
SWEET OBSESSION; Belonging to the mafiya

“You know what to do” his voice was a sultry whisper in my ears and I could feel my breath quickening and my pulse thumped in excitement. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my neck and I was glad for once about the dark lighting of the room, if not the shame of my arousal would have been visible to this imposing man standing behind me. Running had been what she always does. But when she finally begins to relax and stop looking over her shoulder, nemesis catches up with her. Cassie’s dream is to become a chef and when she landed her first job at a five star restaurant as an assistant cook, she loved it with every bit of her heart and vowed to do her best. Everything got even better for her when she met her boyfriend, Mark, a nerdish lanky guy who worked as a software manager for a Tech company, Mirage games who developed videos games. Things seemed to be falling in place for her and she couldn’t wish for more. Her simple life tilted on its axis when her boyfriend’s boss, Mikhail, came into her life with an unbelievable proposition. She agrees to this in order to save her boyfriend, little does the sweet Cassie knows that the CEO does everything with his twin, the vicious leader of a mafia. And by everything, I mean everything!

Faderera_Kelani · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Seven years after the past (Present)

Cassandra's P.O.V

"You are one sexy woman, Miss Wills." his voice was a sultry whisper in my ears and I could feel my breath quickening as my pulse thumped in excitement. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my neck and I was for once glad about the dark lighting of the room, if not the shameful evidence of my arousal would have been visible to this imposing man standing in front of me.

He slipped a hand on my waist and drew me closer to him; his next move was bolder as he swept his lips across my neck. His lips felt really soft, almost ticklish and I gasped.

The champagne flute I held fell down with a loud clatter and its content soaked into the plush red rug as well as the once clean white shirt of the CEO. A few gasps escaped the few partying crowd close to us and I disentangled from his hot, scorching embrace. I clumsily dabbed at the huge red stain on the front of his shirt as he stared at me with hooded eyes and with an amused grin on his face.

"Cassie, there you are!" my boyfriend, mark sounded relieved as he took a stand beside me and wrapped an arm loosely around my waist. He narrowed his eyes at me and glanced furtively between his boss and I, and I refused to meet his gaze. I was too scared he would read my every thought as I have always been told my face was like a canvas that couldn't hide any of my expressions or feelings.

"Oh, Mr. Vladimir, I apologize on my girlfriend's behalf, she is so clumsy and disorganized." My boyfriend rushed out a beat after he noticed the stain on the front of the CEO's starched white shirt. I felt angry and saddened that my own boyfriend would refer to me as 'clumsy and disorganized' to his boss right in public. What a jerk he was sometimes. I moved a little from him in anger.

I dared to sneak a look at the hottest man I have seen on earth with whom I am having really dirty thoughts. A scowl was plastered on his face and he looked really angry, I noticed a nerve ticking furiously in his jaw. I felt really stupid and I wanted to cry. Why do I have to be always clumsy?! I have made him angry, who wouldn't be mad at the lady who ruined his expensive clothes at his own party!

I murmured an apology to the man without looking at him and I walked—more of running— out of the ballroom, without a sense of direction and I heard Mark call after me reluctantly as though he was just trying to be polite. I didn't wait and I continued to run till I found myself on the peaceful and calm balcony of the beautiful castle-like building. I sucked in the sweet air and I felt the first drop of the tears on my cheeks, I really hated when Mark downgrades me in public amongst his friends or mine—which was one thing he loved doing, my boyfriend sadly is a narcissist. And more importantly, I needed to go as far away from my boyfriend's boss as possible. He makes me breathless and makes my body hot in the craziest of ways and makes my throat run dry.

I was surprised he did what he did—kiss my neck—because my boyfriend had introduced me to him earlier as we got to the party as the 'love of his life'. I had felt a pair of sharp eyes staring at me as soon as I arrived at the ball with my boyfriend and I was immediately drawn to the owner of the staggering eyes. I knew I looked beautiful, mark got me a fancy red gown for the end of the year party hosted by his boss and I totally rocked it.

I tilted my face skywards and enjoyed the cool evening breeze wafting around me, tussle the soft curls of my raven black hair. I must look like a ghost or a lost spirit because my skin was deathly pale, the only saving grace was the healthy rosy glow it had.

I heard a gravelly deep voice behind me that made me flush pink all over and Goosebumps settled all over my skin. My hand raised itself and pressed to my neck—on the exact spot his lips touched—and I was surprised to find myself still yearning for his touch.

"Miss Wills, I apologize for what happened in there." His Russian accent was prominent and I flushed a deep scarlet in discomfiture. I guess he was embarrassed by the fact that he kissed me. Well I wasn't.

"It's okay. I guess anyone would be sorry to kiss my neck." I said softly without thinking and a small gasp escaped my lips at my own words, I sounded whiny and needy, like I had wanted it.

He moved with the speed of light and crowded me against the gold railings of the balcony, I gasped louder. "Trust me, miss wills. I definitely don't regret tasting the sweetness of your neck." He pressed his nose to my hair and inhaled deeply. "Fuck! You smell so good!"

This was one of the times I hated my sensitive skin, a rosy color spread out from my body up to the roots of my hair. He stared at me with a mix of adoration and another fiery emotion I couldn't recognize.

"Oh Miss wills, see what you do to me. I wonder if you turn red down there too?" he murmured softly, his face still pressed into my hair. I didn't know it was possible for me to get redder but I felt my body heat up again and I unintentionally purred.

