

<p>Benji and his men arrived in the woods and pushed out Five boys with their heads covered with some dirty brown sacks.<br/><br/>"Where are we? Do you know who my parents are….you will regret it." Ryan qouted as he struggled to breathe under the sack.<br/><br/>Benji took off the sacks on all their heads and threw them away.They all looked at the four men who abducted them. TJ noticed their uniform and knew who they were.<br/>"NK SECURITY!" TJ exclaimed. His gloomy eyes where full of remorse.<br/><br/>"why did you bring us here big guy" Ryan shouted.<br/> <br/>Benji laughed weckedly and took out a gun.He took out a white Martine cloth and polished the pistol. Whales was terrified, he never thought The Heirs would take it this far. <br/><br/>"please don't shoot me..it was all TJ's plan. I only went with him to the after party."whales confessed.<br/><br/>"would you shut it Whales !" "dont be such a snitch.."Ryan whispered to him.<br/><br/>"Dont worry kids I won't do the job_ " before Benji could concluded a voice emerged from afar in the darkness.<br/><br/><br/>"relax boys I am here to do the job."<br/><br/>They. All turned and tried to see who suddenly arrived.She came closer and she was revealed. It was Verronica, Nelly 's bad ass mother who feared no one. She wore black high heel boots followed by a tight fitting black leather trouser. She garnished her gangster look by topping with a black shinny leather jacket that had many zip sections.<br/>"Nelly's mother guys…" Theo alarmed the other.<br/><br/>"listen here kids…you see this gun." she took it from Benji and softly held it. "this weapon here can either save a life or take a life. It depends on the shooter." she walked over to Whales and bent a knee to reach him.<br/>"your parents are not reputed nor rich…but you have the audacity to frame my children…" "Do you want your parents to pay for your stupid mistakes…What about the embezzlement your uncle is currently doing at FC company right now ? Should I also take him down.." she looked him in the eye.<br/><br/>"sorry ma'am but I wasn't even involved in the plan.. I just went along" whales qouted.<br/><br/>"Then…I have no choice but to get rid of you !" Verronica pointed the loaded gun at TJ.<br/>"you will regret it. My family will never let you go for this" TJ tried to scare Verronica but she was bold.<br/><br/>"Kid..at your age I transported drugs across boarders and led a large Cartel in America and the Netherlands..what makes you think your vulnerable family can deal with me." she ended with a laugh.<br/><br/>"anyway" she handed the gun to Benji and stood up. " I prefer saving a life not taking a life…" "Benji touture them to your heart's content and then drop them home. If any of you try to reveal this then you will go to jail and eventually expelled from Kimlock high…" "now..shh! and enjoy the party." Verronica laughed and whispered something to Benji.<br/><br/>Before going she looked at them and grinned. "please stop trying to steal my son's girlfriends…it won't work because they have the upper hand." she departed probably going to the Pent house for the judgement.<br/> <br/>After she left. Benji and the others took out whips (shamboko) and started whipping them. They all paid for messing with the notorious band.<br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Verronica drove at a speed of 200km/h to reach Molapo estate. She got out and noticed her husband's SUV."fuck! That crazy bastard is going to scare my son…let me run in."<br/><br/>Henry had also arrived and packed his white brand new Jeep. Mothusi too came in with his black Range rover. Then last but not least Kin 's elder brother Judah arrived in his lime Polo TSI that had a lowered suspension with two pipes that could be heard upstairs as he rurved the car. <br/><br/>Judah was an entrepreneur and a business minded person. Leading The family business was not his dream so he sat up his own fashion design company which made progress from 2019 till now 2023.He was also very reckless and dashing.Sometimes kin hated showing up with him in public because he was more verile than him which made girls give him attention because he was older and also had the 'black card'<br/><br/>Before departing from his car, Judah kissed his girls who were seated together on the front passenger seat. "okay…take the brutal bottles from the back..if it's finished just order and tell the deleverer to bring the swapping machine…cause my card does have any limit" he gave one of the girls his FNB visa card and stepped out of the car.<br/><br/>From upstairs Kin saw him through the glass walls and smiled at his brother having fun with the two girls. "Not a surprise…He can always get any girl he wants..and here I am followed by that bitch,Meghan."<br/><br/>after a while Judah arrived and sat on the lounge. "Dumelang bagolo…(greetings elders)mom sent me, she is attending some conference in Thatchfield." ".hello kids so what did you do this time…Tefo did you get a girl pregnant cause I know you are the only one capable here." he joked<br/><br/>"are you trying to be sarcastic…how dare you! ask my mom, she will tell you what I can do." Nelly was pissed and blurted out nonsense.