

Sabretooth watched happily as the teenagers body twitched in response to the large cut he left down the boys face.

He looked back behind him and grinned, Logan was enjoying quite the view. Magneto was quite easily holding the man in place while defending himself from multiple X-Men.

He doesn't know if Logan even likes the kid, but they worked well together against him.

Even if he doesn't like the kid, well it won't hurt will it. Sabretooth met eyes with Logan and saw the hateful look on his eyes.

Yeah, this could be fun.

He looked back at the kid and his eyebrows raised, his hairs white, pure white…it was grey with blood in not 15 seconds ago.


Professor Xavier's eyes widened suddenly as he looked over to Tomura.

The wall has fallen.

He sent a mental message to nightcrawler, they need to evacuate the mansion.


Some sort of energy was emitting from the teenager, it was changing him. Sabretooth decided to just finish this, it wasn't worth waiting.

His hand came down on the pure white haired teenager, just as he was about to pierce the brain of Tomura he rolled out the way.

Sabretooth growled and threw a swipe towards the teenager, who simply leaned back and then stepped to the side.

Before Sabretooth could try another swipe a hand was placed onto the beasts face before he could react.

In less than a second all the flesh above the beasts hips was gone, leaving shining metallic bone.

Sabretooths barely alive body dropped to the floor with a thud, Tomura looked into the sky and only felt an urge to destroy it.

To touch the air itself and suffocate the world, to decay the earth and let it rot in his wake.

He took a deep breathe and only felt disgust. He turned and looked at the slowly healing Sabretooth and laughed.


His laugh rung around the battlefield, the teenager was shirtless and laughing at the half healing body of Sabretooth.

His laugh was manic, it had some sort of energy to it as it echoed around the suddenly quiet battlefield.

"Juggernaut, if you will?" Magneto said as he nodded towards the laughing teenager. In a burst of almost unseen speed the juggernaut picked up momentum and was less than a second away from trampling the laughing teenager.

In a sudden burst of movement Tomura had sidestepped the unstoppable force.

His hair blew in some invisible wind as he slowly walked towards the large group of mutants.

The X-Men or The Brotherhood weren't even fighting anymore, they were watching the awakening of an Omega level Mutant.

"Tomura" Xavier said, he needed to get the boys motivations, he couldn't even touch his mind. It burned to even look into his mind, it was chaos, his mind was ineligible.

Tomura didn't even turn his head, he just walked towards them with a small smile on his face as he seemed to be embracing nature.

Magneto wanted to use the X-Men's distraction to attack but couldn't help his fascination with Omega level mutants.

So he observed, for now.

"Tomura" Charles Xavier repeated, he needed to know what the boy was doing, any information was useful.

This time the boy acknowledged him and turned his head and met eyes with the professor.

Xavier felt a shiver go through his entire body.

Something was wrong.

"You put a wall in my head" the voice was empty as it was said and Charles could hear a pin drop.

Jeans eyes widened, he put some sort of mental barrier in Tomura?

"But now it's back" Tomura said as he looked up at the sky.

"What's back?" Charles asked warily.

"The urge" Tomura ran a hand through his hair and grinned "The urges are back Professor" his voice was raspy and scratchy, as if he hadn't drunk water for days

Logan recognised that look in the boys eyes. The same one he had back at the Asian restaurant.

"But my mutation, it's changed professor" Tomura said while he dropped to one knee and touched the floor.

"It spreads"

In that moment Charles Xavier sent the same message to everyone in a 10 mile radius.