
SWEET OBSESSION; Belonging to the mafiya

Contemporary Romance
Contínuo · 3.2K Modos de exibição
  • 7 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is SWEET OBSESSION; Belonging to the mafiya

Leia o romance SWEET OBSESSION; Belonging to the mafiya escrito pelo autor Faderera_Kelani publicado no WebNovel. “You know what to do” his voice was a sultry whisper in my ears and I could feel my breath quickening and my pulse thumped in excitement. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my neck and I was glad...


“You know what to do” his voice was a sultry whisper in my ears and I could feel my breath quickening and my pulse thumped in excitement. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of my neck and I was glad for once about the dark lighting of the room, if not the shame of my arousal would have been visible to this imposing man standing behind me. Running had been what she always does. But when she finally begins to relax and stop looking over her shoulder, nemesis catches up with her. Cassie’s dream is to become a chef and when she landed her first job at a five star restaurant as an assistant cook, she loved it with every bit of her heart and vowed to do her best. Everything got even better for her when she met her boyfriend, Mark, a nerdish lanky guy who worked as a software manager for a Tech company, Mirage games who developed videos games. Things seemed to be falling in place for her and she couldn’t wish for more. Her simple life tilted on its axis when her boyfriend’s boss, Mikhail, came into her life with an unbelievable proposition. She agrees to this in order to save her boyfriend, little does the sweet Cassie knows that the CEO does everything with his twin, the vicious leader of a mafia. And by everything, I mean everything!

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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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