
Sith Ascension

In the echoing silence of the void, a soul was reborn. Ripped from the clutches of a mortal existence, a young man found himself cast into the ethereal realm of the Sith. With eyes that burned with newfound power and a heart pulsating with unyielding darkness, he embarked on an epic odyssey that would forever etch his name into the annals of galactic legend. From the desolate wastelands of Korriban to the towering spires of Exegol, his journey would be fraught with peril, seduction, and the ultimate test of his allegiance. Beware, for this tale weaves threads of forbidden love and erotic encounters that will ignite your senses and leave you craving for more. Let the adventure begin, but tread carefully, for the path you tread is treacherous, and the temptations that await you are as intoxicating as they are dangerous.(NUDITY AND SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING)

Darkhorse99 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Jadus' power

Jadus's rage was a tangible force, a storm of malice that twisted the very air around him. He had received word of Darth Krayt's defeat, a humiliating setback for the Sith Empire. The young Sith, barely more than a boy in Jadus's eyes, had been outmatched by a Jedi Knight. Shame burned in Jadus's core. This was a disgrace to their order, a slap in the face to their legacy.

He stood atop a crumbling building, the wind whipping at his tattered robes, his red eyes glowing with malevolent intensity. Below, the outpost was a chaotic battlefield. Republic troopers, their armor riddled with blaster fire, scrambled for cover, while Jedi Knights, their lightsabers humming with energy, fought back valiantly, but with dwindling strength.

'This pathetic display of weakness ends now,' Jadus growled, his voice a rasping echo in the ruined streets.

With a fierce roar, he leaped from the building, his armored boots slamming onto the ground with a deafening thud. The ground beneath him trembled as he charged into the fray. He was a whirlwind of fury, his metallic claws ripping through flesh and steel, leaving a trail of crimson and shattered metal.

The Republic troopers, their faces etched with terror, scrambled for cover as they realized the true nature of the approaching threat. They had heard the tales of Darth Jadus, the rumors of his merciless cruelty, but nothing could truly prepare them for the cold, calculating rage emanating from him. The echo of their panicked shouts was swallowed by the relentless barrage of blaster fire that met Jadus head-on.

But Jadus was a whirlwind of black fury, a blur of obsidian armor and flashing claws. He moved with an unnatural speed, a predator closing in on its prey. His crimson eyes, cold and predatory, scanned the battlefield, searching for weakness, for the smallest tremor of fear. He found it in the eyes of a young trooper, his face pale and trembling, his blaster arm shaking uncontrollably.

'You have no hope,' Jadus's voice, amplified by his mask's internal speakers, echoed chillingly across the battlefield. 'Your pathetic attempts to fight are nothing more than a futile dance before your inevitable demise.'

His words were punctuated by a flurry of razor-sharp claws, slashing through the air, tearing through the soldier's meager defenses. The young trooper, his eyes wide with terror, stumbled back, his blaster falling uselessly from his hand. He was a deer caught in the headlights, frozen in fear as the death he had desperately tried to avoid now stood before him, its cold breath searing his skin.

Jadus, his claws dripping with crimson, lunged, his movements a deadly ballet of dark energy. The soldier, paralyzed by fear, could only watch in horror as the obsidian claws ripped through his chest, tearing him open like a piece of cheap fabric. His blood, splattered like grotesque paint across the pavement, formed a macabre stain against the dusty backdrop of the battlefield.

The young soldier's lifeless eyes stared vacantly at the sky, reflecting the dying light of the setting sun. His death, a brutal, agonizing end, was a silent testament to Jadus's power, a chilling reminder of the dark force that had descended upon them.

The other troopers watched in stunned silence, their own fear now a tangible force, a cold, heavy hand squeezing their hearts. It was a fear that went beyond the threat of death; it was the fear of the unknown, of the darkness that had consumed their world.

'You fight bravely, little insects,' Jadus said, his voice echoing again, 'but your bravery is nothing but a futile display of futility.'

His eyes locked onto the commanding officer, a seasoned veteran who still held a flicker of defiance in his gaze. 'Put down your weapons,' Jadus commanded, his voice laced with a chilling threat. 'It is time for this pathetic resistance to end.'

The commanding officer, his hand resting on the hilt of his blaster, hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with the weight of the decision before him. He knew that surrender meant certain death, perhaps even a more gruesome end than those who had already fallen. Yet, he also saw the fear in the eyes of his men, the terror that had replaced their courage. They were broken, their spirit extinguished by the darkness that had engulfed the battlefield.

'What is it, Colonel?' Jadus's voice, amplified by the mask, echoed again. 'Are you afraid to face your destiny?'

The Colonel, his eyes meeting Jadus's chilling gaze, knew that there was no escape, no hope of victory. He lowered his blaster, his face etched with resignation, his spirit crushed by the overwhelming power that faced him.

'You have won,' he said, his voice hollow and defeated. 'We surrender.'

Jadus, his crimson eyes glinting in the twilight, smiled. It wasn't a warm, inviting smile, but a cruel, predatory grin, a sign of triumph over the fallen. 'Good,' he said, his voice a chilling whisper. 'Then your suffering ends'.Jadus then slices the colonel's head off sending his head flying onto the hard ground.

