
The Eye Of Samsara: Reborn!

From being used by the Uchiha clan to justify their actions to being used by the Hokage to make peace. Arashi Uchiha, a kid born with six paths power, and yet he hasn’t awakened it… Orphaned by the nine tails attack on the village, Arashi didn’t have the childhood everyone could ask for, the higher council forced him to live under a fake name called Tsuki Uzumaki without his knowledge because they feared what they were told about him. Eventually, Arashi befriended another orphan in the village, Naruto Uzumaki. At a young age, Arashi was in a violent disagreement with the third Hokage, this led him to awaken a power he never knew he had. The Rinnegan is a legendary power that is considered a myth to some. Arashi lives and trains to become a shinobi just like his friend, but unlike Naruto, he doesn’t do it for recognition and acknowledgment. Arashi simply wants to protect what and who he cares about. On his journey to becoming a shinobi, Arashi makes new friends who don’t care about his eyes, and he regains his family with the Uchiha clan after his brother finds out who he is. Arashi goes through a troublesome life in the village, but he never gives up. Arashi suffers at the hand of his villagers not accepting him and believe him to be a reincarnation of Madara Uchiha. And he suffers in the Uchiha clan who don’t fully accept him until he earns it. Arashi Uchiha faces multiple powerful enemies at a young age because of the natural desire for his eyes, and the people he loves are forced to pay for this, but he never stops trying to save them. Arashi Uchiha will always fight back! (I don’t own any rights to Naruto and its properties, and I only own my created characters and their powers.)

The_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

The mysterious gift

1 week later,

It was a sunny day inside the Uchiha compounds, Arashi was resting under a tree. His eyes were closed and his hands behind his head as he relaxed.

'Our first semester at the academy ended yesterday. I was first in all subjects and lessons followed by Sasuke, then Naruto. In theory, he still can't catch up with us, but he's almost on par with us in physical studies.

Seeing all our lessons and training pay off was good, especially after what happened with Danzo and his men.

Since then, I've been feeling a lot of animosity from the clan.

Even more than before…

I can't walk alone without feeling icy glares from everyone. And it's not my fault.

Sometimes I feel like a burden to them.

To everyone around me.

I haven't been sleeping lately, I've been thinking about the nine-tails a lot.

All that hate, animosity, and rage.

It must be so lonely being the nine tails…

All that chakra…

The power.

It's all to be used by someone else.

Am I like that?

Being used by the village…

The Hokage…'

Arashi's thoughts were interrupted when he felt someone's hand on his face.

"Haha, I know it's you, Shisui!" He smiles and says,

Shisui removed his hand from Arashi's face and smiled.

"You're back!" Arashi exclaimed, getting up and hugging Shisui tightly.

"Hey, I wasn't gone for that long," Shisui chuckled, returning the hug. He helped Arashi up, and they walked into the house together.

Shisui headed to the kitchen while Arashi took a seat. As Shisui prepared the meal, he started a conversation.

"You know, earlier, you reminded me of Itachi," Shisui said, a nostalgic tone in his voice.

"Itachi? How did I remind you of him?" Arashi asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, he's often lost in his thoughts, like he's spacing out or something. But don't tell him I said that about him, he'd probably overthink it," Shisui explained, teasingly.

Just then, Itachi sneezed while grabbing his kunai.

'Someone must be talking about me,' Itachi thought to himself, feeling a strange presence.

Shisui finished cooking and served a plate of steak and rice to Arashi.

"Thanks for the food!" Arashi said excitedly, his hunger evident as he dug into the meal with gusto. Shisui couldn't help but smile at his little brother's enthusiasm. As they ate, Shisui remembered an important upcoming event.

"By the way, your birthday is in three days," Shisui announced, looking at Arashi.

Arashi paused for a moment, then grinned. "Yeah, soon enough I'll be old enough to go on missions with you, big brother."

Shisui's smile widened at the thought. "That's right. We'll go on missions together when you're old enough. Who knows, maybe even Naruto can join us. It's his birthday too, right?"

Arashi nodded eagerly. "Yeah! And your birthday is only a few days after ours. Isn't that amazing, big brother?"

Shisui chuckled. "That's right. I'm growing older and wiser, too."

Arashi smirked mischievously. "Well, you're certainly growing older, not sure about the wiser part."

Shisui playfully lunged at Arashi, who quickly jumped back, darting outside. Shisui chased after him, both of them laughing uncontrollably.

"Hahaha!" Arashi giggled as Shisui caught him while he was attempting to climb a tree.

They both continued to laugh, enjoying their playful moment together. Eventually, Shisui suggested going for a walk.

"Huh? Right now?" Arashi looked up at the sky, noticing that the sun was setting and darkness was approaching.

"Yeah, I'll buy you some roast squid for dinner when we get back." Shisui jumped down and walked ahead.

Arashi followed him as they walked around the Uchiha compound.

"So what's got you so lost in thought lately?" Shisui asked, noticing that something was bothering Arashi. He could tell there was something on his brother's mind.

"It's nothing, really," Arashi replied, attempting to brush off the topic.

Shisui gazed at him. "Come on, you can't tell me? I can see that something is bothering you."

"It's not like that, big brother," Arashi hesitated, unsure of how to express his feelings. He felt as though no one would truly understand.

But Shisui wasn't about to let it go. He cared deeply for his little brother and wanted to help. "Then what is it? You can tell me anything, Arashi."

Feeling the pressure to confide, Arashi took a deep breath and began to explain, "Well, I... Last week, I woke up because of the Nine-Tails."

