
New everything!

The worst day or maybe a great day in disguise. A car arrived to pick all of them. They were about to step into their new miserable lives. The car drove to their new school at a reasonable speed. Nelly looked out through the window and inhaled the fresh air. He was leaving behind everything he ever enjoyed.

"We are here…" The driver alerted them.

They got out of the car and led in the school after Veronica allong with her guards. Benji led the way for them.


The environment was the same as always in class 5H. The corner boys where busy eating fat cakes they bought from the Vendor outside school. Whales and Minnie seems to be chatting about Ryan at her desk on the last column on the last row.

" Minnie I have to tell you something. I know that you love Ryan but he blew up this time. He messed with the wrong people and we ended up paying for all of it." whales told her.

"what happened to Ryan? Is it about the issue with that notorious band…" Minnie exclaimed

"Not just any band but THE HEIRS . Because of an old grudge between Ryan,TJ and the heirs. My family almost got ruined."

"Ryan can be reckless something. So the punch incident I saw in some tabloid was caused by them. Classic ! " " I warned him to stay away from trouble."

"relax Minnie…I just wonder why you went for someone as far as Ryan. I agree that he is my cousin and he's rich but just tell me why you chose him over everyone else "

Minnie laughed in astonishment " Whales are you serious, what do you mean…Are you even part of the Unruly or not… Why are you sort of judging Ryan."

"I am not judging him. I am just telling facts. Anyway Wame is still a late comer. I wonder why you hangout with her. She's pathetic."

"Whales why are you sort of having a problem with Wame nowadays. Ever since after last month. Stop hating on my best friend."

Wame arrived in class late and went to her seat behind Minnie. Minnie gave her some fatcakes to eat as the study began.

" Thank god you made it. Andile texted me about how Thato suddenly abused you for no reason."

"yeah that crazy woman. She has a problem with everything I do but anyway atleast I am alive."

Wame fixed the neck of her non-uniform sweater.

"Wow your sweater ! That is the latest new Christian Dior collection from last month

Where did you get it ?" "I hope the music teacher Mr. Masweu didn't bother you."

"well I didn't buy it. Yesterday my shirt got torn and some thoughtful boy landed me his sweater to cover it up." she told her half the truth.

Whales, Ofentse, skara and Shay came up to Wame's desk to tease on her. "wow nice… did you pick it up along the way." Skara touched her sweater.

"nice label…wena wa upgrada malatsia kana ke lerata .( You are upgrading nowadays or it's fake ) " Shay said.

Whales laughed and instilled a serious face. "This is not fake…it's real .Ryan once told me he wants it."

" leave me alone..rebels can I eat my fatcakes in piece. " Wame lashed out.

"Guys back off..this is from Wame's boyfriend Incase you didn't no!" Minnie exclaimed.

"really… would even a filth look at her! " Whales exclaimed and laughed with the guys.

Onalerona turned to the back." Cut the crap guys..who went to the flower kiss concert."

" I was there.. It was my first time to actually see them in person" "they are so dreamy" Bame melted after just imagining their elegance. "guys I will trade my arm to be with Kin"

"stop dreaming. those cool boys can't even look at you" Whales laughed. " I bet Kin would vomit after hearing this. That jerk." he muttered.

"guys! Go back to your seat the school head is on his way..gape Le thodia bana ba dipure science kafa room 27 .( Your noise is disturbing the pure science students in room 27)" the house captain yelled.


The Morula HOH, Mrs Janey led the way for Kin and Tefo taking them to their new class. She was however finding it hard to comment on their hairstyles, earings and piercings. She awknowledged the fact that they wore proper school uniforms. The corridors were empty and quiet. Every student seems to be in the morning study. They passed to the biology side where room 27 was located.

Mrs Janey arrived in class and as always scolded them." 5V! Keep quiet..please behave like pure science students…"

"Good morning Ma'am " they stood up and greeted.

"morning students. This morning is very gracious to us as we have new members joining your class."

