
STAINED: Billionaire x Mafia Love Affair

((Warning!: Mature Content! No RAPE No one Under 18 is allowed.)) *** Not knowing who her biological parents were and after getting rescued from the hands of a syndicate the twelve-year-old Zarah suddenly felt lost. Those who knew where she came from looked at her with prejudice and treated her as a troublesome child. They believed that her stained past had ruined her present and future. However, an old man proved to her that someone like her who knew nothing but darkness and emptiness deserved to be given warmth and walked on a path full of rainbows and sunshine. He made sure to change her outlook on life and reshape her future to prove her critics wrong. He wanted to save Zarah but it turned out that Zarah also saved him from loneliness. Zarah grew up under his care, feeling loved and cared for. The child with a stained past grew up into a gorgeous, smart, and fine young woman. She also found the type of friendship that everyone would be envious of. Aside from that, she was dating the love of her life and she was happy with him. She thought her life was heading in a better direction than where she started. Just when she looked forward to the best things that life could offer, life brought hard trials that tested her as a person. Isaiah was hospitalized and his health deteriorated. The happily ever after fairy tale ending she hoped to have with Josh ended tragically in a blink of an eye. Just when she thought that her life won't get any worse, she met Isaiah's son who would test her patience every time and turn her world upside down. He would make her feel emotions that she didn't know existed in this world. A lot of revelations about her birth and identity were waiting for her. Where are her birth parents? Why did they abandon her? Who is she? She didn't even realize that he would slowly help her uncover the answers to those questions. He who is a total stranger in her life! Or is he? Life made a sudden three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn and she found the man reliable and started expressing his real feelings. With his help, she had slowly forgotten the heartbreak she suffered from Josh. However, just when she thought that she was fine, Josh realized that he could not afford to lose Zarah and that he wanted her back at the same time he was entangled with Natalie, his ex. She knew in her heart that she was over him. However, Josh would not give up just to change her mind and win her back. Just who is Xavier? What secrets does he hide from her? Most importantly, how would she react when he revealed all of his deepest and most dangerous secrets to her? Will both of their stained pasts bring them closer together or will they destroy them? Will these secrets be the reason why she would choose Josh instead? Or will his secrets make her realize her deep feelings for him and choose Xavier instead? ***

OrieNovel · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
109 Chs

Chapter 61: Tried to Murder

Later that night, Xavier brought Zarah on a date into this luxurious restaurant where only rich people could dine.

As they arrived, the restaurant manager approached them immediately.

"Mr. Lockhart! This way, please."

The manager needed not if they had a reservation because he was already informed by the owner that they were coming.

The manager guided them into the restaurant's biggest private room on the second floor. As the door opened, Zarah was surprised to see a very romantic set-up.

Seeing the surprise in his eyes, Xavier felt proud of what he had done.

Their table was at the center and it was surrounded by hundreds of candles.

There was a candle placed at the center of the table and small LED lights hanging on the canopy.

The room was decorated like they were having dinner outside as there were artificial plants in the room. Even the floor was covered with artificial Bermuda grass.

Red rose petals were scattered on the floor and a violinist was playing in the background which added the romantic mood.

Zarah could tell that Xavier had spent a lot of money just to accomplish this vibe.

It was already cold outside, especially at night. He was afraid that Zarah would get cold should they decide to eat outside. So, he decided to bring the outdoors indoors.

Xavier pulled the chair and beckoned Zarah to sit on it first.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said with a smile.

The manager then pulled the menu and the couple took their order.

After they finished taking their order, the manager excused himself and asked them to wait for fifteen minutes for their appetizers.

"Do you like it?" Xavier asked her and Zarah responded with a huge smile and said, "Are you serious? I love it!"

Xavier smiled as he was glad this last-minute plan worked, "That's good."

Zarah was amazed at the place.

Xavier grabbed the bottle of wine from the bucket and opened it.

"Do we have something to celebrate?" Zarah asked while Xavier was pouring wine into her glass.


"Do we need to have a reason to celebrate? Can I not bring my girlfriend on a date?" He asked her.

Zarah's face turned red when she heard that.

"Of course, you can." Zarah then took a sip of the wine and Xavier drank his.

He then extended his hand and asked, "Can I dance with you, mon amour?"

