
Debilitating Disaster

Now personally I think this chapter is peak fiction.



Jake shook is head lightly…


Where was he?..

The boy lifted himself off the floor of..of uh…the Sand Crawler, Right.. Jake put hand to his head as he rubbed his temple, brown eyes glazed with confusion as he stood up fully, nearly falling over before something caught him.

He felt scaly hands grasp his shoulder, placing him back upright.

"Kid…." Teesh sighed, his eyes narrowing as the boy lazily looked at him.

"I'm never letting you near that yolk" he finshed.

Yolk? Oh yeeaaaahhhh…Jake chuckled to himself, seemingly at nothing.

"S-sorry..I uh, jeez how much did I have, the Jawas just kept giving….and giving…" Jake said as he caught his footing, giving a final shake to his noggin to wake him up, his scrap infused shirt rattling.

"You know..thosssse drink were apparently alcoholic" Teesh said with a smug grin, Jake widening his eyes. He had heard the bugs speak of that word, expect they got it from some weird larva thing, he had personally witnessed many a big try and fly, only to crash into the rock walls of the canyon, never fatal, but it always gave….R4 a good laugh.

Jake paused 

No….he had..gotten past it, in…in a good way.

His mind betrayed his thoughts as he stared into nothingness, and before he was allowed to contemplate anymore a familiar lizard tapped his head.

"Cmon…we are gonna arrive ssssoon" Teesh said with a slightly concerned look.

Jake stared back "how…how aren't we there already"

"You ever seen a drunk Jawa drive?"


"It ain't pretty"

Jake didn't bother to question what that meant, not to mention it didn't even answer his question. Jake just sighed, deciding to stretch his legs as the crawler slowly made it sway through the desert, the suns slowly rising.

Jake took a seat, looking into the distance, this planet reminded him so much of home, it hurt, like the pressure in your chest you can't claw out. Not that it mattered. Home wasn't his anymore, it was the Empire, and that…that made him angry.

"Sir!" The cheerful tone of the B1 broke Jake's saddened thoughts, the boy spun around to look up at Rusty.

"Rusty! How you been?" Jake asked with a small smile. 

The droids head whirred toward him, before the droid clumsily sat by Jake.

"All…" Rusty stopped "I'm feeling great!" 

Jake's smiled grew at that, good to know someone was happy.

"Glad to hear buddy, mind giving a report on the others?" Jake asked with a glance.

Rusty was quick to nod, happily explaining "Well, Clank wants to test his new arm as soon as we stop, Tac is gloating about killing that horn thingy, Teesh went back to sleep in Ada's ship. And…uh…I don't know where the girl went"

Jake looked curiously at that, didn't know…

That was concerning 

"She's probably just exploring the place sir!" Rusty Interrupted his thoughts.

"Yeah…probably" Jake followed, satirized with the explanation. He sat up, stretching his arms.

"You know…I think I might tweak some things out in my blaster, I missed more shots than I would've liked on that Mudhorn" Jake explained, pulling out the dusty blue pistol.

"That makes sense, I love cleaning my weapon" Rusty added, Jake just nodding at that with a light laugh.

He turned, making his way into the ship.

It had been around an hour, Jake had underestimated how long they had, he thought maybe a few mins max but no, the Jawas really stopped it all to party. He didn't like the concept of parties, but still respected the effort they had put into it.

Even so they had finally arrived, the still partly smoking LAAT the most obvious landmark as the crawler a greed to a halt several meters away, allowing the massive door to groan as the metal began to bend and lower the hinges. Jake let out a sigh, he got up from the stair case that led into Ada's ship and stepped inside as the door closed behind him. All things considered he liked Ada's ship more.

Had more space in the main area, not mention actual chairs. And it while it wasn't as well maintained as the Imperial LAAT, for a girl was doing this by herself, he was impressed.

He gave a quick wave to his droids as they stood in the corner, not talking but ideally awaiting a command. The three droids giving back a  wave, Tacs robotic, Rusty's excited, and Clanka slow. Racket obviously didn't have hands, but Jake doubted the droid would wave anyways, it seemed that Droidekkas were too locked in their program to feel anything, much to the boys dismay. 

He followed the path up the steps to the cockpit, giving Mis-Step a quick headpat as he sat in the co-pilot seat. Ada looking over at the sound.

"Hey Jake…" Ada said with a small glance.