<br/><br/>"shut up Nelly…your common changing of girls doesn't prove your capability to fuck a girl !" Verronica qouted and left everyone shocked. She was more of a forward speaker. She aknowledged the fact her son was grown and had feelings and he had an addiction for girls.<br/>"Verronica behave…how can you say that openly…" Thuso warned his wife.<br/><br/>"okay sorry…but still Judah gets me…now let's comence…even though I don't find e'm guilty."Verromica took out a stimotol and chewed it. Followed by silence and constant glares that made everyone feel weird. Judah kept on checking his watch. Apparently one of his girls appointed to meet him in block five at around eleven pm. "please let the meeting begin..I have to attend a business meeting later on"<br/><br/><br/>"We discussed the matter and decided to punish these boys.Well my sister in law here has a problem with our decision but as you all know majority rules. We have decided on a private punishment and a cover story for the media."<br/>Mothusi layed out.<br/><br/>"yes_ _ _this was your last chance to prove yourself boys and you blew it.As said by Mothusi you will be punished." Henry added.<br/><br/>"you will be transfered to a public school and also you will not be having any frequent concerts but you will go on talk shows….Through this punishment you will also work on the OUT OF THE BOX project." "As your manager I will inform you on upcoming events ." Michael explained to the boys.<br/><br/>One could only read melancholy, hopelessness and mostly anger on the boys's faces. They new that they were always gonna somehow punish them serverly and now they could only think of negotiating.<br/><br/>"NO WAY! THAT PLACE IS HELL!" Khali exclaimed aloud.<br/><br/>"If you refuse then you will be ready to disband and go to jail….we just provided a convinient choice which is harmless." Mothusi told then their bitter decision.<br/><br/>"DISBAND!" " Dad I know that you are the one who came up with this idea to disband…" Tefo stood up and looked Henry right in the eye.<br/>"Dad you just want to take away everyone I call a dear one…first you divorced mom because she couldn't match up to your status and then you took my custody from my mom when she migrated to Canada, for all my life you never been my dad. You have always been my boss !"<br/>He lashed out to his father unleashing all the anger that has been trapped within.<br/><br/>"How dare you disrespect me !sit down"<br/>"No dad…I won't stand back and watch you destroy my life.you brought up this altimatium because you new how much the HEIRS ment to me."<br/><br/>Henry stood up and slapped him. The slap tilted his face to face his right. His breathing had increased and he gasped for breaths in fury.<br/>"you just see me as your trump card to success. You only see me as the face of your company but never a son." <br/><br/>Henry slapped him again. Judah tried to hold Henry back. "Ungreatfull jerk, I have moulded you, raised you into a man and now you try to tell me shit ! . Who said your mother was not good enough for me.. I loved her , do you know the agony I battled when we separated…" tears filled Henry's eyes and his cheeks redened.<br/><br/>"you need a leash Tefo. Relax and listen!" Judah qouted.<br/><br/>Henry left in a jiffy and slammed the sliding door heading down stairs. Tefo followed him and stopped him halfway.<br/><br/>"Dad stop…I didn't mean it. I am sorry dad. Please dad." he said holding his father's hands with so much remorse.<br/>"son today you hurt me…one day you will thank me for the decicion I've taken son. Your mother is also coming to visit ,she will be staying with her friend Amo."<br/>"really !" He hugged Henry and smiled.<br/><br/>"you are my pride Tefo but sometimes I am hard on you. Son understand that what you did here was wrong and you have to be punished. We are trying to shape your future here."<br/><br/>"okay dad!" he was now convinced.<br/>" I have to go bye…." Henry departed and then Tefo want back upstairs to attend the meeting.<br/><br/>Michael continued reeding the terms of the contract." well boys this punishment should not be disclosed to the media as it may raise suspicions…a press release will be uploaded on Monday about you new venture into the OUT OF THE BOX campaign." he paused and cleared his throat." As stated here in the contract ..Nelly and Khali will be living together at Verronica's house.lastly Kin and Tefo will be going to leave in Mrs Amo Nti's house " "as for now if there is any updates I will inform you..if you agree then sign here please" Michael turned the document to face the four boys who sat on the three-seater couch.<br/><br/>"We have no choice but to sign in guys..we cannot disband" Kin qouted<br/>"yeah Kin is right…together forever guys." Khali added as he picked the pen.