
The Eye Of Samsara: Reborn!

From being used by the Uchiha clan to justify their actions to being used by the Hokage to make peace. Arashi Uchiha, a kid born with six paths power, and yet he hasn’t awakened it… Orphaned by the nine tails attack on the village, Arashi didn’t have the childhood everyone could ask for, the higher council forced him to live under a fake name called Tsuki Uzumaki without his knowledge because they feared what they were told about him. Eventually, Arashi befriended another orphan in the village, Naruto Uzumaki. At a young age, Arashi was in a violent disagreement with the third Hokage, this led him to awaken a power he never knew he had. The Rinnegan is a legendary power that is considered a myth to some. Arashi lives and trains to become a shinobi just like his friend, but unlike Naruto, he doesn’t do it for recognition and acknowledgment. Arashi simply wants to protect what and who he cares about. On his journey to becoming a shinobi, Arashi makes new friends who don’t care about his eyes, and he regains his family with the Uchiha clan after his brother finds out who he is. Arashi goes through a troublesome life in the village, but he never gives up. Arashi suffers at the hand of his villagers not accepting him and believe him to be a reincarnation of Madara Uchiha. And he suffers in the Uchiha clan who don’t fully accept him until he earns it. Arashi Uchiha faces multiple powerful enemies at a young age because of the natural desire for his eyes, and the people he loves are forced to pay for this, but he never stops trying to save them. Arashi Uchiha will always fight back! (I don’t own any rights to Naruto and its properties, and I only own my created characters and their powers.)

The_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Crossroads of ambition and memory!

AU: Hey guys! I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry for leaving you hanging for so long, but I've been terribly ill and busy. I hope I can bounce back as soon as possible, and most of all, I hope you all enjoy the story!

Arashi and Sasuke had wandered off to a secluded forest within Uchiha territory. They were behind the Naka River; behind the waterfall lay a dried-up land, flanked by trees on both sides and a few in the valley.

A slow stream of water leaked from above, flowing downstream to create a small river that separated the area.

"Over here," Sasuke called. 

He jumped over a log, pushed past some leaves, and finally stopped when they reached their destination. Ahead of them lay an empty field surrounded by giant trees. Circular targets were set up on twelve different logs in various directions.

Arashi created a shadow clone and looked around. "This place is amazing. How'd you find it?"

"Big brother brought me here to show me a shuriken jutsu trick."

"Can you do it?"

Sasuke shook his head and frowned. "He didn't teach me."

"I see… Shisui hasn't taught me much about shuriken jutsu either," Arashi responded.

"Really?" Sasuke asked.

Arashi nodded. "Well, it seems like there's only one thing we can do here," he said, clenching his fist.

"Train alone?" Sasuke queried.

"No, that's sad. We're going to create our very own shuriken jutsu," Arashi declared, walking over to remove the shurikens from the targets.

"That's… not where I thought you were going with this. How are we even supposed to do that? We're not even genin."

Standing on the water's surface, Arashi enshrouded his kunai in flames. "Big brother always coats his tanto and kunai with fire during battles. It gives him better reach and deals more damage," he explained.

Pulling out a piece of chakra paper, Arashi continued, "I've been experimenting solo, and big brother Kakashi has agreed to teach this to Naruto. He even showed me one of his unique ninjutsu to inspire this project."

As Arashi channeled his chakra into the paper, an unexpected phenomenon occurred. The paper didn't exhibit any of the normal elemental reactions. Instead, it shivered and flailed as if caught in an inner storm of chakra, a spectacle that captivated Sasuke.

The paper seemed unable to focus on any specific elemental type. The agitation peaked, making the surrounding air feel electrically charged before the paper vanished altogether.

"Still not entirely sure why that happens, but I suspect it's because I'm born with multiple chakra affinities," Arashi said nonchalantly.

Turning to Sasuke, he queried, "You're born with fire and lightning affinities, correct?"

Sasuke nodded. "I haven't used my lightning release much, but I've mastered several fire techniques."

"Exactly, you're already versed in nature transformations. Shisui opened my eyes to the potential. And now," Arashi's hand crackled with electric sparks, "I aim to wield nature transformation as Shisui does."

"You want to throw lightning?" Sasuke was perplexed; he'd never known anyone to throw lightning before.

"Yeah," Arashi affirmed, "We're going to learn how to throw waves of lightning."

Arashi ignited his kunai with fire chakra, turning it into a flame-wreathed blade. Focusing on a target fixed to a tree, he leaped forward and swung, releasing a torrent of fire that incinerated three targets in a row.

"That's the Halo dance, an Uchiha move. Shisui's way better at it, but I can do one big one or a few smaller, faster ones," Arashi said.

Sasuke's eyes widened at the sight of the charred targets. "You want to do that with lightning?"

Stopping the chakra flowing to his hands, Arashi grinned at Sasuke. "Yeah, it's tough, but I think we can do it. Lightning could both cut and burn, not just burn like this. But before that, I've got something else to teach you."

"What's that?"

"Shape and nature transformations. I learned it from Big Brother Kakashi, and Shisui helped me improve. It's not fun, but it's better than doing nothing before returning to the academy. You in?"

