
The Eye Of Samsara: Reborn!

From being used by the Uchiha clan to justify their actions to being used by the Hokage to make peace. Arashi Uchiha, a kid born with six paths power, and yet he hasn’t awakened it… Orphaned by the nine tails attack on the village, Arashi didn’t have the childhood everyone could ask for, the higher council forced him to live under a fake name called Tsuki Uzumaki without his knowledge because they feared what they were told about him. Eventually, Arashi befriended another orphan in the village, Naruto Uzumaki. At a young age, Arashi was in a violent disagreement with the third Hokage, this led him to awaken a power he never knew he had. The Rinnegan is a legendary power that is considered a myth to some. Arashi lives and trains to become a shinobi just like his friend, but unlike Naruto, he doesn’t do it for recognition and acknowledgment. Arashi simply wants to protect what and who he cares about. On his journey to becoming a shinobi, Arashi makes new friends who don’t care about his eyes, and he regains his family with the Uchiha clan after his brother finds out who he is. Arashi goes through a troublesome life in the village, but he never gives up. Arashi suffers at the hand of his villagers not accepting him and believe him to be a reincarnation of Madara Uchiha. And he suffers in the Uchiha clan who don’t fully accept him until he earns it. Arashi Uchiha faces multiple powerful enemies at a young age because of the natural desire for his eyes, and the people he loves are forced to pay for this, but he never stops trying to save them. Arashi Uchiha will always fight back! (I don’t own any rights to Naruto and its properties, and I only own my created characters and their powers.)

The_Hollow · Anime e quadrinhos
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51 Chs

The Third Hokage's Dilemma

Later that night, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, met with his old teammates, Koharu and Homura, inside his office. They discussed the impending coup d'état by the Uchiha clan, which Shisui and Itachi Uchiha had informed them about.

"I will contact Fugaku Uchiha tomorrow, and we will try to agree. We cannot afford a civil war," Hiruzen stated, sharing his plan.

Homura displayed clear displeasure at this approach, voicing his disagreement.

"We cannot allow this to progress any further. We have been lenient with them for too long. If the Uchiha clan plans a coup, we must retaliate with full force."

Koharu nodded in agreement. "I concur. We have shown kindness and patience, but now we must show strength and resolve. If they truly want this, we have no choice but to eliminate the threat."

Hiruzen sighed, disheartened by their stance. He picked up his pipe and responded firmly, "That line of thought is what led Danzo Shimura to where he is now. We cannot go down that path. We have survived all these years because of our kind nature and our belief in the will of fire."

He continued, "Besides, you speak as if ending one of the great clans in Konoha will be easy. We have seen the strength they possess, and now they have even allied with some of our finest shinobi and Jonin. I will discuss a peaceful resolution with Fugaku. This meeting is over."

Koharu and Homura left the office, disappointed but respecting their leader's decision. Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief once they were gone.

However, his contemplation was interrupted by a knock on the door. He called for the person to enter and was met by Kakashi Hatake, an ANBU member with silver hair.

"Kakashi, you're done with your mission?" Hiruzen asked, recognizing the young ninja.

"Yes, I have just arrived with Itachi," Kakashi replied.

Hiruzen nodded and suggested, "You can give me the mission report tomorrow."

But before Kakashi could leave, he hesitated and spoke up, "Actually, Lord Third, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Hiruzen turned his attention back to Kakashi, curious about what he had to say.

"I couldn't help but notice the elders of the village on my way here. Is everything alright? With the Uchiha, I mean," Kakashi expressed his concern.

Hiruzen sighed, his weariness evident. "Tomorrow, I will be meeting with Fugaku in an attempt to settle this peacefully with his clan. However, the odds are against me. If things go wrong in this meeting, they might force me to take drastic measures for the sake of the village. This hole Danzo dug only gets deeper each day."

Kakashi frowned, realizing the gravity of the situation. He felt a sense of urgency. "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know," he offered.

Hiruzen appreciated Kakashi's concern and offered some reassurance.

"Kakashi, do not worry about what will happen. Let me handle that. In the meantime, continue serving the village to the best of your abilities."

"Yes, sir. If there's anything I can do to assist, please inform me," Kakashi replied, determined to support his village and Hokage.

Hiruzen looked out of the window, deep in thought, contemplating the challenging decisions he would soon have to make for the sake of Konoha.

