
The Great Demon Lord


Zero_Zoro_5347 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Levels Of Training

On the ground, they stood at a distance from each other. Le-va-none had a smile on his lips and hands on his hips. "Alright!" Le-va-none yelled. 

Leva-on began to circle Imuru, at a measly pace. The point of it brushed across the grass, before it gained clearance from the ground.

Imuru observed the lance, as he placed another hand on the handle of his sword. His body followed Leva-on's direction, with grace, well prepared for an attack.

Leva-on halted its movement abruptly, and turned its blade up and charged at Imuru, aiming for the torso.

Reacting swiftly, Imuru parried Leva-on, though not perfectly as he liked, leaving him with a non-fatal scar across the side of his torso.

The wound gave Le-va-none a fright. "Imuru!!!" He cried out, wanting some reassurance for his injury.

Imuru looked around at him, a bright smile on his face. "I'm fine!…" He replied. Imuru removed his hand from over his wound. "Yeah, it's not bad at all. Guess, it just surprised me," He murmured to himself, getting back into position.

Le-va-none let out an anxious sigh. "O-Okay. That's good."

Leva-on charged past Le-va-none in a blur, its body rendered to sight as nothing but a golden beam.

It struck Imuru, lifting him off his feet as it carried him along. 

Thanks to his fast reaction, Imuru was able to stop it from striking him directly with the face of his blade.

Le-va-none beamed with a smile. "Yes, that's my boy," He murmured, his hands folded into a fist, a show of his excitement for Imuru successfully blocking Leva-on.

Still struggling against the momentum of Leva-on. He felt his feet brushed across the ground, and with some struggle, he managed to get his footing.

He got his other hand on the handle of his sword, and with one swoop, throwing himself into the ground, he redirected Leva-on into the sky.

Imuru huffed, exhausted from the ordeal, taking a glance up at where he sent Leva-on. He struck his sword into the ground, and used it to pull himself up.

"Ah, my boy is a badass…" Le-va-none thought, his eyes sparkling in amazement.

From the shadows of the tree a figure is formed. Eld-onone glanced at Imuru then at Le-va-none and approached him.

"Oh. Eld?" Le-va-none Looked his shoulder at Eld. His lips formed into a mischievous smile, "You know you can stay by my side right?"

"Hm." Eld-onone folded his arms, his gaze fixed on Imuru. "Purpose of this?"

"Hm." Le-va-none gaze returned to the panting Imuru. "Oh this? It's nothing. Wanted to see who he was. His reaction is pretty impressive, must've been a warrior of some kind, don't ya think?"

"Another fighter?" Eld-onone muttered. He hunched over, his gaze narrowed and now fixed to the ground, now deep in thought.

A boom from the sky dragged Eld-onone from his thoughts, as Leva-on struck down right beside Imuru. The impact knocked him off his feet, with powerful winds that dragged him across the land in a roll.

Imuru rested on one knee. His eyes darted to his hand, as he realized his missing weapon. In a hurry, he rushed back to the impact in search of it.

His eyes darted around, the dust settling enough for the golden handle to reflect the rays of the sun. He waited little time, and hurried over to it.

"Holy… My non-existent mother," Le-va-none said out of disbelief. He flew himself over to the crater. "HEY!!! Leva-on, I said go easy, Not Kill Him!!!" 

Right by Le-va-none side, Eld-onone saw things differently. "I would say this is easy."

"Hm." Le-va-none gazed up at Eld-onone, not a bit surprised by his words. "I have a conscience," He retorted.

Eld-onone sighed. "Just wanted to see his limits."

"Uh-huh. Anyways, I was just warming him up," Le-va-none said with a smirk, as he pointed a finger to the air. "Shall we watch from the side lines. Don't wanna get in anyone's way," He said ominously.

The way he spoke almost made Eld-onone crack a smile. He complied with Le-va-none's request without complaint.

Inside the crater, a transparent lucent golden aura gradually enveloped Leva-on, giving him a calm and divine presence.