He whipped his head up and I was able to see his eyes clearer now! He had violet eyes and the purple was quickly morphing out to a black. He bent his head and his mouth was an inch from mine, if either of us moved, I am sure our lips will brush and he would capture mine in a passionate lip lock.

I gathered my wits which were strewn about and I shook my head in refusal, I cannot do this. He is the boss of my boyfriend whom I love. It was so dirty and so wrong. I gently hit on his chest repeatedly and pushed him away. "We can't. You know this, please stop." I whispered and a low growl boomed out from the back of his throat.

"Because of the jerk you call your boyfriend?" he clasped my jaw firmly, applying pressure but not enough to hurt me, "he doesn't deserve you. That lazy and sleazy employee of mine doesn't deserve your sweetness!" he was vehement now.

"And you do?" I asked and my voice was still soft as though it doesn't even belong to me.

He nodded and kept nodding like he believed it and it was a fact. A burst of giggles escaped me and he stared at me like I was some magical or strange creature. I giggled because he looked really adorable, adorable in a sexy, manly kind of way and I have never had anyone look at me that way before—so intensely like he couldn't tear his away—a stranger I just met few hours ago. I would have withdrawn from such intense stare before but his were warm and it enraptured me.

"Do that again." His voice was hoarse.

"Do what?" I was really confused as to what he meant.

"The sound, that thrilling sound, I need to hear It." his eyes were pleading with mine and I slowly understood. He wanted me to laugh, giggle but how would I do that without a reason or a stimulant.

"But I can't just start laughing, I need a reason?" I said softly still gazing into his beautiful eyes. I have this burning need to feel his lips against mine. Feel the texture of his lips on mine but it was wrong and I held myself back.

He brought his hand down to my waist and tickled me! His hand softly brushed the sides of my waist then he applied more pressure and I began to giggle as I squirmed against him. I pleaded for him to stop amidst laughter and he didn't pause for even a moment. It seemed like his new goal was to always make me laugh and that thought made me laugh even harder as his hands worked at my sides.

And then he stopped and without a forewarning or allowing me catch my breath—recover from my laughing spree, he covered my lips with his and kissed me. Just like I had imagined, his lips were smooth and soft. He ran his tongue over my lips over and over, tracing every outline, and I still didn't open up for him. I slid my hand up the front of his chest to beat on it and tell him to stop but my hands had a mine of its own as it curled around the lapels of his suit jacket and I drew him closer to me. He smiled against my lips and unexpectedly he bit my lower lip. He quickly seized the opportunity my gasp provided and he slid his tongue into my mouth. I had expected it to be slobbery and clumsy just as the kisses I had shared with Mark but this was different. His hot tongue lashed against mine and he ravished my lips. I couldn't remember anything else other than him.

He must have lost track of everything but me, too, because the tone of the kiss changed from teasing to flat-out ravenous. He devoured me, and I did same to him. I couldn't even remember why I hadn't wanted him to touch me earlier.

My hands roamed over his back, my nails scraping at him. I wasn't really experienced but he knew exactly what he was doing.

This was consuming..Drugging. He made me feel, without any kind of filter. For so long, I had wanted my past and my life to be nothing more than a dream. Now, with emotions and sensations flooding me, I wanted this reality. I wanted to stay in the safety and intensity of his arms. I have always thought that whatever I had with Mark was enough but no I was wrong. I wanted everything with this strange sexy Russian man I met few hours ago.. I wanted to give him everything. Here, now. Want, want, want. Want to touch him, more of him. Want him to take my purity.

Want his expensive tailored suit off, I reached for the buttons.

He reached for the neck tie of my dress.

Then, suddenly, Mikhail Vladimir was gone.

Wait. "Come back," I demanded, a strange fog filling my head. I didn't know where I was, all I know is that I instantly missed the hotness and comfort of his arms.

"Miss wills— Svyatoy ad rasshifrovano!—"he choked out and I peeked at him from beneath my lashes. I was still disoriented but the fire in his eyes scorched me down to my soul and I could see the physical restraint he imposed on himself, trying not to touch me.

Then suddenly, everything came into sharp focus and I understood what I had just done and almost done. I pressed a finger to my lips in shock. I had just kissed the boss of my boyfriend with my boyfriend just few miles away! I wrapped an arm around myself protectively and I was ashamed. If not that he moved away, I was going to allow him—aargh—I can't even say the 'f' word without my body reacting.

He reached towards me but I shook my head in negation, I must have looked fervent because he stopped in his tracks and stared at me. The longing in his eyes tore at my very soul but I felt shame spread over my skin like a cloak. I just cheated on my boyfriend with his boss and I don't even regret it. Truthfully, I wanted more of his touch, no! Needed. I needed more of his touch. His kisses. I needed his strong arms around me.

"Miss wills, why are you pushing me away?" his voice was thick and I could have sworn his eyes were flooded with tears for a moment. He looked hurt and all I wanted to do was bring him back into my arms and let him ravish me but it was wrong. So So wrong. Mark didn't deserve this even though he was a jerk every now and then. So I pulled my shoulders up bravely and stared at him square in his eyes.

"Mr. Vladimir, I have a boyfriend who works for you and you know it is wrong. Whatever we did here was immoral!" my voice managed to come out strong and I moved away from him an inch at a time.