
Origin 3

Marcel woke up, he looked at a wall in front of him. Marcel looked at his reflection in the wall, a lady ushering a child towards her. Marcel walked closer to this mirror, this woman and boy were elves just like him.

Translucent lights flowed all over, attracting Marcel to point and touch at them, some tough slowly twisted Marcel's head to the wall again. A place Marcel was drawn towards. Marcel extended out his hand, his palm twisting in a shape of a bird and his arm outstretched as he lay his neck down, closing his eyes.

His eyes were still closed but an abundance of emotions were flowing trough him, that of the five senses. Touch of elegant but slight grace, the taste of the most extravagant foods, the empty sight, and the listening to the most glamorous of music. This was heaven.

As he slowly peeked through his eyes he was suddenly thrust into a ballroom, dancing and tip-toeing his way around. His hands swayed in the air and he made his legs go left to right and all over. Marcel smiled, seeing elves all around him clap and cheer on the marvel they were witnessing. Marcel looked at his arm and hands, with no restraints and with no wounds. His entire skin was clean.

He slightly turned his head around to see a woman, with elegant long blonde hair, her eyes an ocean blue, her skin white and red like a perfect snow pumpkin. Her small freckles of gratitude and her thin lips were a marvel of beauty.

Marcel could not help but keep staring at this woman, her grace her smell of flowers, and her sight. It was so comforting. His legs kept moving around from each other and he tap-danced, playing with his legs and enjoying the cheers of the elven crowd.

Marcel's ears suddenly tingled as he saw the woman outstretch her hands toward him. She swayed her arms in an elegant manner, the way they swayed, it felt like slow motion.

Marcel ran towards this woman with outstretched hands, to receive a hug from this beautiful woman, her presence making him cry in itself. His eyes were with tears and his body aching for comfort. Suddenly the floor started to creak, Marcel looked down at the creaking floor. He looked upwards as quickly as he looked down but he was no longer in a ballroom. The woman in front of him was stabbed by a creature, whose face is hidden.

Marcel could not cry, he looked around him and saw molten faces, chasing after him, with spears as long as Mr. Watson and bodies piling all around. Marcel stretched out his, no weapon in his hand, but he couldn't turn around. He was truly trapped.

His eyes moved around in different directions, towards the red aura that extended its reach all over, the only other being in sight were soldiers, chasing after Marcel their hands trying to grab his body. Marcel used his body to try to shoo him off but the more he started to struggle, the more soldiers came.

Marcel looked around, arms from the ground and from the sky grabbing his body one by one before they reached his face. Suddenly a hand he had noticed, one of a pale woman, made of grey and her skin feeling like sandpaper. The hand grabbed Marcel's face and shrieked as Marcel's fear syndrome rose.

Marcel started to shriek and grabbed his hand outwards and suddenly he was thrust, with Mr. Watson at his face, sweating all over, brooding drops coming over Marcel's head.

"Are you okay Marcel," Mr. Watson said, his sweat still piling over him.

"I don't know, it was a nightmare, it was so, real," Marcel said, rubbing his hands across his face.

"Do you remember what it was Marcel," Mr. Watson said intriguingly.

"I can't, it's like my mouth cannot form the words to explain, it is so confusing, every time I try to force myself to think about these nightmares, it's like my spine starts to shiver and my body starts to shake, I cannot fix myself," Marcel said, his hands shaking and his eyes widening at every word he uttered.

Mr. Watson pulled Marcel into his grasp and wrapped his hands around him, in a hug.

Marcel's eyes suddenly became teary and his nose filled with snot as he cried, the candle lights illuminating them as they try to hold each other, in a grasp, to not let the other go.


"Master," Ryo said, staring at the man in the black mask inside the blue pool. "It is time to rise and shine again, for a new day, for the future of galactic kind.

"The body stayed still, unmoving, the beam still protruding from his chest only getting shorter and shorter and it was now at human length, slowly closing into his body.

"Dynasty, has already left, that bastard told me he had to make so-called "preparations," some bullshitter he is isn't that right boss?"

The body still remained still, the robot guards still surrounded Ryo as he ranted on and on towards this body with no life inside it. They remained still and silent their glares as they sharply looked at Ryo. One suddenly lifted its laser gun and slowly aimed it at Ryos head.

Quickly the robot guard fired a shot toward Ryo, suddenly a quick flash of speed happened with the laser shot missing Ryo and himself being nowhere to find.

All of the other guards lifted their weapons and looked around, wondering where Ryo had gone, suddenly a hand grasped one of the guard's ankles. As the guard looked down he was dragged into the earth below.

The two guards next to him quickly started to fire at the ground but pears of roots from the trees nearby struck the two guards. There was now even guard remaining, 4 on the left side, and 3 on the right side. Looking towards all directions trying to find Ryo.

Suddenly a rumbling was heard and the guard's leg started to shake, their body armor started to crack and their head comes in which all robots communicated suddenly shut down, their vision closed and now they were empty.

The robots started to fire in all directions, left right below, or above they tried to get lucky and see if they could somehow hit the hitman Ryo, also known as Ryo the city devourer, currently one of the earthly three. Three of the strongest Earth systemo users. A legendary figure in bounty hunting, and a man with immense power.

The robots had tried their luck, the revolution they called it, but against a man like Ryo it was no use.

Suddenly the robots were struck by small needles, as the robots giant hands touched the needles, the smell of burning metal struck all of them as they all melted into pitch-black goo. As the robots melted down, Ryo popped from under the grass. He grabbed his head and twisted his head in different directions.

"Damn these imbeciles, cannot believe they would do this to me," Ryo said in a sad tone, his voice whimpering at the betrayal. "What am I saying, I'm exaggerating," Ryo said laughing.

He quickly grabbed all the black goo and put it on the blue pad, suddenly the blue beam went inside the empty body. Suddenly blue light illuminated the lifeless body and Ryo smiled in happiness.

As the body started to float in the air, humming from the sky was heard and the nightly clouds started to break for room of this transformation. All the animals tried running out of the forest to no avail, their energy sucked in by the body in the middle.

Ryo covered himself in an earthly wall as he smiled gleefully, awaiting the return of his master. Suddenly as quickly as the process started the process ended as quickly and the body fell back but with no blue pad to hold body. Only smoke emulates from the body of the lifeless man.

Ryo slowly crept toward the smoke and grabbed 3 pins, he quickly threw 3 pins toward the smoke to take the smoke away. As the 3 pins passes through it seemingly was blocked away and passed and hit back toward Ryo. Pricking him on his left and right arms.

As Ryo looked at his arms confused he looked towards the smoke again, legs and a hand emerging from the smoke. In which an aura of death and strength shook him over. Ryo quickly fell to his knees in a bowing stance, his smiling expression now one of seriousness.

He looked upwards towards the used-to-be lifeless body but now, an alive man. Covered with a black mask, and black robotic arms but with human legs. His body was in systemo enhanced armor, and his aura was that of one who had killed millions.

"It has been a long master," Ryo said quickly, observing what he said before he said it.

The man did not respond back, only patting Ryo on the head before moving on.

"Sir do you know the mission already," Ryo quickly followed through, his body still on his knees and sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Yes, I have always known," The man said in his deep and rough voice. "Now stand and walk with me," the man followed through.

"Yes, I shall," Ryo said standing his body up and moving towards the master, sighing a breath of relief, happiness soaring through his body for the arrival of his master.