br/>"sh!" He pinned her harder to the wall and caged her in between his arms.<br/><br/>Wame observed Tefo's face approach hers slowly. She closed her eyes and anticipated the worst. She was firm on her crush on Nelly but this Canadian was playing with her emotions. <br/><br/>Correction, it was his speciality to do that.<br/><br/>Wame opened her eyes and found him still starring. He seemed worried. He smiled and moved back. Wame was still frozen. He poked her nose and laughed. " which one do you prefer?" he bit his underlip and gave her an errotic starre.<br/><br/>" all of them.." she spontaneously agreed.<br/><br/>" what are you agreeing to? I was just rehearsing what I'll say to my girlfriend…" he laughed " do you think I'll say that to you?" " irrational dumbo!" He flicked her forehead.<br/><br/>" huh!…. Canadian…do you think I wish to be told those things by you. I'm not interested in you okay!" " I love someone else now..I found my love.." she held her cheeks and smiles brightly.<br/><br/>Tefo was happy, he managed to cheer her up. " wow! Since you dont like me then return my sweater..I don't want a non-fan to walk around with my beloved sweater….the time is already up and we didn't eat."<br/><br/>" Okay take it then!" she removed it and gave him.<br/><br/>" thanx for returning my property…bye" Tefo walked off. <br/><br/>Wame was dazed. "but what about my shirt?" Wame questioned no one as she watched Tefo walk away.<br/><br/> Although he was a little rude she managed to cheer up and go to class in peace. She smiled and went to FN(food and nutrition)lab.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Tefo arrived late for the chemistry lesson. Everyone sat their paper4 apparatus. He came in with his sweater on his shoulder. He smiled at everyone. <br/><br/>🗣️"wow..he's so cool..Wame is lucky"<br/><br/>🗣️" is that Wame's sweater?" "did they do it!" <br/><br/>🗣️" I'll literally comply..just call me" <br/><br/>The comments went on and on. Mr Phill had a question for him. "why did you come late young man?"<br/><br/>" Sir….this school has a lot of bullies so I had to attend to one of them." he retorted. <br/><br/>" isn't that Wame's jersey? I gave her acceptance to wear something for the mean time." Mr Phill asked.<br/><br/>" yes it is ..I'm just keeping it for her..I gotta say Wame is really a celebrity here"he said and went to seat down ."how annoying that teachers know that pauper" he rolled his eyes and faced quizzes from Kin.<br/><br/>" I have a motive behind everything..I do" Tefo said and grinned.<br/><br/>" I hope she's not your next prey" <br/><br/>"Kin!…she's out of my league..and nothing about her is alarming…I'm just preparing for Lone. I hope Khali doesn't mind."<br/><br/>" okay…bro."<br/><br/>" Tefo —your lab partner is Andile and Kin your lab partner is Reneilwe.." the teacher announced. <br/><br/>Andile was happy with the pairing however Kin didn't like it. <br/><br/>" Hi!" Reneilwe said.<br/><br/>" whatever!.." Kin rolled his eyes.<br/><br/>" Did you kiss Andile for real?"<br/><br/>" Do you also want a kiss?" Kin asked.<br/><br/>"Well..yes"<br/><br/>" but I fear my tender lips will be damaged by your cheap lips ." <br/><br/>Reneilwe was shocked and felt offended. " what do you mean?"<br/><br/>" just like how fake earings irritate my ears" Kin replied.<br/><br/>" ohh!" Reneilwe retorted and exhailed with a sigh. She was offended. She couldn't say anything because Kin had the upper hand.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>At Kimlock high, it was lunch time and most looked on their screens. Meghan screamed after seeing something.<br/><br/>" Ahhh!…is that Kin kissing a girl…is that his new girlfriend?a charity Case?" "how could he?"<br/><br/>Kelly also saw the photo. She couldn't see the girl's face. "who is this bitch…I thought Kin didn't go for poor kids!"<br/><br/>"Kelly, I swear they are gonna break up at Allison's party." Meghan said with determination. <br/><br/>Allison, Ryan, Theo and Atlang arrived from the cafeteria. They arrived at the commotion. Meghan approached Allison.<br/><br/>" who is Kin's girlfriend?" Meghan asked.<br/><br/>" Kin__girl?….are you trying to extract info from me indirectly?" Allison wore a shocked face.