
Sorcerer in Hollywood

Meet Christian, a time traveler from the year 2017 who finds himself in the vibrant, eclectic world of 1990s Hollywood. But Christian isn't just any time traveler; he's an aspiring director with a unique twist – he's also a part-time sorcerer. As he navigates the bustling entertainment scene of the '90s, Christian's dual talents create an intriguing blend of magic and movies. It is a thrilling blend of time travel, movie-making, and magic, offering readers a front-row seat to the enchanting and enigmatic world of Hollywood in the 1990s, where the past, present, and future converge in ways that no one could have ever imagined. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. This is where I read it- Qidian. so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Dark_Symphony · Filmes
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81 Chs

Hi Jodie


Could you drop some reviews? It helps to get this fic a rating.


"Hello, Jodie" 

Jodie Foster climbed into the nanny car, and Anna her assistant, promptly handed her a cup of black tea.

"Are we heading to Vinales Valley today?" Jodie inquired.

"Yes, it's not too far from Los Angeles. The crew of 'Wrong Turn' is currently shooting there," Anna replied, displaying her thorough research.

"Your production company has invested in this film. When their producer, Mr. Westwood, visited a few days ago, you promised to visit the set today and assess the progress of filming to determine whether additional investment is warranted."

"Additional investment..." Jodie frowned involuntarily, casting a shadow over her otherwise perfect profile.

"I remember this film was introduced to me by old Martin. What's the director's name, Alan McElroy?"

Contrary to Christian and Old Gun's assumptions, Alan and Jodie Foster were not acquainted. Alan had obtained Foster's name through the assistance of the renowned director Martin Scorsese, who was involved in the production house "Egg."

In "Taxi Driver", directed by Scorsese, Jodie Foster had her breakthrough, but her relationship with the director wasn't particularly warm. On one hand, Scorsese had focused on gang violence films and male-centric dramas for over 20 years, which didn't align with Jodie's feminist leanings. On the other hand, it was related to the later "Hinckley Incident"...

"Now the director of the 'Wrong Turn' crew isn't Alan McElroy" Anna stated.

Unaware of the emotional complexities within Jodie Foster, she continued to share the information she'd gathered.

"Alan McElroy has disappeared for some reason, and now their director is a person named Christian Booth. It appears he might have been part of the previous crew."

"Are we in danger?" Jodie admired Christian's courage but couldn't help but temper it with her pragmatic business perspective.

"Changing directors significantly increases the risk of film failure" Jodie mused, adding, "And is that Booth?"

"This... isn't very clear," Anna admitted.

As Jodie's assistant, Anna knew what topics were off-limits.

"However, Booth is a rare surname. If it wasn't a last-minute change, he might indeed be a descendant of the infamous Booth."

Jodie had no affinity for individuals who had targeted the President, given her indirect connection to the "Hinckley Incident." Consequently, her first impression of Christian, the director of "Wrong Turn," was unfavorable.

In this situation, Anna could only empathize and secretly lament Jodie's shrewdness, recognizing that, ultimately, she was a woman.

In this somewhat eerie atmosphere, the nanny car continued its journey to Vinales Valley, where the crew of "Wrong Turn" was located. When Jodie disembarked, she was surprised to find a festive gathering amidst the mountains and forests, rather than the expected intense shooting scene. A long table was laden with burgers and other affordable fast food, and the actors and crew members were engaged in relaxed conversations and leisurely indulgence.

"Did we arrive at the wrong set?" Jodie questioned.

"I don't think so," Anna replied, studying the map.

"Hello, are you Jodie Foster?" A man in his twenties with Blonde hair approached Jodie. He inquired about her identity before she could respond.

"I'm Christian Booth, the director of the 'Wrong Turn' crew. Anthony told me you'd be coming today."

"Anthony? Mr. Anthony Westwood?"

"Yes, he's our producer," Christian confirmed.

"Where is he? What's going on?" Jodie expressed her dissatisfaction with the chaotic situation.

"Anthony should have arrived before you, but the Newline company just called to inform us that he's unwell and won't be able to make it today."

Christian answered the initial query before explaining, "As for us, can't you see? We're having a wrap party"

"Already finished? So quickly?" Jodie's expectations were exceeded. She understood that changing directors before production could lead to schedule delays, but completing the film early was quite unexpected.

"I know you wanted to review the footage, but the atmosphere isn't right now. Why don't you join our party, take a break, have something to eat, and then we can talk?"

"Alright," Jodie consented, prompted by Assistant Anna's hopeful look.

"It's a relief not to worry about dieting" Jodie remarked, feeling a touch of envy.

Christian couldn't have anticipated such a smooth day of shooting. He had expected it might take longer, but the actors had performed exceptionally well. By 3 p.m., all planned shots were in the can, ahead of schedule. While the crew had prepared for the wrap party, they were not fully ready, but Christian decided to proceed with the celebration anyway. As long as there was food and wine, they could have a picnic-style party without a formal table.

Thus, when Jodie Foster stepped out of the nanny car, she had inadvertently arrived at the "Wrong Turn" crew's wrap party. Christian had recognized her from the start. He had received instructions from producer Westwood that Jodie Foster's visit should proceed as planned, even if Westwood couldn't make it due to his health.

Furthermore, Christian had seen "The Silence of the Lambs" and was impressed by Jodie's portrayal of "Agent Clarice," who was both beautiful and resilient. Despite Jodie's initial disguise to avoid reporters, Christian recognized her immediately.

"In any case, you're finally here" Christian exclaimed, looking at Jodie Foster, who was conversing with Charlize nearby.



1. Nanny car- The British have long used the phrase nanny car to refer to a small vehicle ideally suited for short trips into the city to pick up the groceries or the kids 


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