
Star Wars : Arise In The Future

Story : Just before the Siege of Mandalore, Anakin found a set of holotapes at the Council Chamber's doorstep that could tell them about the future. With the knowledge of the future in store of them, how would they act in their impending destiny? And how would they counter the schemes of the Sith Lord behind the shadows?

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93 Chs

Star Wars : Chapter 35: Next Stops I

As Luke flew off into the void, Han was having a decidedly harder time of things. At the moment, the Falcon was being pursued by a Star Destroyer. They had managed to get out of range of the larger guns, so the Destroyer scrambled a squad of TIE Fighters to chase them down.

Chewie growled as the ship was rocked by more laser fire.

"I saw 'em! I saw 'em!" Han yelled, sweat dotting his brow.

"Saw what?" Leia asked.

"Star Destroyers." Han pointed straight ahead. "Two of 'em, headed right for us."

"These ships are bound to be more powerful than the Venator-Class", Saesee marvelled at the sight of the warship. "Not to mention, it looked like three times the size of a Venator"

"That reminds me, sir", Rex suddenly spoke. "The Navy already has a few of them in service, with them being the largest for now while the Venator-Class is slowly being replaced"

"All the more sense that the future is bleak as it is", Mundi lowly said.

"So what does that make the one Vader is in?" Caleb asked.

"A Super Star Destroyer." Anakin said almost humorously.

Obi-Wan was about to speak, but stopped. "…That actually make sense."

"Captain!" Threepio said, walking into the cockpit, "Might I suggest- "

"Shut him up or shut him down! Chewie check the shields."

Chewie barked a reply to the smuggler.

"Fantastic. Well, we can still outmaneuver them." Han pulled another lever on the console and sent the Falcon into a dive right as the Star Destroyers got close. The fighters managed to follow, but the Destroyers were too slow to match them, and two of them collided with one another.

"Prepare to make the jump to light speed." Han said as the Falcon leveled out.

"Captain, I really think you need to hear this."

"They're getting closer." Leia stated the obvious.

"Oh yeah? Watch this." Han said as he pulled the lever to make the jump-

Only for the ship to make noises and they sure it shouldn't make when trying to make the jump to light speed.

The audience sighed. Just as they were going out of harm's way.

"Well, that doesn't sound right." Han said with a frown, sitting up. Leia, meanwhile, began to grin.

"Watch what?" Leia said.

"Is it just me or does she had Skywalker's mouth and mannerisms?", Luminara stated as the rest were also began to have a some sort of familiarity of the woman to Anakin, who merely focused on the screen.

"I think we're in trouble." Han muttered.

"As I was saying earlier, Captain, I noticed that the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It's impossible to go to light speed." Threepio informed them.

"Definitely in trouble." Han said as he climbed out of the cockpit.

"Way to point the obvious, Solo", Anakin commented. "They'll need to shake off the Imperial fleet if they're going to repair the hyperdrive"

Leia took over piloting as best she could while Han and Chewie worked on the ship.

"I don't know how we're gonna get out of this one." Han said to Chewie as he took a tool from a tool box and climbed underneath the floor. The ship was rocked yet again, causing the tool box to fall on Han. "OW! Chewie!"

"Can anyone else say that he has the worst luck among them?", Mace asked regarding Han.

"Being an accomplice of Jabba, got caught in a cross-fire, pursued by Imperial ships, had to use an insides of his mount for temperature, and pursued by three ships of mass destruction is more than just having the worst luck", Shaak Ti called out.

Han stood up out of the hole just as the ship jolted again. "That wasn't a laser blast, something hit us."

"Han, get up here!" Leia called. "Asteroids."

"Oh no!" Han said as he took his seat. "Chewie, set 2-7-1."

"What are you doing?" Leia said incredulously. "You're not actually going into an asteroid field?"

"For once, what is he doing?" Padmé asked.

"Something incredibly stupid and dangerous." Anakin said while the rest of the Jedi and Captain Rex looked at him. "What?"

"Coming from you, Skywalker, that means something", Depa said incredously.

"About par for the course with him, I'm afraid." Windu said, a little disappointed.

"They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they?"

"You don't have to do this just to impress me." Leia said, flinching every time they came close to imminent death, which was constantly.

"I'd say it works", Kit Fisto agreed with her.

"Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!" Threepio nearly wailed.

"For once Threepio gives helpful advice", Ahsoka uttered.

"Never tell me the odds!" Han told him.

The Falcon nimbly flew through the field, dodging asteroids left and right, but the fighters were just as capable. Though maybe not as capable as they thought, since one of them pretty much flew directly into an asteroid. Another one was clipped by a smaller asteroid and sent into a spin before it blew up on it's own.

"Impressive", Plo Koon admitted. "Just how many government starships had he outrunned with his piloting skills?"

"Years worth of experience, sir", Rex answered the general.

"You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake?" Han said, "This is could be your chance, sweetheart."

"I take it back." Leia said, "We're gonna get pulverized if we stay out here much longer."

"Agreed. I'm gonna get us closer to one of the big ones."

"Closer!?" Leia and Threepio said together as Han aimed for a massive asteroid.