<br/><br/>" so you think I don't know?… No need to hold on to that secret. Judah already told me that he has a girlfriend…but I never thought it will be this trash!" Meghan pointed the phone to Allison.<br/><br/>Allison was shocked. She didn't know the girl at all. She always new everything about her friends but this time she didn't. " There you have it Maghan..now quit it!" <br/><br/>Meghan was still weak. She was just seeing his love taken away from her. <br/><br/>" Ryan I have to go to them ...what I fear might happen" Allison cried.<br/><br/>" Ryan….don't forget this girl is our enemy. " Theo said.<br/><br/>" Guys…Allison is not our enemy…the heirs are. You can go I'll catch up to you." The other UNRULY boys left. <br/><br/>"Ryan… I know you hate the heirs but please help me…Kin never kept a single secret from me!" She felt weak and almost collapsed, <br/><br/>Ryan caught her and supported her to stand up.<br/>" don't panic…Allison, just go to them"<br/><br/>"okay, I'll go after school. "<br/><br/>Ryan's phone rang. It was whales he wanted to highlight Ryan about how Tefo shamed him in public. He answered the call and Allison prepared to leave.<br/><br/>"Sup dude? Kin kissed someone?" Ryan went straight to the point.<br/><br/>" Yes and that's nothing. The real deal is TJ getting rejected by that dirty girl…lastly is the record holder," " I decided to shame that dirty girl in public because she rejected my best friend but The Canadian turned her knight."<br/><br/>" Tefo did what? Tell me more" Whales told him the whole story.<br/><br/>" you should have seen your girlfriend..she was envious, I bet she'll leave you for one of the heirs." He laughed and hanged up.<br/><br/>Ryan chuckled as he turned around and his eyes met poor Allison drenched in tears. She had been listening to the whole conversation.<br/><br/>" so now, Tefo has courage to defend strangers. I thought it was our thing. I thought I was the only girl he ever cared about." her voice was cracking a little.<br/><br/>" Don't worry, he was just helping an orphan." Ryan sugar coated the incident and led her to class.<br/><br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>The Heirs met up Infront of room 25, Khali had so many questions. Wame exited the class and rushed away, the HEIRS starred at her and sighed.<br/><br/><br/>" Dude…. You literally did the unthinkable. Why?" Khali asked.<br/><br/>Tefo chuckled and retorted. " I have motives…"<br/><br/>"Motives?" Khali questioned<br/><br/>" Speaking of Motives… I really despise the three cousins… they are all irrational." Kin added. "hey why did you take that sweater from Wame?"<br/><br/>"its mine!.." Tefo qouted " I don't know how she stole it." he lied and looked away.<br/><br/>"about the the stylists Michael has postponed it for Friday." Nelly informed the others.<br/><br/>The girl from earlier signaled Nelly from the corridor hedding to the library. He smirked and mouthed " I'm coming!"<br/><br/>"guys I gotta attend something gorgeous" Nelly walked off. He took out his black Spoti and wore it along with a black surgical mask to go unnoticed since everyone now knew about their transfer.<br/><br/>" he's such a player! I really think Judah should have been his brother instead of me" Kin muttered.<br/><br/>" Sup Khali…why are you sort of quiet nowadays?"Tefo rounded his arm around his shoulders.<br/><br/>" I'm trying to meditate…maybe I'll find 'like'..<br/>Don't worry about me Nimo." he caressed his hair, giving him a funky look.<br/><br/>"stop that Dori…I'll mess up your hair too…"Tefo messed his hair too.<br/><br/>Kin rolled his eyes and got in the car, this time the chauffeur came.<br/><br/>"Guys I'll go to your crib today, can't deal with that playboy today" Khali exhailed.<br/><br/>" alright then…" Tefo agreed.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/> At FRONT LINE PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Kesa had just finished attending to the patients and she decided to set up her new office.<br/><br/>Amo came in and called her to the canteen. Kesa's marbles dilated upon seeing Henry and<br/>Dr Lesele chatting. She starred at them and felt a wave of anger blanket her heart. Her hands folded into fists and she exhailed to control.