
Master Yoda

In a flash of light, the surrounding changes and the soul was not in the same void as before. Soon the dark space changes the soul who had clearly diminish in size was in an invisible sphere was standing above a massive building with five spires. The sphere starts going down following a light trail to finally enter the body of a child who was currently being held in the arms of a man.

The man was waiting at the entrance of the temple looking at the child in his arms who just open his eyes with love and sadness. Soon enough footsteps could be heard from inside of the building and a bald man wearing boots, loose-fitting pants, and a cloak. The small kid seeing him come to recognize him, well not really him but his clothing this was a Jedi and looking at where he came from and what he saw when he was still in his soul state, he knew he was at the Jedi temple.

The Jedi approaching the man standing at the door of the temple was observing him and seeing the child in his arms he speculates that he was coming here to send his child to that temple, but he wondered why did he come at night.

"Sir, you didn't need to come at night to send your child it could have wait tomorrow" said the Jedi

"Excuse me for my late arrival Jedi but I need to see Grand Master Yoda" answered the man

"Sir, you can't see the Grand Master because you ask for it, if you're here to send your child to the temple I will help you with it but seeing the Grand Master probably is not possible" answered the Jedi calmly

"I'm sorry but please tell Grand Master Yoda that Jeec Shan is here to send his child to the temple and give him this if he doesn't want to see me then I will send this child with your help" said Jeec while giving the Jedi a medallion.

Looking at the medallion the Jedi could see on it a symbol similar to the one of the Jedi, the same spread wing however the central spires were replaced by two with one shorter than the other and a star at the top instead of being at the bottom of the spire. After looking at the medallion for some time the Jedi look at the man before coming to a decision he said, "Good, come with me inside the temple I will inform Grand Master Yoda". Hearing the Jedi the man was overjoyed for a moment before sadness came back looking at the child in his arms.

Guiding the man and his child in the temple the Jedi let them wait in the great hall while going to inform Grand Master Yoda. Reaching a communication room the Jedi sat and use a holographic communicator. "Master Yoda, there is a father and child at the entrance of the temple who wish to speak with you. The father said that you would accept to see them, his name is Jeec Shan and he told me to show you this" said the Jedi to Yoda while showing the medallion.

Listening to the Jedi Yoda didn't say anything and seem to be in his thought.

"This symbol like this family a long time ago disappeared it has, hmm, seeing him I will. To the meditating chamber will you bring him Jurokk" said Yoda

Acknowledging what Yoda said Jurokk cut the communication and return to the hall to guide this man to the meditating chamber as he was wondering who he was for master Yoda himself to see him. "Please follow me, Master Yoda will see you" said Jurokk before heading to the chamber without waiting for the man to answer him.

Arriving at the corridor of the meditating chamber Jurokk stop waiting for Master Yoda which causes Jeec to stop behind him while the small boy was observing everything around him. Not long after the sound of a cane hitting the ground could be heard at the head of the corridor and soon enough a small green creature wearing the Jedi cloth could be seen heading toward them, seeing the Jedi approaching the eye of the young child light up seeing the Jedi he could recognize and one of most famous and strongest to ever exist. While the child was looking at Yoda, Yoda was observing him and his father while making his way and he saw the change of the child but didn't think much of it as the child was still young but what caught his attention was that the force was close to the child but nowhere close to the father. Arriving at the group of three Yoda dismissed Jurokk before guiding the father and son duo in a meditating chamber.

Having sit Yoda said "The Shan family, a Jedi family they were but forgotten and without Jedi left they were. Hmm, the force the child seems to feel but weird it is that you do not"

"That my family is still remembered by the order make me happy but for this child, I don't know what to say, like other for generations he didn't feel the Force but a few days ago the Force seem to have invaded Vaner"

"Hmm, indeed not normal it is, feeling the force with time possible it is, such increase isn't. To the Force the child should have returned" hearing what said Yoda, Jeec became white, sending his son to the temple was already hard enough but him dying…

"Worry necessary is not, surviving this child already did. Hmm. His midi-chlorians testing we should" saying this Yoda lifts his hand and a blood tester came out from his robe.

While the two were conversing, the child was not really listening as he was trying to know who he was currently, he was Vaner Shan, he had memories from his early years but it was like a film, from this he concluded that he took the body of the previous Vaner. A few days ago his soul came to this world and start fusing with this body which led to it having high fever and the Force to concentrate around the boy. So, he was Vaner Shan and from what he understood until know from the Shan family which seems to be an ancient Jedi family but he didn't know about them as he only saw the films of star wars, comics, game, anime he knew nothing about them. As he returned from his thought, he saw his father and Yoda looking at him not knowing what had happened.

"Vaner please stretch your arm we will take some of your blood" said his father with a gentle voice, hearing this and seeing the device floating in the air Vaner knew what was going on and roll up his sleeve before stretching his arms. Then the device came to his arm and like in the blood test he knew of a needle pierced his skin before the device head back to Yoda.

Yoda looked at the device before looking at the father and son duo. "Sure, are you, no feeling of the Force he had before?" questioned Yoda to which Jeec answered with a nod "Then your blood too testing we need" said Yoda.

Soon the second test was done, Yoda fell in thought before meditating a little and said "Mysterious is the force, from low to high, talentless to talented. Hmm, big is his destiny but hidden it is. A Jedi he will become"

Hearing Yoda the father nod but Vaner wanted to know what the result of the test were. "Master Yoda what were the result of the test." Looking at the child Yoda seemed thoughtful but still gave the answer. "This test to know your midi-chlorians number it was. 17693 of them you have. 1340 your father has. The standard number for human 2500 it is."

Listening to Yoda Vaner didn't really know what to do with this number yes it was more than 5 times the normal number but if he wasn't mistaken it was still lower than Anakin but he didn't remember the exact number. Seeing no change on the face of the soon to be Jedi youngling Yoda nod as arrogance wasn't good for a Jedi.