
Stolen Childhood - Chapter 2 - Peter Pan x OC

Lila had climbed back into bed, her wishing seemed futile. She didn't want to grow up, but it seemed that there was no other choice but to. She tossed and she turned, her thin blanket giving her no warmth as she noticed the breeze in the room.

Lila sat up in bed, the other children remained sleeping. The window she had just been sat at was now wide open, she had been sure it was closed when she had come to bed. She looked around the room nervously, could someone has broken into their room?

There was a sound behind her, something falling over on one of the side tables back there. She turned quickly seeing nothing but the faintest spark of light, had she imagined it?

Lila climbed back out of bed and headed towards the side table, her anxiety growing. There was no one there, but from one of the drawers it sounded like something was moving, something bell like.

She held the handle of the drawer hesitantly and pulled slowly, careful not to disturb any of the other children. As she did so, a bright light flew up from the drawer, almost blinding Lila as it did so, her eyes adjusting in the dark to what it was.

Within the light there seemed to be the outline of a small body, a green dress and blonde hair.

'Tink…. Tinkerbell?' She gasped out the name as she saw the full outline of the small fairy in front of her in disbelief. The little fairy grinned at her, nodding up and down as she did so. She flew around Lila's head, the sprinkle of fairy dust causing her to lift off the floor.

Was she dreaming? Was this really happening? She felt as light as a feather, climbing higher and higher until she felt the ceiling above her. Tinkerbell flew up with her, pulling at the hem of her white night dress.

'You want me to follow you?' Lila asked. Tinkerbell made a chime of bell noises in response, the nodding of her head giving her a response.

Tinkerbell flew forward towards the open window, Lila floated in the spot taking in her circumstances. Looking down on the sleeping bodies of all the children in the room.

Lila flew forward, finding it surprisingly easy to fly through the air in whichever direction she saw fit. 'Okay… Neverland it is!' She whispered hastily to Tinkerbell as she flew out of the window, closely behind Tinkerbell towards the second star to the right.