<br/><br/>Amo noticed and whispered " I heard them talking about an engagement Ring earlier."<br/><br/>Kesa nodded and instilled a fake smile 😁. She passed them hedding to a table far from them. When she was about to go far. Henry called her.<br/><br/>" Dr Kesa Jensen!" he called.<br/><br/>She stopped and turned to them. "Mr Jensen, Dr Lesele hello."<br/><br/>" sit down, since your last name is still Jensen, I won't exclude you!" Henry moved the chair back for her.<br/><br/>" yes…I'm all ears" she sat down.<br/><br/>"Dr Lesele will be joining our family soon" <br/><br/>" ohh! But don't you think its too much, telling your ex wife…about your new marriage?"<br/><br/>" it's actually…Drane's wedding not mine…" he sighed and looked away.<br/><br/>" well then congratulations Dr Lesele ,please send my regards to Drane." she said as she gritted her teeth with a fake smile.<br/><br/>" Kesa….I'll send someone to pick up Nathan latter on at Kimlock, I want to bond with him." <br/><br/>" Sure Henry….not a problem, may I take my leave …I have to attend to my patients." she stood up and exhailed in relieve. The thought of Henry getting re married terrified her. Now it was evident her relic feelings for him emerged.<br/><br/>Mr Nti arrived in the hospital and workers bowed down to him. He hedded to the Lobby and instructed him secretary to call his wife.<br/><br/>After some minutes Amo arrived in the office. She sat down and faced him. She wore a worried face. " why did you leave me in Thatchfield… the conference was still on?"<br/><br/>" well..honey I had to prepare our new house and also the new changes about the kids."<br/><br/>He exhailed in anger " I'm going to kill that son of yours, as if the scandal was not enough, now he's seen kissing some unknown girl! He couldn't even find a girl of his league" <br/><br/>" what kiss?"Amo asked<br/><br/>Felo turned the phone to Amo." my secretary sent me this, saying one of her niece posted this in Instagram. Is this his profession nowadays."<br/><br/>" relax Felo it's just normal for teenagers to experience such things, don't ask him…please don't confront him."<br/><br/>" that's my decision…" Felo gathered his files and left.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Nelly had already arrived at the penthouse. The elevator was fixed and he fastly dragged the girl inside.<br/><br/>" let's start already!" Annie said and removed her tie. Nelly started kissing her intensily. The elevator stopped and opened. They continued kissing until they reached the living room. <br/><br/>Nelly worked on removing her shirt while she worked on removing his vest. The moment was intense and then Nelly stopped. " what's your name?" he asked<br/><br/>" Annie__" she replied and kissed him. <br/><br/>"okay Annie" he said and started planting kisses along her neck to her shoulder. He was doing the job easy and simple. <br/><br/>They moved to the open kitchen and he placed Annie on the kitchen counter. He breathed and continued with his job, his phone kept on ringing and he ignored it. His phone rang again.<br/><br/>" answer it.!" Annie said in between kisses.<br/><br/>"uhg!… Who is it?" he picked the phone without looking and blurted out nonsense. " stop calling you are disturbing us.." he exclaimed and hanged up.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Tefo didn't bother to stay, he changed his uniform and went out. It appears he had an appointment with Lone. They decided to meet up at Toro mall.<br/><br/>Kin met up with Felo on the passage upstairs. He changed to a furious face and slapped him without mercy. Kin held his chick as the slap echoed in his ears many times. <br/><br/>" Dad I __" another slap landed on his face after his qoute.<br/><br/>" don't talk back! You were involved in nonsense and now you kiss unknown girls?" " did I send you to school for that?"<br/><br/>"Dad it was an accident.. that girl was___" he tried to explain but Felo interrupted him.<br/><br/>" one day you will have to take over the business..you can't be reckless!" " I just wish you had the same ethics as Judah, he's a vasity student but he has a business and you can't even behave yourself." "How are you going to take over the business?" " punk!" Felo pushed him.