
The Angry Alpha

The angry alpha with a known reputation for being ruthless and a cut throat temper for being uncontrollable being the most powerful member in the pack, and being the most powerful pack called the Midnight pack was one to be reckoned will the alpha finally meet his match with a young human that could possibly be his Luna? Will she be able to tame the Angry alpha? Or will it all end in bloodshed and tears?

Smith0015 · Fantasia
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

I was walking down one of the corridors to get to Cains room after enjoying my breakfast The place was a buzz with news that the council are on there way to Midnight packs, body's where rushing to get past one and other, chefs hollering at each other trying to sort menus, maids and butlers cleaning everything twice honestly I felt so out of place everyone running around like bloody royalty where on there way, there just advisors I don't see what the big deal is? I just don't get it maybe it's cuz I'm human and not a wolf, But I would do as Cain told me, he's all in Alpha mode right now, ensuring everything goes to plan and running smoothly, when Cain told me he didn't want to tell them about me and him finding his mate I don't no I felt such a sour pang to my gut but for what ever reason i swallowed my pride and I would go along with it, It's going to be weird staying here and not being in Cains bed. Holy moly where would I stay?.

Nick offered to stay by my side the whole time when the council come and in all honestly I'm grateful I'm scared to put my foot out of line but I have another day yet so panic hasn't started to set in... Just yet.

A large hand caught my attention when I was pulled into the familiar scent of rose musk and a hint of Cinnamon, Cain pulled me to his large torso and pulled me flush against him,his wondering hands slid down my sides and gripped my ass and ran back up towards my face, Cain dipped his head into the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent, "do you know Olivia when your wearing stuff like this, how am I suppose to control my self?" I wore some thigh-rise shorts which displayed my legs and thighs and a white lace crop top which sat just above my belly button it was too warm today and I was not sweating my ass off for the sake of Mr Angry over here, "Now My Alpha you must try to control your self" as I place my hand on the hard muscles of his upper body, I could hear a growl deep within his chest Cain whispered in my ear "your making my cock twitch when you call me that" and slowly took my lobe in his mouth and nibbled it, I couldn't help but realise a gaspy moan as he kissed me on my cheek and pulled back with a satisfied grin on his face and yet again I'm blushed like a tomato looking anywhere other than this beautiful man.

"I have plans for us tonight Olivia, before the council come I want you all to my self" his eyes lit up with prosper

"Oh really where are we going?"

"Now that's a surprise" he tapped the side of his nose and began to walk down a corridor away from me

"I don't like surprises" i shot back hoping he'd change his mind

"Be ready for for 5" he hollered back 

Damm that sexy mysterious man of mine

Whilst I waited for time to tick away  and be whisked away on my surprise date, I thought id go a wonder to take in my surroundings I was rather enjoying it until I bumped into someone very familiar

"Aye up poppet what you doing round these parts on your lonesome, where's the Alpha?"

"I'll have you know Jay I'm perfectly capable of looking after my self you know I don't need a bodyguard and he's at training"

Pointing to his chest Jay shown his Hollywood smile and chuckled

"Im sure poppet, does the Alpha know your wondering round on your own?"

I sheepishly look away and started to shift my weight between my left and right foot and just shuck my head Jay gave me a nudge and continued to laugh

"He'll freak out Poppet if he knows, the pack don't know who you are yet, something could have happened"

"What am I supposed to do stay locked up in his bedroom I'm not a wild animal you know and besides your saying it like I'm in danger" I shove my hands on my hips an glare at him for any give aways but no nothing he's like stone

"No of course not, just maybe have someone escort you that's all, don't want you to break a nail, and the midnight pack is one of the safest about Liv, you've got nothing to worry about, just rogues are getting braver you can never be to careful" he squeezed my shoulder "come on I'll take you to the Alpha"

We both began walking across the field to the training ground together and we was getting a few odd looks I'm guessing nobody else knew I was here other than the guys,

"So Jay do you.. erm Have a mate?"

I heard him scoff "no liv I'm more of a love um a leave Um type of guy" and he floated his hand in the air

"So your a man whore then?" i deadpanned

"I wouldn't say that more of playboy, type of guy, I like to sample the buffet before going straight to the pudding ya get what I mean?" He gave me a nudge in the side

"Do I look like one of the guys to you?"

