

Life is harsh, life is painful but there is no real reason to end it sooner. This was the understanding a young man had of life, his life had been hard and a lot would have gone wrong but he didn't and while he often thought to end his days he never did it as he felt he lack real reason or maybe because he was just too scared of dying he didn't know. So, he lived his life day after day and he found a way to make life easier, it was simply just not interacting with another more than necessary, some sort of hikikomori but to a lesser extent. This way of life helps him lived but his life lost it's every color as his presence became nothing more than a number and everyone forgot about him when he was not needed, he became like a shadow.

This way of life made him become calm way to calm as he looked at everything like a spectator as if it had nothing to do with him and one day as he was going to withdraw some money he entered the bank and not paying any attention to what was happening withdrawn money but as he was starting to walk out he felt pain in his back, turning around he saw a hooded man with a gun pointed at him before a flash of light happen and he was on the ground with this time felling pain also in his abdomen. His cause his earphone to fall out and he could hear the scream of fear and panic of the other as he looks at his own blood leaving his body, feeling his strength leaving he just closed his eyes waiting for death and as he started to feel cold and his life was flashing before his eyes he let out a sigh of relief that it had come to an end.

Unknown to him his death causes the robber to panic which leads them to rush out of the bank only to be surrounded by policemen instantly. His death was used, and he became famous throughout the whole country as a hero and a symbol of the courageous common man helping in a dangerous time as wartime was coming.

While the war had spread on earth, the soul of our man was floating in a dark space. Time had passed since his death, he didn't know how much but he was sure he was here for a long time and was starting to lose his sanity while he was used to not doing much but here he couldn't move, hear, smell or even see anything, all he could feel was his body which he shouldn't have anymore listening to his own heartbeat which he knew had stopped quite a long time ago know was driving him mad.

As he was reaching his limits light start to appear in front of him and a man wearing what seems to be roman cloth was walking toward him. "Did you know it's been a long time since any soul came here. Normally souls go either up or down, heaven or hell this is their destiny however yours stay where it was as if it had nothing to do with her. While you can't understand where we are let me tell you that you are exactly where you died just in another plan of existence and while there is nothing your soul starts to form you a new body this is incredible… however, you won't be able to stay here as you are disrupting the reincarnation circle and you already have a draft of a body so neither Heaven or Hell is possible" said the white-clothed man.

Hearing him the soul knew where all of this was going and for once in a long time the calmness that had reigned over him for years broke apart as wild and maniacal joy and thirst spread through him. Joy for having a new chance while still being him and a thirst for wanting to live not just survive for another day, a thirst of power to be able to do what he wanted and not be bind by what others thought.

The change occurring in the soul was clearly seen by the man who had appeared, a smile was on his face when he felt the joy, but a frown appeared at the perception of this unquenchable thirst for power and freedom and this frown intensify has the dark void split behind the young man and red light feel the void starting to clash with the white light.

"What an interesting soul, way more interesting than I thought hahaha" said a voice coming from the red light while laughing. Hearing this new voice the soul body turn to see who it was without realizing that it could now move and what he saw was the nothing that looks human, turning to see the white-clothed man he understood who they were or what they incarnated God and the Devil, Good and Evil.

"If didn't make your speech I wouldn't have known he was this interesting thanks" said the devil to which the god didn't say anything but observed what was happening with the soul, the soul look like it was going to break in two half going to each side. Sighing god moved his hand and white light enveloped the soul body stopping his division.

"Young one, you need to understand that your two impulses can be done while still being one. The key is balance. Like you guess earlier I will send you to another world but not one you can think of. I know you like anime and the likes but with your case, I will send you there" while speaking the god was observing closely the soul and the devil who until now had made to less movement which was suspicious.

Hearing the god, the soul starts to calm down but the joy of life at a faster rate. "Don't worry, you know the world, it is the world of Star Wars while you know about it you know it clearly more superficially than the other which is good as you will be able to enjoy it more". The god focused on the soul didn't see a smile appear on the devil's face before vanishing. The soul had calmed down had there would be a lot of things to discover there and enough possibility to become strong.

"Before sending you there however I will give a wish what do you want" asked the god, the soul couldn't respond but simple idea could be felt by the two divine beings. His choice was talent which makes the god nod as the smile who had vanished from the face of the devil came back but wider than before."Good, I wish you good luck young one" said the god after which with a move of his hand the soul vanished.

Lifting his head and seeing the devil he remembered about him and seeing his smile a frown appeared on his face and he asked, "What did you do?".

"Did I do anything I don't think so or you would have felt it no?" answered the devil with a mocking smile. The frown on the god's face intensified which made the devil broke in laughter.

"You know, you were way to invest in this soul, regretting living their world on their own" said the devil. The frown on the god's face vanished as if it was never there and he starts to walk away.

Seeing this the smile on the devil's face vanished and said "he will fall" before vanishing.

The god stopped and white light starts to spread in the void as if white was its normal color. A few seconds later the light vanished and the exhaust god murmured "Lineage and heritage, I see, a good move but in the end, it doesn't change much, it will be his choice and you can't force him to fall" before vanishing.

Here is the first chapter, I hope you liked it. For those wondering, English is not my first language and to train myself I'm writing this directly in English but there may be some mistake with some words so please point it out.

Lumorecreators' thoughts