"Hey..so we've gotta take this thing off the crawler right?" Jake said as he flicked a few switches, pausing between each to try and remember what Ada had told him.

"Mhm…should be easy" Jake simply nodded at her response.

Ada was…colder….than normal, Jake's eyes focused on her briefly before she caught his stare and looked over fully. The boy flinched lightly and stared back forwards. Ada responded with a small smile, one impossible to see behind the helmet.

But Jake seemed to see it anyways, lightly smiling as well, gaze stilled stuck forwards.

Ignoring that moment, Ada pressed the last buttons to active the ship. The Engines roared outside as a few Jawas scurried away, one lone one looking around confused as it cleaned the floor with a rag, it's glowing eyes staring at the engine as they roared aloud, the Jawa was sent flying a few meters with a frightened yelp, landing in a pile of conveniently placed cloths and fabrics.

Ada's ship lifted it self with a half turn as it gently hovered over the sandcrawler, easily passing the the few meters of sand before landing on the other side of LAAT to where the crawler was, sand being blown out of the way as the ships landing gear creaked, catching it as the Engines shut back off. 

The door opened as several forms exited, first Teesh who jumped over the stairs, his scaly feet sinking into the sand as he stalked agreed. Followed By a stumbling B1, then B2 who turned his body sideways to fit through the doorway, before mimicking Teesh and jumping down, Tac stepped down with relative normalcy. Follows by Jake and Ada, who stepped down together. Rackets glowing eyes stared outside as Mis-step hobbled next to the Droidekka, neither making a move t leave the ship.

"So uh…what are we doing?" Rusty squeaked out, morning with his hand to the LAAT.

Jake went to respond but Clank answered for him. 

"We are to exchange with the Jawas, we promised them parts of our downed ship" Clanka deep voice uttered.

"Affirmative, Jake wishes to uphold the bargain" Tac finshed, Rusty stared for a moment between the two.

"O-okay!! I'll do my best to not mess it up!" 

Teesh let out an amused snort at the comment, Jake just shaking his head lightly as a smile tugged on his face. Ada was quick to tap on his shoulder, pointing at Tibet, the Jawas form easily seen against the bright sand, followed by…no one?

Jake raised an eyebrow at that, normally Tibet talked to them with guards. But the rest of the Jawas stayed pulling empty boxes and tools from within the Sandcrawler, which still acted as a towering background piece to everyone's vision. Tac seemingly the most interested in it, looking up between his datapad and the crawler. Guess Tibet trusted them more, that made Jake happy.

Tibet was quick to speak once he arrived, Teesh yet again acting as translator, shoving his claws hands into his jacket pockets.

"Sssssaysss he wantsss to know what he can take" 

Ada seemed to be offended by the bluntness, her head moving back as she crossed her arms. The droids simply stared, Rusty looking at Jake in a seemingly nervous fashion.

"Oh mind if we take a look to see what is important to us?" Jake spoke calmly, Tibet nodding as he turned and walked to the wreck. Jake followed, as did the others. It didn't take long to find the few things they actually wanted. Mostly rations, a few scrap pieces Jake found particularly interesting, and Buckets blaster. Speaking of, Jake had debated taking the dead droids parts, consulting with Ada. She said that there wasn't enough room, unlike the LAAT her ship doesn't have a lot of space for actual storage. Jake frowned at that but nodded.

So, he agreed to let the Jawas have it, he had his friends head anyways, so it wasn't the worst option.

Although a metallic tap on his shoulder let him know not everyone was happy.

"Sir…I…I do not feel…good, with allowing these scavengers to rip apart Bucket" 

To Jake's surprise Clank stood behind him, meeting his gaze as he gestured towards Tibet, who didn't react. 

Jake sighed "look…we…we don't have anywhere to put him, plus I have his head with us." Jake tried to reason, but for once, Clank disagreed.

"This unit disagrees….after all he did for us" Clank paused.

Jake stared back, not knowing how to respond. The other looked on at the situation, confused. Untill out of everyone it was Chief Tibet, who spoke up, obviously his gibberish required translating.

Teesh stared on with a surprised look.

"Well what did he say?" Ada poked.

"He…saysss he might be able to fix the dead droid, if we agree to give him some rationssss" Teesh spoke as if the word coming from his mouth didn't make sense. 

Jake froze…as did the droids, all of the turning to look at the Jawa who simply awaited a response.

Bring him back?….