As the HOH spoke every one awaited their arrival. Reneilwe poked Andile and whisphered. "maybe they are gonna be our serious academic threat."

"Boys come in" After her instruction they came in the class and walked to the front. Everyone thought they lost their marbles.

" isn't that the Heirs.." people wisphered.

" One of them is Kelly's boyfriend if they are really who I think they are…" Reneilwe thought.

"OMG! The heirs….this is a dream and more crazy I'm gonna be with my celebrity crush in class. Tefo…my Canadian" Andile exclaimed in her mind as she smiled and tried to make eye contact with him.

"please welcome them into your class.bye" the HOH exited the class probably heading to the double award class.

Kin had tinted his hair black and renewed his waves. However Tefo saw it better to tint his hair back into its colour reddish brown,despite stepping into a school with many rules they read in the prospectus.

"Hello everyone my name is TEFO JENSEN" he introduced and smiled with a wink, doing his signature pose that got girls mad.

"OMG..guys I don't believe it….Tefo…welcome you have blue eyes…" Ame shouted.

However her boyfriend, Dax didn't like it." hey Tefo don't rejoice thinking you will get every girl in our school."

"just relax dude….not really into beggars and Street kids." Tefo replied.

"Hello I am _ _" the the shy girl interrupted Kin.

"I no that you are KIN NTI and you like the most hottest"

"no chedza…Tefo is more handsome " Andile added.

"please don't act as if I am an idol or something…" Kin said and took out his buds and inserted into his ears.

"please seat here.." Most requested.

Tefo looked around and spotted a vacant seat next to Andile and went to seat next to her. Andile was delighted , she couldn't stop grinning.


"okay… so I guess you will be my guide around the school" he locked eyes with her for a sec.

"yeah! I mean yes I will…"she agreed and rejoiced in her mind. " This is a dream..I get to be with my crush, what if it's gonna be like those love stories. Snap out of it ."

Kin went to seat next to the shy girl. He didn't seem to want to talk to her. She tried to say hello but Kin was concentrated in the music.

However boys were threatened by their arrival. All girls were going to leave them for the rich boys.

"hey rich boys why did you leave your private school..are you bankrupt.." phemelo joked

" I came here to steal all your girlfriends " Kin qouted and smirked at him as he put the bud on.


Everyone in the last column was asleep and dwelling in dream land. The only surviving students were Onalerona and whales. The bell for registration time rang and arleted most students.Mr Modimo walked in class with two boys.

Whales couldn't believe his eyes. The fear he had the day Veronica's men abducted him retrieved. He rubbed his eyes twice.

"good morning class. Lets welcome new boys in our class.please introduce yourselves" Mr Modimo qouted.

Wame woke up from her deep slumber and hallucinated the boys she woke up next to at the penthouse. "what !" she exclaimed and held her lips.

"Hi guys my name is…Nelly Modise aka the main vocalist. I hope I will be your flower kiss and you all will be my flower kiss" he winked and threw air kisses to everyone.

Onalerona and other girls caught the air kisses and almost died in excitment.

Wame was dazed for a while. She turned to Minnie and asked her a question. "Minnie why is everyone excited about these boys because these are the same boys I woke up next to on Saturday in molapo"

"what…holy shit! Wame you are dum and lucky. You mean to say you were with THE HEIRS and you didn't recognize it.girl that is Nelly and Khali." "you are so ignorant girl."

"and they are our new classmates but how..is this their new project they talked about at Sky chella last term." Onalerona scrawled her phone secretly.

" I'm Khali Modise…" Khali introduced and waved.

Wame starred at them in astonishment and remembered the other two that met her by coincedence.

"If they are here then where are the others…"

Wame wondered.

Khali and Nelly found vacant desks to sit. Girls kept on whisphering and giggling. Nelly took out his pen and began." anyone who wants an autograph, a selfie can come"

WAME wanted to escape her skin or camouflage to avoid the boys seeing her.

