

  Author's POV

  "(At The Shopping Mall)"

  "So Anna, tell me what is your ideal type of guy?? Eric asked and Anna shot him a glance.

  "Why are you asking me that and besides i thought i have told you before"? Anna said as she admire a beautiful green shoe.

  "Well.. I have forgotten" Eric said.

  "Okay.. My ideal type of guy is a guy with the B4 meaning....

  ?"Beautiful abs, beautiful face, beautiful family and beautiful heart" Eric said completing her statement.

  "I thought you said you've forgotten,... Aish... you're unbelievable" Anna said while she shook her head.

  "So have you found any guy.. like have you fallen in love with any guy?" Eric asked.

  He find it too hard to forget about what he heard yesterday night, he made up his mind that it was just a dream that Anna did not love CJ.

  "No, i have not found my prince charming nor have I found the guy with B4" She said.

  "What about me?? I said as i winked at her making her punched me hard on my chest.