
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (According to Morden Grey)

An alternate storyline for The Last Jedi. This story is intended for those who had issues with the movie.

DaoistLlWKtf · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

-The Supremacy- M-11 Quadrant, Inner Rim - Corellia Orbit

The Supremacy dropped out of hyperspace, Corellia appearing no larger than a Meiloorun fruit in the distance. "Approaching Corellian orbit in fifteen minutes," an operator reported to Kylo.

Underneath his helmet, Snoke's apprentice stared at the planet in silent turmoil; the earliest memories of his childhood returned to his mind in flashes threatening to invade his concentration.

He closed his eyes and with a thought, banished them immediately and without hesitation. "Have the remaining divisions been evacuated?"

The operator tapped some buttons on his console and then tapped the same combination when the panel beeped at him in error. "My Lord, there seems to be a malfunction with our communications, I am unable to contact any of the surface on any frequency. I'll have one of our technicians see to it at once."

Kylo knew the problem had nothing to do with the Supremacy's equipment, but he didn't feel like talking any more than he had too. Instead he stood in silence, hands behind his back while staring out the wide, bridge window. Deep within, he could feel something significant was about to happen; that the galaxy would forever change in the next several hours. What he didn't know was if the change he felt would be a result of something he did, or by some product of Snoke's actions.

"Kylo Ren." the voice of the Supreme Leader echoed through the bridge.

Every crewmember—officer, enlisted and maintenance alike—froze in place.

"Yes Supreme Leader?" Kylo asked before turning around to face the holoprojection.

"Prepare your shuttle. You will not be joining me in the unification of Corellia," Snoke narrowed his cold blue eyes at his apprentice, attacking his thoughts with the Force. "Have you nothing to say?"

In a calm, collected voice Kylo replied, "Where am I to go, Master?"

Snoke frowned. "Belkadan, in the Dalonbian sector." The frown faded and his deformed face appeared to sag with fatigue. "Come to my quarters before you depart. That is all."

Kylo bowed his head. "As you wish, Supreme Leader."

The throne room was as it always was; dark, illuminated only by dim wall and floor lights. Currently the Supreme Leader's viewing window was open, allowing a miniscule portion of star light in to outline the sparsely decorated room. Unlike the last time he met with his master, Snoke wasn't alone. Surrounding him on every side were nine Praetorian guards with their weapons drawn and ready, yet they gave no indication whether or not they'd attack him. Kylo made no attempt to acknowledge them as he approached the throne. Going to one knee, he said "Supreme Leader."

Snoke leaned forward in his chair, though his face remained hidden in shadows. "Kylo Ren. I have an important task for you...one in which you do not have the luxury in failing." He lifted one of his hands and pointed to a covered display case. "Go to it. You will be charged with the safekeeping of what's inside."

Kylo rose to his feet and started his way toward the case. When he was less than five feet away, whispers started trickling into his mind. He stopped and instinctively went for his lightsaber.

"Harness your fear," Snoke growled from atop his chair. "It cannot harm you unless you give it power. If you lack the strength to control it, you are already defeated."

"What is it?"

Snoke gestured to the left with his hand and the dark, translucent sheet covering the case slipped off to the floor. Beneath the glass sitting on a narrow stand was a pale, cracked white mask with faded red streaks running from the top of the eye holes to the edge of the forehead. "A Hendanyn death mask, from another era. Much have I learned from the time I attempted to wear it a millenia ago...but not without great sacrifice,"

Kylo never knew, nor had he asked what deformed the Supreme Leader's body. Slowly, he started moving again towards the case.

"This artifact preserves the memories of the wearer in order to pass knowledge on to their predecessors after they die. The owner of this particular one...belonged to an unnaturally powerful Sith Lord. One who could destroy civilizations without the means of an army or super weapon. As much as I despise the Jedi and Sith, none could deny the power they possessed," his words came from behind clenched teeth, every word he spoke dripping with venom. "But that power would not be controlled by the unworthy. The Jedi and Sith have fallen because they were selfish, ignorant, incompetent FOOLS!"  