Jarael Tanniss, a young Nautolan Jedi Knight, stood amidst the wreckage, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Her Jedi robes, once pristine, were now stained with grime and the crimson of spilled blood. Her large, expressive eyes, usually filled with the calm wisdom of the Force, were now wide with fear, reflecting the chaotic scene before her. She clutched her lightsaber tightly, her slender fingers trembling slightly.

Across the rubble-strewn courtyard, a figure emerged from the shadows, a hulking silhouette against the setting sun. Darth Jadus, the Sith Lord whose cruelty and power were legendary, advanced majestically towards her. His body, encased in sleek metal plates and armor, appeared to be sculpted from the darkest obsidian. His face, replaced long ago with a featureless metal mask, glinted menacingly in the waning light. The mask covered his entire head save for two small, glowing red eyes that seemed to peer into the souls of those who dared cross his path. His hands were adorned with razor-sharp metal claws, while his feet were encased in heavy armored boots. He wore the traditional Sith robes, but they appeared more like a suit of armor than garments, with countless leather straps and buckles holding them in place. The fabric of the robes themselves seemed to shimmer with an aura of malice and malevolence.

Jarael's fin, the distinctive feature of her Nautolan heritage, rippled with a sense of unease. She had heard tales of Jadus' cruelty, of entire planets that had been reduced to rubble under his power. She knew this was her last stand, a desperate attempt to hold back the Sith tide that was engulfing the Republic.

"You will not win, Sith Lord. Your rage will be your downfall," she challenged, her voice firm despite the tremor in it. Her lightsaber hummed with green energy, a beacon of defiance in the fading light.

Jadus laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it. It was a sound devoid of humor, a chilling manifestation of his dark power.

"Rage? This is not rage, young fool. This is justice," he said, his voice as cold and sharp as the metal claws that adorned his hands. It was a voice that carried the weight of centuries, steeped in the dark side of the Force. "You Jedi have brought this upon yourselves."

His words were laced with disdain, an unshakeable belief in his own righteousness. His voice echoed off the shattered walls of the outpost, each syllable a hammer blow against her fragile hope.

Jadus lunged, his claws outstretched, a blur of obsidian and malice. Jarael met his attack with a flurry of lightsaber strikes, the green blade deflecting his metallic claws with a shower of sparks. The clash of metal against lightsaber hummed a discordant symphony, a deadly dance of light and darkness. The air crackled with the energy of the Force, a palpable tension that seemed to press down on her, squeezing the breath from her lungs.

Jadus was a whirlwind of power, his movements swift and precise. Every strike he made carried the raw power of the dark side, an overwhelming force that threatened to consume her. She fought back with desperation, her every move fueled by a desperate hope for survival. But Jadus was too strong, his raw power overwhelming her. He parried her strikes with ease, his claws finding openings in her defenses.

She felt a sharp, searing pain in her shoulder as Jadus' claws sank into her flesh. She stumbled backward, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. Her lightsaber slipped from her grasp, landing with a clatter onto the pavement. Jadus pressed his advantage, his metallic hands grappling for her lightsaber.

"Give it up, Jedi," he snarled. His voice, amplified by the Force, resonated through the shattered buildings, a chilling reminder of the power he wielded. "Resistance is futile."

She fought back with desperate strength, trying to wrench her weapon free, but it was too late. He wrenched the lightsaber from her grasp, his metallic claws wrapping around the hilt. With a swift motion, he deactivated the blade, leaving her defenseless.

Jarael's eyes widened in fear as Jadus raised his lightsaber, the red blade glowing ominously. It was a weapon of pure darkness, a symbol of the power he wielded. She felt a cold dread creep into her heart, a realization that her resistance was futile.

"Your kind has interfered with the Sith for far too long," Jadus snarled, his words dripping with poisonous venom. He drew the lightsaber across her throat in a single, swift motion. The air filled with a hiss, like the sound of steam escaping a pressure cooker, and her head rolled onto the pavement, her lifeless eyes staring accusingly at the sky.

The wind picked up, swirling around the body of the fallen Jedi, carrying the scent of blood and death. The setting sun cast long, ominous shadows across the ruined outpost, painting a stark picture of the Sith victory.

The remaining Republic troopers, witnessing the Jedi's gruesome demise, cowered in fear. They had seen the might of the Sith, the terrifying power that resided in Darth Jadus.

Jadus turned his attention to the remaining troopers, his red eyes glowing with a murderous light. He lunged at them, a blur of black armor and razor-sharp claws. He swung his lightsaber with brutal efficiency, slicing through their armor and flesh with ease. He tossed their lifeless bodies aside like ragdolls, their blood staining the ground a gruesome red.

The air was thick with the smell of fear and death. The Republic troopers, their confidence shattered, fled in disarray, scattering like frightened sheep. They were no match for the fury of a Sith Lord, particularly one as ancient and powerful as Darth Jadus.

Jadus stood amidst the carnage, his face contorted in a chilling smile. His anger, though intense, was beginning to subside, replaced by a cold satisfaction. He had shown them the true meaning of Sith power. The Republic would learn to fear the name of Darth Jadus, the name that struck terror into the hearts of Jedi and soldiers alike.

The outpost fell silent, the only sound the wind whistling through the ruins. Darth Jadus, the embodiment of Sith power, stood triumphant, his shadowed form a chilling reminder of the might of the dark side. The battle was over, and the Sith had won.