Tac said he had to much damage?….

"There'ssss a catch" Teesh finished, clearly not happy about whatever he needed to say next.

Jake's face deadpanned…of course.

"Tibet sssays the droid is too damaged, so he won't remember anything. Just be alive and, ready to serve" 

Jake curled his fist lightly, what was it with these Jawas and thinking droids are just tools…he pushed it aside. 

Jake gave a look up towards Clank, who stood infront of him. Rusty peaked out from the B2s side, as did Tac.

"So….?" Jake asked softly.

"No…." Tac responded…

Jake's gaze widened.."no?"


The droid stopped, there was an explanation, his model always required one to do anything after all. He was supposed to be the logical one. But his reasoning behind it didn't have logic, if anything having another droid on hand was an assist, a solider to be used, but Tac…felt like it was…


But that shouldn't be possible…Tac internally shook these thoughts out. Jake was awaiting a response.

"I believe that the action of reviving Bucket..while useful, would stain our….friends image" this notion was met with wide gazes from Jake and the other two, the Jawas thoughts unrevealed by the dark cloak he wore. 

"I agree" Jake said happily, the boys expression one of restrained sadness. But not because he wanted to bring Bucket back. But because of the reminder that the comically overconfident B1. Was truly dead…and that thought..

Quickly reminded him of R4.

Ada and Teesh looked at eachother, both surprised by the normally stale droids voice of care, but they quickly shifted to more concern for the slightly shivering Jake.

The Jawa nodded, understanding the situation. And leaned up to the bot to hand him a small hologram projector, blabbering something and walking off.

Teesh went up next to Jake, patting his back and coughing off the awkwardness.

"Tibet sayssss if you ever want to trade again…they'll be here" Teesh smirked as he watched a small smile lay itself on Jake's sad face.

"Congratulations, befriend Jawas is a difficult task" Tac commented, seemingly unmoved by the word it had just spat o ur earlier, oh well…a droid was still a droid.

"Roger Roger! Nice job friend!" Rusty said happily, the B1s hands playing with one another infront of it. The droids unmoving face someone one of permanent shyness.

Jake nodded "alright…well let's load up the stuff we need before the Jawas mix it up"

The group nodded, followed by a few "Roger Rogers". It didn't take long to load the few crates and scrap Jake seemed worthy of being taken, and he watched from the door of Ada's ship as the Jawas who were scrapping up his precious ship stopped there work to wave, Jake have a small chuckle at the sight and waved back, before entering the ship.

Rusty watched as Jake walked by and up into the cockpit, presumably to assist Ada. The B1 was…..conflicted, he had been friends with Jake since the start, and even with R4 around…

Well, Rusty didn't know what he was feeling, according to his ever present CIS programming he shouldn't feel anything at all. But the droid knew he could ignore it, or at least try. 

The B1 shambles over into one of ships seats, watching as Tac have him a friendly wave before sitting across from him, Clank standing by Racket in what appeared to be a guarding posture, with Teesh leaning up against the wall, cleaning his rusty blue trandoshan rifle.

Was this…pressure in the droids systems…like a spark that couldn't be put out…the droids simple processors didn't offer much, but it didn't need much..

Was this…jealousy? Jake hadn't been laying much attention to the B1 anymore, log hot conversations here and there, and it was clear the bit still cares deeply for him, but Rusty still felt….left out….and if there was thing the droids feared the most.

It was being left behind.

Rusty tried to shake these thoughts, it wasn't fair, even the B1 knew that more droids equaled splitting up time between them all. And yet, the droid didn't feel any anger towards Jake, the b1 had thee thoughts, but could only hope that Jake acted on them with instinct alone, for at the end of the day.

Rusty…alongside Clank..Tac, Racket…Bucket and even R4.

They're just machines.

Rusty was slapped out his deepest processing time by Clank, who lightly shoved the droids shoulder. 


"You seem off…explain" Clank muttered, the sounds of the ship starting to take off only background noise.

"Uh…it's nothing Clank" Rusty's attempt to lie was horrendous, the B1s high pitched vice not helping to hide its shakiness.

If Clank had eyes they would narrow.

The B2 leaned down in an intimidating fashion. "Speak"

Rusty pressed his back against the seat "o-okay! Jeez…."

Clank moved away and stared, the B1. Let out a mechanical sigh. 

