
Strange World with Mystical Beings

Four mystical creatures have to share the same land. This resulted in unhealthy competition and each race tries to be better than the other in one way or the other, be it in strength or in magic.

macdonald_nwakamma · Outros
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4 Chs

Who Are You

Looking down Roniac could see how high up he was, and couldn't help but start crying and thus annoyed Karick.

"Would you shut up, stupid goblin I would have made it easier for you there but my master seems to have interest in you, but that does not mean I am ok with you around" Karick yelled at Roniac.

Things just keep getting weirder, one after the other. Roniac couldn't believe what he saw and now he is hearing things too.

"Just where is this place?," Roniac asked himself with confusion written all over his face.

He doesn't even know what the bird was talking about nor who he was talking to or about. Roniac thought that he was in a dream. Looking ahead he could see the hut where he had come out from. He believed that this must be its nest and he would serve as its launch. Thinking about the possible things that might happen to him made him lose hope of coming out of it alive.

After a while the eagle started descending until they where finally on solid ground. Roniac was released and he couldn't help but be thankful for him to feel the solid ground even if he was going to die.

It was already noon and Roniac haven't eaten anything, he lay there on the ground being watched by the eagle before someone walked out from the but with something in his hands, the same aroma from before filled Roniacs nose and without even knowing it saliva started dripping from his mouth.

Although lusting for the food he wasn't expecting it to be given to him,

"Maybe it's the dragons," Roniac thought and bent his head with his eyes closed, he even tried to close his nose so as to stop the smell from entering but that was impossible.

"Please raise your head and eat something, if you continue like this you would eventually die in no time" Vagan said walking closer to Roniac who still haven't moved.

"And if I had wanted to kill you I would have done that earlier, so please I beg you to eat and live for I have better plans for you," Vagan said and dropped the fowl and vegetables in front of Roniac.

Karick seeing how Vagan was begging Roniac made him angry as he transformed back to his raven form.

"I can't believe you" Karick said. "Where is my own food, I go hungry you know" Karick said with anger.

"Would you go, it's the usual" Vagan said "I said don't hurt him and yet" Vagan said with an unpleasant voice.

"At least I didn't kill him, he was the one that brought it upon himself after all" Karick said and continued mumbling until his voice wasn't heard.


Roniac was now sure who the dragon was but still can't put together how Karick could take two forms. Putting that aside Roniac had an urgent issue before him at the moment, two questions were running through his mind "who is this?, "should I trust him?,".

Roniacs mind and heart was thinking about this question while his stomach thought otherwise. To say the truth, he needs to eat something real quick. The smile on Vagans face was genuine and Roniac could tell and the voice in his head told him to trust Vagan, perhaps it might be his stomach talking. Either way Roniac didn't have a choice and gubled on the meal before him.

After some minutes Roniac was done with his meal and let a satisfying sigh of relief, really the meal was good and this reminded Roniac of his village and his family, especially his father. Roniac's mind was set aback for sometime, thinking about what had happened that night and Vagan had saved him from the elves, thinking about the whole thing stressed his mind but was interrupted by Vagans voice.

" Hey there, you still haven't told me your name, can I know it please," Vagan said looking at Roniac.

Like something took over his body he started talking.

" My name is…Roniac," Roniac said with a shakey voice.

"Ok Roniac, my name is Vagan welcome to my home and your new home," Vagan said as he spread out his hands as a welcome sign.

Roniac wasn't sure of how to respond, he just stood there like a tree. He has many questions he wants to ask Vagan but couldn't summon the courage to, he wants to talk but each time he tries it seems as if something is blocking his voice.

After some minutes of silence Vagan started heading for the hut and with his hands signalled Roniac to follow.

"Come along now, I would answer your question there" Vagan said as he entered the hut leaving the door open for Roniac to join in.

Roniac couldn't believe what just happened, he hurriedly ran towards the hut as he was eager to get his questions answered and learn more about his new friend.


In a well furnished hall, Lucian the ruler the elves sat on her throne with an elf kneeling in front of her.

" I am still bothered about who took out our elite soldiers and General Suke," Lucian said with a worried voice.

"That's the reason I summoned you here, your task is to go to various location which I suspect are capable of such feat"

. " Take this"Lician said as she handed gave her a vale, one of the suspects uses a spell to hide himself from the outside world, you won't be able to get in nor do you need to just try as much as possible to get as many information without getting spotted, am I understood" Lucian said with a serious tune.

"Yes mam" The elf scout responded.

"Now go, bear it in mind that failure isn't an option" Lician said and the elf scout was no way to be seen.

After running as fast as he could, Roniac was finally in the hut but exhausted.

"What should I ask him first" Roniac asked himself, " Should I start with questions about himself, I still don't know much about him" Roniac thought.

But before he could say anything Vagan rushed out of the hut with his reason unknown to Roniac, Karick joined him as well and nothing was made clear to Roniac, rather he got an instruction from Karick.

"Don't come out no matter what," Karick said with a cold voice.

Vegan could be seen staring into a part of the forest, looking at his face one could tell he wasn't happy with what so ever his saw.

"I knew those elves won't back down easily" Vagan said as he raised his hand revealing a part of the forest and two elves could be seen. Vegan mustard some words and the ground beneath the elves started vibrating. The elves were confused and didn't know what was happening, indeed they couldn't see Vagan although he was seeing them.

The elves had one option and that was to retreat, but with their first step tree roots sprouted out from the ground and pierced their chest as they hung there dead.

Roniac hearing the vibration couldn't help but come out, he wanted to know what startled Vagan. Although when he came out what he saw was terrifying, two elves were stabbed through the chest, the Vagan he was talking to few minutes ago and the Vagan he is seeing now is different. He hid in a small nearby bush watching with suspense written all over his face.

Vegan could sense the other scout whom he believed would be their leader and the one who has the collected information in his possession. After some time, he was able to pinpoint his exact location and started mumbling some spell, looking at him it seemed as if he was reading a book because he was just like a living but mindless human being. After some seconds Vagan's mind was sent aback as he put his gathered information together.

"Simply put, they are here for the goblin," Vagan said.

"I knew that brat would not be anything but trouble" Karick said gnashing teeth in anger.

"Would you shut up and go take that elf out his enemy, not Roniac,"Vagan said pointing towards the elf's location.

For a moment, the elf felt as if his consciousness left his body for a moment, he wasn't sure what the others were doing so he decided to check on them, on reaching what he sure was a terrible sight. He penned it down and brought out some from his pocket, threw it up and shot an arrow towards the south. The liquid in the vale spread and Vagan was now visible to the elf, but something else caught the elf's eyes, something behind Vagan.

The elf with his pen was about to write something when a gorilla attacked him, with his speed and agile body he was able to avoid Karick's punches, the elf tried as much as possible to avoid them as one punch from him could take him out.

Karick was able to get a hit on the elf but not with his fits but with trees and stones, throwing multiple at a time made it impossible for the elf to dodge and was wounded on his legs.He crawled helplessly towards a tree and laid hi back on it, few distance away from Karick he finished his writing and cast a spell that Teleported the information away, having down that he laid there waiting for his life to be taken as two huge rocks were thrown his way and with an injured leg couldn't move away far enough and was crushed to death by the rocks.

Vegan was still not aware that Roniac was at his back until he heard a voice behind his back with a question attached to it.

"Who are you?," Roniac asked with a shaky voice and his legs trembling.