Whales wanted to escape. The sight of Nelly terrified him. He recalled how Verronica threatened to take down his family. He looked away at the back trying to hide under his black cap.

Wame did the same. She took Minnie's bucket hat (spoti) and hid under it. Most people went to them for autographs and selfies. Nelly glanced at Whales secretly and stood up to his desk.

"Whales, sup man….I see you and Ryan succided in ruining our reputation."

He took off his cap and looked at him. "Nelly I apologize but I was never involved."

"Why are you prideless today, or maybe you got trapped in your own webs."

"Nelly…I don't have a problem with you but Ryan is my cousin so I went to support him."

"Whales you never told us you no THE HEIRS….cool man" Skara said.

" I'm Skara…, this is Ofentse and this is …" before he can finish his intro Nelly interrupted Skara.

"Shay David , your dad runs LAVEIT STUDIOS. I once saw your pictures in a documentary about your father."

" I gotta say NK security really protects, no wonder you are so untouchable." "your mom actually promised to hook me up with your sister." Shay and Nelly had an open conversation and Whales managed to settle down and relax.

Khali kept on glancing at Wame. She stole her gaze many times trying to figure out if it is really the girl that woke up in his room. He stood up and dragged a chair to seat next to Wame who concentrated on her books.

"Hey!" he exclaimed as he dragged her bucket hat "The fanatic fan, are you stalking us or what. Last time Nelly was ready to grant you a day as his girlfriend."

"you must be mistaken…I don't no you. I mean I didn't even know about your band." she lied.

"now let's keep this between you , Nelly and I. If you don't want me to report you then comply."

"okay..I admit it. It's me but please don't make a fuss. I don't afford an attorney."

Khali noticed her sweater that was very fermiliar. "cool sweater, could it be that you stole Tefo's sweater….I will have to ask Tefo"

She remembered him and grinned. " Is Tefo here too! " She exclaimed.

"yeah and Kin… they are at a pure science class." he replied.

"Kin too!" she continued to exclaim without thinking.

" I caught you shyster! How come you know them if you never knew us."

Most people were shocked to see Khali dragging a chair to talk to the class persant. The most poor girl in class.

"why is Khali chatting with that beggar, what do we lack. Anyway someone borrowed her an expensive sweater so they think she's rich" some girl, Resego who looked down on Wame gossiped.

Her friend, Jarona added " let's go and expose her."

Back to Khali and Wame's conversations.

" don't make me forget ….did you steal Tefo's sweater?…if I find out it's his then you are doomed."

"okay…but if you find out that it's not his then you owe me, deal"

"deal" Khali said with his pinky finger.

The class girls approached them and stood behind Khali's chair with folded hands.

"Hi "they waved at Khali.

"hello. Sorry but I'm still busy so autographs are not available now"

"well we don't want them now. We just wanted to tell you that. This girl Wame is a beggar. This expensive sweater she's wearing is just from donations so don't waste your time with this ugly girl." Resego said.

"This grass hopper she's wearing was a donation from the guidance department." Jarona added.

Wame looked down out of shame. She new

That these boys were going to now neglect her.

Khali took time and studied the girls from head to toe and grinned. "so you want me to hangout with you because you can afford?" he asked wearing a disgusted face.

"yes…" the girls gladly agreed.

"listen here. Firstly you've got a cheap attitude and secondly, you are not pretty. " "and don't even ask… this is my sweater that I borrowed her yesterday."

"what…so you know each other…but you are making a mistake this girl is a gold digger" Adriana said.

"….you don't even ask. What if she's my girlfriend. Now please leave us alone. Just go and annoy Nelly he's more of a ladies boy."

The girls left there embarrassed and this time they were planning on taking Wame down.

Wame smiled and Khali noticed and instilled a serious face. "why are you smilling. Those fake girls are so full of themselves. They are so foolish that they don't see that they are nothing compared to me. If Kin and Tefo were here they could have left here crying…"

"Thank you Khali…you have turned my knight" Wame qouted.

