
Summoning Dinosaurs from my Shopping System

“This is not a summoning system, it's a freaking shopping system” Arthas screamed as he got scammed by the goddess. Arthas, a young man tired of his mundane life, leaps into a new world filled with dinosaurs and magical creatures. With his newfound companions and an insatiable desire for freedom, Arthas embarks on an exhilarating journey to unite this new world. Unburdened by the responsibilities and expectations he faced on Earth, he revels in the chance to truly live and thrive. Little does he know that his actions will shape the destiny of this new land and bring him face to face with unimaginable challenges. Join Arthas as he ventures forth into a world teeming with dinosaurs, magic, and endless possibilities. Will he fulfill his desires for adventure and conquest, or will he discover a purpose greater than his own? The rise of the summoner begins now, and nothing will be the same again.

Synergistic · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

The New Foundation!

In the large hall of the new building that was made from the funds of the city, the magnificent hall was breathtakingly structured to show an overwhelming sense of victory and proud stature of the infrastructure.

Inside there were people who were sitting down on the roundtable which signifies that everyone who sits at the table is equal and must be maintained equal. 

Around them there were a hundred or so butlers or maids who were fidgety and lacked the necessary training to show elegance and presentation of the job, that was because they didn't.

They didn't have the qualifications or the requirements to work as maids or butlers, they were all kids that were camouflaged and changed by an appearance by Mayward's magic.

"So, Arthas let us proceed with your conditions as we would provide the best that we can with our capabilities to meet your assorted requirements that were set and accepted in exchange for your help." 

Roland spoke up with his voice that echoed throughout the room, There were at least 4 representatives present including Moltar who was still confused about everything that was happening too fast.

A few hours ago…

Moltar woke up he was confused about why Roland, the man who was famous for his skills would be present in the garden, sitting down next to Mayward no less and talking to Arthas.

The moment he woke up he shot Mayward a shot of penetrating gaze that was directly hostile which was understandable, for him it was the same guy that had taken their kids.

Arthas was afraid that it would make more things difficult to understand and might even cause troubles in the future, so he told Moltar about everything that conspired while he was resting.

Moltar at first couldn't accept what happened, and was having a hard time coping with everything that happened, he told his honest reaction that he was both scared and angry about things that had happened.

Although he was satisfied and decided to let the issue go, he asked Mayward one question before the situation got defused. There was only one question that got him very curious about Mayward's attitude. 

The question was 'Why did he need to be so infamous that everyone would lose trust in him.'

Mayward was stunned for a while before answering Moltar with a wide smile and eyes that seemed to curve from amusement. 

He answered, "To be honest, there isn't a particular reason as to why it came this way, but from the moment that things became interesting and difficult this has been an amazing facade for fooling your enemies and, at the same time, garner the proper reaction that would be gained from your allies that were hidden deep into themselves."

It was an honestly long answer, it was vague and not all too well-spoken, However, Moltar readily accepted the fact and just went on their way, Before the meeting concluded the chief asked for permission to leave and was granted. 

Seeing that he was leaving, Arthas asked for the same thing and thought of considering rescheduling everything including their talks and negotiations regarding many things that were part of their contract with Alicia.

But before that would be asked and confirmed, Roland quickly suggested that they would discuss this on their home turf which was the village, and proved a valid point about wanting to visit the structure that they helped make.

Moltar showed no rejections or violent reactions about the venue for their next meeting and decided that it would be this afternoon/ near evening to finally end the day with a proper negotiation, and if they were able to reach an agreement they would reconsider and talk about many things.

Forward to the present, both the chief and Arthas agreed upon the situation that they are in right now, and they were able to convince both representatives of the kingdom to meet at the village. 

"So, where do we begin…Arthas let us review your terms and conditions that were set upon the agreed state." Roland took out a piece of paper that was written in a formal manner contrary to what Arthas signed.

He then began to read the letter out loud echoing through the entire hall.

"The kids and children that were taken by Mayward shall be returned and be taken care of to be returned to their parents and the village. Which is easy to do.

The city will cover all expenses that would be made to further enhance the village, and restore the village for the matter of fact. Which shall be done and have been done so.

The city will acknowledge a new association that would be made by you, Arthas. That would be talked about in this meeting

The city would provide support to the village whenever their times of need…

And Alicia would be given to you when one of these conditions is not met, she would be enslaved under your name and be free to do whatever you do to her…Gosh, what are these and this guy signed this? " 

Roland looked at Mayward offered an explanation and gave a shrug as if telling him he didn't know anything regarding this topic, After confirming that these terms were not part of his stupid ideas, he then turned to Arthas who was the sole person who requested and gave a deep sigh.

"You see this shit, Mayward?" Roland held the paper in hand with a firm grip confused about the accepted terms.

"I dunno, beats me, That guy Francis wouldn't accept such a thing without thought, he must have planned it by making her go home before  Arthas woke up.  Do you consider it as a breach of contract?" Mayward replied in a nonchalant tone.

Mayward made a thinking position while thinking about the possibilities with eyes closed, "Besides, this contract won't be possible without the consensual permission of Alicia herself. So Arthas what did you do to make this contract work? If I were in her case I would instantly decline so why…"

"Argh, let's worry about that later, For now, these kids, shall be returned to their respective parents from the moment their concealing magic is proven to be of the truth value of false." 

Roland looked around and motioned his eyes at Mayward indicating to cancel the magic that was attached to the kids.

A while back when they were still at the mansion both argued about whether to bring the kids but ultimately decided that they would return them in one move, to not attract too much attention it was ordered that Mayward apply concealing magic to help them not be conspicuous, and took the gigantic backdoor to silently make them fit inside.

The building was reserved for this event, while Shuna entertained the groups that wished to categorize themselves according to Arthas's request.

'I don't know how it works, I can see them clearly, but others probably won't if they did multiple people already took notice of their presence…Truth value huh?' Arthas wondered about many things as to how they work but never really understood anything.

The children were in an ethereal form that could be distinguished only from the contours of their bodies, but once Mayward removed the spell their body outline turned solid, and the transparency of each person bloomed to show a much more vivid image.

"The conclusion of this discussion shall announce their freedom to the village and return their liberty embraced with protection, On the second subject of significance we shall talk about the name of the organization, present it with details regarding its use and benefits to the kingdom, with the power vested upon me, I will decide whether it is eligible or non-eligible." 

Roland stood firm while talking to Arthas and Moltar from across the roundtable, the confidence in his voice could be felt as he articulated the words with precision and accuracy.

"I have a name in mind for my organization, It will act as a legal, competitive company that would ensure the priority of its citizens and commissions would be held through the request of the people." Arthas briefly explained his vision.

"So kind of like the Hunters guild that is the union for people that hunt food or monsters around the area.? That is interesting, however, what need would it be to compete?" Mayward was intrigued and asked Arthas.

"I will further explain later on, however, I will name the organization that I will make…" 

Arthas paused for a moment while looking at the eyes of everyone inside the room as they breathed with trepidation sensing as to what would be the name that would be engraved in the kingdom and its history.

"United Dinosaur Foundation!"