Dodging fire from the two remaining fighters, he went to the deck and found a channel between a pair of craters. The fighters followed him in, but then the Falcon went thin, turning sideways when the passage began to thin out. The fighters couldn't do anything except crash together, allowing them to make their escape.

"That's a close one. Even I admit, Solo has his way of being a pilot", Anakin begrudgingly admitted for the smuggler.

"Does that mean you're gonna give your approval, Master?", Ahsoka jokingly asked with a smirk.

"This is suicide." Threepio said, "There's nowhere to go."

"How about there?" Han said, pointing down in front of them. "That looks good."

"What looks good?" Leia stood up so she could see.

Chewie growled, seeing what Han had in mind.

The Falcon looped backwards and dove straight into a deep hole within another crater.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Leia said.

"Yeah, me too." Han agreed.

Light years away, Luke came out of light speed over a world shrouded in clouds.

"Yup, that's it. Dagobah." Artoo beeped behind him. "No, Artoo, I'm not gonna change my mind on this. I'm not picking up any cities or technology. Massive life-form readings, though. There's something alive down there." Questioning beeps. "Yes, I'm sure it's perfectly safe for droids."

"I'm still baffled to why Count Dooku erased the world from the Archives", Mundi stated, scratching his chin.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is importance of Dagobah?", Ahsoka inquired.

"That Ahsoka has a history that made the planet so attuned to the Force that was surveyed and explored many times. Unfortunately, a battle within the planet caused it to be tainted by the Dark Side of the Force. Since then, it was slowly forgotten and its existence is validated from the information gathered within the Archives", Plo Koon explained to her.

"I wonder for a moment. If Master Yoda is still around at this time, shouldn't any of the remaining Jedi stay with him or at least be an ally to the Rebellion?", Luminara said with matching curiosity as Ahsoka.

The rest also wondered. Why wasn't Master Yoda aiding the Rebellion if it was under the dominion of the Sith? Or at least try and rebuild the order even in underground?

The said Grand Master was also intruiged, wondering what he would have become overtime. And as to why he stopped at the planet.

Luke descended into the clouds and was immediately rocked by turbulence. Artoo beeped and whistled in alarm. "I know! I know! All the scopes are dead. I can't see a thing. Just hang on, I'm gonna start the landing cycle."

About a minute later, Luke saw the branches of trees pelting the canopy mere seconds before his ship crash landed in what he hoped was a shallow pond.

Opening the canopy revealed that he had in fact landed in a massive swamp, the only consolation being that she landed close to the shore. He frustratedly took off his gloves and threw them at the floor.

He flipped some switches that would release Artoo, then climbed out of the cockpit of his ship.

"Great, how is Luke going to get out of this one?", Kit Fisto uttered in concern for the boy.

"Well, he did inherit Anakin's tendency to crash-land his ships during our campaigns", Obi-Wan humorously recalled as thr audience shared a chuckle at this.

"And unlike you, I don't hate flying and I most definetly don't do happy landings!", Anakin shot back rather jokingly.

The place was the exact opposite of Hoth and Tatooine. Where both were barren wastelands, this place was teeming with trees, wild animals and other forms of life. Where one was frigid cold, and the other obscenely hot, this place was oppressively warm and muggy. He could feel the sweat building up already.

Artoo beeped behind him. "No, Artoo, you stay there. I'll take a look around." Suddenly, the ship rocked in the water. Luke nearly his balance, but Artoo was thrown into the muck.

"Artoo!" Luke called out, trying to spot his mechanical friend in the water, "Where are you?" His worry disappeared when a periscope topped by a piece of green metal popped up out of the water. Luke sighed heavily, hanging his head before fixing Artoo with a stern look.

"You be more careful, ya hear?" Artoo whistled innocently. "Artoo? That way." He pointed at the shore line

Shaking his head, Luke tossed his helmet into the pilot's seat. He jumped into the water, prepared for potentially cold water, but not for how deep it was. It nearly reached up to his chin before he was able to pull himself out of the water. He looked back at Artoo, only to see his periscope pulled underwater, followed by the fin of some aquatic creature.

"Artoo!" he cried, pulling his blaster pistol. He scanned the water for any sign to the creature, but saw nothing, the water still and murky. Suddenly, Artoo was launched bodily out of the water with a scream and landed hard against some trees.

"Oh man." Luke said, when he found the small astro droid essentially face down in the dirt. "Let's get you up. You were lucky to make it out in one piece."

With no small amount of effort, Luke managed to get Artoo on his metaphorical feet. "Anything broken?" Artoo shook his dome. "Ho man. You were saying coming here was a bad idea. I'm beginning to think you were right. Ah, Artoo, what are we even doing here? It's like, something out of a dream or… maybe I'm just going crazy."

"Let's just hope Master Yoda didn't share the same sentiment as Skyguy here", Ahsoka whispered to Caleb.

"Can't just young Luke here sense Master Yoda?", Shaak Ti wondered.

"He wasn't as trained as he is when he learned under Master Kenobi, meaning he would have to find Master Yoda the hard way", Mace explained to her.


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