"The Nine-Tails?" Shisui asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Yeah, he saved my life. His chakra must've entered me, and that's how I met him. It's a little weird, though. Even though he killed all those people, including our mother, I... I felt a little sorry for him," Arashi confessed, looking earnestly at Shisui.

Shisui listened attentively, trying to understand Arashi's conflicting emotions. "Being used like that, solely for your power... In a way, I can relate to that," he admitted.

Shisui couldn't hide his concern any longer. He frowned, realizing the weight of the emotions Arashi had been carrying all this time. "That's what he wanted to do, right? That old man, Danzo. He wanted to use me and Naruto as weapons. I understand why people hate the Nine-Tails, but still... I don't hate him either," Arashi said, his voice filled with empathy.

"I…" He stopped himself before he said anything wrong.

'I want to help him.' He finished in his thoughts.

"You truly are a kind person, Arashi."

Arashi's eyes widened, surprised by Shisui's understanding. He had hoped his brother would comprehend his complex feelings. They continued walking together, entering the village.

As expected, Arashi's distinctive and mysterious eyes drew the attention of everyone he passed. The rumors and misdeeds associated with him led the villagers to believe he was cursed. People avoided him, glared at him, and whispered curses and gossip behind his back.

The recent events surrounding Arashi weren't known accurately to the villagers, but stories circulated nonetheless, morphing and changing with each telling. Some believed that the woods had become cursed by Arashi, that he had taken lives and controlled the Nine-Tails, just like a certain Uchiha from the past.

All of this made Arashi feel uncomfortable. His mood shifted as he noticed the hostile gazes directed at him.

'I've never liked coming into the village. That's because of how badly they all look at me. Sometimes I wish I had it in me to become what they despise so much…

a monster,' Arashi thought, his anger brewing.

'Maybe then they'd be grateful.

But now, every corner I pass, all I hear is his name...

Madara Uchiha.'

Shisui noticed Arashi's change in demeanor, narrowed gaze, and determination. He ruffled his brother's hair affectionately and smiled, leading him to a nearby grilled squid shop.

"Let's take a break and enjoy some grilled squid, Arashi," Shisui suggested, hoping to distract him from the negativity surrounding them.

They arrived at a shop inside the village, Shisui went to order while Arashi sat down and waited for him.

"That'll be 20 Ryō."

"Sure, thanks." Shisui paid for the food and went to sit with Arashi.

"Arashi, I have to run a quick errand, I won't be long, don't eat without me."

"Aw man, you're leaving me?"

He pouted and folded his hands.

Seeing Arashi's childish behavior, Shisui shook his head, "I won't take long."

He made a hand sign and flickered away.

'Great, now what should I do?'

He put his head down and closed his eyes and awaited the food.

After a while, the shopkeeper came back with two plates of grilled squid, fried rice, and some sizzling pork steak.

"Enjoy your food!" He said as he put the plates down.

Arashi waited for Shisui to come back before eating.

20 minutes later…

"Grrrr!" His stomach started growling.

He looked at the food and his mouth watered, he couldn't keep this on for much longer.

'Man, what's taking him so long?

I'm starving.'

Arashi looked around, and barely anyone was around.

'Maybe if I taste just a bit before he comes back.

He won't know if I did it, will he? Plus, the food is going cold.'

He took his chopsticks and took a bite of the pork steak.

"Mhm, that hits the spot."

Before swallowing it, he tasted the fried rice and squid too.


Much better." He rubbed his stomach, satisfied with the food.

Whoosh! Shisui returned with a mysterious dark case in his hands, capturing Arashi's curiosity.

"Oooh, what's in the case, big brother?" Arashi eagerly asked, his eyes fixated on the intriguing object.

Shisui smirked. "Oh, this? Nothing much, just an early present for my very patient and very obedient kid brother."

"Really?! What is it?" Arashi's excitement grew as he anticipated the surprise.

"Let's eat first, I'm starving," Shisui replied, diverting the conversation. He sat down and placed the case on the other side of the table.

"You're the one who's starving?" Arashi muttered with a tinge of disappointment.

Arashi clasped his hands together and said, "Thanks for the food!" They proceeded to enjoy their meal together.

After dinner, Shisui and Arashi walked back home. Arashi couldn't take his eyes off the briefcase, his curiosity gnawing at him.

"Can I carry it?" Arashi asked, eager to explore the contents of the mysterious case.

"No," Shisui replied, keeping a teasing tone in his voice. "Just wait till we get home."

"Aww, how unfair," Arashi folded his arms, pouting.

After a few more minutes, they finally arrived home. Arashi quickly removed his shoes and rushed over to Shisui, who had placed the case on the table.

"Let me see what's inside, come on!" Arashi's excitement was evident, as he couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"Haha haha! I haven't seen you this excited in a long time, Arashi," Shisui chuckled, enjoying his brother's enthusiasm.

"Well, you haven't done anything that exciting in a while," Arashi muttered under his breath.

Shisui shook his head, smiling, and ruffled Arashi's hair. "Can't help it, you're my little brother."

However, instead of opening the case, Shisui took it back into his hands and stood up, surprising Arashi.

"Aren't we going to open it?" Arashi asked, a hint of disappointment creeping into his voice.

"Nope," Shisui replied firmly. "You'll receive this present on the day you graduate from the academy. Until then, it will serve as a way to motivate you."

"What?! That's so unfair, big brother!" Arashi protested, feeling a mix of frustration and anticipation.

"That's life, Arashi," Shisui responded with a gentle smile. He carried the case to his room, leaving Arashi to ponder the contents of the mysterious gift.

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

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