" You certainly know our song flower kiss don't you…"

"no I dont"

"then why did you say I'm your Knight?"

"Dude everything I say is suspicious to you.. "


In Kimlock high that morning Ryan arrived in class happy after receiving the good news that the four golden boys had taken transfer to a different school. He went to Allison's desk and sat on top of her desk.

"na na na ni nana..your crazy boys are fired.ha ha ha ha….ni ni ni ni ni ni.who's gonna save you naaahw." Ryan sang a sarcastic song to her.

"Fuck off Ryan…I am not in the mood !" she exclaimed and pushed him as his phone rang.

" Whales..I'm in class man. Anyway I have good news. Those singers are no longer in Kimlock" he sounded happy.

However Whales had bitter news to tell him. "Ryan your good news turned my bad news..now I am going to live in fear"

Ryan did not get the idea,he asked more to get clarity "Whales what do you mean?"

"The Heirs are here in FSS..the worst part ke gore ke tsena Le Nelly le Khali mo classing…mmagwe Nelly ka mo tshaba nna tota.(Nelly and Khali are in my class. I really fear Nelly's mom.)" Whales said in agony.

"What…those jerks..just don't create any drama…I won't be there to help you."

"Ryan I really don't want to mingle with them anymore. I won't help you ruin them now."

"fine whales" "one more thing.. Did TJ meet up with that begger girl. She's cute but she's a little dirty and she just doesn't have the it factor."

"Ryan.. don't change the topic..anyway bye " Whales hanged up.

Meghan and the Kelly arrived in class and sat down.

"Meghan bad news…The Heirs are transfered to a public school"

"Kelly…are you sure..Gosh Kin is faraway from me. now." " I will go to his house later on"

"Not my problem.Thanx to our love Tefo will always check on me."Kelly said as she applied her lipgloss.

Kelly noticed something new about Allison. She walked to her desk. She was wearing a short skirt and her long fare legs were exposed. She extended her hand and held Allison's new neck chain." wow! did you get one too." "Are you trying to be part of the Heirs. Pathetic, the only reason I was nice to you is because of Tefo."

"Look here Kelly I know that you take yourself highly because you date my best friend. Tefo can dump you now and never think about your little pretty face but I will forever be in his life." she held the chain "this a is a gift from Tefo. For hevens sake you think he values you more.."

"A little bad attitude !" Kelly raised her hand to slap her but someone unexpected saved Allison.

"So desperate. Just on the first day of their abscence and you bully her. It's not cool" Ryan threw Kelly's hand away.

"Ryan! How dare…." Kelly matched to her seat angry.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked her.

"yeah. Thanx but why did you.." she narrowed her gaze.

"well…despite being besties with my arch-enemies, you are still my classmate, my ex crush." he grinned and blinked. "but you still held on to your weird crush on the pretty Canadian"

"shush!" "dont be such a snitch..jeez"

"Just talking sense. It's funny how he cares about you but still goes for hyper girls like Kelly and Lone. Now he's gonna find another at that new school."

Allison could not digest Ryan's words. The harsh facts spoken were just too much for her. She had suppressed her feelings for a long time. Tefo mingled with many girls but never tried any such with her.

At the beginning She was friends with the other three and then Tefo came in grade 5, she was assigned as his school guide. Maybe love at first sight. A tear filled her right eye. She swallowed the tear and returned it back to the source.


The bell for break rang. They hadn't attended yet due to the teachers workshop. Those who had brought their phones secretly kept on glaring at their screens.

Andile took out her phone under her desk and checked the notification. Tefo noticed and snatched her phone. "my word you can manage with this outdated phone…Tecno spark 6!" he noticed the press release Andile was viewing.

"The bad news.."he muttered.

"so this is why you are here for exposure…" Andile said.