Zarah did not hesitate and grabbed his hand. Standing face to face, Xavier brought Zarah into this vacant space and pulled her into a hug.

The violinist played Jim Brickman's, The Gift, and the couple slowly danced to the beautiful melody of the song.

"I love you, mon amour," Xavier whispered and Zarah could feel her heart floating.

This man never failed to express his love for her.

After the music ended, they decided to sit back in their chair and waited for the food to arrive.

Just then the door opened and the waiters entered together with their appetizers.

"Thank you," she told the waiter and the latter blushed.

"Ahem!" Xavier cleared his throat as he suddenly became jealous when the other waiter kept on glancing at Zarah.

The two waiters immediately left when they were done.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Can't you see that they're trying to flirt with you?" Xavier asked her in displeasure.

Zarah rolled her eyes as she thought he was being unreasonable.

"You're jealous. That's why."

Zarah suddenly had the urge to pee and she excused herself and went to the restroom.

She saw the signage earlier, so, she didn't have to ask anyone to guide her there.

Zarah entered the cubicle and did her thing.

When she was done, she went out of the cubicle to wash her hands and fix herself in the mirror.

Just then, the door opened, and Zarah suddenly became annoyed when she saw who it was. It was Crystal.

"Why are you here?" Crystal asked Zarah.

"It's none of your business, Crystal," Zarah dismissed however, Crystal got curious even more.

"Only reach people can afford to eat here. Right! I forgot that you have inherited some amount from the late Chairman Stevens. If I were you, I will spend that money wisely." Crystal's remarks made Zarah to be more annoyed.

However, she made sure to hide her emotions well.

She knew that Crystal was only trying to ruin her mood.

Crystal arrived with her friends an hour before Zarah and Xavier did. They were celebrating someone's birthday that was why they were there.

"Thank you for the advice, Crystal. However, I don't need it." Zarah tossed the tissue on the bin and was about to leave when Crystal spoke again.

"Don't be so proud of yourself, Zarah. Xavier Lockhart cares for you because of his father. But when I become Mrs. Lockhart, I'll show you where you stand."

Zarah halted but she didn't turn around to look at her.

'I dare you to give it a try. Don't come at me when you failed.' Zarah thought.

Since Zarah decided to hide this relationship from the public, she knew that this would happen.

However, she trusted Xavier's vow to her. They could try to steal the man from her and she was willing to see them fail each time.

Zarah went back to the room a little upset.

"What took you so long? I was about to follow you as I became worried."

"Oh! A fly kept bothering me when I was using the restroom. It kept buzzing in my ears and I got a little distracted by it."

Xavier was surprised to hear her explanation but he decided to not pursue the matter.

"Let's eat before the food turned saggy."


After their dinner, Xavier and Zarah left the restaurant and went home.

Maybe because of the wine, Zarah became sleepy. She rested her head on his shoulder while Xavier was reading an email on his phone.

When he realized that Zarah was asleep, he asked Brian to slow down.

Just then, a trailer truck bumped them from behind. Since Brian had not reduced their speed, he got surprised because of the impact but he immediately regained his composure and swerved it to the left to avoid bumping the other cars on the highway.

"What's going on?!" Xavier asked Brian while he hugged Zarah protectively. Zarah was stirred awake because of the impact.

"A truck bumped us, Master Xavier." Brian calmly said.

Xavier trusted Brian's driving skills and so he was confident that they would be safe.

Their car came to a safe stop on the side of the road but he didn't expect that the truck would follow them and crash behind them.

Just then, Zarah saw an overspeeding car coming at her side and the blinding lights from that car's headlights caused her to close her eyes.

Meanwhile, Xavier lifted her body and made her sit on his lap. He turned his body so his back was facing the left side of the car.

The next second, the car crashed.

This was murder!

Zarah's mind went blank as she felt a dé ja vu.

Their car was pushed a few meters and hit the sidewalk before it flipped upside down because of the sudden collision.

The car that hit them flipped upside down and exploded within seconds.

The bystanders and the motorists were shocked as they witnessed such a tragic scene.

They were sure that no one would survive the crash.

When the tension subsided, Xavier opened his eyes and the first thing he did was to check on Zarah.

He failed to keep Zarah in his lap and since they were not wearing a seatbelt, Zarah's head hit the roof of the car when it flipped.