He rubbed the back of your head

"Well I didn't wanna tell you about your moustache, but now you've brought it up could use a trim"

I gave him a good solid punch to his arm in between him laughing his head off not that it would do anything my pathetic punches he's made out of stone

"Im kidding Liv, I'm just saying" he rubbed at the back of his neck again as two she wolves walked by both in Lycra and hugging there taught figures, "see what i mean, you gotta try before you by sweetheart" his blue eyes went wide Whilst oogling there bums

"Women are not objects ya know Jay you shouldn't be staring at them tongue hanging out and wagging like a pup it's called respect"

"Ill have you know I'm no pup poppet I'm all man under this" he motioned over his body "what I'm saying is liv Whilst I haven't got a mate I'm a single Pringle and what lovely she wolves wouldn't want to spend a night with there beta it'd be a crime if I didn't" he gave another Hollywood smile

"Ooh your such a hero"

as we got closer to the training ground it was really started to fill up full off other people we moved closer to the front as the crowd made way for us, well I say us for Jay I'm a human and he's a beta the number two of the pack, as we got to the front, my eyes went wide and my mouth hung open, there he was Cain top off he tanned skin glistening with sweat and under the sun aa pair of black gym shorts and his obsidian hair curled round the front of his forehead, his muscles contracted and pulled together, I always knew he was built like a god but here in a one on one against another wolf made me realise just how big he is compared to others, I caught the beads of sweats running from the middle of his pecs down through his six pac down towards..

"Oh yeah I can see what your saying now liv, not being objects and respected and all that, you might want to wipe that drool from your mouth there Pup" he emficisized the p as he laughed

Cain turned sharply in a movement and smacked the other wolf right on his head and dropped him to the floor like a sack of potatoes, he turned briefly to the crowd and bellowed above "that's enough training for today" when his deep hazel nut eyes caught with mine and he smirked a too knowing grin, I hope he didn't catch me checking him out and the heat began to rise

I heard a few bimbo she-wolves behind me talking

"god the alphas so hot" "I know right I only come to the training grounds when he's here , gosh I'd love to rub my hands over his body" "me and you both sister if I get a chance I'm jumping on that"

I felt the little green monster in me brew it's horrible head in me, yes I know he's incredibly hot he's definitely a 10 and he's my mate but the thought of bimbo 1 and 2 trying to gain his attention soured my gut I turned round to say something to them but before I could Jay turned me back the other way "don't be stupid liv you have nothing to worry about he only has eyes for you"

Which did seem to slightly comfort me and the green monster, for now .

Cain came over after training to me and Jay he was still topless and I just stood there watching him like free porn he took a long drink of water and gripped it with his large powerful hands as his Adam's apple Bob up and down sweat still clinging to his skin, I could feel it pool in between my legs, what is this man doing to my self control?

As if Cain knew his eyes started to go black as he deeply inhaled he stepped closer to me "see anything that excited you my love" his deep voice rung in my ears which didn't help my situation it just continued to make my skin hot I felt flustered he had one hand on the side of my hip which he gently rubbed with his thumb, I heard a growl from Cain as he pulled me closer to him "I don't like all these unmated males round my excited mate, I will snap there necks if they get to close to what is mine" He nuzzled his head to my neck to calm himself down "Cain what if someone sees" I whispered to him "and? They can see all they like, if they go against me it'll be there life not mine"

He gave me a small pec on my neck and pulled his head away his hypnotising hazel eyes where back he had calmed down slightly but I could still feel a vice grip on my hip, we both began to walk back towards the pack house Cain would pull me away from any wolf that got to close to me and avoided all questions in regards to me.

When we got back to Cains room he showered first and I avoided looking at his beautiful body or we'd never go out, when he did renter the room I didn't trust my self round him I became so weak I just wanted to rub my self all over him, and his wolf needed no more encouragement.