From where he stood, Imuru felt as if the gravity just got that much heavier. With the vibrant aura around Leva-on, he quickly deduced that it may be the cause.

Leva-on removed itself from the ground, rotated, pointed itself up at Imuru, and charged at him.

Even with the increase in gravity, Imuru deflected it away from him. He's promptly forced down into a kneel, even after being successful in the encounter. 

He didn't have time to think of an explanation for this, as Leva-on had already returned, far too close for him to be able to deflect this, so he used the face of his sword once again to prevent himself from being impaled.

This time he's carried straight into the trunk of the tree.

Eld-onone narrowed his eyes, an important thought had formed in his head. "Le-va-none… Would he have been impaled if he was incapable of blocking it?"

Le-va-none paused all movement, and looked at Eld-onone from the corner of his eye. "No…" He replied, uncertainty laced in his voice.

The lance pressed Imuru up against the tree, forcing him deeper and deeper in. Leva-on stopped its assault, and went back far from sight.

Imuru knew what's coming, and pulled himself. He looked down, to see Leva-on rushing towards him. Imuru moved his blade over his shoulder, and ruined his fingertips over it and charged at Leva-on.

In a single slash of his sword, he stripped the golden aura from Leva-on. He felt as if the world had been lifted off him, as he spun himself from Leva-on's deadly edge and landed firmly on his feet.

A prideful smile formed on Le-va-none's face. "What do ya think? Pretty cool if I say so myself. Badass even."

Eld-onone took a deep breath, and chose to remain silent.

"Hm." Le-va-none tilted his head at Eld-onone's sudden silence. "Okie-dokie. I'm gonna head over and congratulate Imuru."

Imuru gazed, remained fixed up, waiting for Leva-on to return. So once Le-va-none crashed into him, nearly lost his balance, taken aback by the sudden embrace.

Leva-on quietly floated down beside them. Le-va-none brought it into the embrace also.

"Isn't he just amazing?" Le-va-none asked Leva-on.

The lance glowed a bright gold, a small electric hum followed the glow.

Le-va-none returned his gaze to Imuru's. "See he likes you."

He loosened his embrace, and beckoned Eld-onone to come over.

Eld-onone stared at him for a few seconds, before deciding to join them. 

Le-va-none placed Imuru in front of him. "So?" He said, expecting some words of praise from Eld-onone.

In return for what he asked, Eld-onone gave him complete silence and an uncaring look. Not seeing the point or purpose of doing such things.

Le-va-none gave him a blank stare for his silence. "Insensitive," He muttered. "You know what…" He turned back to Imuru, "You don't need this… dolts praise. Let's go way over there, on that side of the tree."

He grabbed Imuru's hand and walked off pouting.

On the other side of the tree, out of sight from Eld-onone. Le-va-none moved the sun, positioning it so Eld-onone wouldn't be in the shadow of it.

"Hm." Imuru tilted his head, unsure why Le-va-none was moving his hand like that.

Le-va-none noticed his precious confusion. "Worry not. I just moved the sun. Nothing else."

This explanation brought more confusion and questions if nothing else for Imuru. He looked up to the direction of the celestial body. "Moved it… huh?" Imuru nodded, not sure what to think.

He clasped his hands to get Imuru to return his attention towards him. "Okay." Le-va-none said. Le-va-none cleared his throat, "Now first of all, I'd like to say, Imuru, I am deeply impressed. That nullifier of yours was a threat and came as a complete shock."

"Nullifier?" Imuru muttered, and glanced down at his hand. "Right… That. Not even sure how I'd used it," Imuru thought.

From far east of them, the wind had picked up, carrying along with it heavy storm clouds. "Oh! A big one… This is gonna be exciting. A storm is one of my favorite times of the day."

He peaked Imuru up in his arms and flew up to head back inside.

Inside Le-va-none stood at the entrance to watch the chaos that's about to unfold by the storm, beaming with enthusiasm.

Intrigued by Le-va-none's enthusiasm, Imuru stood beside him. A growl of thunder echoed across the land, ever so often he saw flashes of light. Another, after another, until he saw one himself, that struck the ground with furiosity.