Good thing that his car was modified. If not, he was sure that the latter was thrown out of the window should the glass break.

"Zarah!" Xavier tried to wake her up but he failed.

The impact made Zarah unconscious.

This caused Xavier to panic. This was not the first time that this accident happened to them.

It happened before and it made him suffer for four years without her. He didn't want that to happen again! He reached out for her pulse point and he heaves a sigh when she was alive.

'Thank God! You're alive!' Xavier could not afford to lose her. He would make this world a living hell should he lose her from this accident.

"Is Miss Jansen okay, Master?" Brian's pained voice asked him.

Though the car's interior was intact and none of the glasses broke, all of them hit their heads on the parts of the car during the accident.

Brian's feet were stuck, too and he had a cut on his forehead when it hit the steering wheel.

"I don't know!" Xavier's voice cracked in panic. Her hands were shaking as he tried to pull her closer to him.

He could feel his body trembling in fear as the past trauma that he tried to forget resurfaced again.

He suddenly felt suffocating and he could not breathe. He tried to calm himself.

'She's alive now get your sh*t together! She needs you!' Xavier was having a mental battle against himself.

It was not the right time to be weak.

The emergency responders came and their arrival calmed down Xavier.

They had a hard time rescuing them because the car was made of sturdy material.

They could not break the glass.

The only way was for the door to be opened from the inside.

However, the lock mechanism of the car malfunctioned.

Therefore, they had no other choice but to try on flipping the car back.

For some reason, the lock worked and they were able to rescue the three people from the car.

Xavier earned cuts and bruises when his body hit the inside of the car. He thought she should have added more soft material to his car's interior so something like this won't happen again.

When they were rescued, Xavier never let go of Zarah and he kept on hugging her He only let go when the medic told him that Zarah's injuries might worsen.

They saw her covered with blood and so they thought her injuries were worse than his.

Xavier felt dizzy and was almost close to passing out when he was rescued. The good thing was he could walk although he lost his balance sometimes.

Meanwhile, Zarah had a huge bump on her head and a cut on the side of her head close to her temple.

"I'm fine. Please prioritize her!" Xavier pleaded while he held her hand.

All of them were brought to St. George Hospital.

The doctors became busy and treated them in the emergency room.

"You're very lucky that you only sustained minor bruising, a concussion, and minor cuts, Mr. Lockhart." The doctor told him.

"How is she?" Xavier asked as they were treated separately.

"She's fine. She had a cut on her head but it was not deep. She suffered from a concussion, too."

"Is she awake?"

"The patient is still unconscious. However, she'll wake up after an hour or two. I advised that you stayed for a night so we can observe you."

That was SOP for them.

Xavier agreed and he asked Rupert who came to the hospital as soon as Jackson called him about the accident.

Chris and Jackson joined forces to investigate the matter to fasten the process and to catch the culprit.

They didn't believe that it was a simple road accident. They believed it was murder, too.

After Rupert processed their admission, the three were transferred to their VIP room.

Brian was in a separate room while the couple shared one.

"Master, I think you should rest." Rupert looked at Xavier's anxious state and he felt pity for the latter.

Xavier ignored his words and kept on looking at Zarah while holding her hand and gently squeezing them.

"Any results from the investigation?" Xavier asked him instead.

"Commissioner Jackson said that they had the truck driver in custody and an interrogation is ongoing."

The car driver died in the fire and so it was already useless.

Their only hope was the truck driver.

"Tell Jackson that I'll give him and his men an hour to make the man confess. Should they fail, he should surrender him to us and let our men interrogate him."

They tried to kill him so he would not let anyone involved to have an easy life.

"I'll relay your message, Master."

"Go and check Brian. Tell him that I'm not blaming him for what happened."

Xavier was sure that Brian was blaming himself for what happened when it was not his fault.

Xavier was aware that Brian tried his best to minimize the damage of the collision and he was thankful for that.

"Okay, Master," Rupert said and went out of the room.

Now that the couple was alone, Xavier got up from his seat and decided to lie down beside Zarah.

He was thankful that other than concussions, they suffered minor injuries.

However, he was still worried and anxious because Zarah was still unconscious.

"Mon amour, please wake up. You're scaring me." Xavier whispered to her ears as he carefully hugged her.


Oh no! I hope Zarah was fine!

OrieNovelcreators' thoughts