
Star Wars: To Be A Glorified Farmer or ?

Follow Arcann, Jedi Initiate. "Am I really going to be thrown to the Agri-Corps. " To hell with what the cue-ball(guess who) thinks....I will make my own path. Hope you guys enjoy the story. To be Released Soon!!

LittleFattyAni · Filmes
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Cue Ball Windu- You are going to be a farmer !!

My name is Arcann and I just had my tenth life day the day before, and today was the day my fate was decided by the Jedi High Council. I was brought in to meet with the council members following which Master Windu announced that I was to be in service to the Agri-Corps.

It was polite way of saying that I would not be chosen as a padawan learner now or even in the future and therefore ending my aspirations to become a future Jedi Master.

I can't say that I am surprised. You see I had predicted this, almost facilitated this. I had also planned for this eventuality.

It all started at the age of four when I received a vision during meditation. I was shown glimpses of this exact situation. I was shown that I would taken to the Agri corps services along with fifteen other initiates.

I was not sure at the time but as I grew older I was able to understand what those images were and began to plot…err plan.

What did I do these 6 years? Let me praise myself first. I have an eidetic memory and an innate ability to shield my thoughts and project and sense emotions. I had also developed an ability to influence any and all electronics or machines.

At the age of five, I started to scour the holonet for all the information I could find on programming, hardware and engineering and started to tinker with scrap parts that I had collected and successfully built my first protocol droid who I named FD-01(Force droid).I made sure to install a huge memory bank along with information packs on medicine, surgery, engineering, scientific knowledge and combat mechanics that I had obtained by hacking the dark net of the republic

I also programmed an AI ( Really Intelligent Artificial Life- R.I.A.L) which is currently hosted by FD-01.

My force training was practically non existent as I pretended that I could only connect to the force but was never able to properly use other basic force abilities.

At the age of 6, I made the archives my second home. I read just about anything that I had access to and the information that I did not have the clearance for was being downloaded from the archives by installing a backdoor with the help of RIAL for future use.

I maintained a decent relationship with Master Jocasta Nu as she always helped me with obtaining basic information and I could tell she wanted to groom me as her successor.

I also realised that I was different from other humans, I was ridiculously handsome , I did not tire easily, my body was close to 10 times stronger than the average human. My medical evaluation showed that I also had a higher brain functionality by a factor of 3 but my midichlorian count was average.

In all the academic tests that I was subjected to, I maintained below average scores.

I had a close knit group of friends, few of which were a part of the group I had seen in my vision. For the next four years, I collected information of all that I could get my hands on and trained on improving my force connection along with the different lightsaber forms with the help of FD01( I installed the data packs containing the lightsaber forms that I had stolen from an old training droid which was collecting dust in the storage. Surprisingly it had all seven forms which was a bonus.)

Over the years, I got a bit of a reputation as a person who tries to learn everything but never retains much. The facade that I maintained helped me mingle well with everyone as everyone one thought that I was a goofy guy with a cheerful attitude.

Fast forward to the Council meeting.

We( group of initiates) were brought into the hall and almost immediately I felt as if we were criminals on a trial. The emotions were rolling out of my friends. They were anxious and afraid as I had subtly informed them on what was to come.

After a moment of silence, Master Windu finally spoke with apathy," Initiates Arcann, Freya, Soren, Goran...…, we have decided that your future in the Jedi order lies in the Agri-Corps.".