
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

natal weapon refinement

From the moment Li Tian saw this pagoda, he was drawn to it, till now he still didn't know why it had so much appeal for him.

Being a rank-7 spiritual treasure, Li Tian was unable to even activate the full power of the treasure so he had decided to destroy its spirituality and return it back to its basic form.

Using the knowledge from his previous life, he observed the spirit lines that ran through the artifact and started destroying them one after the other. He didn't have much knowledge about artifact treasure lines but he knew exactly where to inject Qi to do the most damage.

In less than an hour he had destroyed all seven spirit lines and then took out the Starfall crystal.

He absorbed both into his dantian and started refining them, using the Starfall crystal to reinforce the structure of the pagoda.

Time passed and soon a week had gone by and now Li Tian was in the final phase of his refinement. Within his dantian, a small red nine story pagoda could be seen floating above the lake. At this moment, the golden dragon jumped out of the lake and hovered over the pagoda, it released a breath from its mouth that continuously fused with the pagoda.

This process continued for a full day and then he saw the dragon coil around the pagoda, with its head resting at the top overseeing his dantian. It then continued with the dragon Qi conversion process as before and as it did, dragon Qi gradually infused into the pagoda and soon it started shining with red light as dragon markings appeared on the treasure.

Observing it closely, Li Tian could tell that it was equivalent to a rank-3 spirit artifact.

This pagoda brought him a lot of joy as this was basically his battle companion in this life.

He removed his spirit sense from his dantian and summoned the pagoda. It appeared Infront of him, just above his hand.

He could already sense the connection he had with this artifact and the sense of strength it gave him made him very excited.

Li Tian stood up and decided to leave. Counting till today he had already spent about two weeks in the wilderness and quite frankly he was not expecting to stay this long.

Looking at the corpse of the flame serpent, he removed all its scales

"This can be used to forge a good armour" he thought. Having finished with this task he took out a container that he bought from the system shop and absorbed all the water from the small lake.

"This can be used to replace the water in my pool", then a thought of Shi Ruo bathing in it ran through his mind

"Hum humm mmm, I am not doing this for that...only for the increase of spirit energy " he tried to justify to himself.

Without further hesitation he headed in the same direction he came and thanks to the marks he left behind, he soon made it out.

When he appeared in the forest again, he realised it was night. Even though it was night, it posed no challenge to him as he took off into the air.

Enjoying the feeling of flying again brought him awareness about the speed of his cultivation.

He had already concluded within him that the system was invincible, to convert a trash like him into a genius whose cultivation speed was faster than every other genius he had seen so far.

He kept on flying towards the direction of city E and decided to test how far he could go into the sky.

With increasing altitude, the consumption of his Qi slowly became outrageous which made him to return to a more appropriate height.

He was incredibly fast with speed almost rivalling late foundation cultivators. He made sure to fly close to the trees to avoid catching the attention of a terrifying creature.

Just when he was about a few miles from the end of the yellow zone, he saw a group of people heading his way.

With the addition of the yin-yang heavenly eyes, even though he could not activate the special techniques of the eyes, he could still see better and further than most.

The moment he saw these people, he recognised them and directly jumped into the forest below.

These people were still a little far and so had not seen him and Li Tian had not entered the range of their spirit sense.

"Wait" one person from the group stopped, observing the environment vigilantly.

The others stopped almost simultaneously and increased their awareness as one of them asked

"What is it?"

"I thought I saw someone Infront of us earlier" the man responded

"Where?" Everyone became vigilant immediately.

They took out their weapons and prepared for a fight. Only their enemies would see them and hide.

"Did you see which direction he went?" Another question came and this time the man did not speak but point into the forest up ahead.

They released their spirit senses and scanned through the forest to no avail.

"Hahahaha brother Hao, you really gave me a scare... I really thought there was someone...good one" the man started laughing, thinking it was a joke and soon others joined him.

However, Brother Hao still was not laughing as he kept scanning the forest

"Looking at his serious expression, another one sneered, getting scared for nothing. I should have known. I was almost fooled by you"

"What do you mean Zhang Tuo?" Asked Brother Hao

"Li Hao, I am saying you probably saw an animal and got scared. Is the mission tok much for you? I wonder if you are going to pee your pants when we see that Li Tian kid...hahahahaha I can't wait" with this everyone started laughing. It was not the first time these two were at odds. They were already used to it.

"Zhang Tuo, you.. you... Hmph" Li Hao was angry but he had no rebuttal so he snorted and turned to leave.

As he was leaving he asked himself 'could my eyes really have played a trick on me?'.

He had no way of knowing. Soon they all joined him and continued in their journey.

They had been in this forest for a few days now.serching for Li Tian but they still hadn't found him.

Standing in the forest, Li Tian had used a concealing technique which shielded him from those people and as he heard their laughter slowly disappearing in the distance, killing intent emitted from his eyes.

"This people from the Zhang and Li clan. It seems my approach to that matter was the wrong one. I am going to correct that...if you guys don't want to be reasonable, let's see if fear will work"

Speaking up to hear he slowly disappeared and moved in the same direction as them.

He was determined to make them suffer great losses today and make them regret ever coming after him.