

  Kayla's POV

  I decided to move on with my bonus plan, I cried out loud and not too long someone opened the door.

  It was CJ..

  He switched on the light and walk towards me

  "Are You okay?? He asked and then I pretending to be scared

  "What is wrong?? What happened??"

  ?He asked looking quite worried and the thought of CJ being worried about gave me goosebumps.

  "I.. I.. am scared.. I c.ant sleep.. I have a terrible nightmare and.. and..." I fake a cry and started shedding crocodile tears.

  CJ slowly rubbed his hand on my back and assured me that everything is okay.

  I quickly wrapped my hand around his neck and hugged him tightly, I know he was shocked and he try to pull away but I was not ready to let go and started my fake sob again.

  "Pls CJ. Just do me a favour by staying with me tonight.. Pls just this favour.. I am really scared" I said and he didn't say anything for some minutes.