
SWEET OBSESSION; Belonging to the mafiya

“You know what to do” his voice was a sultry whisper in my ears and I could feel my breath quickening and my pulse thumped in excitement. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my neck and I was glad for once about the dark lighting of the room, if not the shame of my arousal would have been visible to this imposing man standing behind me. Running had been what she always does. But when she finally begins to relax and stop looking over her shoulder, nemesis catches up with her. Cassie’s dream is to become a chef and when she landed her first job at a five star restaurant as an assistant cook, she loved it with every bit of her heart and vowed to do her best. Everything got even better for her when she met her boyfriend, Mark, a nerdish lanky guy who worked as a software manager for a Tech company, Mirage games who developed videos games. Things seemed to be falling in place for her and she couldn’t wish for more. Her simple life tilted on its axis when her boyfriend’s boss, Mikhail, came into her life with an unbelievable proposition. She agrees to this in order to save her boyfriend, little does the sweet Cassie knows that the CEO does everything with his twin, the vicious leader of a mafia. And by everything, I mean everything!

Faderera_Kelani · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs








Fifteen years old

Cassandra's P.O.V

"Say hello to Marco, Cassandra," My father said nudging me roughly with a kick to my side, closer to the sturdy boy standing before me.

"Hello." My voice was barely above a whisper for I was so scared.

Marco glared at his father, his green eyes showing his animosity. "I don't want to marry this lanky bitch, Puttana!"

His father smacked him upside the head, and my father frowned.

I don't know why my father hates me this much and life has been a torture since my birth, I wished every single day of my life that I wasn't born into a mafia or wished I actually died at birth. That would have been a relief from the daily slaps and beatings in excuse for training.

Marco's father apologized fiercely because he obviously fears my father, every one of them does. He knocked his elbow into his son's arm. "This is the daughter of Kieran Black-shadow, and it is an honor of you to be betrothed to her, do not disrespect him or his daughter."

"Sorry." Marco's eyes roamed over me, and I hate the way they held contempt and malevolence. Actually, more like disgust. I know I am not like the voluptuous and sexy ladies in Texas who belong on the cover of a playboy magazine in fact, I am the direct opposite as my petite figure was barely thicker than a flag-pole, but the way Marco stared at my body made me feel skinnier and ugly than I actually am. He's not exactly prince charming material, but you don't see me point it out rudely.

My father laughed and his eyes glinted with malice as he spared me a glance, "I don't care how he treats her, all that matters is the success of the alliance between both families."

I twisted my hands down the length of the silly black dress which my father made me wear that did nothing for my body instead it made my bony elbows and collarbones more conspicuous. I wondered if I could use the scarf draped over my arm to strangle my fiancé. "I do not want to marry you either but our wishes don't usually come true, does it?"

He gave me a sickened look that rivals my fathers. I can tell Matt is a jerk, a pretentious jerk and would be far worse than my father if I am married to him, so my brain began working overtime to plan my escape.

"If you will excuse me, I need to do some things."

Before my father could raise his hand in disapproval, I turned on my heels and spotted Dian, my brother who also is my best friend walking across the terrace. My heart sped up at how handsome he looks in a white dress shirt and black pants with his unruly dark hair tamed. It's the first time I've ever seen him so formal, and I really expected him to show up in jeans and t-shirt. Dian is the only male I am allowed to relate within the house, as if there is actually anyone else for me to talk to when the rest of the people are touts with guns parading up and down the house.

His mother died at birth so we were raised like siblings but I don't see Dian as my brother, he is the most important person in my world. There's no person I would rather be married to than Dian guero. But he is nothing than a servant's son in my father's eyes.

Our eyes met and I can't help the grin splitting up my face almost into two.

I crossed the lawn where a party is been held and stood beside Dian.

"Who is that guy?" he asked forcefully as he pointed a finger at Marco, sounding almost jealous and I raised a brow. Even if I had feelings for Dian, I am absolutely sure he sees me as nothing more than his annoying little sister who is bone thin.

I shrugged, "My future fiancé."

Suddenly he looked older and matured than his seventeen years old as he scowled at me, "Do you want to marry him?"

I shook my head as tears filled my eyes, Dian's eyes soften, "I know you don't want this life."

"I wish I could just run away where my father wouldn't find me." I whispered staring at the granite floor.

"Do you trust me?" Dian says, nudging my shoulders.

I nodded and he dropped his head so that his mouth was a mere inches away from my ears, "Run away with me."