Le-va-none squealed in excitement. "Yes!... Did you see that?" Le-va-none said out, pointing out at the damage the lightning caused below.

Imuru wasn't indifferent to Le-va-none's excitement. Finding some thrill from the storm.

A cold heavy hand rested on Imuru's shoulder. Eld-onone stood beside him, with a dominating presence. Imuru just never seemed to notice he was such a tall figure. This close to him, Imuru noticed how his entire body was black as a void.

"Mind, if I borrow you?" Eld-onone asked, his gaze outwards to the storm.

Le-va-none cleared his throat. "Excuse me?"

Without Le-va-none's approval, Eld-onone grabbed ahold of Imuru's hand. Wings burst from his back, as he jumped off.

Imuru clung to Eld-onone, in fear of falling from such a dizzying height.

"HEY!!!..." Le-va-none felt an intense burst of rage. He calmed himself, and glanced around. "Sorry, sorry… I shouldn't act that way," He muttered, his tone and expression one of shame.

Eld-onone landed soundly. Imuru pulled away, embarrassed from him clinging to Eld-onone like that. He thought of asking the purpose for Eld-onone needing him, but this was unnecessary, as he figured it out with two creatures ahead of him.

Not wanting to leave Imuru alone, Le-va-none flew down to join him. He glanced at the wolf and overgrown centipede, and sighed. "You need to do everything I do?" He asked. "Just worse."

Imuru stepped forward without a hint of worry or fear. The creatures seemed unable to move, until Eld-onone twitched his finger, releasing them from their position.

The wolf aggressively rushed towards Imuru and lunged at him, Imuru maneuvered his over the it, changing targets as he headed toward the Storm Centipede.

The centipede's body crackles with electricity, as a bolt of lightning is sent Imuru's way. 

Unfazed, Imuru burst through said lightning. With precision he thrust his sword forward, targeting the head. 

The attack did nothing but agitate the centipede more. Imuru removed his blade and got some distance..

From behind the giant storm wolf unleashed a burst of sound from his mouth. Imuru sidestepped the attack in the nick of time.

From above lightning is drawn from above charging the centipede. The light held Imuru's attention and frightened the wolf.

Bolts of lightning fall from the sky, to form a cage around Imuru, the wolf being in close proximity was captured.

The lightning closed in expeditiously, colliding, sending out external energy and charging the air.

[[<Complex Skill>]]

[[Charged Field]]

The air sparks at random, signaling another Skill of the storm Centipede. After a few more seconds of sparking, in an entire area in the range of 110 meters, it discharges a huge amount of energy vaporizing everything within its range.

Le-va-none eyes widened. He breathed in and out, then gave Eld-onone a stern look. "You know you could've seriously killed him?"

Once the dust settled. Imuru stood unharmed, with faint purple-ish blue flames, fading off him. Imuru exhaled and waved over Le-va-none.

Eld-onone gave a nod of approval. "Now, you fight him."

"Hm? Me? Hey listen, I don't have a problem with that…" Le-va-none Looked over at Imuru. "Well, would this satisfy you?" Le-va-none asked, peeking from one eye at Eld-onone.

Eld-onone gave him one look, and Le-va-none took it as an answer. He walked off, and spun back around to Eld-onone. "Oh, and also that means the deal is off… So, you'll have to endure my company for the rest of eternity without break," He said with a broad smile.

Eld-onone's face of approval faded at the mention of this, but he didn't stop Le-va-none and accepted the terms.

Le-va-none flew over to Imuru, the brief buzzing from his wings breaking the ominous silence in the air. The break in the cloud eventually showed itself, allowing a ray of light to flow through. 

"Hey Imuru?" Le-va-none began. "How about one more challenger? Worry not, it will be me. You can Eld-onone for this if you'd like."

"Ah… You?" Imuru replied anxiously. His head lowered for a brief moment, then he raised it up and nodded. "It's fine."

Le-va-none rested his hands on his cheeks. "That's my boy," He murmured pleasantly.