
Chapter 7

with the girls, Gryffindor's

'' I can't believe you made him wait there for two hours, Lily.'' long blonde hair and green eyes, Alice Fortescue , the only one with common decency and everyone favorite

'' I can. '' Marlene McKinnon, second best duelist of her year '' I passed by him on the hall, he looked miserable.''

'' He earned it.'' long red hair, petite, thin lips, doe-like green eyes, button nose '' What did he except even?'' her vicious answer made the girls wince. Lily Evans, being spiteful is a family treat

'' Be honest Lils, you like it.'' high cheek bones, bright blue eyes, a thin nose, flawless skin, and pouty lips. She looks at Lily indifferent expression and sighs. Mary MacDonald, not sure who she is actually, but she is great at Herbology apparently

after first year sorting

'' Welcome! Welcome all new and old! This year we have a new student joining us and I want to say that Hogwarts will always open her arms to any and all. It's a great honor to have another Jumper, after so many years, join Hogwarts-'' the hall was filled with shocked noise and excited chatter, their eyes fixed on the lone, tall person. No matter how much they tried they couldn't see clearly their face or gender feature. '' I hope you will find great friends and family this time as well.'' he raise his hand to silence the students, making sign to McGonagall to continue

McGonagall next words made the students fall silent.

'' Snape, Athena!''

The clouding spell fall apart the closer she walked to the Sorting Hat. Tall, board shouldered girl, with straight black hair, long beautiful legs, walking with her head held high but in no way haughty, her steps the only sound in the hall. She was wearing tight black ripped jeans, with a white t-shirt over her shoulder exposing an all too familiar skin color, a black tie, tied loosely on her neck and a black outer robe, old leather boots, silver rings on her right hand, a choker, black leather and silver spikes around her neck.

And when she turned around to seat on the stall, expressionless face making some students shiver in their seats or glance at the other Snape, bright red lips, almond shaped royal purple eyes contoured by an Egyptian style eyeliner, a Greek nose and a familiar strong jawline.

The Hat didn't wait more than a few seconds


She grinned, reveling her fanged teeth and with the school robe swinging behind her she walked to the green table and plopped beside Severus Snape.

The Great Hall exploded.

Athena smiled at the chaos around her, the Gryffindor's with the Ravenclaw's being the loudest, while the Slytherins were just blatantly staring once in their life. The Hufflepuff's were looking cautions at her. She put a hand under her chin and just smiled again at their dumb faces.

She turned her head towards her Da-fath- Severus, towards Severus and royal purple eyes clashed with obsidian black ones. It was a good thing she spend all that time for this moment, she wasn't even glancing at his neck.

'' It's good to see you.'' she said quietly making sure he was the only one that could hear her. Severus eyes were the widest they ever were.

The noise in the Hall become more and more louder

'' His wife?!''

'' If she wasn't beside him I couldn't even see it!''

'' There's no way she come out from that Death Eater!''

'' Maybe she changed her name! It's a possibility you know!''

'' How did Snape of all people catch a girl like that..''

'' Mate! Mate! His bloody grandmother.''

In the end the general idea was that Athena was his wife, child or a cousin. Strangely enough the wife variant was the most used.

Severus looked at the girl in front of him that despite smiling looked ready to burst with anger or in tears. He looked at her jaw, her skin, her stature, her hair! god's her hair and his first though was

she looks healthy

He mask his expression faster than he ever did before and nods towards the girl, Athena, and turns his attention on the Headmaster not minding the students staring back and forth between the two of them.

Dumbledore finally silenced the students once more '' I know it's quiet the shocking situation for all of you, others greater than most. But! Let's not forget the Unspeakables procedure, anyone that it reported or found out of trying to force the future... or past out of Miss Snape, will go through a meeting with the Unspeakables and in the worst case expelled. Now! Tuck in!'' clapping his hands once the food appeared on the tables and after a little over a minute the students finally begin eating and stopped staring at the new Jumper.

'' I can't believe it...'' James muttered still looking at Snape, the girl one. She didn't look bothered in the slightness, eating her fill and putting her veggies on Snivellus plate

'' I can't either.'' Peter said nudging Sirius '' I just did my Summer Homework and I didn't do anything.'' he said making Sirius grimace

'' Fuck you Pete.'' Sirius turns James around and makes him look away from Snape '' What do you think?'' he ask griping his best friend shoulder

James leans a little on his catching the eye of all his friends '' I think...that this year it will be double fun.'' he said smiling innocently. Beside him Sirius laughed, making Peter snicker and Remus to sigh and shake his head.

It wasn't a surprise that after last year, he has a stronger desire to stop his friends...pranks.

'' Wouldn't we get in bigger problems if you mess with a Jumper? A girl at that?'' Peter asked pilling his plate with potato's and cheese.

Sirius scoffs and James rolls his eyes '' What are you talking about Pete? They are just pranks.''

'' Yeah-'' James adds ''- we are just making people laugh. There's nothing wrong with it.''

'' It is.'' Remus interrupt's, looking surprised with himself. He doesn't stop though, almost chocking on his words '' It's not funny humiliating people.''

Sirius sneers and jabs his finger at the scarred werewolf '' You didn't mind it until now did you?'' he asked sarcastically

Before things could escalade further James attracts attention to himself and brightens the atmosphere, making sure there are no squabbles between the four of them.

Peter never tells them of his encounter with Athena Snape. Nor does Remus. One of them remembering her scary face and the feeling of being small when he wasn't and the other remembers the attractive scent of dark chocolate and the alluring aura around her, it was no wonder his wolf howled all day back then.