<br/><br/>All of them signed in the contract with broken hearts. The meeting eventually ended. Nelly left with his mother's car.Thuso was worried about his act. As always he chose his mother over him. Mothusi also left with his son Khali. Michael started his Mazda demio and drove off to his hood in block 10. <br/><br/>At the penthouse Judah prepared to leave. He wanted to meet his girl. Kin and Tefo were still in the penthouse.Judah stood up and stretched his arms. "Alright boys I'm leaving see you around." he walked to the stair case.<br/><br/>"Bro…I wanna come along..I want to shake off the stress" kin qouted<br/><br/>Judah chuckled and turned to face them "Kin. I am going to do some crazy ass business so I am not going to Donga nor mom's new house …"<br/><br/>"let me guess more girls and partying…I am in let's go " Tefo qouted and hedded towards Judah.<br/><br/>"okay fine but I trust you two so don't get me into trouble please"<br/>"we won't " they both qouted and followed him.<br/><br/>Tefo looked through the half opened window and saw two girls french kissing in the backseat. It appears they had moved to the backseat to get more room.<br/><br/>"man this girls are tripping.." Tefo muttered.<br/><br/>"okay..meet my friends Shelly and Affy, " he introduced the boys to the girls as he got in the driver's seat. "girls meet my brothers Kin and Tefo " <br/><br/>"hi!" Tefo and Kin exclaimed as they sat next to the girls in the backseat<br/>"OMG ! The HEIRS…nice to meet you" Affy said in excitment.<br/>"you are so cute…" Shelly coiled Tefo's hair around her index fingure. Tefo was a little uncomfortable, shelly had a scent of halls cherry.<br/><br/>"well…let me tell you a secret.. I am actually 20years so we can actually hook up." Affy whispered onto Tefo's ear.<br/>"sorry…I don't really fancy bisexuals"<br/><br/>"pensexual !"shelly added<br/><br/>"hey girls do not try to get my brothers<br/> They are kids." Judah turned on the engine and accelerated the car joining the main road.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/><br/>Judah dropped Shelly and Affy at a club and drove off to block 5. Tefo got a call. A smile drew on his face as he picked the call. "Sup babe..I have been calling you the whole day but you didn't bother to answer. Why" <br/><br/>" Baby! I was at a photo shoot. Remember last week I won Miss Teen Botswana so I didn't get the time" Lone said in her soft voice that Tefo mostly enjoyed.<br/><br/>A smirk hagged in his face as he replied<br/>"ok…but I want to see you and just hug you"<br/><br/>"ohh!" she softly pitied him " sounds like the punishment was severe…don't worry I will make it up to you."<br/><br/>Kin and Judah were listening attentively to his conversation.<br/>"lets meet now please…it's gettin a little cold..we could..." he made air kisses. Judah was enjoying it. Now it made sense of why Judah liked Tefo more than his brother Kin. However Kin was not thrilled, he kept on remembering Meghan and her perinoid games.<br/>"atleast I will escape that psycho from Kimlock" Kin thought.<br/><br/>"okay come to my house, my parents have went to attend a wedding in Rasesa and my brother has brought his girlfriend here so not really a big deal."<br/><br/>"a'ight.. wait for me…" he hagged up<br/>Tefo was now a little elevated. Lone was a girl he just met on Monday and already he made way to her house.<br/><br/>Kin turned to ask. "Dude you are visiting her now?" Kin asked in shock. "Do you really love her?" kin quizzed.<br/><br/>"relax Kin. I will drop him off." Judah turned back to join the maravu road."were does she stay?" <br/><br/>"she stays in area-G" Tefo said.<br/><br/>Judah drove off to area-G and after a few minutes they arrived and waited outside Lone's yard.<br/>"psych!…Tefo this is Lone's house..Khali's ex…I really hope my brothers don't bump into my exes" Kin revealed. However Tefo didnt have any problem with the arrangement.<br/><br/>"well___for starters she is not really my girlfriend we are just playing around..and I long told Khali about my little alliance with Lone." "okay guys bye see you tomorrow." he got off the car.<br/><br/>"Bro…don't forget rubbers. I don't want my words to come true." Judah took them out of the cab hall and handed five sachets to him.<br/><br/>"what…I am not gonna lay with her…and secondly why so many.""amyway give it! Bye" Tefo pressed the intercom and then the gate slid open automatically and he got in.<br/><br/>"Kin…you are very innocent "Judah exclaimed and got back on the road.<br/><br/>"Not really..People don't actually no that Tefo is the innocent one. He went for silly things like playing video games with Lone and her brother and then…Lone can easily invite her real boyfriend who is a sophomore and use Tefo as a cover story" <br/>"for real? Judah paused as his eyes widened out of shock.