
Soaring through Omniverse

This story will be about multiverse travel, where the main character will go to different anime or comics universe to get back all his power.......To know further.. Wait for chapters, I will explain in chapter... !!!Warning!!! In this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. Please don't be offended if your favourite character is being kill or being dark ....for example:- In Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore was a good man and helped Harry ......but in my fanfic, he may be dark and manipulative man.....same can be said for Harry Potter, maybe......Again I M sorry..if your favourite characters are being twisted or opposite of real like hero in original but villian in this story.... There will be many spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes will happen.... Please help me correct it...if you would... I am writing this fanfic because I am bored like hell!..... !Another warning! This will be harem! Will Also contain R18 chapters.... I will copy some chapters from others story. Also MC will travel to another world.. If my story is your not to liking...you can ignore it....or read other story..... Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will. Though I may not be most proficient in English I'll try to satisfy my readers since English is an International language. If you have suggestions about the plot contact me. And I will post two or three chapters everyday except Saturday And Sunday..I need to write about future world by adjusting and it will take time ....so no post on weekend... __ __ __ __ __ __ DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters that will appear except for my originals. Thank You!

IWhoMustNotBeName · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 25

As he keep walking, Atulya could hear the thunderous crowd and their cheers, with some of them even shouting his name in praise for great fight and for achieving the first place. He just give them a small smile and raised his arm in the air to wave at the crowd. And this small smile of his captivated many girls...as they keep shouting even loudly.

But his mind seems to be in somewhere, as he's thinking about his earlier actions during the fight. He don't know what just happened that time it's like his power suddenly raised out of nowhere. Yes he understands that it's his power lies dormant inside him but what was that feeling he felt when Bakugo insults Momo. Not only the girls felt those feelings even Atulya himself felt it but his was different. Pride, Love and overprotective, this is what he felt. And he's sure Momo and Nejire must have felt something, but for now he put aside that out of his mind.

Another thing, he is also feeling very disappointed inside.

If he's to be honest with himself, he didn't have slightest care for his victory or him winning first place. He feels like there is something missing. He really don't know...it's like a part of him. The tournament kind of left an unsatisfied feeling within him.

Maybe it's because the courses in the festival were no challenge for him and don't even get him started on 1 VS 1 tournament. For Atulya it was like he was fighting against a bunch of toddler.

While towards the bathroom to freshen up, but on his way he meet with skinny form of number 1 Pro Hero.

"Oh All Might." He said as he simply stood there waiting for him to say something.

'I guess bathroom can wait.. Let's give him another shocking news.' He thought with an imaginary smirking.

"Shh! Don't call me in this form kid! Just call me by my actual name, Toshinori Yagi." All Might said as he looked around to check in case someone was actually nearby and heard what the black haired boy said.

'He really does act completely different than when he is in his buff form." Atulya noticed.

After confirming that nobody is around, All Might turn to look at Atulya and said. "What are you doing here? You should know that they'll be presenting awards for the top 3 students."

"I was going to the restroom to freshen up and maybe take a short nap since I had to fight continuosly for the tournament. I'm rather tired you know." Atulya replied back.

"Yeah, tired. You certainly don't look like that at all. Makes me wonder why that is." All Might said as he noticed that the boy is completely fine even an ounce of tiredness can't be seen.

"No need to think about it. Actually I wanted to ask you something very important." Atulya said seriously to the yellow haired man.

"What is it? I'm kind of in a hurry since I'll be the one to hand out the medals." All Might asked while checking the time on his watch.

"Well I couldn't help but notice that how similar Izuku's quirk seems to be with yours. What's more concerning that his body is not enough to withstand the power of his quirk considering how he injured himself in his fight against Shoto." Atulya said, watching as All Might got nervous the more he talk.

"What are you trying to say Atulya?" All Might questioned him seriously.

"Seeing how close you seem to be with Izuku, and the fact Bakugo is always shouting that he was quirkless. I've come to an conclusion that his quirk is related to you somehow." Atulya said to All Might who sighed.

'His observation skills are very frightening.' All Might thought to himself.

"I'm guessing that you already knows what the connection between two of us, right?" Seeing Atulya nodding his head. All Might asked him again,

"What really give it away? You couldn't just figured out just from those observation alone?'..

"I mean him screaming 'smash' for all his moves helped a ton." Atulya said to the Pro Hero. He can't just say that he already knew even before he was born..hehe...Atulya couldn't help but let out a small chuckle after seeing the look on All Might's face when he said this.

