
The Angry Alpha

The angry alpha with a known reputation for being ruthless and a cut throat temper for being uncontrollable being the most powerful member in the pack, and being the most powerful pack called the Midnight pack was one to be reckoned will the alpha finally meet his match with a young human that could possibly be his Luna? Will she be able to tame the Angry alpha? Or will it all end in bloodshed and tears?

Smith0015 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

"The council are coming"

"Okay but who are they?" Cains hand rubs my cheek but I can see the conflict in his eyes as he's toying with what to say next "why are they causing you so much trouble?" I push again

"Come" Cain holds his hand out for me and pulls me back down the corridor towards his office, we walk inside, much to my surprise his office is back to how it normally is it's clean and tidy no pictures hanging off the wall and new chairs have been replaced "you must have good staff" as I motion my hands around the room, he lets out a chuckle "you have no idea, I'm sure they are used to it by now" he smiles and pops himself in his chair whilst I sit facing him, i wriggle around trying to get my self adjusted but being a new chair it hasn't been warn in and yet, it's so uncomfortable

"Not quite to your standards Olivia?" Cain eyes me with his perfectly arched brow, when he speaks my name a sharp pang shoots through my body leaving goosebumps in its wake, I look into his hypnotising gaze "No it's fine it's just uncomfortable, I'm guessing because it's new" i continue to wriggle in the chair

"Well Im sure I can find you something else to sit on, but it might be just as hard" he says with a wicked glint in his eye and I know what he's talking about and another shiver runs over my body, I wonder if he understands what effect he has on me.

"No that's quite alright I'll move to the sofa, so you where saying the council?"

Trying anything to change the subject so the pool in between my legs doesn't grow Cain let's out a large sigh and runs his hands through his hair "ahh the council or as I like to say the pain's in my backside"

I laugh but he continues "they come round the packs to make sure everything's working how it should be, like an inspection, they speak to the Alphas, the Betas and either mates or Lunas of other high ranking wolves they just like to get there greedy claws into everything" he spits out the last part

"Does that mean they'll want to speak to me?" Cain shakes his head "No, I'm Not going to tell them I have found my mate" and just like that it's feels like a stab right to my heart, that I'm crumbling those few words feel like the rug has been pulled out beneath me

I feel the water well up in my eyes and my tears threatening to spill as I hung my head down and play with my hands in my lap, I hear Cains chair being pushed out and he gets up and walks over to me and stands in front of  me  he cups my face with both hands and his large thumbs rub along my cheek "its not like that Olivia, you don't know these council members there vindictive and manipulative"

"Are you ashamed of me?" My voice barely a whisper but I know he can hear, he sits him self next to me but my eyes never meet his, I feel betrayed in a way, he's ment to be my mate as he says the other half of his soul so why would he not tell them why would he hide me? "Olivia, I would never and can never be ashamed of you, your the light in my gloomy life, it's just, I'm trying to protect you, the less people who no I have a mate the better, the rogues are already planning something, and I CANT AND WONT LET ANYBODY HURT YOU" the last part he shouts and his hands have now dropped and I can see him gripping into the cushions of the sofa, I had forgotten about the rogues I was to busy in my little bubble I had forgotten about everything and now I understand where Cain was coming from he was trying to keep me safe, I place my hand over his and his eyes are slowly returning back to normal "i think it would be a shame to ruin your new furniture when you've had it less than 24 hours" Cain laughs and pulls me onto his lap and continues to breathe me in "Olivia, when the council arrive I want you to try to avoid them, and if you do happen to bump into them, try not to talk to them"

"Ill go to work then I won't be able to put my foot in it" as I run my hands through his dark tresses

"NO! It's to dangerous I've already rang Barney and told him that you won't be back at work for a few weeks"

"Cain you can't just take remove me from my job"

"Olivia, Barney is a trusted friend, he knows of our world he understands he's already sorted it so enjoy be quite and please your Alpha" he says with a smug grin

I scoff "you are not my Alpha, you are my mate" and I see Cains eyes dance "then that's all the more reason to", I can feel his hands making small circles on my back trying to control him self

"Can I not go back to my cottage? For the day they're here?"

Cain holds me tighter and pulls me down on his chest that my head is wresting on his pec as he continues to run his fingers along my back "Olivia, Alex went back to get you some stuff whilst you where here and he smelt an unknown scent in your cottage"

"What when?"

"This morning Alex mind linked me to notify me, you can't go back to your cottage just yet someone was in there and we don't no who"

The thought of someone being in my cottage going through my things makes my skin crawl that someone has took advantage of my own privacy I shudder at the thought and Cain only holds me tighter, these people really want something and I don't no why I'm nothing special  "don't worry my love we will get them"

Asif answering my unasked question, i nuzzle my head into his chest "what do they want?" i brave my self to say "now that Olivia is the big question, but we will know soon enough"

It had only been a short while since I new Cain and his life and already things where going bit crazy, maybe I should never have came here maybe I should have distanced my self, and a pang into my heart tells me that's the wrong decision to even think we sit there in silence as I continue to sit on Cains lap until I decide to break the silence "is there anything else I need to know about.. for when the council comes?" A few more moments pass  "When they arrive the parasites, I can't act this way with you, I will distance my self from you, I Won't touch you or kiss you, or be close to you, I'm telling you this as I don't want you to be hurt by my sudden change of actions, I want you to know but it'll be only until they go, then I'll have you back in my arms" I only nod in return I know it's for my own safety but still it hurts me "Nick will stay you, so your not alone, you will be Nicks friend if anybody asks, Jay and Alex will be with me as they're my right hand men, but if you need anything Nick will be able to mindlink me", "Cain?" "Yes my love?" 