<br/><br/>" yeah…Khali and I once spied on him. He couldn't even kiss let along touch Lone…"<br/><br/>Judah laughed and parked by the blue flat in block 5. He got out and made a call. After a few minutes an average height girl who was slim and pretty arrived in a short denim body hugging dress. <br/>"hey Nicky…." Judah hugged her<br/><br/>"hello….Judah did you submit the assignment to the professor ?" she incquirred <br/><br/>"yes I did…so that's the only reason why you called me here right" Judah leaned by the car and Held her hands.<br/><br/>"maybe…" Nicky was a little shy.<br/>"well then let's turn this maybe into a yes…." he dragged her in and inclosed her in his arms. Nicky smelled his seductive cologne and leaned on.<br/><br/>"my brother is in the car…"<br/>"so guess I should go back then. I don't want to disturb you too." Nicky said.<br/><br/>However Judah wasn't ready to let her go." he is just leaving…"Judah opened the car door "hey Kin please go somewhere I promise I will come pick you up. " he whisphered.<br/><br/>"what you are ditching me too…classic!" kin stepped out of the car and waved at Nicky.<br/><br/>"hi" Nicky replied. <br/><br/>"i am going to DIMAUSU TSA BLOCK 5 " Kin walked to damausu slowly. <br/><br/>"my god am I wrong for being single and abstaining from girls." "wait…they must be closed.sych…what to do…"<br/>"💡idea…I will visit my mom's new house<br/> *****<br/><br/>Wame and Minnie walked along the street heading to Minnie's house. Minnie promised a sleepover just to make it up to her.The street was clear due to the bright street lights.<br/><br/>Kin saw them from afar and stepped closer to see.The girl looked fermiliar. He approached them and Wame turned to see him. She dragged Minnie away before Kin could step more closer and ran away. Judah arrived and kin got in.<br/>"Bro follow that girl…she is the one who_ _"<br/><br/>Judah drove fast and they reached them. Kin opened the door and dragged Wame in the car in a jiffy and locked the doors. Wame tried to let go bye Kin tied his hands around her.<br/>"let me go!" Wame tried to bite his hands.<br/>"chill…if you dare bite me I will defame you…better if you chill and we talk"<br/><br/>"okay __" Wame stood still and the quizzes began.<br/><br/>"i will not leave you until you give me a proper explanation.." "Firstly who are you?,why did you come to our house?" "And where is my neck chain?" he gave her the 'tallk narrowed gaze'.<br/><br/>"well…like I told you I don't even no how I came to your house and as for your chain it must have fell on me by mistake." Wame took it out of her pocket and gave it to Kin.<br/><br/>" I knew that you were a thieve. Should I call the police..Judah should I call the police on this girl for stealing my neck chain.?" Kin ended with a question."or you are one of my fans…"<br/><br/>"what fan…I don't even know you. Please let me go home..it's really late." Wame begged him.<br/><br/>"I will only let you go because you brought back my chain."Kin said and a thought hit him. "what if she is the one who brought in that bag of drugs.."<br/><br/>"direct my brother to your house." Kin told her<br/>"ok.." Wame directed Judah to Minnie's house.<br/><br/>"wait…you live in Nicky's street..anyway never mind." Judah packed on the side.<br/><br/>Wame grabbed the handle to open the door but Kin dragged her back onto his arms. He looked dip into her eyes.Wame could not comprehend it all. An alluring rear creature was holding her and she was close enough to just do away with him. She gazed at his beautiful features and her mouth hanged open out of shock.<br/><br/>Her heart was beating very fast and Kin didn't seem to want to let her go. She held on too, she felt good and didn't want to let go too. After all who would want to let go of such a hotjog. <br/>"God could this be a dream. Who are these new skrr skrr hot guys giving me fevers."<br/><br/>Kin slowly licked his lower lip and narrowed his gaze.Wame noticed his cool dark lashes and his styled, pierced eyebrow. "damm __ I don't care if he kidnaps me"<br/><br/>Kin turned to pin her against the car door and got super closed to her maybe to kiss her . Wame could not stop him. His nose met hers. Wame closed her eyes , unable to watch it all happen.Kin froze for a sec and starred at her face. He noticed the dark brown mole that hanged on top of her left eyes. Kin was somehow possessed just to stare at her. Judah was even shocked. <br/><br/>Kin noticed her lips as she unintensionally bit her underlip to cope with the situation.Kin moved to whisphered onto her right ear.<br/>"I will come and find you …someday" <br/><br/>Wame opened her eyes and starred at him with fury eyes."let me go…you wasted my time"<br/><br/>"you thought I was gonna kiss you.." he laughed "you are the one who knows that we are of different leagues. What do you call it..yes BANA BA STRATA..I don't do bana ba strata." <br/><br/>Wame felt a little sad after his rude qoute. She was reminded of her ill faith.Her face turned pale and she immediately prepared to leave as her tear glands were triggered. Surprisingly kin still held on tight.<br/>"please leave me…I want to go" Wame told him.<br/><br/>"kin…leave her we gotta go. You can meet your girl on your own." Judah said as he started the car.