"I wished our leader would pay more attention to me" Rusty said, despite his shyness, the droids wouldn't have issues with revealing his thoughts.

Clank paused, his red light aglow. "You realize that these…wishes…are not protocol?"

"And sense when have you cared about protocol" Rusty spoke back.

"We've been breaking protons since we came online with Jake" Rusty said throwing his hands into the air slightly.

"This is true…" Clank agreed.

"However, you do know that unlike many of our separatist commanders the Boy seems to care about us surviving" Clank commented, Rusty's long face looking up at him.


"Exactly, he is to be protected, for I do not wish to be left behind…not again" Clank uttered, his tone rooted in some sort of may that showed…sadness? Not a typical emotion you'd find in a B2, this seemed to confuse Rusty aswell, but the B1 Ignored it.

"Roger Roger, on that we agree" Rusty let out with a nod. Clank didn't respond to this, and simply walked away. Leaving the B1 to his thoughts.

Jake sat by Ada as the ship cut through the atmosphere, Jake's body being pressed against the char as gravity tried to restrain them in vain. He sighed with relief as watched space slowly arrive, if nothing else he had definitely missed the view.

"So….how are you doing?" Ada chirped, Jake turning head as he placed his half and half helmet on the empty area of the console.

"Meh…." He shrugged.

"I don't blame you….Teesh told me some of the things you've been through, Mustafar, the Prision" Ada remarked these things casually, but Jake nearly shuddered at the mere mention of them.

"Mustafar wasn't…to bad, met some funny looking bugs, but the prison….that..." Jake cut himself off, unable to put it into words.

"No need to explain…I get it" Ada reassured, but Jake could only wonder, did she really?


Ada turned "why what?"

"Why..are you so nice?" Jake said with a confused stare, Ada quick to look back at him.

"You have no reason to be, I mean, you say this is all for the adventure portion of your religion but…you've done things you didn't need too….and….i wanted to thank you" Jake's words were shaky, as if they were coming from the wrong person, Jake was never the one to say such things but at the same time.

He never had anyone to thank other than Teesh, and that lizard was as dense as a rock.

"Well….you all are my friends, I'd like to think" Ada responded, her body shifted as a warm feeling remained in her stomach, although it quickly faded.

"That's…fair I suppose" Jake said with a slight nod, his gaze brought back forwards as the vastness of space came into view.

Ada watched the boys eyes and shoulders to limp, even from where she sat Ada could barely make out Jakes eyes expanding with wonder. 

Jake had seen space before, but the times where he had he never had the peace to just…watch. The stars glowed with triumph, each trying to drag his attention away like a small buzzer. He had never seen such things, of such magnitude, the planets he had been forced to visit, The Geonosians and their rocks, the Mustafaeians and their lava, Cade Bane and attempt at Cloud city, the Jawas and their sand…above it all was space..

So vast….

So peaceful….

Ada gently poked his shoulder, the boy slowly looking over to her.

"It's pretty isn't it?" 

"Mhm" was all Jake could respond with, his metal shirt swaying lightly.

They sat in silence for a moment

"So uh….you wanna explain the hair thing?"

Ada turned confused "what?"

"You know, I was injured after the crash and you helped check the bandages on my chest…and you touched my hair" Jake said with an awkward gaze.

"Oh…uh" Ada froze at that, her face heating up within the helmet.

"Sorry about that I….got ahead of myself I guess"

"I….i don't really know what that means…" Jake started, Ada scoffing to herself, but not in a malicious way. "But…it was nice, felt comfy"

He paused.

"So thanks…."

Ada could only nod, her helmet thankfully letting her face show her surprise. Jake's gaze went back into space, admiring th-


The noise seemed to echo the entire section of space they were in, Jake and Ada's eyes widening. 

A blue bolts whizzed by their ship, Ada turning the ship to the right in fear of it hitting despite the distance.

A Venator, but Jake felt dread fill his guy as he saw it. He had seen this before…Gideon.

How…how he found them..no matter just.. focus.

Jake's shallowing breaths and terrified gaze were interrupted as another blast rang across them.

Teesh tripped lightly to try e side as the ship tilted, the droids also looked around confused. Teesh stepped over and into the cockpit, peaking through.

"Hey what'ssss with th- Hoolllyy SSSSHIT" Teeshes reptilian eyes went wide as he looked at the massive ship. Ada heaved on the controls as her ship turned up so try a spin to the left to dodge two massive turbo Lazers. Teeshes being knocked back into the lobby as the ship went up.

