
start a tiny riot! stop being so goddamn quiet!

'' I heard another one of those Jumpers appeared.'' '' Jumpers?'' Lily asked, for the first time looking towards the boys. Blushing James continued '' There are those people that Jump through timeline's, without disturbing the balance. They remain in this world and just life in this time.'' James said '' They usually become famous too.'' Sirius added '' It's a shame they are motorized though.'' before Sirius could continue, the first year filled the Hall. It was time for the Sorting. Standing out, behind them, was a tall girl, that wore an open robe above her muggle clothes. Sirius eyes were stuck on her. All students were staring at her and all of them feel like they know her from her shoulder length hair to her bored expression. When all the first-years were sorted the Headmaster spoke '' It's a great honor, to have another Jumper studying at Hogwarts. And it's with great joy that you could join us from now on. I hope you will find great friends and family this time around as well. Hogwarts it's open for all no matter the age.'' McGonagall next words made the students fall silent. Their shocked expression made the tall girl reveal a fanged grin '' Snape, Athena!''

Michiko_B · Movies
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Chapter 6

in the meantime, with the Slytherin's

'' Do you think they are coming at Hogwarts?'' said a petite boy with a bored expression and curly, soft black hair. '' Or maybe they are a very old person like Europe Jumper? What do you think Cissa? '' he continued, soft voice and grey eyes burning with curiosity. Regulus Black, prettiest boy in the school, overprotective of his friends, ranked forth in Black Madness

Cissa was calmly filling her nails, being careful to make them the same length '' Maybe. Who knows though? Maybe they are not bigger than a toddler this time.-'' she blows softly on one of her hands ''- or we won't even recognize them, Reggy.'' she finished beginning working on her second hand. Narcissa Black, always with a soft touch for her dear ones, could poison an entire bloodline to protect them, third ranked in Black Madness

'' You realize that there's a spell for that, don't you?'' another boy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes said shaking his head absently at her. Cissa scoffs softly and retorts

'' Well, I want them at the same length. Not different from one another.'' she said not taking her eyes of her nails

'' Whatever.'' Evan said rolling his eyes but not commenting further '' Putting the Jumper subject on the side, where is Snape?'' Evan Rosier, due for a gay awaking, threatened his family with cutting his dick off if he gets set up for marriage

'' Trying to apologize to the Red Bitch once more, just to be throw aside and get himself bullied by Potter and his crew.'' Regulus said crossing his arms, his voice hardening '' And then! is my, I mean our fault if we interfere with his bloody ritual like the bloody fool he is!'' he finish getting himself worked up

Narcissa raises her eyes of her nails, putting the it aside and looking at her dear cousin. '' We did promise that we will not meddle in that thing he has.''

'' He was ready to put us to swear in blood.'' Evan said hesitantly trying to pet Regulus shoulder

'' That doesn't mean he should torture himself doing this.'' Regulus said breathing harshly, putting his head on Evan shoulder and sighing '' We are friends all those years and he still keep us at arm length.'' he mutters making himself comfortable beside Evan

'' Sometimes.'' Narcissa said playing absently with her file '' Love is like a disease.'' she said thinking of her own sisters, one running away from who she was and another being unfaithful to her family for an outsider.

'' Your love is beautiful though.'' Regulus says softly, smiling at her cousin

Before she could answer the door opens and a pitiful Severus Snape enters the room. Severus Snape, at sixteen years old, was a tall gangly teen with almost sickly white skin, obsidian eyes with the beginning of dark circles around his eyes, a Roman nose, a strong jaw and the beginning of greasy hair. If you looked at him from behind you would see, even now as a teen, a tall, imposing figure with board shoulders, strong legs and shoulder-length hair.

He took a careful seat beside Narcissa and after a couple of seconds he said sarcastically

'' Yes let's stare at the heartbroken guy. He looks like he could give some life saving advice.'' he say making Evan snort, Narcissa shake her head and Regulus pout dramatically all the while raking his eyes over his body for any visible injuries. Inside the three of them were cursing Lily Evans, the disease in Severus life

'' Nothing hurts...psychically.'' Severus adds looking at Regulus. Before any of them could say anything more he says '' I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your weeding Cissa.-'' he says turning towards her. '' - I do hope you liked the gift though.'' he adds almost shyly

Narcissa laughs loudly and says smiling brightly '' Seven bottles of Felix Felicis? -'' her smiles soften and she takes Severus hand in hers stroking it gently ''-We loved it. Thank you.''

