
Supreme artist system (new life old dreams)

A man in his mid-20s got sent to the wheel of reincarnation for his soul to reincarnate thanks to the mistake of a little employee of the gods he got a chance to live a second life with some perks and his memory intact. Follow Ace as he carves his path in his new life! a little message from the author here: this is my first try at writing so please be gentle with me xD also English is not my first language so if I make any mistake and my prose seems basic I'm sorry and I'll try to grow better as the story goes. Thank you!

Sebastien_Lecours · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 4:New home

Landing as a baby was a new experience for me and not one I want to experience again the headache that got into me was on another level but I didn't make a sound which surprised both Uncle Anthony, Helena, and the crew I don't want to cry but I almost slip up fortunately for me the pilot was good so the landing was smooth and before I knew it I was out of the plane and again sitting on Helena's lap in another luxury car this one a lot more luxurious than the one in New-York the interior was a deep blue ocean with silver embroidery which I suspect is real silver like all metal piece in the car heck even the wheels are probably 100% silver but it does give the vibes of elegance and sophistry and since I like blue and silver I got nothing to complain about "maybe I should learn mechanics and restore a car on my own I always wanted the Plymouth that shows at the end of fast and furious 3 what do you think Alexa"

"That's a good hobby to have Lotus"

"I know right"

While speaking with Alexa I was looking outside I kinda figured it would be different but not this different I had gone to Malé before the capital of the Maldives and it looked great but now what I was looking at was more like a futuristic Dubai from my first life "wow did you see that Alexa" (picture in the comment section)

"Yes I see what you see Lotus is quite the spectacle don't you think"

"You bet" The view left me in awe I never thought I could feel pride in something I didn't do but knowing that my family of this world was the instigator of all of this made my pride swell a little bit more than I would admit mind you ('•').

While passing in the city I noticed that people who saw the car whore sad face bowed their heads to us my parents must have been loved by their people and news sure goes fast Uncle Anthony was looking at this with also a sad face but I could also see the determination in his eyes than he looked at me and his face change from sadness to joy and hope even without him saying anything I could feel the pressure he got expectation about me I could feel it well I will do my best to not disappoint him but I won't let go of my dreams in this life!

Uncle Anthony introduced us to the city well more to Helena than me, never in his wildest dream would he think that I was absorbing everything he was saying, talking about Helena she was so impressed that her eyes were wide open every now and then she would point at something and ask what this and that was Uncle Anthony was being patient and respond to every question Helena had if I'm honest Helena being such a curious person had helped me a lot in understanding the situation of this country and mine at the same time and I was not disappointed my situation is probably 10x better then I anticipated. Uncle Anthony said that we were the country with the lowest homeless percentage at 0.001% and seeing the clean streets and all the luxury the middle-class family here must be richer than some rich men from another country.

We finally left the city to embark on a long bridge connected to an island that I could see far in the distance I won't recall the capital of the Maldives having this in my last life so I assume that this island was artificially created when we got to the other side I could see the biggest and prettiest estate I never saw the garden that stretches farther than I could see from both side of the road sakura trees were place on both side at regular intervals I don't know who decided this but my parents from both lives would have liked each other im sure this little Japanese touch was very lovely with a big mansion in the middle even from that far away I could see the top of the mansion which was growing bigger by the minutes (picture in the comment section)

I suddenly heard my Uncle laugh so I turned around and realized he was laughing at me

-hahaha so by seeing your eyes get so big and with the smile on your little face I can assume you like the place little Ace

-ah ah (baby noises) "hell yes I do" I tried to say but well... I'm a baby (o_o)

And now even Nigel was giggling to himself with my Uncle and Helena laughing hard "Hummphhh'll remember this" Well I must have looked really funny but still I will remember it after a little laugh Uncle Anthony returned to his serious self while Helena was still laughing a bit after the long road of sakura tree I finally saw the mansion a big beige rock mansion with blue roof at both side of the entrance of the mansion stood workers in two lines Uncle Anthony took a deep breath looking resigned for what was to come to the car stop a little before the worker Nigel got out and came open our door when Uncle got out of the car with me in his arm all workers stood there with questions filled faces Uncle sighed again looked at everyone and then said

-I know you all have a lot of questions ... let me be frank, yes John and Layla both died in this accident

You could hear the people here trying to stiffen their cries with none being able to my Uncle continue his speech

-I know it will be hard for a while but in this unfortunate event we still got a miracle everyone meets our little prince Ace Lotus Smith

While saying this he presented me with his arm mid-air like I was the new lion king "(giggles to myself)"

"Lotus you need humor training"

"Aaa common Alexa that was a good one there won't deny it"

The crowd stood there in silence looking at me there was still sadness and anguish in their face but now I could also see relief and hope. -What a relief the little prince got out without a scratch one said while one of the older women started crying both tears of joy and sadness -Ms. Layla would have been so happy .-Dont worry Martha said the oldest-looking man of the group and also the most perceptive one,-Look at his eyes he got both the eyes of Ms.Layla and Mr.John i am sure they will live through him those words made all people look at me more closely and after a couple of seconds we began hearing gasp of surprise and recognition among them.