Sasuke nodded, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Yeah, let's do it."


Inside the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage sat engrossed in paperwork, his mind burdened with thoughts of the Uchiha clan.

'This situation is spiraling out of control. My options are limited, and the plan I'm considering is cruel and unjust. If it fails, the consequences will be dire.'

Letting out a weary sigh, the Third Hokage shook his head. 

"You damn fool," he muttered to himself.

Picking up his pipe, he lit it and took a contemplative puff, his mind drifting back to the events that transpired just a week ago.

Shisui and Itachi stood beside an unconscious Arashi in a secluded medical room within the Hokage's office. Nearby, Naruto lay asleep on another bed.

"Danzo... Had he not interfered," Shisui said, his fists tightening as his eyes shifted into the Sharingan.

"Come with me. I promised to show you what happened to Lord Danzo," Itachi responded, his voice steady.

Acknowledging Itachi's words with a nod, Shisui followed him out of the room.

"As I approached the area, I noticed Danzo and his men were immobile. I even threw a kunai to check for any reactions, but they remained still," Itachi shared, walking down the corridor.

"I wanted to get closer and inspect, but Naruto was also near. Given the unknown nature of the jutsu used, I hesitated. I initially thought they were already deceased."

Shisui's eyes narrowed, "What happened next?"

"You'll see shortly," Itachi assured him.

Itachi and Shisui joined the Hokage and Kakashi, all making their way to the morgue. Once there, a sight of death surrounded them—bodies cloaked in white sheets.

Itachi lifted one of the sheets, revealing the visages beneath. 

"Danzo?" The Third Hokage, Hiruzen, questioned, disbelief painting his features.

Kakashi looked equally stunned. "How is this even possible?"

Danzo and his subordinates lay before them, eyes and mouths bleeding. Unnaturally, their eyes displayed Rinnegan spirals. Despite their horrendous state, breath still shakily left their lips.

"They're trapped in a genjutsu beyond anything I've seen before. Only Arashi may be able to dispel it," Itachi explained, returning the sheet to its original position.

Kakashi's voice was tinged with apprehension. "A genjutsu did this?"

Hiruzen was lost in thought. 'The Rinnegan's power surpasses even my wildest theories. Danzo, had you only listened...'

From a distance, Shisui's eyes smoldered with regret. 'I should've been there for you, Arashi. This is on me,' he thought, walking away to rejoin his injured brother.

Itachi watched Shisui depart, concern shadowing his face. "Lord Third, I apologize for Shisui's demeanor."

Hiruzen shook his head somberly. "No, the blame lies also with me. This may never have happened if I had exercised more control over Danzo."

Itachi nodded silently, his thoughts veiled. 'At last, you see the truth,' he mused, returning.

Itachi found Shisui sitting next to Arashi.

"I'm going to fix this… Arashi."

The Uchiha clan members returned to their homes, immediately noticing signs of a skirmish—broken walls and shuriken lodged in windows told a tale of conflict.

"Fugaku-dono, neither Itachi nor Shisui has been seen or heard from all day," one of Fugaku's closest advisors mentioned.

"Itachi informed me of a covert task, but as for Shisui, his absence from the meeting is concerning," Fugaku answered, his expression unreadable.

"Do you think they're aware of what happened here? Could this be a message from the Leaf Village?" another Uchiha inquired.

"I'm in the dark as much as any of you," Fugaku replied. "I'll speak with Itachi and Shisui."

"I'm sure it's the village sending us a warning," a grizzled Uchiha elder named Yashiro said, his spiky grey hair barely moving as he spoke. "They think we'll cower and retreat."

Others in the group nodded, their discontent palpable.

"We shouldn't leap to such hasty assumptions," Fugaku cautioned. "This could have been an internal dispute unrelated to the village."

"But look at the damage! Our homes turned into battlegrounds! Do you see the state of these walls and windows? That construction wasn't easy!"

Fugaku's eyes flickered with an unspoken intensity. "Rest assured, I will take this matter up with the Hokage. Alone."

The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees, and Yashiro felt a chill snake down his spine as he met Fugaku's piercing gaze.

"Look, Fugaku-dono!" Someone called out, pointing.

Fugaku's gaze followed the direction of Shisui's home, marred by damage and embedded weapons. 

"Why would the Leaf target Shisui? Wasn't he working towards mediation?" another clan member questioned.

"Isn't it clear? They kept it from us, and now that we possess it, they aim to destroy it," Yashiro retorted.

"It? You're referring to the Rinnegan, aren't you?"

The crowd of Uchihas murmured, speculation growing rampant about Arashi and his Rinnegan.

Fugaku shut his eyes, thoughts racing. 'This situation is deteriorating. Even Shisui, a mediator, wasn't spared. Itachi, if you're still blind to this, I can't wait for you to see reason.'

He opened his eyes, and the Sharingan flickered to life, glaring at the havoc that had torn through his clan's compound.

Today is a special day, It's Naruto and Arashi's birthday! To celebrate, i'm releasing a large amount of chapters which I hope you'll enjoy. Anyway, have a great time and as always, it's a pleasure sharing this story with you all.

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