"I really have to go but I suspect you know that this information cannot be known to anyone. Also I'll need to talk to you after the whole thing is over." All Might said firmly. Seeing Atulya agreeing to his statement, he rushed inside the washroom to change into his costume.

Atulya knows that there is no real need to reveal that he know about OFA and Izuku being the inheritor, but it won't hurt to have a pro hero trust on him with this kind of information. Maybe it could help him out one day from some unfortunate situation.

'I guess I'll go freshen up anyways. Since they'll be taking pictures, I can't be looking this dirty, but they're probably waiting for me for they can start. Should I just go then?' Atulya starting to think with his right hand on his chin.

'Nah, I'm pretty sure they won't be starting without me.' Making his decision, he went to the restroom and took his time to freshen up and do his business. Afterwards, he finally left to go and receive his medal.

He obviously didn't leave without thoroughly watching his hands, which is very important.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

(Remember this is from the start of the festival)

In a vip room, a certain pair of parents became very excited when the students of class 1A came out of the entrance.

"Look! Look! Our son and daughter are looking so cool." Aiko Yaoyorozu said while poking her husband, Jun Yaoyorozu.

"Yeah they sure have grown up. Like I said before both of them had already made us proud." Jun said while Aiko towards him.

(After Momo defeat Tokoyami)

"That's my Momo chan!" Aiko said excitedly..

Jun only smile while nodding his head.

(When Atulya waved at them)

"He saw us Jun! I'm definitely sure he waved at this lounge first, then move his hand...!" Aiko said grabbing Jun's shirt almost making him falling down.

"Yes, yes...I know! I know.." Jun only said like this while his friends are laughing at his situation.

"Oh? He's your son! But why he have Natsuhi's last name?" A friend of Aiko questioned.

"He's not my biological son. He's Natsuhi's and Tatsumi's son..Well you know about her and her husband circumstances...So, we adopted him as I gave my word to Natsuhi. But he treated us like a real parents even after learning about truth..I'm grateful to him if he had decided to ignore us then I'd be devastated..." Aiko said as she shed a tear..

"And he's a genius! You Know Dai chan right? ( Daisuke ) He defeated him in hand to hand combat. Even he admitted that Atulya has a potential to become someone great.." Jun said proudly.

"What...do you Dai chan finally lost a fight? Damn! How can you forgot to tell us Jun, you sicko. We have to celebrate...haha I finally won a bet." A man whose luck seems to be same as a certain blonde breasted woman laughed madly.




( Final's Fight )

When Atulya started to trashed Bakugo in anger when he insults Momo.....Everyone in the vip lounge became shocked on what just Atulya doing.

"Hehe.... There's no doubt, what Aiko said is true. After all Natsuhi had the same personality as him.There's no doubt he's her son..Don't you think I'm right Aiko..Aiko?" A woman who have similar features to Nemuri said then looked back only to see Aiko crying..

"Don't cry like a child, Aiko or else I'll click a picture and show it to Atulya and Momo." Jun said jokingly as he's trying to cheer up Aiko.

"No, they are tears of Joy...I suddenly remember a certain event where Natsuhi said something similar like this....It just brings back some old memories after hearing him says that." Aiko said as she begin to wipe her tears..

"Damn! he's lucky. Why mostly girls are cheering? Where's justice in this world?" A man cried tears of blood.

"Hahahaha...." Everyone there laughed at his words.

'Natsuhi...are you watching this? Look how your son has already grown up and I'm sure he's going to become a fine man. Also he inherited your attitude hehe....Finaly, a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I always wonder Is Atulya really feeling good with us or not, now I understand it clearly.. Natsuhi, Thank You! Because of our promise, I got to take care of your son...You really left us a wonderful son.' Aiko Yaoyorozu thought as she looked at her son and daughter lovingly while her eyes got a little teary.

"Hey, have Nemuri found a guy for her?" A friend of Aiko asked to Nemuri mother..

"Sigh...I don't know. May be she didn't, but I really hope she do. You should knew about my situation back then because of my perfume quirk. Before the marriage, wherever I go my perfume made men to pounce on me or trying to drugged me. However after found my perfect one it finally stop and I am happy that Nemuri didn't have the same one. Also, I can't make decisions for her, she have her right to select whoever she want. We can only support her." Nemuri's mother said tireldy.

"Look they are going to present the medals."

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

"All the first year events for this year UA festival have been completed. So now we'll begin with the award ceremony!" Midnight announced with all the students, but only four are standing there with cameras flashing behind them.