"yeah..you must be glad afterall you really love me..you like my videos almost every day in every social media platform. I always check." "anyway let's go out. Kin let's go"

Kin stood up and walked to Tefo. People noticed his eyebrow piercing and muttered around. Luckily he had his buds on.

"Tefo let's go out it's stuffy in here…" Kin said as he took his buds out.

"This is Andile my biggest fan. She really aspires to marry me." Tefo joked "so she will be showing us around school."

"hi Kin I'm Andile Khazi" she offered a hand with a smile.

"Hello" he retorted without even looking at her as he rolled his eyes.

Reneilwe paced up to Tefo and called out as they were heading to the DH. They stopped by the back door of Lab 4.

"Hello guys…I'm Reneilwe Khazi, Andile is my cousin." she introduced

"So?"Tefo asked.

"well I wanted to tell you that I am Kelly's cousin"

"So?" Tefo continued to ask.

"maybe we could you know….chill__" she paused

"but I'm Kelly's boyfriend not yours..why should I like you "Tefo qouted

"If you are a fan please don't try use your family for your motives. What if Tefo dumps your cousin, will you also step back." Kin said and walked ahead of them. Tefo followed leaving Andile behind.

"Andile….how did you befriend them…." Reneilwe asked

" I think they know that I'm their biggest fan..gotta go bye"Andile ran to catch up to them.


Khali dragged Wame's hand outside class. Nelly caught up to them. " Khali who do you have here.. wait the crazy fanatic!"

"yes and looks like she has something that might belong to the Canadian..his sweater"

"Are you a thief…I feel sorry for you. Do you know how bad Tefo can be." "anyway let's go to the canteen"

"okay…let's go." she led the way.

Students kept on following them .some were taking photos and some took videos. Tefo looked behind and saw Khali and Nelly.

"Kin ! Those two are there…"

"okay let's wait for them." Kin waited at the back of the Music lab.

Wame was very scarred of meeting the other two because she had a lot to say about them. They approached the others and Wame hid behind Khali.

"dude…can you believe this school….there is no AC in classes." as expected Kin complained.

" Hi guys…I'm actually your biggest fan"Andile waved at Khali and Nelly.

"Hey…"they responded.

Andile noticed Wame behind Khali and called her. "Wame!" "you are here….funny story this are the heirs."

Wame had no choice but to appear Infront of them. "Hi"

Tefo and Kin were astonished. They never thought they will meet her again. She was different in her uniform, her regular clothes made her look funny but her uniform fitted perfectly.

"Thief!" Kin exclaimed as he pointed at her.

"Oh no…." Wame muttered.

"Kin you see it too…this is Tefo's sweater" Khali said.

Tefo looked at her and grimaced. He kept on blinking fastly trying to signal her. "It looks like mine. Could it be mine?.."

"well this was….ah…a….it was actually…no, what I mean to say is that it belongs my boyfriend."

Andile also supported the motion. "it is true…I know him. Wame is actually my cousin."

"Oh__so that forward girl we met earlier is also your cousin.."Tefo asked

"which forward girl!" Wame exclaimed.

"he means Reneilwe…the DIVA!" Andile said as she rolled her eyes.

"Tefo I swear this sweater is yours just check it.." Khali emphasized.

"Dude why are you so into it?.. it's not like she ever came to the penthouse and hid in my room or we met at the mall…it's my first time seeing this girl ." indirectly he spoke the truth, but off course he flipped it upsidedown and told a lie.

"Fine then ..don't say I didn't worn you…"Khali said.

Wame was nevous and probably wanted to escape. "Please stop" she exclaimed. "This sweater belongs to…" before she could tell the truth Tefo interrupted her.

"Andile..show me the toilets!" Tefo exclaimed.

"sure let's go" Andile agreed

" I'll also come along" Khali and Nelly said.

"okay let's go"Andile led the way.

" I'll remain behind..this girl will show me the canteen and stuff" Kin said as he grimaced at her.

