
The A.I wars

"Within every individual lies a dormant beast, concealed beneath the surface, carefully hidden as if it were nonexistent. Yet, in truth, it slumbers in a profound state of rest, waiting for the right moment to awaken." In the year 3088, society is governed by AI practitioners, humans with the ability to control advanced artificial intelligences that enhance their skills. Jai Deshmukh, born into a prestigious family known for producing powerful A.I. masters, faces adversity due to having a seemingly weak A.I. companion in the form of a sparrow. Despite being looked down upon by his family, Jai remains determined to pursue his dream of becoming an A.I. master. In pursuit of his goal, Jai decides to enroll in the Avian Academy of A.I. Practitioners. Here, he must navigate the challenges of proving himself with a seemingly inferior A.I., uncovering hidden potential within, and confronting the societal prejudices against those with unconventional A.I. companions. As Jai strives to awaken the dormant power within him, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a futuristic world where the true strength of individuals lies in their ability to awaken the dormant beasts within, even if society may judge them based on appearances. authors patreon page: patreon.com/animostudio Have a good read!!

Captain_doubloon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Opening the locked heart of love {part-2}

After the round of Jai and Aaliyah, where Aaliyah won the round because Jai submitted while giving up to fight more, later Jai went taking Aaliyah in his arms to infirmary but return without taking any treatment, let's see what happens now…

The way too stadium Jai sees Marshal Camondo, member of Student council.

"Yo Mr Jai, it's been a long time since we met before, the day when you came in our room I unfortunately missed that chance, but now I can see hehe…" Marshal says,

"Huh! What the fuck do you want right now am tired and not in mood to hear anything so please come another day!"(In an arrogant tone) Jai says,

"Well I'm not here to disturb you, but am here to tell you well these battle and you're now under our queen Lady Riya pet, and moreover, let me tell you one more thing with the one who tempered you guns was your angel Sara!"

"hehe… she's tool of mine who just played with you for fighting with me again and get freedom" marshal says, listening these Jai's face started looking pale, his legs were shaking, he leaved without saying a word to marshal.

Jai comes back to the rest area, where Gaja and everybody were…

"Jai… you are bleeding didn't you went to infirmary…ab… let me do the first aid" Sara says, grabs his hands while trying to give him first Aid.

"Leave…I said leave my hand! (Yells at Sara) I don't need any treatment right now, the battle isn't over nothing has changed! Whoever is thinking that I've come back to normal just because I forgave Aaliyah and everything is over; remove that thought from your mind" Jai says in arrogant tone,

"I…I know I did a mistake, but…" Sara says,

"Right now I'm not in a condition to talk to anybody so please just shut that bloody mouth right away and prepare for the next round and let me rest!" Jai says,

Sara leaves without saying anything for the next round,

"So the duel today sure is taking hype, our principal gladly prepared for this battle" Commentator says, "so let's move towards our 5 round welcome the our "sweet Dracula" Marshal Camondo and her opponent will be "The Vortex Enchantress" Sara Rogers,

"I see so our spider has come out finally! My lady, due to your excellent plan we are now about to win this battle moreover we got one of the tyrant in our hand now hehe…" Marshal Says,

"Shut up, starts trembling I just tried to help Aaliyah-di… I didn't cheat anyone, and I just did what you said!" Aaliyah says hehe… (Smirks) let me tell you one thing, Jai's weapon are made by himself and it can only be malfunctioned by one person in these world and for your kindness gentleman, I certainly can't"

"What then who did it? And in the first place isn't the academy approves weapons created by professionals, then how was he able to do that?" Marshal says,

"Hmmn… I thing you don't know that Jai aside being a playboy he's a professional weapon creating company 'Blaze loving' founder!" Sara says, "The important thing I never played with him since our date we are being the same I was acting with you while working for my Dear-Jai!"

"No way…! The Blaze loving the company this known for the S class weapon creators and one of the leading company" Marshal says in shock, "don't tell me that brat malfunctioned his own weapon, wait!... goes in flashback, so he malfunctioned his own weapon and he activated the cursed vision later but why did he took the attack and hurt himself when he was knowing everything, don't tell me Aaliyah was involved in these whole thing too!" 