My eyes almost bugged out of its socket. There's absolutely no way I would put him in that kind of danger. No matter where we run to, my father would find us and I swear he would kill Dian for taking away his slave princess as I referred to myself.

"We can't…."

He cut me clean, clasping my shoulders roughly, he didn't know that part of my body was swollen and bruised so I yelped and the scowl returned to his face, "Yes we can and I swear if you don't willingly come with me, I would kidnap you and still find a way to take you from here. Aren't you tired of being a punching bag to your father every day?"

I shook my head tearfully, I don't want anything bad happening to him just because he wants to play hero. I love him too much for that, "why are you doing this?"

He smiled at me through agonized eyes, "because I love you sister." He said it like it made total sense, like his brotherly love for me was enough to risk his life.

Then he sealed the distance between our lips with a kiss and I stood still in shock.

That was not a brotherly kiss, was it?

Brothers and sisters do not kiss on the lips, do they?

Questions spun around in my head.

After he pulled away, I spun my head in all directions praying nobody saw us but then I saw my mother, looking away at the last minute, tears on her cheeks.

I nodded at him, "I would come with you."

He grinned and patted my cheek, "Good one Cass, I have some money saved up. By noon of Friday, we leave Texas."

To where? I asked myself. Where exactly would we go that Father wouldn't find us?

But looking into his confident eyes, I allowed myself to hope and I felt a calmness come over me as the darkness surrounding my childhood began to lift itself up. I have been shrouded in darkness and pain for so long but Dian brought me hope.

Days flew past quickly and uneventfully, soon enough it was already Friday. My few worldly possessions were stuffed into my backpack, I knew where to meet up with Dian and I was scared senseless.

But before I leave, there is someone I have to see.


"What are you doing here? Don't you have a place to be?" She said with one hand on the door, ready to slam it on my face.

"M-Mom…' I burst into tears, crying over a mother who did nothing to protect her child, who never stood up to her abusive psychopath of a husband.

Over the years, I had wondered why she stayed, why she never spoke a word in disagreement to my father's laws and errant behavior. But I couldn't come up with anything conclusive except fear. Instead of fighting for herself, she says nasty things to me with a razor sharp tongue, and I always keep my mouth shut because I know if I tell my dad, he would beat the shit out of both of us. So I suck it up and avoid her as much as possible. Although there are sometimes, she is the best mother in the world like when she gave me a handmade bracelet for my thirteen years old birthday.

Her eyes swept over my body with disdain and I shrunk inside the baggy t-shirt and short thrice my size I was dressed in, wishing I had worn something smaller that doesn't make me seem so weak and skinny.

"Both of you would regret leaving, your father would find you." she said at last.

"Dian would protect me!" I yelled defiantly.

"He is your fucking brother, I didn't train you to be a whore!" my mother yelled at me, spittle flying all over the place. "I saw you kiss him!"

I didn't bother denying it. Maybe she was right. Maybe I was a whore for having feelings for a boy who grew up alongside me like a big brother. It doesn't matter anyway what she thinks. At least he feels the same way too. And I would rather be a whore than a weakling who wouldn't fight for her children.

"Mom.. w-why… w-why did you stay?" I hiccupped in tears.

"Because that's what wives do. They stay with their husbands through thick and thin." Her voice was calm.

"W-what? Even if beats you and your child up every single day? Even when he wants to get your daughter married to a maniac? Even when he is a criminal who takes a perverse pleasure in killing people. Your husband does not give a shit about you!" I was fifteen but the horrors I have faced made me mature more quickly than other kids my age. "Please come with us." I pleaded.

She shrugged, "Only a bastard would run away from home."

My cheeks heat and wet sloppy tears fell in big plops down my cheeks. I hate that I'm giving her a sign her words hurt me. Tears burned my eyes and I cried, forgetting my father's lesson. "Never let your enemies see weakness.'

'But was mother my enemy?' I asked myself.

"Why do you hate me?" I whispered.

"Go away, Cassie." She turned and walked back inside her house that had a splendid view of the beach, a long time ago, it always fascinated me but now all I wanted was to go as far away from it as possible.

For a moment, I stared at the heavy oak wood door, wanting to bang on it and shout how wrong she is about everything.

But it would draw my father's men attention and it would be impossible for me to leave. Then it all occurred to me, Mother was a coward. That's why she stuck with an abusive Man who made her life a living hell.