They all turned to leave. Tefo turned to Wame and winked with a smirk. Wame was dazed as she looked around but there was no one else looking at him. Her mouth hanged wide open. Tefo noticed her confussion and he pointed at her. She felt her heart pound.

She certainly didn't have feelings for any of them but some how they made her heart pound. She held her chest still gasping.

Kin looked at her still gasping a little holding her heart.

"Thieve…. mesmerized by my presence or maybe the fact that you stole Tefo's sweater." kin said as he pushed his hands in his pockets.

" Is this real"..she held Kin's shoulder

Kin chuckled revealing his dimple."its a dream…" he grabbed her hand and placed her pulm on his chest. "This is my heart beat…confirmed that it's real? Do you think you can escape."

She froze and gazed at him as he spoke. She was just amaized by his looks but again he was rude. "its not his sweater…" she retorted.

"yeah I believe you..?I saw you exit his room, should I tell him that you were in our house?"

"Yes…."she agreed.

"so you won't give me a chance to blackmail you..fine then."

Most people were behind glaring from a far ,admiring Kin and most girls secretly took photos.

"they want my photos but you seem to want my arrogance…you are not a fan so why did you come into our house?" Kin asked.

"Well…I never new about you before…"

"well now you will" Kin qouted as he dragged her along.

"but I'm the one showing you around…" Wame said as Kin dragged her along

They entered the DH and looked around , everyone was eating bread and fona. Kin dragged her out fastly and pinned her to the wall

"is this real..what the heck…is that what you eat.?" kin shouted at her.

She blinked and wore a scared 😨 face. " yes!but can I go and eat"

"Selfish…I'm hungry and you are worried about yourself "

"But the bread queue is about to finish.."

" I'm hungry but I'll never enter this place…so thieve…show me the tuckshop to settle the scores."

"okay__" Wame trudged along the corridor heading to the tuckshop.Kin followed her. Reneilwe was standing by 5A and saw Wame passing by with Kin. She was shocked, she took a closer look and her jaws dropped.

Minnie, Whales and TJ stood by TJ's class 5B at room 2. They both turned to glance at Wame and Kin together and Kin seems to be dragging her hand as if he already new the place.

"Is that Wame with Kin !" TJ exclaimed.

"Oh my god, she's so lucky.." Minnie envied her.

However Whales wasn't moved. " I saw Wame chatting with Khali earlier. She must be happy under that donated sweater..poor thing, wait till Meghan hears this." "How do u feel TJ…Kin always takes girls you fancy.. could it be his new game." Whales grinned.

"no matter what. I'm gonna get that girl…she's mine." he said with determination.

Well not sure if that was easy but TJ made an oath. Minnie laughed in disbelief and smiled, she moved to TJ and whispered. "Well…if you count on me I'll do it but first let's agree on payments" she grinned and starred at Wame who was approaching the crowd.

Back to the two. There was a huge crowd around the tuckshop window. There was no hope. Kin stepped forward and he cleared his throat.

Everyone turned to look at Kin. He walked forward as he stepped on the three mini steps and everyone moved of the way for him. He looked back at Wame who was amazed and her mouth was agape. She remembered how she used to struggle to buy. Corrections, when Reneilwe sent her to buy something for her and she didn't even get a single piece.

The shopkeeper looked at Kin and nearly screamed in excitment. She exhailed and greeted him. "Hello….please can I get an autograph...."

"No…rather a selfie…" he smiled

Kin entered the tuckshop and took a selfie. Everyone was envious.

On the other hand Wame was standing afar at the end of the crowd in awe. Minnie approached her from behind and scared her.

"bo!" Minnie jumped into her shoulders. Wame turned fast and held her heart upon seeing Minnie. "you scarred me big time."

"So they recognize you. According to your story where does Kin fit?"

"Well he thought I was a thief and then he's the one who kidnapped me in block five."

"Wow..who would have thought..so now you are besties"

"Rather the opposite.. he hates me…he only wanted me to show him around…now I will attend hungry.."