<br/><br/>Wame finally made it out of the car. She glared at the car as it drove away. She wasn't sure if it was a dream or real life. Kin matched those character boys she read about and those character boys she fantasied.<br/><br/>There was some noise in Minnie's house. Minnie's elder brother hosted a mini-session as he just graduated from Ba isago university with a degree in Real estate.<br/><br/>Minnie slid the gate open and spotted Wame standing still with folded arms and a serious face."modimo!!(god!) Wame I thought you were kidnapped…who was that" suspence was killing her.<br/><br/>Wame swallowed and exhailed. " well…lately I have been meeting seriously cute hot boys." <br/><br/>"really but how….I don't get it" <br/><br/>Wame took her time and explained the whole incident to her friend. Minnie seemed very envious.<br/>" Wame…you actually woke up in a house full of fickin hot boys and one them is actually after you. Amaizing" "and you are telling me they are actually four! Gosh I think this is my chance to get a hot boyfriend."<br/><br/>" please Minnie dont drag it there…I actually think they are famous..anyway forget, you are a BTS fan."<br/>"# borahe." Wame added.<br/><br/>"Wame…let's go inside the braai is about to be served…" "and bad news is that your cousin Reneilwe is here too. Still trying to get my brother…" she made air qoutes.<br/>They both got in the yard.<br/><br/> 🌸🌸🌸🌸<br/> Sunday mid morning ,They gathered at the penthouse to disclose the bitter truth to their close Kimlock friend. Her name was Allison and she was one of the heirs closest friend. She sat on the couch still in the suspence. She was very anxious to hear them.<br/><br/>Tefo came from the kitchen holding two slushys. " Coke flavour for Khali , blueberry for Kin.." he went back to fetch two more. "lemon for Nelly and off course Apple for our girl Alli." "Alli…it is made with love so please enjoy." he winked at her and smiled as he went to the kitchen to fetch his Apple slushy.<br/><br/>"What happen guys…what with the sudden meeting. Just two days out of ftown and you already have a scandal." Allison sipped her slushy with a staw and glared at them.<br/><br/>"Since you know about what happened after the concert, lets tell her guys." Kin said<br/><br/>"okay…we are going to government school as punishment…"Khali disclosed.<br/><br/>"what!" Allison exclaimed and coughed "wait..so your parents decided…why didn't you refuse?"<br/><br/>"well we can't afford to disband.."Nelly added.<br/><br/>"even worse . We signed a contract so there is no going back."<br/><br/>"so the Unruly boys caused all this mess. I am going to die in that school without you guys." "please make a plan to stay" she begged them.<br/><br/>"sorry but we will always meet her right…" Khali said in dispair.<br/><br/>"group hug. Come on in." Allison opened her arms and they all hugged for a while.Tefo noticed Kin's neck chain. He had to ask.<br/><br/>"Kin I thought your neck chain Was missing were did you find it…"<br/><br/>"well I __" he paused and remembered the incident with Wame. He smiled and replied him. " I found it under my pillow…"<br/><br/>"oh" Tefo replied "well I have a little gift for you Alli. Wait for it." Tefo matched to his room to get the gift. He stepped into something when he passed near the curtain.<br/><br/>"ouch my toe!" he looked down and saw a heart shaped silver earing. He picked it and took a closer look. "whose earing is this…gosh.." he opened the window to throw it away but he stopped after realising something. " wait the girl who was her___ never mind it's not really important" he placed it on the table and took out Allison's gift from his wall wardrobe.<br/><br/>Allison grinned as she opened her gift wrap. It was a neck chain with her name." wow you did one for me too. Thank you Tefo. I love you a lot. She kissed his cheek and wore the chain.<br/><br/>" I want you to know that you are our family Alli despite us leaving Kimlock high."<br/><br/>" I feel loved alot and cherished. Please don't find another friend and replace me cauz you guys are my strength." <br/><br/>"comeon. In that school." Kin rolled his eyes. " there is literally no one I can have an open conversation with. Their slang is not like ours. So count me out in making new friends." <br/><br/>"like I told you we are fam and we look out for each other. I don't mind hitting up with a few chicks although." Nelly added.<br/><br/>" Tefo, how did it go with Lone.. Kin told me you went over" Khali changed to a more interesting topic.<br/><br/>" guys she is not my girlfriend..we just friends with benefits. We help each other that's all" "Kelly is my real girlfriend…"<br/><br/>"cut the chase…did you do it with Lone….like..you know." Allison asked.<br/><br/>"comeon stop it…guys"Tefo did not buy the topic.<br/><br/>"just answer..anyway we are just anxious for no reason. I don't think he can pull it off." Kin began with his mind manipulation tactics.