<br/><br/>Kin had lost might, he just hated the fact that his father never noticed his efforts. Tears filled his eyes.<br/><br/>" Dad you never appreciate my efforts. Why did you make me your Heir? Why me?" his voice was fading. " Dad…how is it fair that you don't question Judah but just a single photo and you question me… you even hit me"<br/><br/>" what are you saying?" Felo raised his voice <br/><br/>" didn't you think about my reputation when you and the others spiked the drinks. What if you went to jail, will have people still trusted our hospital?"<br/><br/>" you don't care about us…you care about your business, your reputation and your pride Mr Nti." <br/>"YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME! YOU DONT CARE ABOUT JUDAH!" He yelled and walked off to his room slamming the door.<br/><br/>" Kin..son!" he called out, Amo and Kesa arrived home and upstairs. Amo knew that Felo did something. <br/><br/>" why did you do that?…I told you not to?" Amo yelled. Amo banged the door "Kin! Kin… baby come out!" "please don't do this!" <br/><br/>After a while he came out dressed in black clothes. This time he had the badboy effect. He was wearing a black cargo pants, black skipper and a black leather jacket that had chains. His look was threatening. He also wore the required accessories as always.<br/><br/>"Kin ?" Amo said while shocked by his attire.<br/><br/>" Mom don't worry I'm fine..I just need air , so I'm going out. " he went to the garage to get his ride. He looked and sighed in relieve.<br/><br/>His phone kept on ringing but he couldn't answer it because it was on silent mode, still trying to forget his dad's tantrums.<br/><br/>Khali slept in Tefo's room, he was still stressed after he found out his Girlfriend was cheating on him. He probably hadn't told the band yet but the girl blew it.<br/><br/>" gosh!.. Nelly is probably at the penthouse all happy..I just wish I didn't fall for her." "now she's gonna be at Allison's party." a tear rolled from his eye sides and he closed his eyes.<br/><br/>His phone rang twice and he just dozed off.<br/><br/> <br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Allison walked on the the streets of block 6, trying to call all the Heirs but non of them answered. She cried a little and walked around. she didn't no what to do.<br/><br/>" let me call Tefo again…maybe they were busy with work" <br/><br/>She looked up, she had already arrived at the mall. She went inside the mall and walked around trying to call Tefo. When she turned to the Stanbic ATM machine side, her eyes dilated after seeing an unpleasant scene. Tefo and Lone were kissing by some hidden corner. She held her phone on her ear and froze.<br/><br/>She could see the flash of Tefo's phone from his pocket but he didn't even bother to answer. Tears filled in Allison's eyes. Kelly had told her facts but she denied it.<br/><br/>After a few seconds, they broke their Kiss and they both saw Allison.<br/><br/>" Allison!" the latter exclaimed.<br/><br/>"sorry for the disturbance." she ran off from the mall still fighting her tears. <br/><br/>" Allison! Wait" Tefo called after her. " what's wrong with her?"<br/><br/>"dont worry she's fine…let's just continue…I mean we are officially a thing right!" Lone convinced him.<br/><br/>"okay then…"<br/><br/>Allison ran along the main road, she raised her eyes and saw tuckshops from afar. She trudged to them slowly and banged the counter. <br/><br/>" hello!" Wame said standing up.<br/><br/>" may I have some water please." Allison said as she gasped.<br/><br/>"okay" Wame took out a bottle from the fridge and poured in some water.<br/><br/>Allison gulped the water and breathed heavily. " thank you…" she said and left.<br/><br/>Wame was wondering who the pretty girl was, she looked rich judging by her hair and clothes. " I meet creepy people nowadays." Wame said as she placed the bottle in the fridge.<br/><br/>" am I also creepy". A voice said.<br/><br/>She turned fastly and her eyes met Nelly, he was holding his helmet. He smirked as always. Wame was delighted. She didn't have the proper response.<br/><br/>" Not at all.. Nelly" she smiled brightly. " he's got a bike…and he's so hot right now in that back attire" Wame lined complements for him.