"Uffufu… (Witch's laugh) isn't my darling amazing! He was known this thing that you made me get close to him a long ago he just let me go close to them and so that I can go out of their trap and he knew that you were sent by Riya!" Sara says, "you met him right how was the acting of my honey"

[Meanwhile looking the whole shit like ya you do this thing first we'll continue the whole fight later] 

"What the fuc… ahem… Well let's start the round now" commentator says,

"Well there may he won, anyways I'll crush here for sure, and make you my pet again Sara!" Marshal says,

"Ufufufu… (Witchy laughter) I won't, because I have a lovely thread ring created by the hands of world's best artist Jai Deshmukh or you can say "The heavenly weapon lord" so let's end these shit, I wanna go and Band-Aid my dear!" Sara says, "Vortex veil" conceals herself by her threads, which makes her invisible,

"Where did she went she can't hide like this, these can't be she got new weapons just because she got a new weapon!" Marshal says, summon Meliocks! [Meliocks is name of his A.I which is a bat] "Bat sense" his Meliocks Screeches to echolocate and find the hidden enemy for Marshal,

Fufufu… (laughs) summon Mary "Vortex threads of love" Sara and Mary (her A.I Arcane) throws numerous vortex wires towards Marshal in thought of finding Sara didn't realised the he was now completely under Sara's trap and there's no way to go back.

"Huh! (Shock) what the…. Realises he now unable to move, how in the world just change in weapon can make you these strong!" Marshal asks in frustration,

"Fufuhaha… (laughs) it isn't just because I got a new weapon, the reason behind these is that I got a new meaning to live, I got someone for me and to see him smile I can't do anything! You're just a stepping stone for me hehe…" Sara says, 

When I got my A.I beast Mary which was an arcane, Mary wasn't fluffy, or cute looking A.I beast like the one compared to my Aaliyah- di's, I was always left aside my engagements were broke-off a lot time just because I wasn't that beautiful as my sister but still I used to admire Jai, he was the first after my mother to call me beautiful, though he may say these things to a lot of girls,

But still he's words made me fall for him, for him I decided to impress him, after Jai became Aaliyah's fiancée, I send to leave separately from the family, later I heard Jai's engagement broke off, and Jai's no longer part of Deshmukh family.

Later I came to know that Aaliyah cheated on him we both had a fight, where I fought to gain the seat of Young master of Rogers, but got defeated and was made to live away from family.

And now, when I got the chance to just act lovey-dovey with Jai, i got frustrated more because I was ordered to stab heart of whom I wanted win these whole time, but he saw through me and supported me without saying anything.

"You've played enough Mr Marshal Camondo now see the Abyss of pain for trying to hurt my Dear!" Sara says. she started to tighten her vortex wires in a way that marshal bone gets cracked.

"Aaah (screams)! I give in- give in please spare me!" Marshal says in pain,

"Hmmn… that's good that you came back to senses hehe… now I can go and do Band-Aid to Jai" Sara says,

"Well cause Marshal has given in Sara wins and this round is won by The Regnant Tryarch's" Commentator says,

"Jai can we ask one thing now? Why did you yell at her I never saw you doing that?" Ekta asks,

"It's a good question actually my little sister is using spies to keep a look on me, and about doing that I honestly am ashamed but luckily she's here now" Jai says,

"Hmmn… I see so you were doing these so that your sis may keep thinking all went according to her plan, and yeah you hold back enough now I guess you may get Band-Aid by your angel!" Ekta says,

"Ehh..! I wasn't talking about Sara! I was actually talking about Miss Ella my maid which was working for Aaliyah after I left the house and now she'll work for me again as my personal maid here" Jai says,

"I see… wait what?" Ekta and everybody says,

"Master (yells at Jai)! This isn't good thing, look how much you're injured let me look your injury" Ella says while immediately takes starts doing first-aid.

"Miss Ella these isn't that big hehe… you don't have to start doing these just after being hired" Jai says,

"This isn't a good thing you must look over yourself first these how much Miss Aaliyah hurt you, now stay quiet!" Ella says, meanwhile Sara enter the rest area and sees the whole thing" 


well guys i know you're enjoying the series but due to some reason, i mean i have a important work so, i'll be on a leave for some time but ya i'll be back with mass release till that see ya!

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