
The A.I wars

"Within every individual lies a dormant beast, concealed beneath the surface, carefully hidden as if it were nonexistent. Yet, in truth, it slumbers in a profound state of rest, waiting for the right moment to awaken." In the year 3088, society is governed by AI practitioners, humans with the ability to control advanced artificial intelligences that enhance their skills. Jai Deshmukh, born into a prestigious family known for producing powerful A.I. masters, faces adversity due to having a seemingly weak A.I. companion in the form of a sparrow. Despite being looked down upon by his family, Jai remains determined to pursue his dream of becoming an A.I. master. In pursuit of his goal, Jai decides to enroll in the Avian Academy of A.I. Practitioners. Here, he must navigate the challenges of proving himself with a seemingly inferior A.I., uncovering hidden potential within, and confronting the societal prejudices against those with unconventional A.I. companions. As Jai strives to awaken the dormant power within him, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a futuristic world where the true strength of individuals lies in their ability to awaken the dormant beasts within, even if society may judge them based on appearances. authors patreon page: patreon.com/animostudio Have a good read!!

Captain_doubloon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

the unknown meet

 Ohh! I was sensing an abnormal aura full of anger and filled with urge to kill me so I tried to find myself alone to make him come forward on his on, "But to think you've just came out yelling" Jai says

"You know exactly, why I'm yelling at you son of bitch why did you that for" Shreya says[ Those who don't she's actually sister of Bhushan and cousin of Jai]

"Eh! What exactly are you angry for? I don't think I've done something to bother you in the first place" Jai says.

"What you asking? (Curled her lips) why did you challenged Student council and now Bhushan is fighting by your side to get his young master's seat back! I think you've forgotten what deal we made previously while I enrolled him here after your request" Shreya says.

"I know exactly what I said and I never go down on that, and about the Bhushan's decision he's doing whatever he thinks and the one who is helping him is Gaja not me so please, he's in our group because of our captain's decision!" Jai says.

"Don't make me fool! Now if you've made your move I'll make myself clear too now that I Won't hold back and if you made Bhushan fight me I'll definitely beat him to pulp and make him he won't fight again!" Shreya says,

"You… you never ever had a family in the first place you don't know how to stay as the head and what are things you have to do, what sacrifices you've to give for the family, you are failure a block headed idiot who never had responsibility, after leaving the family did you thought of meeting you sister or anyone, Never! Cause you were thinking of how to take your revenge, and one more thing if you think you can use my brother as a tool, I'll kill you, you cold hearted monster who left his loved ones so that he can enjoy flirting girls while having hot chocolates" Sara says( in her arrogant tone)

 "Head down trembling, curled his lips, tightens his fist, I know, I know now if you're done with your business, I'm going!" Jai says,

"I'm leaving but let me tell you one thing that Sara whom you call angel of yours is a demon stay away I'm telling you this as one of your client! She's more dangerous than that of Aaliyah" Shreya says.

Shreya leaves, while Jai was still standing looking down, I see I think I added myself in a complete mess these family things aren't something I didn't had any attachment with any one than my friends who were just like wild animals, I never had a pure relationship, the relationship with Aaliyah was just fake love for her.

It's not like I don't have feelings it's just what I see through the eyes of mine are their dark side's and true intentions. I do wanna fall in love, care for someone it's just not possible for me because I just get scared by seeing their dark side, even if I try to avoid that my past is enough to make me, get back to the reality.

Jolt's and looks at his back suddenly, huh! It's weird I thought someone is still following…, the thing which Shreya said crosses, no there's no way she'll be here I saw her going home, I...I think I should get going, I guess am hallucinating things haha..

The next day he didn't slept well is still like half drunk; because he was hallucinating whole night, now he just entered his classroom.

"Good morning, your eyes are red what happened? Is the rumour true about you and Sara going out?" says Random guy.

"Nothing… just didn't sleep last night and about the rumour you know how I'm right Good Morning beauties (to random girls)" jai says, Sara enters classroom 

"Good…good morning Jai, are you alright do you need to go to infirmary, did you ate properly, are you not feeling well, what happened to you?" Sara asks,

"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep much last night cause I was repairing my weapons hehe..!" Jai says.

"If you're not feeling well, you should go to the infirmary, it's not good for your health you know! And you should do this thing at night or tell anyone else to do!" Sara says,

"No-no need, I'm fine and about the weapons I like to that stuff by myself, don't worry so much" Jai says.

"Is… Is that so? Are you free during lunch today, if… if you are can we have lunch together?" Sara asks,

"Hmmn! Yeah I'm free during lunch I was thinking what to do cause the ones behind my life are no longer chasing me now so hehe..!" Jai says.

"Really that's a relief! It's no good in having vengeance and in the first place you were not in fault though" Sara says, it was good that I made them stay away from my dear Jai.[ Sara says these in her mind]

"Hehehe… yeah I thank god for that!" Jai says,

 Professor enters, "now we are going to start the class so leave your girls and get your ass back and sit your place" Professor says, The lecture starts, I guess she don't know that I know about her true form at least a little I guess, after some research I got who and what Sara is she's originally an A.I assassin, to keep simple she basically assassin some A.I practitioners, according to school rules an A.I practitioners of A rank are given access to rise there influence and connection, like entering business world, under world, or becoming assassin, evil A.I practitioners hunter, to become independent while using the skill in real life. 

 There are several reason of me staying B rank for ages now well it's not like I was e rank or something my strength and inner potential were already brank but I was kept E rank cause my family didn't wanted to see me rising but now I'm here and with the battle against Aaliyah I'll finally become A rank, I don't care if I've to kill my first love in the way of my goal, even if it means I becoming a heartless.

During lunch break, Jai with his so called angel is having lunch now.

"Ohh… this is just too delicious lord in heavens, you're really a great cook then Rocky" Jai Says,

"Its… nothing like that you're exaggerating now! Well Jai I've something to ask you may I?" Sara says,

"Yeah sure what is it?" Jai says,

"You know, I was wondering if I made lunch for you every day from now, will…will you eat my lunch?" Sara says,

"For real…! (Shouts in happiness) I'm sorry, for real; I'll be in your care from now on!" Jai says.

"Ehh…! I'm glad (start fidgeting) I will make lunch for you then, from now on…" Sara says

After school Sara was going her way back home, while thinking about him, he likes my lunch, ahh… I see the world's beauty, the Mother Nature is also happy seeing the joy of Jai enjoying food, I think I've to give something to Gaja for the Intel, Puchy did you saw how happily Jai was enjoying his lunch, did you like that too, I'm happy.

'I see so when you didn't got Seat of house head you moved towards Jai" a voice comes from her back.









hi! my nakamas i know you're enjoying the series, and here's a news at first i thought of releasing chapters weekly but with such but after reading the review from one my reader who liked the series i've decided to release the chapters once in 2 days of gap which means the next chapter will come after 2 days from now and one more thing, pls comment man, even if you comment good things or bad i love knowing your thoughts cause that gives me motivation to write so please and till that see ya

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