<br/><br/>"stop it!" he exclaimed and he Reclined on the couch. "yes…I did. Are you satisfied now."<br/><br/>"so….you just went and laid with my ex. Savage dude savage." Khali said in disbelief.<br/><br/>"what about her college boyfriend…unbelievable" kin inqurred. He was shocked. He didn't believe him.<br/><br/>"how..why." Nelly sat upright still curious.<br/><br/>"just like how you do it guys. Answered!"<br/><br/>"looks like I'm the only virgin her…" Allison said<br/><br/>Tefo broke into laughter. "come on guys…I didn't do any such with her. Her college boyfriend was hanging all over us." he made air qoutes.<br/> <br/> *****<br/>Reneilwe found Wame eating some leftovers and snatched the pot of leftovers from her.<br/>" you are eating off my mother's money early in the morning !" <br/><br/>"Are you insane !." "that was my share of food."Wame retorted.<br/><br/>"My little brothers are hungry and you are enjoying. Tom and Tim come and eat" she ended by calling her brothers.<br/><br/>"But they ate cornflakes earlier bring that pot."<br/><br/>"No…I'll rather give it to our dog." Reneilwe spilled the food on the ground and their neighbours chickens came by to feast.<br/><br/>"screw you Reneilwe you think this is any nice…ahh! Go and enjoy your boring food"<br/><br/>"you got a stinking attitude nowadays…no wonder why your mother abondened you and your father is locked up in jail." " you should be grateful to us"<br/><br/>A fat tear dropped from her left eye as she replayed Reneilwe's hurtful words. She was wearing some old jean, an over sized t-shirt she got from the school donations as she was on The social-care scheme.<br/><br/>Reneilwe got into the house and Wame stood there in agony. She was hungry. Her reflection on the windows of the old navara that was parked near the house revolted her . She despised her situation, her life, her clothes.Tears poured out uncontrollably. "I hate this…I despise my reflection . I am not even pretty.<br/>, I am poor and I'm a C student." she said in a shaking voice. " and those cute boys I met… if only I was of their legue…I just want to die."<br/><br/>ANDILE arrived from the back holding her phone. " Wame let's go to town. My mom just sent me money and she also sent an extra 400 just for you…now let's go before they hear us."<br/><br/>"Really…then maybe I can buy some new clothes these old rags bore me." she wipped of her tears.<br/><br/> "come on I'll borrow you my high waist jean and Snickers and you can complete the look with your regular bulky shirts." Wame retorted to hugging Andile and both departed to the mall.<br/><br/> ****<br/>Judah came by to pick up Tefo as he requested a ride. He didn't want to take their chauffeur this time. On their way Judah narrated a story.<br/>" T4…Kin took revenge this time…he grabbed some odd looking girl in block five last night and he almost kissed her. I was so scarred that he was actually gonna do crazy shits to her. Luckily I heard him say she is not of his league."<br/><br/>"wow…and he questioned me …"he exhailed as he looked out the window.<br/><br/>"Tefo lately my brother has been keeping secrets from me…they told me he was just innocent." Judah exclaimed.<br/><br/>"innocent…what…not him if you say Khali they I'll try to agree but not Kin. The reason why Meghan follows him around is because they had a serious… not just one but two night stands with her."<br/><br/>Judah stopped at a traffic light and yelled in astonishment. He never knew about that at all. "so Kin and I are the same after all."<br/><br/>"Now he is kind of trying to abstain from such stuff because girls couldn't stop following him.<br/>Their conversation went on until they reached their destination.<br/><br/>On the other side the two cousins had already reached Gallo mall.They walked into the mall.<br/><br/>Just uppon reaching floor zero. Tefo saw someone fermiliar. " That is her…the girl who hid in my room after the party." "she is doomed !"Tefo thought. <br/>"judah let heard towards Markham." Tefo said.<br/><br/>From a far distance The two girls were going into Markham.<br/><br/>"but we don't afford anything in that shop." Wame pointed out.<br/><br/>"well Whales told me to check suit prices for him. Let's go" they entered the shop. Just after entering the shop. Andile remembered something. " Oops! I gotta go and cash the money at the ATM machine. I will be back just check the prices and wait for me." Andile left her alone.<br/><br/>She strolled around checking out prices then her plaid shirt got hooked to a hanger as she passed. " This dam hanger_ _ _"<br/><br/>At the entrance was Judah and Tefo. Girls kept on waving, winking and starring at him.One of the shop workers.A beautiful slim girl approached them and seemed to be smiling at Judah. Judah was astonished by her beauty. He called her to a corner to chitchat.<br/><br/>Tefo paced to her steadly behind her and noticed something disturbing.