Teesh hissed as he stood back up "Rusty! this ship as a turret implacement up top, think you can shoot it?" 

"Roger Roger" Was all the droid replied as it dragged its lanky form up a small set of ladders on the wall. Crawling a feet and plopping down into the gunner seat, it was cramped; but that didn't matter.

"Your fire will be ineffective to the capital ship" Tac announced to the B1 "save your shots for fighters" 

"Will do!" Rusty said with a panicked shrill.

Back in the cockpit….uh

"AAAAAAA OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUCK" Jake grabbed onto his seat as Ada spun the ship around, thankfully the gravity kept the others in the back from flying about, but they still stumbled, Mis-Step falling on his side with a-


Before Clank came over and lifted him back up.

"Calm down will you! I've got the-" another blast flew by them, Ada eying the Venator as a squad of V-Wings emerged, barreling towards them.

"The Navi computer setting directions to make the jump away!"

Jake looked at her with a panicked expression "how is jumping gonna help us?!" 

"What?! No I mean hyper spa-" the ship rumbled as the V-wings found their marks, Ada's ships shields holding. 

Rusty up top followed the ships as they flew by, ducking as they hit the shields"

"GASP.MP4, Enemies!!" The droid rotated the single battled turret and began to fire, the ships yellow bolts flying at the small hoses of V-Wings. With their backs turned, and not expecting return fire, a couple shots slammed into the engines of one, causing it to stutter than explode, the wing detaching and spinning off the crash into the cockpit of another V-wing, a puff of red smoke appearing, presumably the pilot. The other V-wings however scattered and began to turn around. 

"haHAH! I hit one!!"

"Congratulations" Tac spoke without much care from below, the B1 continuing fire at the imperials.

"Okay so how much longer!" Jake asked with worry as they began to pass beneath the Venator, the ships massive hull causing a shadow over Ada's ship.

"Only a minute or two untill the computer is done" Ada relied quickly, moving her ship back and forth to avoid the V-Wings fire.

"Do we have anyone on the top gunner seat" Ada asked with annoyance.

"I think Rusty's up there" Jake replied with a look backwards.

"Really? We put him up the-" 

As if to prove her wrong in her criticism he couldn't hear, Rusty was able to nail another V-Wing, the pilot slamming the accelerator in a desperate attempt to live as the ship passed infront or Ada's ship.

Both Jake and her stared as the V-wing promptly exploded.

"Heh…you were saying?" Jake said with a smirk..

"Oh shut up" Ada replied with an eye roll, they finally emerged from beneath Gideons ship. Unbeknownst to the two teens piloting it, someone stared at them with disdain.

"SOMEONE HIT THEM" Gideon raged into the comm set as he watched from afar, another scream through the comms combined with an explosion confirming the loss of another ship.

Gideons fingers curled as he watched on.

"Sir!" A TK said walking up to him.

"What is it" Gideon spoke between grinding teeth.

"We've got a lock with the Venator beam cannon, shall we fire?"

"Shall we fire?!" Gideon mocked "OF COURSE YOU FIRE!" Gideon snapped out his pistol and blasted the suprised TKs face, the body barely having to time fall before he yelled again. 

"Fire! All stations Fire!!"

Below the Venator the beam cannon locked into the places, it's gears keeling it's targeted onto the Fleeing ship below it. Ada turned to a blinking screen, Jake's panicked form turning to it.

"They're charging something?!" Ada said with panic.

"What could they possib-"

It all happened so quickly, The entire ship shook as it jumped into hyperspace, the blue lights contrasting the red alarms that blared in the cockpit. Jake looked around confused, Ada's response similar, but unknown to them both…

Clank stood as Ada turned the ship again, stumbling to the side. The B2 was too large to sit down, so he hung onto a piece of the wall for support. Tacs head was quick to spin.

"I'm detecting an energy source"

"Whatsss that'sss sasupposssed to mean" Teesh hissed back as he clawed into his seat. 


The scene turned red as alarms filled everyone's hearing. Looking to the back of the ship, Tac and Teesh recoiled in surprise as a large section of it had been cut through, the loose metal flapping in space. 

But that wasn't the main issue.

Teesh and Tac hung to their seats as the pressure difference tried to pull them i to space. Even Rusty could be heard panicking as he watched the backside of the ship spew smoke.