"What about Tefo ?"

Wame chuckled and raised her eyes. The others had already arrived. People moved to them and took photos with their phones. Minnie went to the English department.

Kin came back holding a few food stuff. Tefo looked at him and asked. " I hope this girl treated you well… otherwise I can't trust her with my life. I am starting to believe she's a thieve just like you guys suggest."

" Tefo's fanatic let's go to class…" kin said as he gave the others the food. Wame was left there hungry and sad. Indeed Kin and Tefo were such bad people. "I can't believe it…"

Khali laughed and walked forward. Nelly looked at Wame's dry lips and gave her his pie.

"consider it a gift…crazy fan. You see my brothers can be very rude but don't worry they are not bad"

"No I'm fine…" Wame refused

"I guess this is the part were I force you to eat and everyone will be stunned and then you become the topic of the school"

" I'm already the topic. You guys decided to hijack me…" Wame retorted and took the pie.

He chuckled and looked at her with wide eyes. " Don't rejoice or think highly… I'm not trying to befriend you. I'm just trying to be humane." "lets go…"

"okay…" most people who new the pauper girl were shocked. She was eating the expensive pie that most students struggled to buy.

Along the way Wame was very curious about his nationality. "sorry for bothering you but are you a foreigner"

"No… why ask do I look foreign to you"

" so you are half motswana half…." he interrupted her

" Dutch..look I know you are curious about Tefo because he's different just ask"

"okay…tell me about him." she said

"I knew it…I will never tell you . Ask him yourself..or maybe don't bother because he won't even listen to you and when he finds about about his sweater you will be done for!" Nelly paced and left her behind.

" is this the beginning of a new chapter in my life. This boys are just so paculiar. each one of them gives me a heart pound.." she held her heart and Minnie caught up to her.

"lets follow our new classmates…maybe he is your new knight…just like the song says"

"which song?" Wame asked still remembering what Khali said earlier.

" The flower kiss song…never heard it..come-on Onalerona's ringing tone..it goes like" Minnie began singing the song.

🎶I said I won't come every night…but count on my watch I'll be your knight…tu tu tu tu tu tututu🎶

Suddenly that's when it clicked "This song I once listened to it on Spotify in Andile's phone and she tried to tell me about the artists but Thato budged in."

"its a nice song.. anyway let's head to class before the HOH sees us"

The two girls rushed to class.


The first lesson began. The teachers returned from the workshop. The English teacher arrived in class. His name was Mr kgomo. Most students nicknamed him Cow. He was one of the ruthless teachers in FSS.

"Good morning sir!" they all greeted him.

"Morning.. I hope you scored good marks in your last quiz." he ponted his stick at them. He noticed new faces and approached them.

"Hello new boys… can you please introduce yourselves to me." he ponted them with the stick.

"My name is Khali Modise and I'm from Letlhakane." he introduced himself as if he wasn't a famous singer.

"okay…I like your eyebrow stylings but I don't think you will keep that in this school." Mr Kgomo adviced

"My name is Nelly Modise and I'm also from Letlhakane." Nelly said.

However Mr kgomo wasn't convinced because Nelly was sort of a WHITE PERSON

"ARE YOU KIDDING US…I can see that you are white"

Everyone laughed and Nelly went on to reply. "Sir I am half motswana, half Dutch but I'm still a motswana."

"Okay boy… you're welcome. The Heirs..my daughter is a big fan but please follow the rules. I don't really think the school head will like your nose and ear piercings..but anyway let's continue"

Wame was full from eating the pie. She looked at Nelly and he frowned at her. There she was afraid of getting another ear piercing but Nelly had many including the nose. "could this be bad peer pressure…!" she exclaimed in her mind. She looked at him again and her heart skipped.

"oh god am I really starting to like him…gosh not another crush..,No!"

Mr Kgomo noticed her gaze that showered all over Nelly. "WAME KHAZI…why are you strongly starring at Nelly"

She snapped out of it and looked around in shame. Minnie kicked her chair from behind and giggled.