'' It was a beautiful weeding.'' Evan says sincerely, all three of them enjoying the usual elegant and cold girl turning red

Narcissa Black, newly aged 16, married one Lucius Malfoy, aged 21 in the summer. The motive for the rushed weeding was because of her sisters, Andromeda Black, was suppose to marry Lucius two years ago. She run away with a muggleborn before that though and the fall was left on Narcissa. The contract she was on now made sure that she should begin to bear heirs after Hogwarts, Lucius request. That also mean that she will not benefit of her family name, in power, until she bears her first heir. On another note, Severus Snape, being a halfblood and both family being furious on one another made impossible for him to attend, no matter how much they wanted.

'' He is a good man, Lucius. Always makes sure I have what I need, listens to my problems, even talked with the Dumbledore to be called a Black in classes. '' Regulus sighs wistfully and leans more on Evan, not minding how tense the other become

'' You scored with him-'' Evan says making Severus snort amused ''- I mean it! He is actually the most decent pureblood you could have married.''

'' His competition were Rabastan, Carrow and some old French cousin.'' Severus said smirking at Evan offended expression

The room was filled with talk about the weeding, the summer homework, a brief talk about the new Jumper. They will leave deeper subjects for the privacy of their House.

same time with the Gryffindor's

'' I can't believe Sirius! '' light green, almond eyes with a tint of blue narrowed dangerously on the dark haired stupidly handsome boy '' It's the fifth time you lost it.'' she huffs looking no less beautiful making the boy wince slightly

'' Marls, Marls my love. I swear I - ouch! Woman!'' she doesn't wait for his excuse and just leaves him there with a red check. His three friends were trying their hardest to not laugh at the common scene, somehow every time is just become more funnier.

Sirius sighs looking at her backside leaving, tight leather pants hugging her form.

'' How did you lost it this time?'' untidy black hair and hazel eyes, James asked grinning. On his lap was a blank piece of parchment, his wand swinging lazily between his fingers

'' Dunno-'' Sirius seats heavily ''- I did my art and the next thing I know I was here and the eyeliner wasn't.'' he shrug, batting his eyelash exuberantly. Subtle line that accentuates the exterior coner of the eye, upper and lower eyelid at the same time, a double-up.

Sirius claps his hands and makes all the boys to put their thinks away. James the Map, Remus the Alchemy books and Peter the Summer homework.

'' What's with you?'' sandy blond hair, whiskey eyes and scars poking out under his clothes '' Another scheme to make Marlene sleep with you?'' Remus Lupin, the most canine individual obsessed with chocolate and the least interested in sleeping around of his friends, the most likely of them all to get married and actually have a stable life

'' I'm not turning into my form to sneak in the girls dorm. I don't care if it's works, they have a bloody Anti Rodents charms at every door.'' messy curly short hair, short ,brown small eyes '' They bloody hurt.'' Peter Pettigrew, biggest eater but still the skinniest of his friends, he wants to sleep around but no luck whatsoever , possible carrier for the future : scumbag.

'' I know that look. '' unruly dark hair, hazel eyes, athlete stature '' Is a new prank...or you are just really horny.'' James Potter, obsessed with a muggleborn girl or halfblood boy, still not sure, the birds mistake him with their own when he fly's, sooner or later he will get a vasectomy at this rate

'' Fuck off, Prongs! '' darkly handsome good looks, jet black hair, striking grey eyes '' It's neither, I just waited until now so I could look good when I say it.'' Sirius Black, dumb but pretty, second ranked in Black Madness after Bellatrix he just doesn't recognize it, more likely to have kids in multiple country's than actually settling down

'' I...know something about the new Jumper.'' he say grinning madly

'' No fucking way! '' all three of them exclaims wide eyes and disbelieved looks. After some seconds of silence James ask '' Well?''

'' They...are not old. And there's a 65.07% change to be a woman as well.'' Sirius said convinced '' And 50% change to not be a pureblood.''

'' Wait.'' Remus said narrowing his eyes '' How do you know that? Isn't it suppose to be like the utmost secrecy?''

'' It is. But I was at little Cissa weeding this summer, with that snake-peacock guy, and Malfoy cousin, some Pandora girl with possible mental problems or what I like to call trace of Divination, kind of blabbered about it all night.'' the extenuated sigh from Remus, nor the facepalm from James could deter him '' Who wants to bet?!'' he yells getting snorts in return

'' I do. '' Peter said making Sirius turn to him '' In exchange you give me your summer homework. I bet... she has short dark hair...like until here.'' he said pointing to his shoulders.''

'' Then I say she is blond with... brown eyes.''

'' Deal!'' Sirius said not the last discouraged.

Peter smiled satisfied, after all a rat instincts are much stronger than a dogs.