Without anything the grab onto, Mia-step tripped as the droid got dragged into the air, Clank grabbed the droids foot by instinct alone to save it.

But the B2 had no where to properly hold himself down. 

With a confused garble the Droid felt itself become weightless as its form and Mis-Steps were dragged through the crack and spurted into space, Rackets three legs scuttled briefly before the droid quickly followed the two into space, with no arms to grab onto anything. 

Then, a door slammed, the emergency airlock, detecting a breach closed to prevent hull collapse. Teesh and Tac felt their bodies gain gravity, before a blue light emitted from the cockpit. 

Tacs gaze had no emotion, but even Teesh could the droid was in shock.

Space….it filled Jake's view yet again as they came out of hyperspace. Ada's ship spurting and stuttering as the engines went offline.

The boy got up holding his head. 

"…are we…safe?"  He asked.

"We should be…but we got hit by something in our way out" Ada said staring at the blinking console. Jake shakily stepped out of the cockpit and noticed the large and new door infront of him, along side debris littering the floor. 

"Kid….im sorry" Teesh began but stopped himself.

Jake stared about as he looked through the thick glass of the emergency door, seeing the large gash in the ship, and the distinct lack of three members. It doesn't take a genius to know what happened.

Rusty's light steps echoed as he came down the ladder.

"I…I saw them….they flew out into space air, just as we left" the B1s cheery voice no where to be found.

Jake paused…staring at nothing as Ada, who had followed him, gently rubbed his shoulder….

"No…." Was all he could muster out.


Clank couldn't feel his own weight, his normally heavy body reduced to nothing as he spun around in space. Watching as the ship he had been thrown out of zipped away. The B2 pulled the Gonk droid to him, making sure he didn't fly off.

Racket wriggled around as the Droidekka couldn't keep itself from spinning, thankfully Clank got an idea. He aimed his cannon arm away and fired. The Missle would never reach a target but the recoil was enough to gently push him and Mis-Step towards Racket, grabbing the droids leg.

Suddenly the three felt a violent pull, their forms being dragged towards the Venator at an alarming rate. Clank had been aboard enough ships to know what this was. A Tractor beam.

Gideons eyes began to glaze with rage as he watched their damaged ship escape. But that was calmed down to happiness as he watched the small figures get pulled to him. 

He smiled, for he knew that the annoying brat wouldn't dare to leave his droids behind…

All he had to do was wait.


Jake sat in the corner in the new main area, cut in half in size by the emergency door. His face covered by his helmet as he sobbed silently. 

He had been there for nearly 30 minutes, the droids to occupied with trying figure out what happened to help. Ada bent down to him.

"We…can get him back" Ada said.

"HOW!" Jake screamed out, throwing his head up and looking at her through the clone helmet he wore.

"The only way…we could EVER SEE THEN AGAIN IS…is" Jake paused…Teesh glancing over.

"Move…" he got up and scrambled over to his B1 Bag, that lay in the cockpit, throwing out random scrap items to find a small tracking beacon…

"Yes…" he muttered to himself.

There was hope.

"What's that?" Ada asked as she followed behind him.

"A signal…one that few allies of mine told me to use if things ever went south…or if we found the empire" Jake explained, stepping back into the lobby, Teesh almost instantly grinning at the sight of the beacon.

"So both?" Ada confirmed, Jake nodded.

Tac looked over at it, memories pouring into his circuits. 

"Sir…I believe or chances have increased by 89 percent to be able to save our team"

"What…just from a tracking beacon?" Ada replied with confusion.

"The beacon is irrelevant, it's who it will bring"

Jake pressed it…




"We need help to bring them back" Jake stated.

——————-location….MUSTAFAR SYSTEM

The steaming lava bubbles with heat as smoke filled the sky. Bugs chittered about their cavern as they boarded food and supplies, their leader, speaking to a worker who held a longer spear like rifle, was interrupted.


The leader  grabbed the beacon, and stared at it.


"GrrIkleklkeekk!!!" He schreeched

"The boy-man-thing need needs help! We must go now now!!" He exclaimed, the entire area turned into a rush zone as bugs scattered about.

"Time time it is!! Empire die die!! Yes yeeess DIEEE DIEE!!" The leader shouted with glee…his laughs echoing throughout the tunnel with insectoid clacking.

(Did i make the Mustafrians speak like the Skaven from Warhammer? Yes…yes I did)