The next day arrived, and Shisui told Arashi that he would be back later and that he had gone to speak with Itachi. Instead of staying inside and training alone, Arashi decided to seek out Sasuke since they were both free that day.

"Hey, Sasuke!" Arashi greeted Sasuke with a wave as he entered his house.

"Arashi, come in," Sasuke replied.

After he took off his shoes, Arashi stepped inside Sasuke's house, where he was warmly welcomed by Sasuke's mother, Mikoto. She had always been kind to him.

"Oh, Arashi, what a pleasant surprise to see you here," Mikoto said with a smile, wiping some dishes.

"It's always a pleasure seeing you too, Aunt Mikoto," Arashi replied kindly.

As he waved goodbye to Mikoto, he followed Sasuke upstairs to Itachi's room, wondering why they were there.

"Sasuke, what are we doing here?" Arashi asked, trying to keep his voice down since they were in Itachi's room.

"Shh, don't make noise. I found something that I think you'll like," Sasuke whispered, searching through Itachi's drawer.

"Got it," Arashi whispered back.

Sasuke pulled out a book, and they quickly left Itachi's room, making their way to Sasuke's room.

"What is it?" Arashi asked as he tried to read the title of the book. It was an old book with worn-out pages.

"I saw Itachi reading this the other day. It's about the Rinnegan. He's been trying to learn as much as he can about it," Sasuke explained.

Arashi took the book and quickly skimmed a few pages. Each page widened his eyes in excitement.

"Can I do that?" Arashi wondered.

"Of course, this is probably mostly inaccurate, but it's worth a try, right?" Sasuke replied with a smile.

Arashi smiled back. "Yeah, thanks, Sasuke."

"No problem, but let's get out of here. It's kind of boring today," Sasuke suggested.

Uncertain of where to go, Arashi asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"I know a place, just follow me," Sasuke said.

Arashi nodded, ready for the adventure ahead. They said their goodbyes and left Sasuke's house.

Meanwhile, Itachi was heading back home early, his clothes drenched in sweat, showing he had been training rigorously.

'Shisui isn't in his house either. Maybe he's with Arashi,' he thought as he walked into his home after removing his shoes.

"I'm home!" he announced.

Mikoto, who had finished doing dishes, heard him and welcomed him with a smile.

"Oh, Itachi, you've just missed Sasuke and Arashi. They left a few minutes ago."

"Sasuke is with Arashi?" She nodded.

Itachi's brows furrowed slightly, a hint of concern crossing his face. 'Shisui… you and I were supposed to train together today. Today we were both free, and you never miss this.'

"Itachi? Is something wrong?" Mikoto curiously asked. She wasn't used to seeing such a concerned expression on her elder son's face.

Itachi quickly masked his emotions with a reassuring smile. "Everything is fine. I just realized I forgot something in my room." He excused himself and walked up the stairs.

As he made his way to his room, he couldn't help but continue to ponder Shisui's recent behavior.

'Shisui… you've changed recently. Nowadays, you keep wandering off and taking all these problems on yourself. It's too much responsibility… even for you.'

He laid down on his bed, the concerns still lingering in his mind.

Meanwhile, in the hidden leaf village, the sun continued to shine brightly, illuminating the Uchiha clan's compound. The air carried a sense of anticipation, and the faint rustling of leaves added to the atmosphere of secrecy. The distant scent of damp earth hung in the air, betraying the location of being somewhere remote, far away from the bustling streets of the village.

Shisui, his senses sharp, glanced around, ensuring that no one had followed him. 'Sorry, Itachi, I have to do this alone.' He knew the importance of this meeting and the need to protect its secrecy.

The location had been meticulously chosen - a secluded grove on the outskirts of the village, nestled between ancient trees and tangled undergrowth. Not only did it provide cover, but it was also the only spot where surveillance by either the clan or the village was impossible.

Amidst the darkness, Shisui's eyes darted, his Sharingan activated as he looked around. His heart raced with each passing moment, and he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He waited patiently, well aware that this meeting was different, and the stakes were higher than ever before.

The shadows seemed to dance around him, amplifying the sense of secrecy and tension. The gentle whisper of the wind interrupted the silence only, adding to the air of anticipation. Shisui's emotions were a mix of determination and concern, knowing that the outcome of this clandestine encounter could shape the future of the Uchiha clan and the village… but most importantly, his brother's fate.

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

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