<br/><br/>Wame felt hands slowly slipping onto her waists from behind and this sudden person dragged her onto his arms. She inhaled in his harmonious blosom cologne. She was scarred to turn around. By coincedence there was a long mirror Infront of her. She raised her eyes and met a fermiliar face.<br/><br/>It was one of the boys from yesterday. The one she saw half dressed. "the cute one..is he white or half black half white...." <br/><br/>It was a weird moment for her as Tefo starred at the mirror and his cool spiral hair kept on tickling Wame's neck as Tefo bent a little to place his chin on her shoulder. " I got you stalker…you can't run now or else I will report you for assaulting me." he wisphered.<br/><br/>Wame was not desperate but clearly running away from Tefo was never her options. She starred in awe and thought for a sec. She really admired herself with him.<br/><br/>However Tefo had other plans. He dragged Wame to the fitting room still hugging her from behind. He went to the last room, pushed her inside and locked the door. He pinned her to the wall mounted a mirror and gazed at her.<br/><br/>Wame' s heart skipped.She was scarred of his intensions. Her other self wanted him to stay and comply but her mind refused. "hey stop it …let me go.. I am sorry for hiding in your house."<br/><br/>"okay…I accept your apology but your shirt is damaged and your back is revealed I could see your bra...." He said<br/><br/>Wame fraked out."really… my one and only ….no!…what am I going to do…how am I gonna go around."<br/><br/>"shh!" he placed his index finger on her lips. "dont screen much. People might misinterpret the situation " " I will help you. Tefo gave her a convincing starred. She looked into his ocean eyes and nodded.His dimples got revealed as he spoke in that almost cool Australian accent but he was canadian. <br/><br/>" take off your shirt..just trust me." he said.<br/><br/>"what!" "but you_ _ _here_ _ _ how.."<br/><br/>"The same way you watched me…undress..just trust me I am trying to help you without my brother knowing…he is in the shop."<br/><br/>"okay.." she agreed and slowly tried to unfasten the buttons of the shirt. She was shaking and her finger s could not keep still.<br/><br/>"gosh she is waisting my time" Tefo did the honours of unfastening all the five buttons slowly.wame got lost in his charm. He was very delicate and erotic at the task. She starred at his earings. The hanging one that kept on moving in his lobe. She fantacised kissing the shit out of those lips.<br/><br/>She took off her blouse and remained with her bra. Tefo was really uncomfortable. He thought he could pull it off but if was hard. He was tempted. He starred at her small boobs ,her flat smooth tummy and swallowed. "This is not my type but I am really tempted now. Why did I decide to help her" he qouted as he locked eyes with her.<br/><br/>Tefo took off his grey sweater and gave it to her. He remained half dressed. This time he wasn't wearing a vest.<br/><br/>After wearing the sweater. Wame's gaze fell on his alluring psyque. His smooth chest and his medium abs. She wasn't into abs but he made her change her mind.<br/><br/>Tefo could not take it. The walls were squeezing them by each passing second. He pinned her to the wall again. He got closer and his breath fell on her. He leaned his hands on the wall and stopped to starre.<br/><br/>Wame tried to push him away and her hands landed on his chest.It was smooth and warm. She could feel his heart beat racing. He was heating up. She remained in the same pose as Tefo's face got closer and his nose brushed against hers. Wame closed her eyes and began trembling in fear.<br/><br/>Tefo had made up his mind somehow. He starred at her closed eyes and grinned."gosh.. Tefo." he blew some air on her face and she opened her eyes. "wake up…you are very lucky today is Sunday.." he moved to whispher onto her ear. "dont have high hopes. You are out of my league." he chuckled and moved back.<br/><br/>"you can go my brother will help me."<br/><br/>Wame left the fitting room and Judah saw her from afar. "isnt tha Kin's girl. We're is Tefo." He got a text from him. Judah hedded to the fitting room and found Tefo half dressed. <br/><br/>"what happened"<br/><br/>"well I was forced to give some girl my sweater since her shirt got teared somehow."<br/><br/>"so the girl who just left is her!" "so what did you…you know what let's go I don't need to no…let's go" "let me find something for you to wear…"<br/><br/>Tefo starred at Judah walking away with a smirk. He too found it weird and bizzare that he smiled so brightly. Well he was used to girls hoovering all over him but Wame some how wasn't all over him. " so that girl turned me on because she was oblivious." "anyway it's a good thing I tinted my hair black today atleast people won't see me and make a fuss."<br/><br/>"That stalker forgot her shirt…it's really old"<br/> <br/> ****<br/>Wame paced out of the shop still in shock and pumped into Andile Infront of THE HUB. Andile noticed a difference and incquirred. "Wame ! We're have you been. I looked in the shop for you. Did you buy a sweater…this is expensive..it's Christian Dior."