-And to my left, this is Ms.Helena who will take my place most of the time beside little Ace since I will take care of the Smith family business and country till our little prince here can do so for those of you who might question me about his decision know that Helena was of great help when all of this happened she heard me on the phone trying to find a reliable person to take care of Ace and she volunteers and I don't doubt that with you all here she will get all the help needed and more


-Good now it's time for little Ace's nap so Nigel takes our luggage inside Martha helps Helena with little Ace and guides them to their room after the nap show them the mansion please thank you and for the lot of you you can take the day off if you want I know it must be hard to work with all those emotions bottled up so take your time I give 1 week off to everyone thank you said my Uncle while bowing his head slightly!

-We don't need it Mr.Smith and also don't bow your head we all know that you must be sadder than us how can we take a week off when you need us all more than ever said Martha with all the others nodding their head at what Martha said "they all look to be great people"

-Alright you all do as you wish and again thank you!

With all the excitement and the rough landing from earlier I was starting to get tired and Helena saw it so she took me from my Uncle and asked Martha to show the way giving my uncle the side eyes "Ahahah I like her" my Uncle realizing his mistake sheepishly pass his fingers in his hair and cough in his other hand

I was so tired that I didn't even make it past the door before falling asleep in Helena's arms seeing this Martha and Helena walked silently with a knowing glance they both decided to talk later Martha led the way till they arrived in front of a beautiful silver carved door with a metallic blue S on it she smiles at Helena and said with a low voice

-we will talk later after little Ace naps and I'll show you both around then I still have work to do I will come here in 3 hours

-thank you Ms.Martha I will count on you because I'm not sure if I won't get lost if you don't come for us (giggles)

-hehehe indeed alright I'm off see you soon Ms.Helena

I woke up 3 or so hours later feeling refreshed no headache at all when opening my eyes I saw two beautiful women chatting amiably one young and full of spirit while the other was more mature but in no case diminishing her beauty who was it if not for Helena and Martha I tried to not move cause I could feel it ... I shat myself, but women instinct are scary they both turn to look at me with a smile on their face

-Looks like little Ace is awake and gave us a little smelly gift said Martha

No matter how many times it happened for the past 2 weeks I still feel uncomfortable being stripe naked and being washed clean wasn't the most glorious thing not when you can remember it all

After Helena and Martha took care of me, you know! We got out of the room and followed Martha who was showing us the mansion it took us 4 hours with 2 breaks in between because I was hungry to make the tour of the mansion only indoors I didn't even get to see the gardens outside the garage or the worker's aisle "this house is huge" good things I got eidetic memory well no quite I think mine is a little more powerful than this but I can't be sure yet but I can say for sure that I will not get lost here and that a good thing for me!!! But I can see in the face of Helena that's not her case (giggles) she will need time to get it all figured out I think well she'd better hurry because as soon as I can walk she will need it I can tell you that ('×')The only place we didn't visit his the master's bedroom I can understand that but it didn't make my curiosity go away, on the contrary, I can't wait to be able to explore all of it on my own as small as they may be adventures is a men romance as much as cars, robots, and old medieval armor hehehe!

On the way to the room, I will probably be as long as I needed supervision my eyelids were closing alone even if I tried to keep my eyes open I had difficulty doing so, noting my growing fatigue Helena and Martha started walking a little faster I was soon tucking into the crib the workers must have to build up when we were doing the house tour I feel a sleep as soon as my head touches the mattress of my little bed but I still had a little smile on my face even when sleeping

Helena and Martha looked at each other with a smile, Martha took her leave continuing her work as the Head maid while Helena lay on the bed beside my crib to rest. Another day got by with me waking up eating, and babbling my thoughts to Helena who looked at me with her smile that seemed to never leave her face.

Like this days passed then weeks and some months without knowing I had said my first word well the first that they heard ;) since it should have been hard to say Helena at 10 months old i gave her a little name i decided to call her Lena and oh my god was her face priceless when she heard it for the first time she was walking so fast with me in her arms that to me she looked almost ready to take off and run a sprint i cant really blame her she start trying to get me talking really soon its been 3 months now so i gave her a little gift she really is a angel i remember being a little pissed off when she laugh at me when we first arrived here and i saw the estate for the first time but i couldnt stay angry at her for long ..on the other side my uncle didnt get the same treatement when he heard that i said my first word he tried hard to get me say Uncle but every time i would look at him with the most serious look my babyself could muster and say out loud right in his face " LENA" hahahahhaha his face cracked me up every time a blend of fuming mad but still finding me cute so i made him the joke of all the estate workers ,because it took me 2 months before i called him Uncle it took so long because giving every other worker their surname before i finally let my little grudge go and call him Uncle took more time than i thought it would , i swear i am sure i saw tear maybe i had been a little to harsh... naaahhh he diserved it xD