I raced down the porch steps and flew across the lawn to the garage. Tears trickled rain down my cheeks as I grabbed my backpack and head down the long drive of our secluded property. One of my father's bodyguards was the one tailing me today and I remember the drill Dian instructed me. After I by pass the cemetery, I would stop behind the old spooky house then run as fast I could down the woods, thank god it was a dry season so no prints would be left. When I come out the other end of the woods, hopefully losing my tail, he would be waiting for me by the end of the railroad tracks with his own bike.

Within minutes of me turning onto the road, the tail is shadowing me, almost riding side by side on the empty road; dust swirled in the space between us. Sweat from the sweltering sun mixes with more tears as I pedal the long distance to the iron gates of the cemetery. I left my bike on the grass and sprinted to the cemetery. My tail looking bored, parked his bike few meters away and luckily for me. I pretended to crouch over my grandmother's tombstone as if I was crying and he bought my every act. Soon enough, he was engrossed watching a video on his phone and I sprinted.

A huge tree blocked his direct line of sight to me so I ducked and ran into the spooky house, then into the woods.

I kept going, mountaineering over slippery wood and pointy rocks, pushing my way through bulky brushwood and high grasses. My foot jammed on a wrecked log and a cluster of rocks, but before I toppled over, I by some means managed to regain my equilibrium. I didn't fall but my left ankle was twisted, it throbbed, now slowing me down.

I continued to run, not looking back once, scared shitless that if I did, Lucas would be right behind me to take me back to the hell.

Finally, I burst out on the other end of the forest and Dian was nowhere to be found. I saw the railroad tracks but a long train was straggling over it and I dropped to my knees, bawling my eyes out. I knew for sure that Lucas would have notice that I wasn't at the cemetery and would be chasing after me.


I raised my head up and saw Dian sitting on his bike, looking apprehensive and my chest heaved as relief swallowed me whole.

Months later.

"Dian, come join me!" I swirled my wine around the glass cup and watch as the crimson liquid marked the clean areas. Today is my sixteenth birthday and Dian decided to celebrate both our escape and my birthday with a bottle of red wine. We are literally in the middle of nowhere and I couldn't care less.

Although when he brought me to his house, my mouth had fell open in shock, it was a sprawling mansion and I asked questions upon questions on how he was able to afford it. He ignored all my questions and shut me up with a kiss.

I sat at the head of the table with my eyes on the profusion of food that's laid out in front of me. Dian is extremely wealthy for an eighteen year old.

His footsteps became clearer as he rounds the high concrete archway into the dining room. His black hair duds to the side when his eyes meet mine. Keen and ravenous, but so damn tempting. "Do you like it, babe?"

A wide grin spread over my face when I saw him. Calm. Safe. "Yup… Handsome, I love..." I added.

It's has been months since we escaped from my father's prison and life seriously can't get any better than this. I wish I could shout to my mom that she had been wrong, father can never find us.

Dian smile widened, and the sun beaming through the stained chalice in the dining room hits the dark colors of his hair. He takes a step closer to me. As soon as he is right in front of me, his finger pressed to my lips, he whispered, "I love you forever. Is that enough?"

I wanted to say yes but I couldn't because, yes didn't seem adequate enough a word to express how much I love him, how much his words meant to me. he is pure, good. Even with the shitty things we've both been through, he is my knight in shining armor I never knew I needed, his love is more than enough.

I graze my lips over his in a soft kiss, 'I…" something sharp hits my chest, over my breast and I leaned backward searching Dian's face. "What's wrong?"

Color drained from his face and I watch in slow motion as blood gurgled and spilt from his lips and his body turned flaccid in front of me and he slumped on the floor.

Revealing the monster standing behind him.

A horrified gasp flew from my lungs and I stumbled backwards, staring at the knife protruding from Dian's lifeless back.

"So adorable, my baby girl..." Father's sodden hands flied to my throat, squeezing hard, hard enough to cut the flow of air into my windpipe. I didn't struggle; I was too much in shock. I didn't try clawing at the tight fist wrapped like a vise around my neck. Instead I hoped he killed me. I hope to die alongside the one man who I loved.

He kicked at Dian's body and spat on him, still choking me. My vision was beginning to get lined with black dots and I smiled, glad that death would claim me and remove me from this nightmare.

Dian is dead. I want to die too. Please

"You thought you could leave black shadow"—Father removed his hand from my neck and slapped me, the corner of his lip curling in a sneer while still flashing his sinister smile. "But you forgot that you are Kieran's daughter. My black shadow."

"Now come along baby girl, your husband back home awaits you."

He found us and killed him.