In front of them, three students came out of the underground while standing on the platform that showed their ranking.

The third place is taken by emo half-half kid, Shoto Todoroki who seems to be in deep thoughts. Second place being Bakugo, who's now completely healed while he's still being restrained like in the canon and the finally the first place being the handsome teen with unevenly cut-bangs short black hair, Atulya Uzumaki!!

Cameras constantly flashed on three of them. With Atulya looking down on everyone with his arms crossed and his hair lightly moving from the wind. It made quite a picture.

As well as causing him to gained even more female fans.

"And to present the medals! The man himself All Might!" Midnight said as a familiar laugh sounded out. Seeing the silhouette of the number 1 pro hero everyone within the crowd begin to cheers loudly with most of the students joining as well.

"I have brought the medals here!!" All Might shouted as he perfectly landed with no sort of difficulty.

Walking up to Shoto, who has his head down with a dejected look on his face. All Might put the bronze medal around his neck.

"Don't be so down, Young Todoroki. I'm sure you have your own reasons for not using your left side against Atulya right?"

"Even so I was still able to use my flames against Midoriya earlier, but it seems I still have something to do before I can fully embraced it." Shoto said as he raised his head to look into the eyes of the one he wanted to surpassed.

'But first Atulya then All Might.' Shoto thought to himself.

All Might laughed out loud and give Shoto hug while saying "Then I hope you got your situation sort out then we can see what you're really made of, Young Todoroki."

Next All Might walked up to Bakugo since he's restrained and can't speak, he decided to keep his words short.

"I know you have a lot of pent up rage inside you, but I hope you don't act rashly when we release you. You're very strong young man with so much potential to become something more, so please don't ruin your chances. If you're going to the top then first thing you need to do is to fix that personality of yours and your mind set. Other than that, you did a very good job in this sports festival." All Might said as he hugged the boy and put a silver medal around him. Bakugo himself calmed down a little and thinking about All Might's words.

"And finally, Atulya Uzumaki, the winner of today's sports festival. I gotta say, you've definitely surprised me with those unique abilities of yours. Only thing I have to say is to keep working hard because I'm sure that you'll be an amazing hero one day." All Might said walking towards Atulya and put a gold medal around his neck.

'And most likely one of the best.' He added inside his mind.

All Might didn't hug him, only patting his shoulder with a laugh he said with a quiet voice. "You did good Young Uzumaki. Judging from the conversations I heard from other heroes, I'm sure you're going to get a tons of nomination so choose wisely to insure your bright future."

"Yes thank you, All Might." The black haired boy said to the pro hero.

"Well, these are your winners! But listen up, everyone pay attention to what I have to say. Anyone could have ended up here and won the sports festival. Don't feel so down at your loss because here at UA, you'll have time to grow and shape yourself to become splendid heroes! All of you students did a wonderful job today, so can we get a round of applause for them!!" All Might said as the arena became filled with the sounds of everyone's clapping.

Most of the first year happily smiled because of his words and others begin to feel better after the encouragement.

"The next generation of heroes is definitely looking promising!!" Putting his hand in the air, All Might added "And I would like to say one more thing, so everyone say it with me.

"Thank You everyone for the hard work."

"Plus Ultra!"

'Wel this is very awkward.' Atulya thought as he looked at the scene that he remembered from the anime. The show made it seems like a funny moment, but now it looks different here.

Afterwards every students starting to go home, with everyone in the audience leaving as well, but Atulya stayed to talk with All Might and Nezu since they have something to say to him.

Hearing him, Momo wanted to wait but he denied her since she looked very tired and told her to go home. When Nejire heard this, she immediately left Mirio and Tamaki to go home with Momo and wait for Atulya there.

Atulya didn't forgot to send a clone to follow them to make sure they got home safely. He knows they can protect themselves but it is better to be safe than sorry. With that finished, he went to meet with a certain talking mouse and a pro hero.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

'I can't believe I'm actually taking a student. What if he can't handle being my intern.?

....Geez why am I thinking so much about it? I'll just test him as soon he arrives and if he can't pass it, then he can leave and find some weak hero to be an intern with.' Thought Rumi Usagiyama as she's preparing to send her nomination which will definitely shocked those who knows her.

I was having headache while writing this chapter....so there may be some mistakes and PLZZ cmnt a hero name....my choice "Mahesvara". Cmnt yours..

IWhoMustNotBeNamecreators' thoughts