<br/><br/>Nelly got inside the tuckshop and sat on the chair . He exhailed in sheer grief. " I want us to talk"<br/><br/>"us…talk?" Wame was dazed by his demand.<br/><br/>" Wame…I'm really concerned about my brothers…are you perhaps stocking us..I heard you are Kin's neighbor"<br/><br/>" What! well that's true." " but I'm not…stalking.."<br/><br/>" why did Tefo take your sweater, was it his?…"<br/><br/>"well..he thinks it's his so I gave it"she lied and blinked on different directions.<br/><br/>" liar.." Nelly stood up and held her chin, he looked into her eyes. " liar .but I'll let you get away with it today"<br/><br/>Wame starred at him with her mouth agape. She never knew when she liked him. Nelly snapped his fingers 🤌 twice to arlert her.<br/><br/>"Hello! where are you lost babe?" he chuckled and lowered his gaze to her lips. " don't fall for me yet…I'm a player." Nelly stood walked to the door. "still just admire my me from afar."<br/><br/>Wame starred at him in awe, he just called her babe. She asked. "what it I wanted to be played?" <br/><br/>" Then find another candidate bacause you are just too innocent and not of my League. Bye...." Nelly walked out.<br/><br/>Wame was devastated. The truth she heard haunted her. A tear rolled off her left eye. People on other tuckshops kept on talking and mumbling as Nelly wore his helmet and drove off.<br/><br/>" Wame Khazi…you are doomed…what was I thinking, liking a celebrity." she got back to work.<br/><br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Allison kept on walking, she wanted to find Kin's house. She was about to pass the blue flat when she saw a group of boys from afar. She was scarred, she started to tremble in fear. <br/><br/>She turned back slowly and paced away. Her heart pounded fast as she increased her pace. She felt a hand drag her shoulder, she turned back and saw a fermiliar face.<br/><br/>" Ryan!" she exclaimed as tears relaxed from her eyes. <br/><br/>Ryan noticed and held her cheek. " what is wrong…why are you crying.."<br/><br/>" Ryan…I just saw Tefo and Lone kissing…" she broke into tears and hugged Ryan.<br/><br/>"Guys you can leave…." Ryan told the Unruly boys. TJ was absent because he was still depressed.<br/><br/>The others left. Ryan felt her tears soak his sweater. He placed his hand on her back and slowly strolled it. " I'm sorry you had to witness that…for now just breathe" <br/><br/>She rested in his arms and recalled the kiss over and over again. " I can't forget…Kelly was right..he saw me and didn't even come after me"<br/><br/>" hash!… OSKA LELA..GONGWE O TLA BONA SOMEONE BETTER GO GO RATA( Don't worry maybe you'll find someone better to love you)" after that qoute Ryan turned to face Minnie. She was shocked. He froze and Allison moved back too.<br/><br/>"Minnie!" Ryan exclaimed in shock.<br/><br/>Tears filled Minnie's eyes and she lost the might to speak. She never thought Ryan would do that to her. " you__" Minnie ran off from the place.<br/><br/>Ryan tried running after her but she had already vanished he looked back and saw Allison's gloomy face. He was confused. He went back to Allison.<br/><br/>" sorry Ryan_didn't mean to cause any of this…"<br/><br/>" it's okay…I'll sort it out…for now let's just go home."<br/><br/>" okay__" <br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Minnie was in tears she never thought Ryan could cheat on her. She arrived in her street and slapped her self. " I'm a fool…" she slapped herself again." I can't go crazy for a boy!" she exclaimed as tears rained.<br/><br/>When she was about to land the third slap, someone held her hand. <br/><br/>" let me go I __" she paused after seeing Nelly's face. The street light was strong enough to provide light for clear vision. <br/><br/>"Nelly!is it you?" she asked.<br/><br/>" yes…I like to act the knight at night…why are you toturing your self?" <br/><br/>" nothing" she sobbed.<br/><br/>"you really gotta tell me why you're trying to disfigure that pretty face with slaps." he smiled.<br/><br/>" let's say trouble in paradise." she said<br/><br/>" dating has never been in my vocab…people end up broken and I'm just sparing many from getting hurt by not dating …"<br/><br/>"really?"