"Its okay sir. she just can't resist my charming features…" Nelly qouted and smirked.

"That…..…he's full of himself…why would I…"she muttered and went in her mind. "he is right I really envy his beauty….but it didn't have to be so obvious."


Allison walked outside school still worried about what Ryan said. She had to take a step. Kelly walked outside and rolled her eyes at Allison. Kelly met up with Meghan who prepared to go to Kin's house. Allison had made up her mind.

She told her driver to take her to JENSEN STUDIOS.

After half an hour she arrived in and went to the receptionist. "ma'am may I see Mr Jensen…"

"right away Miss. He's in his office now." the receptionist led her to his office. She breathed and entered the office.

"Allison …what brings you here kid." Henry qouted

"Sir…I'm sorry for disturbing you but Tefo is my friend and I can't just watch him get hurt."

"hurt! What happened?" he raised his voice as he rose from his chair.

" sir relax ..he's fine..it's about something else please don't tell Tefo that I told you…it was a secret…" she swallowed and began talking.


After school, every one prepared to leave. It seems at lunch the rich kids didn't bother to go to the cafeteria.

Tefo, Kin and Andile arrived Infront of room25 and caught up to Nelly and Khali. Wame held onto her bag and prepared to leave. She passed them. Tefo noticed and exhailed. He followed her until the back of the music lab

Wame felt someone pull her no issue bag and she fell into his arms again. She moved away and turned around. She faced Tefo.

"you are trying to go unnoticed" Tefo qouted with a narrowed gaze.

"you scarred me to death…I have a long way to go" Wame said as she tried to leave.

Tefo dragged her hand back. "what about my sweater..I don't think my girlfriend will like if she sees you…or you are a thief just like suggested."

"Girlfriend!.. " Wame spontaneously exclaimed

Tefo chuckled "Did you think I was into you..?" he remembered " ohh later on you said this sweater belongs to your boyfriend.. Is that why you are confused.?.stalker !"

"Certainly not…plus I also like someone else…I'll never like a rude rich boy like you"

" Then why did you sneak into my room…"

" just take your sweater and go…" she removed her hand and was about to remove the other.

"No…don't return it…I want my brothers to blame you everyday…"

"No take it back please…" Wame wanted to return it . Tefo stepped forward and forcefully put the sweater back on her. She could inhale the same scent as from that day at the mall. She froze and just watched him do his thing.

Wame questioned if she was dreaming or just an illusion. Why did this hot boys end up intagled with her.

The others caught up to them. They were dazed to find Tefo alone with Wame. "Tefo! And this thieve!" Kin exclaimed

"She's our biggest crazy fanatic…" "and I think she has a question for the Canadian." Nelly tapped Tefo's back.

"well I was about to leave guys." Wame paced

"jeez…" Khali dragged her bag. "Atleast wait for your cousin…are you really that scarred."


Everyone starred at the Heirs as they exited the school gate along with Wame and Andile. Wame looked at Nelly and her heart skipped.

Wame walked to the bus rank as usual while Andile and Reneilwe got in their school bus.


Tefo arrived home and found one of the house keepers packing his stuff. Henry was sitting in the varanda. Tefo was excited to see his mother and his younger brother Nathan. He kept on checking his watch.

He rushed to his room and took out his guitar. He walked out and met Henry with a grimace.

"Dad.. why are you sort off ?"

"you always disappoint me kid…did you think I wouldn't find out?.." "you know what, I think I should send your mother back to Canada…"

Tefo's happiness was shadowed by grief after Henry's qoute. His eyes turned Red and tears filled.

"Dad…what did I do?…please tell me I'll do whatever you say but please don't do that ."

"okay then let me show you why I'm so angry with you right now!" He exclaimed and took out his phone to show him something…

Tefo was nevous and scarred to glance. He had always feared his father's anger because he wouldn't hesitate to exile him.