"Whats mindlinks?" He laughs and kisses the top of my head "my beautiful human, it's like a internal Walkie talkie for wolves" "well why can't you walkie talkie to me?" "Your not in my pack my love, we can only mind link to wolves in our pack" I feel disheartened hearing that "but don't worry my love you will be soon".


I hate that's I have to lie about the truth to Olivia, to not tell everybody she's mine, and mine alone, that I can't shout it front the roof tops or beat any of these unmated wolves to a pulp when they look at her Onyx is furious that we have to hide her but he understands the dangers of the council if they knew about her they'd want me to take the throne, and I could loose Olivia all together and we both know that we can't loose her now we've found her, we need to give her time to adjust and hopefully she feels about us the way we feel about her, it's hard with humans as she doesn't feel the mate bond, but I see how she reacts to my touch how her body wants my touch, hell I'm craving it just being in the same room at her, I only need to touch her and I want to bury my self inside her

stop it and your horny self, we have to take it at mates pace we can't rush things!! 

Onyx snaps me out of my dirty thoughts, but I agree who would have thought that the most vicious wolf known has now turned into a love strict puppy

I am not a love strict puppy!

I roll my eyes knowing full well he is, "Right I'm going to get changed out of these clothes and put my own on now you've told me Alex has brought me my clothes" Olivia distracts me "i like seeing you in my clothes, then everybody knows your Mine" as I wrap my hands round her waist I can feel her heart rate pick up by my touch her curly hair swooped to one side so I can inhale her delicious sent of coconut and vanilla she turns he head slightly and kisses me on my cheek, then  she stands up turns around and straddles me, I can slowly feel the tightening going on in my trousers, she pulls back on my hair and kisses me passionately trying to dominate me, which she succumbs to because you don't win with an Alpha, she presses her body up against mine and she's grinding up and down on my crotch area, her arousal filling my nostril and driving me insane I can feel my cock twitch beneath her, my hands go to her hips and spread across her curvaceous ass and grip it tightly I feel her moan into my mouth which makes me want to tear her clothes of so I can feel her delicate soft skin against mine, my hand goes to the bottom of her t-shirt I rub my hand inching slowly up her sides, her shivering as I inch my hand closer to her heaving breasts, until a knock at the door pulls us away, we're both breathing heavily and the door swings open,

"Interrupting something again am I?" And there he is in the door way that stupid Beta of mine, out of all the people in the world and he's mine, "Now come Alpha we can't mix business with pleasure this is a place of work" he tuts, "JAY SO HELP ME GOD" I feel my eyes darken and I know Onyx is at the helm, not liking another unmated male looking at our mate, and interrupting us again, and now he had the ordasitity  to question our leading Jay puts his hands up front of him in surrender "Im joking of course Onyx" and a deep possessive growl comes out shaking the walls violently, Jay kneels and bares his neck to us, Onyx happy with his submission retreats back, hee stands and Olivia gets of my Lap and rather flushed by the look of it "right I'll leave you guys to it" she puts her head down and try's swiftly making an exit to the door before I shout "remember where we left of for later" and wink at her I'm sure I see a small smile as she closes the door,

"Going well with our Luna then Alpha?"

"It would be going even better if I didn't have a Beta that kept interrupting every five minutes" I snap

"Well I didn't know you to would be dry humping again you should go to your bedroom"

"Why for you to barge in there to, I won't have you barging in on my mate Jay, I will snap your neck if you try to look at what's mine or are you challenging me to your Luna?" My voice comes across cold and icy and he knows I'm not joking

"I -I would never Alpha she is your mate, I love to protect our Luna like any Beta should I will be more cautious when opening doors Alpha" he nods and looks down

"What did you want?"

"Did you tell Liv about the council?"

"I did, to some extent, I will  hide her from the council, and tell them I havnt got a mate and they've been misinformed I told her that I'll keep away until they leave it's for her own safety"

"Cain just tell her the truth?"

"TELL HER WHAT JAY?, That Im the Alpha King? and She's My Queen ? that we have a kingdom to run with millions of life's at stake?  that the rogues are trying to kidnap her to get to me?, or that there is a war to start because I have taken a mate and I have to take my throne? Or maybe the fact that her life is in danger? Please Jay because for how understanding Olivia is I think to anybody that's a bit to much" i slam my fist on my table and hear the wood groan as I slump my self in my chair

"Yeah I suppose your right it is abit much"

The silence spreads between us

"How will you hide her scent?, she smells of you and being Alpha royalty it's not going to come off with a. Quick shower"

"I have a magical pendent that will mask the scent she should just smell like human If they encounter her"

Jay nods

"Do wee know when they are coming?"

Jay nods again, then to answer

"They'll be here tommorrow"