<br/><br/>"yes..well I guess I should grant your wish.. earlier you wanted to acquaint with us but Tefo cut you short"<br/><br/>" what about the girls you hang with..I mean you are my bias and I follow you in Instagram, I know" Minnie asked.<br/><br/>" you spying on me?" "do you really love your boyfriend girl…" he laughed.<br/><br/>Not sure anyone...well yes I love you as a fan.. nothing else." Minnie said and remembered that Unruly and the Heirs were enemies.<br/><br/>" let me drop you home it's late.." he wore his helmet and got on his bike.<br/><br/>" wow ! a bike..you are so cool." she climbed at the back and tightened her hands around Nelly.<br/><br/>Minnie directed him to her house and dropped her. He saw Judah's car packed from afar.<br/><br/>" Judah! He's playing here nowadays" he smirked and went away.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>The evening was filled with chaos. Wame checked the time on her watch. " half 8…I stayed till late." she locked the counter and got out before locking the door. Everyone had left. She looked around and the tower light wasn't giving enough light.<br/><br/>She closed the door and when she was about to insert the key, someone dragged her collar from behind.<br/><br/>She turned around and her eyes met the Unruly boys. This time they were three.<br/><br/>" whales!" she exclaimed<br/><br/>" Did you think I'll let you go?" " the rich red head saved you today…don't rejoice thinking he likes you, he's only getting revenge on me"<br/><br/>" and you rejected TJ!" Theo said.<br/><br/>" she's pretty!but not my type" Atlang added.<br/><br/>"yeah…totally" Theo agreed.<br/><br/>"cut it guys I'm here to avenge my self!" he exclaimed.<br/><br/>She laughed. "are you on drugs…what are you doing here? Were you offended?"<br/><br/>" You've gained confidence…are you challenging me!" whales yelled. <br/><br/>" no but are you here to challenge me? I'm not scarred of you okay!" she exclaimed. " you think you can get away with___" before she completed her speech, Whales tightly clasped her cheeks with one hand.<br/><br/>" so now you go around causing trouble because that Canadian saved you…do you think he'll turn up?"<br/><br/>"you are hurting me !" she mumbled.<br/><br/>" sh!" Atlang shushed Wame.<br/><br/>" you boys are going to pay..leave me!" she pushed Whales but it was futile, since she didn't have the might due to her fear.<br/><br/>" Today I'm going to teach you a lesson!" Whales raised his hand to slap her and Wame shut her eyes.<br/><br/>" Three of you and one girl…cowards!" he laughed as he held Whales's hand. <br/><br/>Everyone turned to look at the misterious knight. They couldn't see the person because he was wearing a black helmet and his motorcycle was still on.<br/><br/>" Who are you?" Whales asked.<br/><br/>He showed them a fuck you sign.<br/><br/>" who's this perk…guys let's kick him" "take off your helmet" <br/><br/>The boys approached him. They wanted to beat him. They rolled down their sleeves. Atlang shot the first blow but the mysterious person blocked it with his palm. <br/><br/>"lets not fight guys!" he pushed Atlang.<br/><br/> "Who are you?…?" Theo asked.<br/><br/>The boys began trying their luck but it seems they were nothing compared to 'mysterious person'. Wame was shocked, she saw the motorcycle and concluded it was Nelly.<br/><br/>In a flash, he thrashed the boys and Wame could only see kicks flying.<br/><br/>"lets go guys…he's crazy!" Whales's said and they rushed away. <br/><br/>Wame stood there dazed, her life had suddenly turned an action movie. " am I dreaming!" she blurted out loud.<br/><br/>" I'm getting sick of your cliché question" he removed the helmet in slow motion. Wame was dazed by seeing him. She didn't think it will be him.<br/><br/>He smirked and approached her while her mouth hanged agape. "you!" she exclaimed pointing him with her index finger that had a weird cloth wrapped around it and it landed on his chest, she felt his heart beat just by that small contact of her finger. Wame's heart skipped.<br/><br/>They both starred at each other without any movement.<br/><br/>Wame didn't anticipate him out of all people. What was this new chapter of her life?…<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/><br/></p>