
Stolen Childhood - Chapter 1 - Peter Pan x OC

She remembered her life, before the orphanage. She was an only child, living in a lovely house with her loving parents. She remembered how they would read her stories in bed, her favourites were The Little Prince, Harry Potter and of course Peter Pan. She loved reading the adventures of Peter Pan, against his enemy, Captain Hook.

Her parents had died three years ago now, when she was ten. It was her thirteenth birthday next week and she was aware that her body was changing. She wasn't ready to grow up, she felt her childhood had been snatched away from her after her parents died. Her life at the orphanage was so different, all her friends were gone, her schoolwork was different, her life was not the comfort she had been raised with.

The orphanage was cold, she had trouble connecting with the other children there, they were all different ages. They all slept in the same room as one another, a hard mattress with a thin blanket. She had trouble sleeping, finding herself sitting on the windowsill of her bedroom whilst the other children slept. She would look up to the stars above, the second star to the right to be exact and she wished with all her being that Peter Pan would take her to Neverland. She knew they were only stories, but she knew she was getting older, too old. She may as well try.