
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

SMMCLIPS · Anime e quadrinhos
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57 Chs

Chapter 3- Promotion more like punishment

This was our last day at sea, and I watched as the gates of justice were opened for us, our worn and tired ship cruised through these gates, every marine on board saluting in respect, we slowed as we reached the main ports, the ship was then slotted neatly into bay 69 and we disembarked the ship, hoping to relax before embarking on another mission. But what waited for me, outside the ship was far worse than anything I could have hoped for. A giant stood at the end of the gangplank, in a tight white suit with military medals all over his broad chest, the marine insignia and kanji emblazoned on his jacket which flapped in the warm breeze hitting marine Ford. In his hand was a packet of rice crackers, and there was a faint munching noise echoing, I looked up to see the grimace of the grey-bearded Garp, the hero of the marines.

"You brat, you're under me now, which means there is no beating up higher-ups, oh also you are now officially a Commander in the marines, don't fuck this up, kid!"

And with that, he was gone, the cadets around me were in awe and the Commander of the ship I was on fell off his stretcher, screaming in rage, a letter replaced Garp's figure and I stooped to pick it up, peeling a bit, and pulling the letter out, 

To Commander Ryusaki Shimotsuki of the Hero division serving under Garp:

You have been relocated to Loguetown where you will be stationed at the marine base under the temporary leadership of Captain Smoker, you will be posted there for a year, he is going to mentor you, but he won't go easy (insert tsk cause I think I can beat his sorry ass) so this can be also regarded as our punishment for laying hands on a senior!

Not yours sincerely,

Sengoku- Fleet Admiral.

ps. Feel free to take a few days off before setting off. 

I watched as the letter in my hand began to burn then, it flew into the sea as ashy dust. Honestly, I didn't know what to make of this, I knew there would be some punishment, but a promotion was not expected when I asked the second in command who was on the ship, who by the way I now out-rank, he said there are cameras all over marine ships, especially in the training rooms and mess halls. 

I trudged around Marine Ford till I reached my room, nothing special at all, it was a room with a double bed, a den den mushi, and a variety of rice crackers, I thought whatever because anything could beat that shitty hammock. 

The event of the day left me exhausted and the two full months of sleep deprivation kicked in, closing my eyes. I woke up to the twittering of the birds outside my windowsill, there was a door that led to my own personal bathroom where I bathed, brushed, and shaved, before picking up a packet of toffee rice crackers and leaving the room. the long winding corridors were easy to get lost in, but I was careful not to go to the admiral's area, and I avoided everywhere, until I found what looked like a gym, I entered but the equipment looked so pristine I felt like it would be criminal to uses gravity training on them, so I just adjusted them to how heavy or hard it should be under extended gravity. 

I bench pressed 1000 kilograms, which was light work after doing 100 kilograms under 10x gravity. I did various other exercises for the next 5 hours until I felt like I had warmed up sufficiently for my sword session in the Smash room. 

When I entered the smash room, many were there, even young cadets in the hope of getting stronger, I noticed a few of captain rank, and a few lieutenant commanders, who are just under my rank, my eyes scanned the vat room till I found a spot to lay carnage on. I increased the amount of Straw dummies and put them in rows of 10 with 20 rows in total,I received many awkward and weird glances, and I'm sure they couldn't even comprehend what was about to happen. Oki-sa Oki-sa no mi- Blink and Slash, I disappeared with my 10x speed that was the dash part, I appeared a few metres behind the dummies, extending Nidai Kitetsu to a length of 10 meters, it blackening with haki, before I brought it down in an arc of crimson revenge, severing the heads of the straw dummies. The crowd around me had gone silent, then they broke out in murmurs, I hated gossip, with a single motion of my hand the gravity over the straw dummies increased to 10 g crushing them completely, the murmurs, stopped, and with that I decided it would be best to train out in the grounds with no disturbance.