
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

killing and dashing

Having made up his mind Li Tian moved without hesitation. Like a shadow he moved through the forest with speed avoiding all obstacles with little effort, however he kept low and always stayed out of their detection range.

"I will not be able to take on all of them alone so I'll have to wait and get them one after another"

Thinking of this, he waited patiently for them to expand their range of search.

Soon as expected, they began separating into groups of two. This was not the first time they had done this. During their many days of search they had maintained this search method in other to leave no stone unturned.

Li Tian chose one group and went after them. These two would be his first victims tonight. As the distance between the groups extended to a sufficient level he made his move. Appearing suddenly behind them he released two Saber beams that immediately cleaved them each into two.

They fell to the ground and the light immediately left their eyes. They were dead. He picked up their storage rings and stored them away without even examining them.

Onto the next targets. Which group should I attack next?

Thinking, he decided to attack from the weakest to the strongest and just like that a bloody assassination began in the forest.

He didn't stay in one place for long. He would show up, kill, collect the storage rings, and then depart.

His movement technique proves invaluable in the actions he took. He became untraceable--came and left like a ghost.

Observing the forest from above you will see that some parts have been burnt while othera were ravaged by storms.

In just three hours, he had already killed fifteen and was now in the process of killing another.

His activities had started drawing the attention of the others but as the strength of his opponents increased, the more Li Tian didn't want to be surrounded.

He had already been in battle with this Zhang clan member for about five minutes.

Everywhere around them were strong winds. He saw the man take out a paper from his ring and infused Qi into it. It burnt and the disappeared.

"Oh shit, I have to hurry" thought Li Tian.

What the man took out of his pocket now was a talisman. A low level one time use communication talisman. It was the primary mode of communication within the wilderness seeing as phones don't work due to lack of cell towers.

Li Tian knew he didn't have much time or what he feared the most would happen. He didn't know the total strength that was sent after him so there was no harm in being cautious.

"Dragon transformation" he used his bloodline ability immediately and soon a transformation took place Infront of the Zhang clan member. What he saw frightened him.

Before him, he saw Li Tian who already had a towering figure of 2.5m increase in size. He grew to two times his normal height and green scales covered his entire body. Covering his face in the process too, his eyes had changed as his pupils became golden in colour.

Two small horns emerged from his skull and his hands changed to claws.

"What is this..he has a transformation bloodline but why is it so overbearing" the man wondered.

Fear had already been birth a long time ago within his heart. This Li Tian is way more stronger than reported.

"I just hope the others can get to me soon" thought the man

He did not dally however as he used powerful sword skills to attack that were perfectly complemented by the winds he summoned.

However, to his shock he saw Li Tian's claw-like hand directly pass through through his technique, crushing everything within its path and clawing at his chest.

Deep gashes were left on his chest as blood spurted from the wounds

Screaming he tried to withdraw but Li Tian didn't give him the chance. Attacking again and again...all his abilities rendered mute before Li Tian he soon fell from the air.

Before Li Tian could go down to check on the man he sensed more powerful auras gradually approaching. He left without hesitation, the auras were at the core level and he knew it would be impossible to escape if surrounded by cultivators at the core level.

How strong have I become? My defence alone has become almost impenetrable to cultivators of my realm..hahaha even I would not want to face me...

He thought as he made his escape.

After running for sometime, he felt terrifying energy fluctuations coming from behind him far off into the distance.

"What's going on? Who are the core cultivators fighting against"

He was in doubt when suddenly he realised that he too had been surrounded.

Looking at the demonic beast that stood Infront of him, he took out his Saber and began a massacre.

Swiftly dispatched them and then headed off in the direction of city E.

On his way he came across many beasts and like before killed them. Nothing stopped him on his way back, he did not even stop when he passed by people. He did not want to allow any chance of meeting Li or Zhang clan people.

In less than a day he had travelled all the way from the yellow zone to the area around city E.

He hurriedly approached the gate and got in.

The first thing he did was to register his new cultivation level in other to increase his importance.


"I heard you were gone for two weeks, where were you?"

"I was in the yellow zone"

"Hmm, Is that so. Did you get what you were looking for?"

"Yes sir, my journey was very fruitful"

Li Tian was now sitting in Ironblood's office. His conversation with Ironblood was straight to the point.

He was truly a military man, Li Tian felt like he was in an examination room.

"So what brings you here?" Asked Ironblood who up till now had not really paid much attention to Li Tian as something within his computer was keeping his interest.

Right now he was staring at a mission that had just been assigned to take place three months from now. He was part of the party and was reading on the details.

Li Tian stated his reason for coming and for the first time the captain looked at him.

"How is this possible, how could you have broken through so quickly. What kind of foundation did you establish?

Asking this he realised that Li Tian was sluggish to answer which made him understand that this would surely touch on his secrets so he didn't insist.

He continued "how fast you breakthrough to the foundation realm is of no importance. It all depends on the grade of foundation you establish...this will determine your future journey on the cultivation path, so I hope you know what you are doing"

"Thanks for your care captain, I know what am doing" Li Tian responded

"Well as long as you know" saying this he could not be bothered with Li Tian any longer...what did his future have to do with him. He took out a form for Li Tian to fill which he did. As soon as it was filed he stood up and said farewell before taking his leave.