<br/><br/>"long story cut short. My shirt was teared and some boy gave me his sweater…he really helped me."<br/><br/>"nowadays shit happens to you. Minnie texted me about last night's incident…girl you are a magnet nowadays." "anyway let's go and buy some new clothes"<br/><br/>Judah and Tefo exited the shop and Tefo saw Wame from afar entering a shop. Wame turned and locked eyes with him. He grimaced. At her and turned to look away as he felt his heart beat racing and his breathing increased as if adrenaline rushed throughout his vessels preparing the working muscles for action.<br/><br/>"God…I have a girl I should be thinking about. What's this rush in my veins." He followed Judah as they went to the next shop. On the way he kept on replaying the fitting room incident. He thought of all the possible things that could have happened when he stood in that girls magnetic field.<br/><br/>" what the heck… I certainly adore her or what…." "This is probably lust not love, like nor crush." <br/><br/> ****<br/>EVERYONE awaited for their arrival. They arrived and got in the house. Everyone was seated in the seating room glaring at them.<br/><br/>"where have you been girls. The tuckshop was unattended." Thato asked.<br/><br/>"my mother sent some money so we went shopping." Andile said.<br/><br/>"Oh really….Andile you are excused. I need to ask this orphan here what her deal is since she can't say her mother sent her money. Let's go" Thato grabbed her arm and dragged her into the kitchen and locked it.<br/> " You are going to pay for what you have done…how dare you leave the tuckshop unattended."<br/><br/>" What is your problem. Your daughter took my food…please leave me alone." <br/><br/>Thato took the broom stick and beated her on her back. Wame sreemed out for her brother's help but it was useless as he left for the lands as he couldn't find a job.<br/><br/>At the other side, Andile banged the door while Reneilwe and his father sat calm in the seating room watching a match.<br/><br/>"whose Jersey is that. Can you ever own such an expensive lable or it's just donations!" "I just wish you can just die or go insane like your filthy mad father." "I hate you…your crazy mother left a burden on me."<br/><br/>"I hate you too ! One day you are gonna pay for all this. Witch !" Wame blurted out.<br/><br/>Thato opened the door and left her crying at a corner. She closed her eyes and inhaled in the scent of the blossom cologne and imagined great things. She somehow pictured how it could be if one of those four boys was hers. Well off course in another universe.<br/> <br/> *****<br/><br/>Kelly came by Tefo's house. She talked to her cousin first before going in his house.<br/><br/>" so your stupid poor cousin was gone and then returned home late that too wearing an expensive sweater." "she is such a thieve…were did she get it.? "<br/><br/>"she's pathetic. I think some rich folk must have gave it to her after seeing her old rags…any way tell me about your boyfriend."<br/><br/>"please don't tell anyone that I am dating a celebrity. We decided to keep it from the outside." "His name is Tefo from the new trending band The Heirs."<br/><br/>"Really…okay..I'm happy for you. Please hook me up with one of them."<br/><br/>Tefo led Kelly in the house. He was interested in knowing the caller. "Babe who are you talking to?" <br/><br/>"my cousin..say hi to her" Kelly handed him the phone.<br/><br/>"hello…"Tefo said<br/><br/>Reneilwe was delighted by his soft low beat voice. She grinned and replied. "hello…I am a fan..my name is Reneilwe and I would like to meet you one-day." while she was talking Wame came from behind her still crying and lashed out in a shaking voice.<br/><br/>"Are you happy your mother beat me all because I went to the mall and I also returned wearing a new sweater!"<br/><br/>Tefo heard her voice and felt he was fermiliar with it. The agony in that voice made him sentimental. "hello who is_ _ _" before he could continue Reneilwe hanged up.<br/><br/>"l need to tell you something.." Tefo began<br/><br/>" I am leaving Kimlock high.infact the whole band is leaving."<br/><br/>"what_ _ _" her eyes widened.<br/><br/>"yeah…plus I won't be living here anymore. "<br/><br/>"Is your family bankrupt?"<br/><br/>"no We are working on a new project so we need the exposure thats all." " for now let's just share a mutual moment." Tefo dragged her onto his arms and french kissed her for about 3 seconds and stopped.<br/><br/>"why did you stop ? Iets do this" she stood on her toes and kissed him back.The moment was getting intense . Tefo carried her upstairs to his room on his left shoulder. Henry was not home so he had the house to himself. <br/><br/>As led in the room he closed the door and switched on the blue LED lights. They took their time and shared their erotic moment without disturbance. <br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Chapter 2<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>