

  Author's POV

  CJ looked at Eric"you may have everything in the world but you will never have two things and that is my position in the music industry and Anna".

  "Fine we will see about that" Eric said with a smirk.

  "CJ just leave" Anna said .

  CJ was hurt and couldn't alter a word

  He felt rejected and disappointed, he looked at Anna for some minutes and nodded.

  "Fine.. I will leave and stay away from you like you want, i will never disturb you or try to contact you, you are free now but believe me and mark my word, you will be the one coming back to me" CJ said and Anna looked at him.

  They both stare at each other for some minutes and Anna looked away and clenched her fist?CJ walked towards the door and looked at Anna before walking out

  Anna looked at the door and notice he was gone, she felt something but doesn't what it is.

  Just then Suzy (the crazy lady) walked to them.