Cain gave me his room whilst he popped down to his office, I showered and shaved quickly and scrunched my hair, into its natural wavy locks, I pulled out a black silk cami dress that went over my body it fitted over my ample chest and hugged them just enough, I would have to go bra less tonight as the back was left open in a cross cross sort of fashion, I put on some strapy black heels and put minimal makeup on, I heard a click of the door and assumed Cain came back, I applied some perfume one last look in the mirror and decided to go out, to meet my handsome Wolf,

Cain wore black slacks and a tight fitted black t-shirt he had his gold watch on and. A black blazer hung over his arm, tied with black dress shoes, his eyes scanned my body from head to toe and he cleared his throat "you look breath taking"

"Not so bad your self My Alpha"

"Olivia you looking like that and saying that, we won't be leaving this room if you carry on" he cracked his head to the side and tensed his jaw as he came over to me and placed a soft kiss over my lips

"Come my Love" he took my hand and we went though the pack house, he opened the door to his black sports car and we drove off down the road Cain would turn his eyes away from the road and quickly glance at me and then turn away, he didn't have to touch me to make me feel flustered he just had to look and I just had to remember my breathing, he pulled into a car park and parked his car, the twinkling of lanterns lit up a dark wooded area, he walked me down a wooden bridge onto a lake which was all dressed up with fairy lights and lanterns, he held my hand the entire time as I got into the boat and we sat across from one and other as he began to row down the river

"Cain it's beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you my love"

Turning my head away from his heated gaze "its so romantic I've never been anywhere like this before"

"It's the right setting, to spend with my mate" his twinkling eyes made my heart flutter

"Is everything all set for tommorrow?"

"Olivia I don't want to talk about that, tonight we're living in the moment me and you, No work"

I nodded "so my alpha when did you become, Yano the alpha"

"Many moons ago now, I think I was 18"

"How old are you now?"

"I'm 26 now, how old are you my love?"

"Erm I'm 20"

We continued to talk about what we like to do in our spare time I enjoy reading, and trying things new we both like hiking so I'm guessing we both like being physically active, Cain also likes boxing as he so politely said "keeps the rage under control" I know his favourite colour is black and mines blue we talked about family's but that was rather short the only person who cared about me was my gran and she's passed away, he spoke about his mum he was so happy to speak about her but when I asked about his father he kind of shut off and I didn't probe him I'm thinking that'll be more of a second date questioning, after about 20 minutes rowing on the boat, we hit land and come to an old wooden cabin, Cain helped me out as we walked on the cobble path, we went inside to tables of couples, with red table cloths and large wooden chairs some had a few booths along the side which me and cain sat in, it had to large candles placed in the middle, it was beautiful, how could I be so lucky to have a man like this planning such a romantic date, and he wants to spend his time with me? it felt to good to be true

"Are you enjoying the night so far my love?"

Cain pulled me out of my daydream, "I am, it's so romantic I really don't no what to say",

"You don't have to say anything your worth it" I scooted round closer to Cain in the booth after we'd ordered our food, he wrapped a large hand around me and held me close he placed a soft kiss on the top of my head, his hand rubbed on the front of my stomach and with the material being so thin it was like he was rubbing my skin, I felt sparks spread across my body,

I don't know who I think I am or it because of the two glasses of wine I've already had on an empty stomach but I placed my hand on Cains inner thigh and slowly started to run my fingers up and down his leg I could feel him stiffen and relax then stiffen again as I would go higher up after doing it 4 or 5 times he slightly pulled on my hair and my head tipped backwards Cain came close to my lips but hovered above them "Olivia your making it very difficult" so I decided to play dumb " what ever do you mean?" "Let me show you" and he crashed his lips to mine, my mind clouded for a moment till I realised what he said, his large hand placed over my knee and began to tease the inside of my thigh like I did to him, he broke the kiss so he could watch my reaction he did it a few times each time getting closer and closer to my underwear, I felt so hot and flustered with him touching me my cheeks tinted red, I didn't realise but on his last attempt my legs opened more for him and he whispered in my ear in such a gravely tone like he was trying to control himself "good girl" it heated my core, slowly he began his teasing going further and further up my dress, when he got to the outside of my Lacy underwear he ran his finger on the outside but i know he could feel my juices though them, "is it difficult for you Olivia?" He applied a little pressure and manage to push back on my sensitive nub and I let out a breathy moan "fuck!" Cain shook his head and removed his hand, my body already craving to be touched my him again, "is everything okay?, did I do something wrong?" Cain grabbed me by my throat and pulled me to him, his lips crashing to mine, his tongue invading my mouth with a need , exploring every inch of my mouth he was like a man starved, once we pulled away his hand cupped my face "oh baby you did nothing wrong, I needed to stop myself before I bent you over this table"

Is it bad that I want him to?