Kylo stopped in front of the case. "It speaks to you now. I can hear the thoughts it tries to send to you,"

"It desires a host." He dismissed the matter beyond his answer. "I need to know, my apprentice, if you can resist it. I need to know you won't become its slave on your way to Malachor."

The apprentice had the glass door halfway opened before freezing in place. Around him, the electro-plasma energy crackled along the vibroblades belonging to the Praetorian Guards. Kylo turned toward his Master. "What is the meaning of this? Did you not instruct me to go to Belkadan after the subjugation of Corellia?"

Snoke stood up from his chair. "I did. I also instructed you to stay away from the worlds of the Sith. Worlds such as Malachor," the Supreme Leader stretched out his hand. Purple lightning arced high into the room before descending down on his apprentice.

Kylo's reactions were ahead of Snoke's. He brought his lightsaber up into a high guard and ignited it a moment before the bolts of pure dark side energy slammed into him. The red, unstable blade seemed to roar in defiance when the Supreme Leader's attack hit; nevertheless the weapon absorbed the violent energy.

Snoke lowered his hands and sighed, appearing more annoyed than concerned. "You are not ready to take my place yet, apprentice. Continue down this path and I will leave your body in such ruin, you will be more machine than even your grandfather was when I am through with you."

Kylo glared at his Master, his chest visibly rising and falling with every deep breath.

Snoke smiled. "You have something you wish to say?"

The light around the red lightsaber of Kylo Ren began to expand outward and hiss as small bolts danced along the blade. Taking two wide steps forward, the descendent of Darth Vader twirled the blade in a single intricate pattern, spun on the ball of his foot and roared as he slashed across the air.

   Snoke's hands dropped in front of him, palms faced down the moment he noticed the energy in his apprentice's blade changing. He didn't know what to expect, but he was more than aware of the young man's power and potential.

But even throwing up his strongest Force shield wasn't enough. The lightning meant for his defiant student shot back at him, now tinged with red. The powerful energy was increased tenfold with the

Force wave trailing in its path. The lightning rebounded off his shield, killing two of his guards instantly. The invisible blast that hit them a heartbeat later however, was far more devastating.    

The remaining guards were hurled backwards through the air; the bones of their arms, legs and torsos twisted and contorted making crunching and popping sounds just before they smashed through the viewing window behind Snoke. Kylo dug his saber into the floor to keep himself from tumbling toward the stars, while Snoke's shield kept him from even moving. The vacuum of space hit them long enough to pull the red-armored guards out of the room before an energy shield shimmered into place returning the room to its normal, quiet state.  

Kylo dragged himself to his feet and stepped into a guard with his lightsaber.

Slowly, a smile crept onto Snoke's face. Deep from within his chest, laughter bubbled out and echoed through the room. "Yes! finally you embrace the potential inside!" his cackling faded and his voice changed to something seductive. "Feel the Force, Kylo. Embrace the power flowing through you, do not fight it! Let it set you free!"

Kylo's hands started shaking with violent spasms. He fought the urge to rip off his helmet, his entire body felt like it was on fire. He hated Snoke and wanted to relinquish the control he'd been exercising for years. He wanted to see how much his power it would take to mangle Snoke's already decrepit body.

"Attack me." Snoke whispered. "Do not hesitate. Destroy me if you can."

Kylo focused on slowing his breath.

Snoke exhaled in irritation. Moving too fast for the eye to follow, he crossed the room to where Kylo stood sinking his talon-like nails into his helmet with one hand and ripped the saber free with the other. Lifting his apprentice up, lightning flowed down his arm into the helmet.

Kylo grabbed at Snoke's hand, but could do nothing to loosen the iron grip. He screamed as the Dark Side energy coursed through his skull and melted the metal and plastic to his face.

It stopped only when something hit the Supremacy, throwing him and Snoke across the room.